Audio Edition: Sin City Edition

Posted by on 06. 04. 2005in Uncut Podcast

Hey there folks! Well it’s that time of the week again for The Audio Edition. This week Doug and I wax poetic about Sin City for the vast majority of the show.

We also touch on the Transformers director buzz, Sonys iTunes for movies and all this Bond nonsense going on. You can download the fun here.

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9 Responses to “Audio Edition: Sin City Edition”

  1. The Ching Chang says:

    Very nice.

  2. Donna says:

    Very good guys!
    This time I didn’t have any problem down loading.
    Donna A.

  3. Screen Rant says:

    You guys are back on track. :-)

    BTW, it sounds like Daniel Craig is Bond.


  4. paul says:

    Sin City better be really good as I think RR’s films have been very lame since desperado, and that’s along time ago. The inclusion of QT does not feel me with joy either as Kill bill 1 & 2 were awful.

    The audio blog though, has got much better lately. Well done.

  5. Simone says:

    I have never heard John talk so passionate about anybody the way he spoke about Mickey Rourke. *winks* at John

    He must have really had a bad deal not even being part of the publicity machine for the movie if he was the best thing in this project.

    I agree, another great show you guys!

  6. jen says:

    ha how many gay jokes is that for you today, simone?

  7. Jorse says:

    1. I think John liked a little bit about Rourkes performance :)
    2. As always, audion edition was funny and nice to listen.
    3. Very good and intresting conversation about Sin City, with one good new point, that I really haven’t thinked before (beauty thing)
    4. The other topics came and go pretty fast, and weren’t so intresting but talk about Sin City and Transformers made a day.

    All in all, good audio edition. Not the best, but solid.

  8. Xun_Shin says:

    Hmm The Audio edition will never be the same without hearing the C word every ten to twelve seconds=/ Never the less I enjoyed it alot…

    Keep it up

  9. Simone says:

    “ha how many gay jokes is that for you today, simone?”

    Well I am sure John is a pure alpha male, what I meant was the way he really felt for Rourke’s performance was so strong, and not in a gay way.