Iron Man delayed

IronMan.jpgFirst there were rumours about Alpha Dog being delayed, and then rumours that Nick Cassavetes was off the Iron Man project. Well we know that Alpha Dog is back on, but what about the Iron Man scare?

According to Comic Book Movie Cassavetes was never officially onboard as Director, but has been involved in rewriting the script.

New Line has yet to officially sign him.

Nick Cassavetes is in post production of “Alpha Dog”, however, he is working on a rewrite of the Iron Man script by Alfred Gough and Miles Millar, and David Hayter.

New Line remains committed to making the film and Cassavetes is still in the running to direct. But with no director yet signed and casting yet to begin, the studio has decided to delay the film’s release from 2006 to 2007.

Avi Arad, Marvel Studios movie chief had this to say during a conference call yesterday - “We want Nick to make the movie. We had him. He’s an ‘Iron Man’ aficionado. Everything was fine and then negotiations got delayed. We lost a year.”

Intake of breathe, and sigh of relief. Looks like this is still on, and if he rewrites the script and has free time, I think we’re looking at Cassavetes directing this. I think it would be seriously delayed or much less of a movie if it wasn’t him.

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3 Responses to “Iron Man delayed”
  1. Tomas L. Martin says:

    is it me or is David Hayter Mr comics right now? X-men 1 writer, X-men 2 co-writer, writer of an unused Hulk draft, writer/director of Black Widow and writer on Watchmen… A lot of good stuff there. Plus Iron Man.

    Not to mention his sterling vox work. It’s wierd to imagine Solid Snake writing X-men scripts. I’d expect there to be a bit more of his odd little quirks - liberal use of the word ‘huh’, guttural ‘damns’ and the odd drawn out scream.

    apparently he also does the voice for the EA sports ‘In the Game’ intro. Busy Man.

  2. lizardfreak12 says:

    I thought Nicholas Cage was going to play Iron Man? Oh well, at least we’ll get to see Cage in Ghost Rider, YESSSSSSSS!!!! Now that movie should not tend to disappoint, looks friken awsome.

  3. Wheezer says:

    I heard rumors that Tom Cruise was interested in playing Tony Stark. I sure hope that’s a bad rumor, especially after the “I know the history of blah blah blah” flap.

    I would much rather see someone such as Viggo Mortensen tackle that role.

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