Mos Def signs for 16 Blocks

I’m a big Bruce Willis fan, to be honest I love the action hero, Arnie, Sly, Willis, they are all way cool and great to watch on screen, for the majority they all hide some actual talent. With Willis it’s only now that we’re really starting to see it come through. So I’m excited about all his upcoming projects, one of which, 16 Blocks is quite intruiging.

The summary, from IMDB, suggests not just action, but also an insightful look into characters who are opposed to each other who come together through the movie. Then again, with Donner, it could just be action, but that’s no bad thing.

Based on a pitch by Richard Wenk, the mismatched buddy film follows a troubled NYPD officer who’s forced to take a happy, but down-on-his-luck witness 16 blocks from the police station to 100 Centre Street, although no one wants the duo to make it. The story is a redemptive tale for characters who are polar opposites. The cop, a dark guy and a heart attack waiting to happen, who is escorting this witness who is a 14-time loser with a sunny outlook.

Willis is up for the detective, we know that, but today from Variety through MovieWeb it is announced that Mos Def is in line for the witness. Good or bad choice? Does anyone think that Willis should be steering away from action nowadays and making more of his acting abilities?

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8 Responses to “Mos Def signs for 16 Blocks”
  1. Lilly says:

    Yes he should be expanding his body of work and exploring his range of talent, and yes Mos Def will make a cool witness. I like his work. Have you seen him Brown Sugar? Take that role, add his normal self and his role in The Italian Job and I think you will see him in this new role.

  2. Wagno Flatbush says:

    > for the majority they all hide some actual
    > talent.With Willis it’s only now that we’re really
    > starting to see it come through.

    Really? Obviously, you haven’t seen In Country, Pulp Fiction or Twelve Monkeys. Sheesh!

  3. Meli says:

    I think one of the reasons Willis has a good career is because he knows what type of role he’s good at and generally stays within the range.

    I don’t think he needs to try and branch out into deeper roles.

  4. Lilly says:

    Oh, I was talking about Mos Def, Meli.

  5. Bryce says:

    I’m a little cofused right now. After watching the THHGTTG, I noticed that the voice of ‘Marvin’ was credited to Warwick Davis(Wicket). To me it sounded a hell of a lot more like Alan Rickman. On the IMDb both actors are credited. Which of them was it? Which man gave voice to the paranoid android?
    P.S. Try searching Radiohead’s “O.K. Computer” album for Guide references.

  6. Richard Brunton says:

    Android is Rickmand.

    Wagno, I have actually, and Pulp and Twelve Monkeys picked out of his run of films of that time does not make for a good “career”.

    It’s only now he’s making good choices and producing consistently good acting.

  7. plop says:

    Why would you have a post that Has a title about Mos def, that doesnt even talk about him? You asked is it a good choice or bad choice? That’s like asking if russel crowe is a good choice or bad choice for an upcoming epic movie. Do you people realize his acting capabilities. Have you not seen the work he has done? He is one of the best actors today.

    Thats disrespecting him to ask if he is a good choice or bad choice for the film. Bruce Willis is a fine actor too, within his range.

    If you are going to have a post on Mos Def, then at least have more than one word. It doesnt even mention one thing about him. How sad.

  8. KDF says:

    Bryce: Davis wore the Marvin costume..Rickman provided the voice

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