Spider-Man 3 Villain is Sandman

Posted by Rodneyon 28. 03. 2005in News Chat

Sandman.jpgI’m very disappointed. I’ve been holding out hope that Venom was going to be the villain in the next Spider-Man film. Oh well, if I always got what I wanted… wait a minute… nope… can’t think of a single drawback to getting everything I want. Anyway.

The good folks over at AICN have posted news that the new Spider-Man bady is Sandman. Personally… I’m not thrilled. Here’s what they have to say:

Multiple spies at Sony have confirmed that Thomas Hayden Church will indeed be playing SANDMAN. There’s a ton of Sandman conceptual art all over the Spidey-offices!

Well there you have it. Granted, Sandman does present some interesting Visual Effects opportunities, but I still would rather see Venom ripping it up.

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Rodney who has written 8453 posts on The Movie Blog

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160 Responses to “Spider-Man 3 Villain is Sandman”

  1. B A T M A N says:

    something we agree on. BIG DISAPPOINTMENT.

    at least the movie fans will get gambit in x3.

  2. bigwig says:

    big disappointment? sandman is a classic spiderman villain. member of the sinister six. venom has a complicated origin story, would know pete’s secret identiy, and when you come down to it, he’s all brawn and no brains. meh.

  3. Richard Brunton says:

    Mmmm, I’m not so sure. I agree it’s disappointing not to see Venom here, I think he would make a perfect villain, and perhaps that’s the point, maybe they’re saving him. However, Sandman is going to be perfect for the CGI effects, and he is a really cool character himself. Slight disappointment, but not really hacked off, it could’ve been worse you know!

  4. B A T M A N says:

    yes, he is. so are green goblin and doc ock. that is why sam raimi and writers should try for something different, a more modern villain like venom.

    venom is just as popular as sandman, if not moreso. i don’t believe sandman has ever had a mini-series dedicated to his character.

    a complicated origin story? ha i can outline a basic plotline that would explain everything and at the same time embody how peter parker grows as a superhero.

    however, at least it’s better than another green-themed villain (e.g., harry osborn taking up the mantle of green goblin part 2.) that would be an even BIGGER DISAPPOINTMENT.

  5. Simone says:

    Guys, guys, why are you all so hard to please? *winks*

  6. dave says:

    Shesh. Bit of a water cannon and game over. that wraps Spiderman 3 ;) unless they bring in “hydro-man” -

    “The Sandman’s criminal career recently came to an apparent end. To battle Spider-Man, he had joined forces with a superhumanly powered criminal named Hydro-Man who could transform his body into animated water. In a freak mishap, Sandman and Hydro-Man combined into a grotesque mud-like creature. The authorities subdued the mud creature, rendering it harmless. The remaining amount of mud was sent to the police’s forensic laboratory in Manhattan. There, police scientists sought to anlyze the composition of the unusual mud, but determined with the instruments at their disposal that it was completely inanimate. It was decided to seal it in a container and dispose of it. Apparently as a delayed effect of some of the analytic procedures, the mud spontaneously separated back into the two criminals, who then burst free of their container. Hydro-Man quickly departed to unknown destinations. Sandman was so traumatized and humiliated by the experience that he renounced his criminal ambitions.”

    but to be honest the believability of all this stuff will be hugely stretched on the big screen. I always thought spiderman and marvel in general had pretty lame baddies to be honest. Nothing to match Joker or other Batman freaks.

  7. Bombadil says:

    Well, I don’t think I have to comment anymore on how happy I am about this. I have posted in every forum I can find that Sandman would be great on the big screen. That said, I am sure Venom will get his chance. It would be hard for them to pass up such a major villian like Venom.

  8. B A T M A N says:

    the only reason why venom’s not the villain is because dimension owns the rights to his character.

    you think a “complicated origin story” will get in the way of making more money? it can be done even with the writers sam raimi has under his wing. imo venom is cooler than sandman.

    too bad the rights/properties issue is beyond the director’s head and belongs to the studio’s. therein lies the real complication.

  9. T Diesel says:

    thats sucks it should be venom. hes the bomb

  10. Josh says:

    I too would have prefered Venom over Sandman. How is it that Dimension owns the rights to Venom? Also another bad thing that I heard was that this is suppose to be the last Spidy movie which if is true is a really bad idea.

