Marvel announces movie schedule

MarvelTeam.jpgThis is very timely, after talking about Iron Man and Marvels latest deal, they’ve just announced the current update on their Superhero movie plans. Courtesy of Comic Book Movie:

Feature Film Line-Up For 2005
- Fantastic Four Fox July 8, 2005 release

Feature Film Development Pipeline
- X-Men 3 Fox Summer, 2006 release
- Ghost Rider Sony Script, Director, Filming started, Slated for 2006
- The Punisher 2 Lions Gate Writer, Director, Targeted for 2006
- Spider-Man 3 Sony/Columbia Director, May 4, 2007 release
- Namor Universal Script, Targeted for 2007
- Iron Man New Line Cinema TBD
- Luke Cage Sony/Columbia TBD
- Deathlok Paramount TBD
- The Hulk 2 Universal TBD
- Wolverine Fox TBD

Feature Film Projects in Development
Ant-Man, Black Panther, Captain America, Killraven, Nick Fury, Silver Surfer, and Thor.

I’m overly excited by the Iron Man and Wolverine projects, both promise to be a little darker and more serious than predecessors, I only hope they are. Yet what have we here? In an earlier post I commented I’d love Silver Surfer to be made and was told that there was no way - well check that out, it’s in development! Wahooo!

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8 Responses to “Marvel announces movie schedule”
  1. cadrach says:

    comic adaptation overkiiiiiiiillllllllllllllll.

    Don’t get me wrong I’m a big comic fan, but It’s like those epic movies there only so much you can love after which most just become blurry roadkill.

  2. Whyskey says:

    No women superhero (superheroine?) movies? How disappointing.

  3. Richard Brunton says:

    Excellent point there…where are all the female superheroines?

  4. Alfredo says:

    Why are they sitll pushing an antman movie?

  5. boober says:

    I’m surprised (pleasantly so) with the Silver Surfer and Hulk 2 entries.

    Didn’t think there’d be a Hulk 2 after the mixed/poor reception it got. Very glad this isn’t the case.

    I would love it if Marvel would get some ‘danglies’ and release a superhero movie based in the Marvel universe and not some alternate focused world where Doctor Doom, Galactus and the Inhumans ‘do not’ exist side by side.

  6. Rich says:

    firstly, i dont think any studio is going to dive into another female superhero movie after catwoman went so badly.

    as for the comic-movie overkill, im much more worried about the orlando bloom-love story-glory war movie overkill, at least the marvel stuff is good.

    however, i will say this. all of the marvel movies, except X-Men, up until this point have been lacking in one department. Story, story, bloody story!!! yeah sure we know how spidey gets bitten, and how daredevil was so amazing that he was blind but really wasnt, and how the punisher movie was first made back in the eighties with Dolpf Lungeron (Ivan Drago from RockyIV)as the punisher.
    in saying that, these werent bad movies, and they still got my ass in the cinema, but where is Venom? seriously, the green goblin?????? who cares? even though Willem Defoe played the part so well, the GG only has like 1.5 episodes dedicated to him in the animated series. i want Venom, Carnage, and Dopelganger!

    ok ive had my bitch, but one last question, am i the only one continually touching very hot metal objects in frustration that Gambit and or Cable havnt made it into the X Men scripts yet?

  7. adam x says:

    gee i have to agree with some of the comments you guys have made i mean yes alot of the movies have strayed a bit from the original comics but that is because when you are a script writer as i am it is so easy an unorginal to just translate from comic to script i mean give these guys some credit thay have tried to stay close to the story lines but they wanted to also put there own touch so when ppl see it they go WOW !!!!!!

    i thought the Xmen movies were awesome but i agree im still burning my forehead with the fry pan because i havnt seen the rajun cajun GAMBIT but he is spose to be in the third !!

    another thing with spiderman cmon i mean hes just become spidey there still building the charecter and you cant just chuck some1 who is still coming to terms with there abilities straight at there most formiddle opponent being VENOM jesus christ if he beats up the strongest opponent first thered really be no compatition 4 him in the 2nd 3rd so forth and befor you jump off the rails i heard and dont quote me on this but i heard in spidey 3 there will b 4 villians consisting of SANDMAN HOBGOBLIN VULTURE and the story build up of VENOM possibly for the 4th movie but as i said dont quote me my source isnt wat youd say top notch

    and about woman superherions give em a break how many female heros do marvel have they just brought out elektra early in the yr and i heard DC comics r in the making of Wonder Woman and Hawk Girl comics

    i just seen fantastic four great movie and some im looking forward to consist of GHOST RIDER , IRON MAN, THOR, SILVER SURFER, HULK 2 hell i dont think critics gave hulk much of a review 2 me it was definetly in the top 3 comic adaptions awesome movie

    ohhh back to point i also cant wait for xmen 3 and deathlok ok ive had my gripe for now so ill f off and maybe post later

  8. Parker Ray says:

    What is it with everyone always griping about too many comics movies? It seems like there’s way more movies about bank robberies and other completely boring stuff like that. Did people use to gripe about there being too many Westerns? People need to adapt to superhero or comic movies as a new genre, now that we have the tech to make them great.

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