Pierce Brosnan is Still Bond

Well… it looks all the hubbub was for nothing. Apparently actress Dame Judi Dench (who has recently been playing “M” in the franchise has confirmed in an interview that Pierce Brosnan is indeed returning to play the role of Jame Band yet again.

The good forlks over at Ananova give us this:

Dame Judi who plays M in the films says he will reprise his role in Casino Royale. She said: “Despite the fact that everyone on the face of the earth has been tested as his possible replacement, Pierce will be doing it again.” Shooting is due to start on the film later this year reports the Evening Standard quoting Metro.

I’m sick of this whole “Who is Bond” thing. Ok, Pierce is still the man… let’s move on now shall we? Special thanks to Lilly for the heads up.

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4 Responses to “Pierce Brosnan is Still Bond”
  1. Arethusa says:

    This is a surprise, as I could have almost sworn Brosnan was fairly set against reprising that role. Ah well, I’m not a fan of the franchise so neither here nor there.

  2. Richard Brunton says:

    Damn you John! I was considering breaking my silence on the Bond issue for this…at least you did it for me.

    Brosnan was interviewed recently and said that he was totally surprised and gutted when he was told he wouldn’t be coming back. It was one of the hardest things he did to go and talk to his wife and friends and tell them.

  3. louis says:

    who cares anymore. it will change again next week anyways!!

  4. Dave says:

    There are talks that Ice Cube would be on the list next week for Bond-flavour of the month.


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