  11. bj says:

    This is how the world ends, this is how the world ends… not with a bang (venom), but with a whisper (sandman).

  12. Chris says:

    Just remember, we don’t know for sure if Sandman is going to be THE villian in Spidey 3, he may only play a small part to a much larger senario. Raimi knows the characters backwards and forwards, as does most comic fans, and should be trusted to put together something that will be, above all else, classy (read that last part like Larry Flynt).
    Raimi’s Spider movies are not about the villians anyway, they are about the personal growth of Peter and how his view of his life and the world around him must be altered to fit with his powers. No matter what villian the movie goes with the real story will revolve around Parker and his relationships/

  13. Ray` says:

    Chris… wow… you put a lot of thought into your post… I have my eyes closed half the time just pressing random letters…. Personally I would have liked to seen Venom too, with carnage also :O.
    And the post on Batman having the best characters is true, Batman’s characters are much more interesting then those in spider-man… but oh baby VEnom and Carnage woujld be sweet..even sweeter then any other villian in any Superhero movie…thats my dream cast for Spider-Man 4 now :)

  14. B A T M A N says:

    Josh, “How is it that Dimension owns the rights to Venom?”

    i believe back when marvel characters didn’t grace the silverscreen and when the company had to file for chapter 11 bankruptcy, there was a firehouse-type wholesale of all marvel properties. a clearance sale if you will.

    dimension happened to pickup the rights to venom.

  15. Alfredo says:

    That’s a bunch of crap there’s no where they can go with this.

  16. pfistermon says:

    Granted, I would have prefered Venom, the Lizard, or even Kraven the Hunter, but I can’t let the opinions of dissapointment ruin my upcoming Spider-man 3 viewing experience. I enjoyed the first two too much, so I intened to enjoy the third. Life’s better that way. So: WooHoo! Look out Spidey! Sandman’s coming to town!
    We’ve got two years to get excited for it. So, I suggest, for the benefit of your own Spider-man 3 experience, you guys do the same. It’ll just be more fun that way.

  17. bigwig says:

    obviously the green goblin will be back in the 3rd movie. i’m sure sandman is just a second villain, similar to how batman seems to always have two villains in all his movies. Not to mention these two villains fit MUCH better into the mold and feel of the first two films, than venom.

  18. Meli says:

    I find myself feeling netural over this news. I for one wanted the Vemon story to wait another movie (if there is one) and I have faith that Raimi will bring us another fantastic flick.

  19. venommm says:

    i dont understand it though sandman is just straight up lame. ohhhh look out im gonna kill you with the beach. and it dosent make sence they have been following the books ex. right but they mess it up here considering venom is the one to kill the sandman after he takes a big chunk out of him and he washes away in he ocean. i mean unless the sandman dosent die in this one and a suprise at the end of spiderman 3 would be peter finding the alien symboite but then it would just suck from on cuz spiderman 4 isent goin to have toby or kirsten and its never the same when there diffrent people all it does is mess up the series

  20. Ellis says:

    snadman is a kool villian. think of the special effects man. wooooo. im just glad they finally picked the villian lol. venom would of been good but they would of spent half the movie just introducing him. think about it. it could be worse. it could be lizard lol. sandman will be kool i cant wait lol YEEEES

  21. john says:

    guys guys guys…. its not definatly going to be sandman… think about it… there was already news all over the web that tim phenoix or w/e his name is the guy that does the designs for the movie was working on venom and manwolf for the next spidey flick… its just that nobody submitted that news to any other sites… but if u read the article that seems more credible than believeing that sony spies have sen sandman art… who the hell knows what the truth is… i honestly am leading towards venom…. remeber rami winking about venom in the interview?… or if u read that article with tim phenoix he said he was working on pirates of the carribian 2… some other movie and spiderman-3 sculptures for the villains man-wolf and venom… so believe what u want at this point they are all still just rumors…also rami commented on the villain a while ago saying he has spider-man like powers.. does sandman have spider-man like powers???… this is just a rumor that got blown way out of porportion… it still could be true… but the venom thing could be true too.. we just dont know yet… i am still leaning towards venom personally. the venom story is already 1/4 told already they have john jameson going to the moon.. they already introdeced eddie brock in the first film they just need to play it out… so it cant be that venom story is too complicated to tell… its hollywood they can do anything they want… remeber at heart rami writes horror films… think about how dark a movie about venom and man-wolf could be and ahow great rami could deliver that…. all things to think about… but like I said they are all just big rumors until sony says what it is…well also read this post by the moviehole.net

    The villains for “Spider-Man 3″ will be Venom and Man-Wolf, at least according to a report on the PressConnects.com website.

