David Duchovny In The Secret (AKA Himitsu)

As surprising as it sounds, I’m actually a David Duchovny fan. No, not because of his work in the X-Files (to be honest I thought a monkey could have played the role of Mulder). Nope, I became a fan of David Duchovny when I saw him in the vastly underrated flick Return to Me. There’s a scene in that film where his wife dies and he totally breaks down… very powerful scene the really made you feel his pain. He was great.

Having said that, I’ve been stunned by Duchovny’s lack of projects since making the weak jump to the big screen. Maybe people just can’t seem to separate him from the X-Files?

Now David Duchovny is set to appear in yet another Hollywood remake of a Japanese horror film. This time, they’re remaking Himitsu and calling it The Secret.

The good folks over at Monsters and Critics guve us this little synopsis:

Himitsu was based on a novel by Japanese author Keigo Higashino and follows a man whose life changes after the bus carrying his wife and daughter goes over a cliff. His wife dies but his daughter survives only to be possessed by the dead wife.

Sign me up for this one. I really hope he gets to start an actuall career apart from X-Files… he’s really quite talanted when given the chance to show it.

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4 Responses to “David Duchovny In The Secret (AKA Himitsu)”
  1. Meli says:

    I’m in complete agreement. I was always disappointed that he didn’t get more work after X-Files.

    His performance in Return to Me had me in tears…heck, it still makes me cry any time I watch that movie.

  2. Franklin says:

    So, to separate himself from the character Mulder, he’s going to take a role in a movie that sounds like an episode of The X-Files. Okay, sure.

  3. Lilly says:

    I loved Return To Me. If you ask, the boy thinks it was “just all right,” but secretly, he cried like I did. And I had watched it a few times alone before I made him watch it with me.

  4. Richard Brunton says:

    Could this become what Birth should have been?

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