Hitchcock’s The Birds to be remade

AlfredHitchcock.jpgWhen the word was out about a straight remake of Strangers on a Train, that classic Hitchcock movie you lot weren’t exactly warming to the idea, and to be frank I thought it was a total injustice. Well looks like the Studios are picking up the idea and this will be their next source to bleed dry.

Coming Soon have the news that The Birds is going to be remade. I can just see this now, we’re set for an onslaught of Hitchcock remakes, movies that it has proven cannot be remade.

Dial M for Murder to Perfect Murder, Psycho to, well, Psycho…Let’s face it Hollywood in it’s current state doesn’t get subtlety and suspense. Substitute big explosion and over production.

Universal is planning on remaking Alfred Hitchcock’s 1963 horror classic The Birds with Michael Bay’s Platinum Dunes in talks to produce with Peter Guber through his Mandalay Pictures banner.

The Hollywood Reporter says the new version would be based on the short story by Daphne Du Maurier, to which Universal owns the rights and which inspired Hitchcock’s movie.

Your thoughts on remaking Hitchcock and the previous tragedies?

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11 Responses to “Hitchcock’s The Birds to be remade”
  1. jeff says:

    A Perfect Murder wasn’t that bad. I’d rather them make Hitchcock remakes than terrible sequels like “Seven 2,” or whatever they’re going to call it. 14. 72. 8 Deadly Sins.

  2. Simone says:

    Isnt there another news about “The 39 Steps” being remade? This is the film’s 3rd remake now if indeed it happens. The source was from IMDB.

  3. Richard Brunton says:

    The film already has three versions.

    There’s a 1930’s version, Robert Donat - Hitchcock, then there’s the 1959 version with Kenneth More and then the 1978 version with Robert Powell (Thirty Nine instead of 39). I’m an expert on those since my Dad shouts about his favourite films all the time…those and the Battle of Britain!!

    You’re right though, Robert Towne the MI and MI:2 screenwriter is writing it now. I’m off to try and research that one and get back to you. My Dad will be annoyed!

  4. Simone says:

    I can’t remember which version I saw when I was young, must have been the one with Robert Powell. I really need to watch this classics again.

    Please do get back and report what you can find, oh and ask your Dad which version he preferred. :-)

    And I think, that would be a good topic in future too Rich, call it “Movies My Parents Loved”.

  5. Richard Brunton says:

    The new version is a TV version being backed by Carlton Media Group who own some of the ITV TV stations in the UK. Not a movie thank god.

  6. Lilly says:

    I, in all seriousness, to this day hate birds because of Hitchcock’s Birds. And I, in all seriousness, to this day hate Melanie Griffiths because she can’t act like her mother, Tippy Hedren, can. Well, that and her annoying squeak toy voice.

  7. Simone says:

    Rich, your father can breathe now then. *smiles*

    I have to catch this on tv when it comes out, thanks for that! :-)

  8. Meli says:

    Blasphemy! That is how I feel about Hithcock remakes. They’ve all been crap and the worst of the lot was Pscyho! I’m calling for another boycott! Ugh - I can’t say anything more - it just makes me annoyed.

  9. Alfredo says:

    All I read was the title of the post and I think this is the stupidest idea yet! There’s no way you can top the first movie. It was smart, scary, and it really made you believe that this could happen. The part where the woman is traped in the phone booth is so scary to me even to this day. Hollywood sure knows how to fuck things up.

  10. Herby says:

    Oh I can’t wait (for the DVD to come to the library so I won’t have to shell out any money for this shit)!

    Watching the remake of Psycho was Hilarious. I had side pains I was laughing so hard. I am sure “The Birds” (*filthy disgusting lice ridden birds)will supply simalar entertaining moments.

    (*Quote from Mel Brook’s “The Producers”, as if you didn’t know)

  11. Nund says:

    Any casting suggestions?
    How about Angelina Jolie as Melanie Williams?
    Jane Fonda as Lydia.
    But who Mitch? Eminem perhaps?
    And what about the ex-lover teacher character - Meg Ryan with prominent hairdo?
    Mitch’s sister could be Stacie Orico.
    All set in rural Ireland.

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