    I do know that Venom is supposed to be a part of the next movie, and since Daniel Gillies is coming back to play John Jameson/Man-Wolf (he told me he’s returning for sure), I guess it’s safe to say that Thomas Haden Church, who they announced yesterday for a role, will be suiting up to play Venom. So everything in the article seems to be on the money.

    Special-effects worker Tim Phoenix, who worked on Doc Ock for “Spider-Man 2″, has been hired to work on both Venom and Man-Wolf for the next sequel. “It’s super cool stuff and I am in my element here for these particular creations,” he tells the abovementioned site. “I am living in ‘the dream’ out here. It is just so surreal.”

    “Spider-Man 3″ swings into theatres in 2007.

    Also go to this site and read the article.. all interesting stuff to think about before believing rumors… even aintitcoolnews.com had once said that venom was set up for the bad guy.. but they just recently changed it… so w/e like i said again they are all rumors… believe wat u want until sony actually says who the villain is.


  22. john says:

    site at bottom of post above.. just in case u cant find it..

  23. venommm says:

    sorry to ruin your day but just look at thomas haden church, the dude has no meat or bulk to play an eddie brock. eddie is young 2 i dont think there gonna want to have an old dude playing him. he dosent even look like a sandman either hes 2 small he suits me more at either a shocker scorpion or vulture

  24. Thunderspawn says:

    Hi guys…I think the #1 villian will be whom ever Church plays. Too young to be The Vulture, but Electro or Shocker, or even Hobgoblin(Jason Macendale could be his age…who knows)…maybe. We all know Franco will suit up as the second Green Goblin and be gunning for Spidey. I would love to see Jameson come back from a mission and bring the symbiotic entity that we know and love as VENOM with him. And he changes to Man-Wolf and terrorize M.J., which would be cool. Peter could get the black goo on him from…say..saving Jameson from a potential crash landing and turns the red and blue Spidey into the Black Spidey! The movie could end with Eddie Brock getting really mad at Peter at the Bugle and goes off in a steriod rage and the symbiote merges with that rage. Remember, this could be where we see Spidey with the cool Black Costume. Something to think about! Peace, Thunderspawn

  25. andertoons says:

    I dunno, Sandman would be fine with me. To be honest, I trust Raimi enough with 3 that whomever he chooses will be great Im sure.

  26. B A T M A N says:

    thunderspawn, are you friends with thunderCUNT? :)

  27. venommm says:

    to clear crap up venom is by far the best villian to face the web-head make a little part for him and brock at the end of the 3rd script just 2 get things started for the next or they could just make there own venom movie when he takes on spidy and carnage but im not 2 sure about that one they were goin to go in production a while back but called it off

  28. Pawn80 says:

    i cant wait to see sandman… the venom story is too long, that could be a couple movies by itself. and if they change it to jamesons son that would be crap. venom should still be brock.
    i think venom should wait for the future spiderman movies…

  29. Thunderspawn says:

    B A T M A N, to answer your question, no, but I had one last night, sparks shot out of it and a Bat symbol was in the bush! ;)

  30. Thunderspawn says:

    Andertoons, I agree though, Raimi is a wonderful director and whatever he does will be fine with me. I have just about every movie he has done, even Within The Woods. Crimewave was funny but cheesy, Intruder was very funny, The Grudge was average and The Evil Dead is my second all time Favorite, next to the original Halloween. Raimi will be a legend before he is done.

