Clive Owen in Children of Men

CliveOwen.jpgI saw this on Wednesday, but it’s getting so difficult to decide which stories to post and which to hold back on without swamping the front page! So now, on a quieter day…

Clive Owen is seriously hot property just now, and thank the lord. He’s a great talent and he’s been passed over for so long. Now his time has come. There’s also another great aspect to this newfound workload, he’s probably not going to play that B named character I swore not to mention until cast. So no career curse for him.

News from Yahoo came that he’s starring in a new movie, nothing outstanding until you hear the plot:

“Children of Men” takes place in the near future, when mankind has lost the ability to procreate and the world is rocked by the news that the youngest person on Earth — who is 18 years old — has died. As chaos erupts, a former radical (Owen) becomes protector of the most sought-after person on the planet — the first pregnant woman in almost 20 years.

Sounds an excellent premise, and guess what? An original idea?! Oh lord, please say it’s true. Even if this was awful I would go to see it just to boost the figures and vote for originality with my cash. However, it’s not really an original idea, although the setting and premise around the sole protector part is. Still, sounds good. What do you think? Done before just sci-fi, or a promising plot?

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4 Responses to “Clive Owen in Children of Men”
  1. Paul says:

    This one is actually taken from a book by P.D. James. It is as far as I know the only sci-fi book by the author and, at some point; one might doubt that she is the actual writer of this one. However, the book is one of my favourites since it uses this extreme vision of the future to deal with very contemporary issues such as an aging society. Hope the change the end for the movie version, though since the book one falls flat comparing to the rest of the story.

  2. Donna says:

    I am looking forward in seeing this movie. I am so glad that Clive is getting the koodos he has long been waiting for. It’s about time we get a real man to play a man in the movies. So tired of pretty boys.
    Donna A.

  3. Rem says:

    Sounds good to me! However, it’s not quite an original idea. An early episode of Star Trek: TNG took up the idea of a childrenless world. Wesley and a few other child prodigies are kidnapped by these deperate people who want children.

  4. tom says:

    There’s also a slight resonance with certain parts of Arthur Clarke’s Childhood’s End - not the main thrust of the story, to be sure, but the general idea and emotional tone of a human society that’s had it’s children taken away.

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