The Movie Blog: Audio Edition Vol. 15

Posted by on 16. 03. 2005in Uncut Podcast

YaaHooooo! I guess you could call this one “The Star Wars Trailer Edition”. This week we yack a lot about the new Revenge of the Sith trailer, the movie Robots and how much we love Pixar, the fact that we’re really big in Finland, Scary Movie 4, Matthew Vaugh directing the upcoming X-Men3 and a whole lot more. Download all the goodness here.

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15 Responses to “The Movie Blog: Audio Edition Vol. 15”

  1. Raven says:

    Heh, I think you haven’t seen today’s teenagers for a long time. :D Most of them, even when they are as old as 19 (and older, but those are not teenagers anymore, eh) still like Scary Movie… :D You should really visit some high school… you would be really shocked probably. Umm… ;)

    Anyways, good Audio Edition. Enjoyed it, very much.

    BTW talking of Pixar, get The Incredibles DVD… soooo good. (I have review on my blog, but basically all of the reviews say it’s great.)

  2. John Campea says:

    Actually, I worked professionally with teenagers for a lot of years… and not that long ago. So yeah. The majority of teenagers liked the Scary Movie Franchise… but don’t fool yourself, many didn’t. But then again, the majority of teenagers liked the craptastic Fast and the Furious movies too… so what does that tell you? ;)

    And yes… the Incredibles DVD RULES!!!!

  3. Simone says:

    I have to wait to come home to be able to download the latest audio edition. Crumbs!!!

  4. Peter says:

    What could I say? Delightful work, folks…
    DVDs are my economical ruin… oh man!

  5. Simone says:

    I hope you had some lightsabre sound effects on the background John and Doug! LOL

    Hiya Peter! *winks*

  6. Screen Rant says:


    Nice job on this edition (except for that “tough” comment at the end). ;-)

    Couple of things:

    Stupid funny vs. plain stupid: I agree COMPLETELY.

    Rotten Tomatoes Ep I & II review: Interesting, I was not aware of that. Although the “Cream of the Crop” reviews put it both at about 40%.

    My main issue with Clones was Hayden’s performance. Now I don’t know if it was him or Lucas’ direction, but in the end I *hated* every moment he was on screen. Other than that I thought the movie was actually pretty good.


  7. Simone says:

    Another great show you did there guys, I liked the Darth Vader breathing bit, was that you Doug? *winks*

    This has been my favorite edition so far, I guess mainly due to the Episode III trailer discussion. (Thanks John!) When it was released last Friday, that was all I can think about, it has totally taken control over me. I was at work and couldnt concentrate because I was just thinking of how the trailer knocked me off my feet! It was all I wanted to talk about and listening to you guys going a bit philosophical about it, and how badly you want the film to do incredibly well come May was so well worth tuning in to.

    Confession: When I first saw “Attack of the Clones” in the cinema when it was released in 2002, which later on became 7 times viewing, I felt that Hayden’s acting was a bit awkward. On the second viewing, and third, fourth, etc, I actually thought, well this is probably how he saw it fit to portray Anakin’s character, a little annoying, a bit of a brat, characteristics which eventually will lead to his downfall. I reminded myself that this is just the youth Anakin I am seeing in AotC, reckless and at the same time ambitious, but alsi passionate, not at all qualities that go well with being a Jedi, but wait till Episode III, he would have evolved by then, seduced by the Dark Side of the FORCE and eventually his transformation complete. We will see evil personified in Hayden’s characterisation of Anakin and that is why I can not wait to see how he will do it.

    I just remembered from watching the Star Wars OT documentary, was it Harrison Ford or Carrie Fisher who said about George Lucas writing, “you can write this George but who talks like this?” *laughs*

  8. Simon says:

    Great job, you could have talked Star Wars the hole time, I wouldn’t have complained. I feel GL gave us 2 1/2 good movies and then it started to decline when the Ewoks came out, and ever since then it seems he has lost it.I never hear anybody complaine about Padme, I mean come on (I truly truly truly love you) anybody remember that scene in AOTC.For some reason I knew the prequels would be bad the moment I heard the first Neimodian speak in TPM and it wasn’t an alien voice with subtitles, it just turned me off.Anyway I still got my fingers crossed for ep3, I know the visuals will be awesome I just hope the dialogue is improved.