  31. venommm says:

    pawn80 why would they change venom to jameson thats the most random and stupid thing ive ever heard of u actually think they would fool around with the comics like that pshh ha! yeah right brock + symboite = venom 4life

  32. B A T M A N says:


  33. Engineer says:

    Heres the thing……It looks as though the villains are set up as either sandman, or Venom. It also looks as though there will be two villains, this is fine because Franco will fill in his fathers footsteps for that. It would make the most sense if it was sandman, a challenging villain but not enough story so that they could focus more on the story of Venoms intro for the fourth movie. Spidey can get the symbiote, after jamesons crash.the movie could focus largely on his reactions with the new ostume. This would be perfect. Venom would get a whole fourth movie which he deserves for sheer madness and fan pleasing action.

  34. venommm says:

    hey buddy if u havent read thats pretty much what alot of us have already said ;)

  35. Thunderspawn says:

    You go Venommm, you tell ‘em, lol. So we are all excited about S-3 even if we don’t all agree on the villian. How about Revenge Of The Sith? I personally am anxiously awaiting this, to atone for the bad (My Opinion) Episodes I and II. I heard General Grevious will be the Darth Maul in Ep.3 and he has four arms…hence four lightsabers…that will an awesome fight with either Anakin or Obi-Wan, or both..hmmm. Anyway, I think we all have pondered the Sandman/Venom?carnage storyline, how about Chloe Sevigny and her interest in S-3? I could see her as The Black Cat, or…maybe Silver Sable? With make-up, she could look good, like in American Psycho. T.H. Church could be Silvermane? Just a thought, I just can’t see him as The Sandman…no way! He looks more like Willem Dafoe, maybe an uncle, yikes? Well shall just see!

  36. GavinFB says:

    Sandman is a good villain, however, and this must be taken into consideration, I am VERY VERY HAPPY Venom is not being used in the third film. Sam Raimi in my opinion killed spiderman as soon as he cast Maguire. This is fortunately his last trashy incarnation of spiderman, and let’s just hope when they do use Venom, they have Jake Gylenhaal as our boy in blue. and red. He has the geeky/cool persona of Peter Parker. That’s my opinion anyway. Maguire is far too geeky, and the shite jokes he comes out with ruined the first one and obliterated the second.

  37. venommm says:

    whattttttt? dude maguire is perfect man and u say hes nerdy? well duhhh so is peter parker he plays it just awsome then when he needs to he plays his parts as spiderman getting pissed off and at least tobi is makin something of himself in it what do u do? sit at home on your comp lookin up porn and chats? that sounds like a real good carrer and ure a quack if u dont think venom shouldent be in the film all you out there that think that are all quacks

  38. Thunderspawn says:

    Toby IS Peter Parker, period. Gylenhaal was excellent in Donnie Darko, but he is a little too feminine to be Marvels Franchise Hero! Just look at Toby at Uncle Ben’s grave, he looks like he was taken right out of issue # 1, Toby was born to be Spidey, no doubt!!! Look at Christian Bale, he will be the third best Batman, next to West (gotta love Adam West) and Michael Keaton. Kilmer and Clooney blew it. I just hope they don’t blow Captain America’s casting like they did with The Kingpin in Daredevil. I mean lets face it, M.C. Duncan is a FANTASTIC actor, but we all know Kingpin was white. All that being said, I say a Marvel crossover movie should be a priority once these movies have their conclusions…say Spidey and Blade team up to slay Morbius and Dracula, that would be the s#$%. Excelsior…

  39. Movie Props says:

    i think sandman would be great, but i would still like to see the hobgoblin (harry osborne) as the main baddie. i think that would tie the trilogy nicely. spiderman III: revenge of the goblin

  40. venommm says:

    but harry isent the hobgoblin he is the second green goblin

  41. Xun Shin says:

    If memory serves me correct, he becomes the hob goblin, and as far as sandman goes, they could become really really creative with this, they can take this really far, but on the other hand, they could really really suck it up with this character, lets see how it goes.

