Jodie Foster Flightplan trailer online

I just checked out the trailer for the new Jodie Foster movie, Flightplan from Coming Soon, and I have to say I’m surprised. Yes, it does look slick and action packed, but if Foster and Sean Bean wasn’t in it would we be looking at it and thinking Die Hard on a plane with a mother and baby? Was that maybe how it was pitched?

I’m looking at this and thinking I wouldn’t be interested in it without her, it seems like the rehash of many other movies where someone’s stuck on a plane and hides out on board eluding the baddies. Okay, so there’s an added bit of The Forgotten in there, but is it enough?

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7 Responses to “Jodie Foster Flightplan trailer online”
  1. Screen Rant says:

    I read at that the trailer gives too much away, so I’m going to stay away from it.


  2. jimf says:

    think, “Panic Room” on an airplane…Jodie gets to remake the movie on a different set.

  3. Pudie says:

    I thought it was a pretty decent trailer. Doesnt seem like it with be anything great , but a good flick none the less. The main thing that intrest me is the cast. Jodi Foster and Peter Sarsgard usually pick some damn good movies.

    And at least there aren’t snakes :)

  4. OwlBoy says:

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    But, if its true its one of those “tell everything in the trailer” trailers… then thats ok.


  5. Alex says:

    I just watched the trailer and I cannot believe that they gave away the biggest plot point away. This is one of the worst giveaway trailers I have ever seen!!!! I don’t even want to see this flick now.

  6. Richard Brunton says:

    Perhaps it’s just me but I think I’m so used to the revelations in trailers that they pass me by. I didn’t think that was particularly bad, and I didn’t notice anything new from the blurbs I’ve read.

  7. Simone says:

    I admire Miss Foster and since she has been missed by the industry, this will be a good comeback film of sorts. Have not seen the trailer yet though.

    Is Sean Bean again playing a baddie in this movie?

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