  9. Peter says:

    I have just seen a trailer for Clone Wars Season 3, and the first is a little Ani with Qui-Gon. It made me think about how many things could have been different if Qui-Gon had trained Annakin instead of Obi-Wan.

    The story of Annakin is that of a young man who knows he is supperior to the others, and who lacks a father. The set-up is perfect for a downward spiral. All choices Vader does to become such are in the deep very human, very heart minded.

    About the visuals and the dialogue: cinema is telling storys visually. So there is no problem there.

    All in all, though, I still think the best film of the saga is the first one, A New Hope. It has such simplicity and clearness it´s brilliant.

    There is a deep sense of sadness and irony on Qui-Gon saying “You are much wiser than I am” to poor Obi-Wan. When u remember Jar Jar, Watto, and the pod races u see a childhood shattered in pieces, when u look through the episode III crystal.

    -End of Speech-

    To Hyperspace!

  10. luis says:

    kalain ang inyo nga pelikula wala pulos…..hindi educational para sa mga bata…daw mga 2n2 sa inyo…

  11. grim says:

    maybe it might be good but I don’t like it….because it breaks my mind out of my head….improve what ur doing maybe sometimes you will get what you want and desire in ur life…..please don’t be angry at me becausem of this

  12. grim says:

    maybe it might be good but I don’t like it….because it breaks my mind out of my head….improve what ur doing maybe sometimes you will get what you want and desire in ur life…..please don’t be angry at me because of this…

  13. culturalelite says:

    ^ oh good, it looks like the spammers have found you……

    i f*****g hate spammers….. burn in hell.

    … anyway, the reason i came here to comment after listening to the latest audition of the audioblog is because i think it’s unfair of you guys to dismiss Matthew Vaughn as ‘just the guy who produced snatch’.

    obviously it’s very easy to label a guy as just a producer and so when he made his directorial debut with ‘layer cake’ there was a lot of pressure on him to perform as a director.

    i really think you guys should check out layer cake, i enjoyed snatch and lock stock but layer cake is on a whole different level, its strides ahead of guy richies efforts both directorly and just in tone and pace, vaughn chose to avoid the ‘all london gangsters are funny cockney geezers who couldn’t organise a beer bust in a brewery’ and move in a different much more serious direction.

    i attended a preview screening of layer cake when it was first released at the national film theatre here in London, and after the film vaughn held a question and answer session along with the star of the film Daniel Craig(the new bond?).

    Vaughn sited people like michael mann as his big influences and in partiuclar the film ‘Heat’

    it shows in this film, i’ve never seen any film make London look so beautiful, Daniel Craigs performance is understated and brilliant.The film had its faults and some of the gangsters verged on the ‘comedy idiots’ of lock stock, but overall i enjoyed the film a lot.

    All i’m saying is I think if anyone has any doubts about vaughns ability to direct x-men 3 they should see layer cake, and any worries you have will quickly evaporate. Obviously Layer cake doesn’t have any leather clad superheroes but you have to remember Singer had only directed ‘thriller’ type movies, the usual suspects and ap pupil before he did x-men.

    oh… and atleast it’s not uwe boll or paul anderson directing it

  14. Scott Niven says:

    Another great audio edition. BTW, I almost missed this one because I missed the blog post about it. How is the podcast stuff going? That will make it where I never miss an episode.

    Thanks for doing these audio editions. It really helps make the commmute go faster!


  15. alan smithee says:

    there will come a time, surely, when someone will be able to re-make star wars. george is tinkering with that now. but it’s like what peter jackson is doing with king kong…someday someone will get another shot at the concept.