  42. nicholasgichu says:

    i was kinda hoping for Dr. Doom

  43. Ray` says:

    ITS ABOUT TIME!!! someone finally,besides me. thinks Tobi sucks…. I hate him as spiderman….
    When you watch the Superman show that use to come on T.V.. that guy from Ripley’s Beleive it Or Not use to play him… at least he LOOKED like a Superman… and Micheal Keaton LOOKED like a Batman… and to some extent so did Val Kilmer and George Kloony.. but Tobi looks nothing like you picture Peter Parker to be..thanks GavinFb for finally saying it…. cus I didn’t have the guts to :)

  44. Thunderspawn says:

    Dr. Doom is in The Fantastic 4 movie, and he looks good. I saw a trailer last night and it looks very realistic and the special effects look great! The only complaint is The Thing isn’t as big as he should be. Michael Chitlis should make up for it though with his brilliant acting! Oh, and Toby Maguire IS Peter Parker, no question! I don’t think anyone else could have pulled it off better than Toby! And Christian Bale as Batman is an awesome choice, and did you guys see that Batmo-tank, lol? Peace, Thunderspawn.

  45. It's Seitz says:

    The way I remember the story, Harry comes back as the green goblin. Then, some yeras later, a non-related person appears as the Hobgoblin, who has different powers and machines.

    I may be wrong though. This is just what I remember from the cartoon series and talking to my friend (who used to be obsessed with spider-man).

  46. venommm says:

    yeah harry def. isent the hobgoblin george hill was robbing a bank when spiderman shows up and he escapes into the sewers and stumbles on normans hideout he isent the hobgoblin but he calls up an unnamed associate. Rodrick kingsley revealed that he was the origional hobi but it isent for sure, others were ned leeds and flash thompson

  47. pfistermon says:

    yeah, but this is hollywood. I wouldn’t be surprised if they changed marvel’s original concept to make Harry the Hobgoblin, simply to avoid repeating the exact theme of the Green Goblin that would be present in the Green Goblin II.

  48. SpideyFan says:

    There absolutely positively is *NO CONFIRMATION* that Sandman is the villian. Read below and find out why.

    Sandman will be an interesting villian for at least 10 minutes on the big screen. Spiderman can’t really hurt Sandman. As a matter of fact, Sandman is virtually indestructable. No one has been able to successfully defeat him because he regenerates himself.

    HOWEVER, there is only one vigilante who had damaged Sandman so badly that he went into solice and was broken apart into four distinct villians. A good sandman, a bad sandman and two others. The bad guy came out and one. Yay.

    Interesting story? NOT.

    Guess who the only person ever in the marvel universe was to damage Sandman to the point where he was on sand-life support?


    Go look it up.

    As for Sandman being CONFIRMED, no he isn’t. You guys are trusting AICN, who enjoys posting other peoples articles from forums without giving them credit (It happened so many times with Matrix II and III that I got tired of listening to those guys) and who also gets rumors incorrect.

    First they said BLACK CAT was supposed to be in Spiderman 2 along with the Lizard. They specifically mentioned CONCEPTUAL ART.

    “Hi Harry,

    first timescooper from France.

    I’ve just read an interview of steve Johnson in the french magazine Mad movies where he discusses his work on “the league of extraordinary gentlemen”. he told the magazine taht it was the biggest film he worked on until Spider man 2 came in where his crew work on the Doc ock tentacle effects and on THE LIZARD!! first time i hear confirmation of the presence of dr curt connors alter-ego.(the magazine says elsewhere that johnson will supervise the transformation effects on the lizard). happy to contribute to your great site

    Patrice ”

    That was taken from http://www.aintitcool.com/display.cgi?id=16018

    There are many more “confirmations” that never took place, such as Black Cat appearing in Part 2, as well as Harry becoming the Lizard in part II, all from our little friends over at AICN.

    So, not only a grain or a truckload of salt: Don’t believe the hype is the best advice I can give.

    Yes, the actor is confirmed. Why sony decided to reveal the actor and not the part he’s playing is pretty lame. I say keep it under wraps until you’re ready to say who he’s playing. This way we can speculate on how the character will look and be introduced rather than fighting meaninglessly over who the villian should and shouldn’t be.

    As for Raimi - who do you think would be a better character for Raimi to scare you with? A guy who turns himself into any shape he wants out of sand and just decides “Hey, I hate spiderman” or “Harry hired me to kick spiderman’s ass” or a black, super-deisel spiderman man with the same powers, fangs, a scorpion’s tongue and a deathwish on Spiderman?

  49. Ray` says:

    You go girl!…. VENOM ALL THE WAY :O

    Aint It Cool News sucks :P

  50. SpideyFan says:

    Ok, well, after some very mild and moderate digging, I findally discovered where AICN got their supposed “Sandman confirmation” from.

    Go to the main movie site for Spiderman - http://spiderman.sonypictures.com/

    And click on the Daily Bugle. There’s a press release referencing the magazine “Wizard” titled: “WEB OF MYSTERY - In his first Spider-Man 2 interview, Tobey Maquire reveals why Doc Ock is a cooler villain than the Green Goblin and how the Sandman would work in the sequel.
    (Wizard #150, April 2004)
    Friday, May 14, 2004″

    Here’s the excerpt where Tobey mentions Sandman:

    “Q: Do you have any villains you’d particularly like to see in a third film?

    Tobey: I really like Sandman. Some of the villains I enjoy reading in the comic books, but some of them I don’t know if they translate to movies. But I think Sandman’s a pretty cool villain. I have no idea what they’re thinking; this is like an Avi [Arad, producer] and Sam specialty, since they both know this stuff so well. I’m trying to think of all the villains. I’d say Sandman’s gotta be my favorite, along with Doc Ock. Those two are probably my favorite villains. I think that the Lizard is kind of a weird villain, cinematically. Kraven the Hunter is kind of cool, but what’s his purpose in a movie? A guy who’s like the big hunting guy and he’s evil? If somebody did that, I just don’t know how it would translate. But you know, sometimes you kind of change them for a movie. But I think Doc Ock is probably the coolest villain.”

    Aha! So thusly it is revealed that Tobey is a fan of having Sandman as the next character, but this doesn’t confirm that Sandman is definitely that character. It’s interesting that noone else has caught this! (Hey, I didn’t either, so I’m guilty as charged.)

    But please let it be known that I was the first - Spideyfan, from THE MOVIE BLOG dot COM.

    And please, AICN, if you reference this article, give credit to TheMovieBlog and myself, Spideyfan, for at least catching this first.

  51. Derek says:

    venom can never work in a spider-man movie. It’d be too unrealistic. Raimi should have the Lizard and Harry Osborn as the Hobgoblin in the third film. It ties the films together, especially with Peter and Harry. Save Sandman for the fourth film and venom for the fifth or sixth, cause after them the list of cool spider-man villains grows weak. Other than Kraven the Hunter and the Black cat I don’t see what possible villains raimi can squeak out to make seven of this films. Mysterio and vulture anybody?

  52. venommm says:

    dude ure an ass what do u mean venom would be unrealistic how do you know have u made ure own movie with venom in it …? no you havent so u def dont kno that venom would be the best the sandman is weak so it the lizard

  53. Thunderspawn says:

    Here we go again…I still think Venom will be the best character to make Spider-Man dark, like Batman was supposed to be. Eddie Brock and Cletus Cassidy, one out to destroy Spidey, the other out to destroy everyone else. Sam Raimi has to make this happen, just make sure the story is awesome and not some special effect fiasco like The Matrix. With Venom and Carnage, it really wouldn’t matter though, we want a special effect fiasco, it would be awesome. Go Venom and Carnage! Throw in the Lizard as a supplemental villian, to take care of the Conner’s story. Who said it will be easy for Peter in class as his teacher becomes a huge lizard and his Bugle rival becoming a huge black beast with his powers? And a MORE evil red beast with same said powers? You got a $100 billion BLOCKBUSTER!

  54. Sandsuck says:

    I really like the plot outline by Spideyfan on another thread where he resolves some of the issues with how the symbiote comes to earth and how Harry is taken out of the picture.

    But I don’t want to see both carnage and venom. As a matter of fact, I love Venom and I hate Carnage. Carnage is just a reckless villian who wants to kill everyone because … he just wants to? Venom has a purpose that is very focused: Kill Spiderman because he broke my heart AND because he ruined my life (Brock’s life).

    Sandman would make a special effects masterpeice in how he fights Spiderman, but can his story fill an entire movie? It probably could, if it were a B-movie storyline.

    And given Raimi’s background in horror flicks (C’mon guys, EVIL DEAD and Army of Darkness!!!) Venom just fits perfectly with everything he’s so popular for doing. (The Grudge story really sucked and the Japanese version is much better, but the cinemetography will scare the crap out of you because Raimi is just so good at it!). Venom is a dark, seemingly evil but mostly crazed and twisted vigilante with one mission - destroy Peter Parker and Spiderman.

    Sandman is a bad guy who escaped prison and just wants to do .. what? Bad things?

    His story is very perplexing: He even joins some sort of bad-guy team and then eventually is good and then is somehow bad again… too much for me. How you’re telling me this is easier to tell on the big screen as opposed to Venom is rediculous.

    I know there are some people who hate Venom, but I think that they are looking at the modern venom. The best Venom story they could use would be the McFarlane Drawn series from around Spiderman 298 - 315 or 316 (I don’t remember!) where the final battle is at the beach. (Hey, introduce Sandman there if you want, Mr. Raimi!) It’s just a great story and will definitely be able to be told in 2 hours or a little over. Hell, I’d love to have a 3 hour spidey movie! IF Lord of the Rings could do it, why not Marvel!!!

  55. Thunderspawn says:


  56. DarrenJ Seeley says:

    Okay, first things first.

    It wasn’t Dimension that first had rights to Venom. That was New Line. The property was turned around years ago, which allowed use of the character for possible future Spider-Man films.

    Eddie Brock was mentioned in the first film; there was even a scene that was filmed but edited out. (Note: Curt Connors was also namedropped in the first film, seen in the second. I’m actually a little disappointed that Lizard doesn’t show up in 3, LOl)

    In Spidey 2, it was established that John Jameson had already had a space mission. I don’t consider it a stretch to have Jameson turn into Man-Wolf to hunt down a certian symbiont from outer space; nor do I consider it a stretch for the Symbiont to briefly attach itself to Spidey, and then to Brock.

    Church is in his mid 30′s. That’s not ‘too old’. I don’t think Venom, should the Lethal Protector be the main adversary (yes, Man-wolf is only a five minute cameo I predict) special effects and makeup will be involved. Y’know, I’ll be honest: before Spidey 2, I didn’t think Doc Ock would work at all. The early stills of Molina outside the bank? Yeech. Movie comes out, and the films kicks my butt, Ock is outstanding. They even won a little gold guy for it.

    If Church isn’t Venom, I…hope he isn’t Sandman either. Church might pull off either one, but when he was cast, I thought “oh. It’ll be Alister Smythe and the Spider Slayers”. (Like if they considered Javier Bardem, I’d think “oh, it’s Kraven” lol)

    Will Church be Venom? Will he be Sandman? I wouldn’t mind a war of the webs (nor, I think, would most other folks) and I’d still see it if there is a solid sand Arm & Hammer so to speak, but, as mentioned, the films are really about Peter Parker first, villians second, even if the promise of such ringside seat extravaganzas is will sell more tickets.

    I’m more inclined to believe the story with FX wizard Tim Pheonix, because you don’t do all that work for nothing, and here’s something of intrest Now when the actor is getting makeup casts, I would think the makeup FX guys, including Pheonix, might be involved.

    Then again, in the interview, Church does mention he’s ‘playing in the mud’…

  57. Derek says:

    Venom and Sandman don’t fit in the sequence of the movie’s story. The third film should revolve around Harry’s hatred for Spider-Man and the fact that he knows Spider-Man’s secret identity. Now way should that be ignored. And Conners had already been introduced, his Peter’s mentor, so there’s already a story to build off of. You just throw in villains because their cool. This is the third film, it has to make sense and follow the first two. If Venom or Sandman had been in the first film it might have worked (the first green goblin sucked, so any villain would’ve been better), but they have no place in the third film. None. Have Conners take the role of the LIzard and Harry the Hobgoblin with more of a Halloween frightening look, and it doesn’t matter that in the comics Harry isn’t the Hobgoblin, it makes no sense having the same villain twice. But Harry should be the heart of the third film, and its climax should be a life and death battle with his best friend “Spider-Man” and use the Lizard to torment the city. It fits perfectly. If Raimi even thinks of using Venom or Sandman for the third film he shouldn’t be directing the picture. It makes no sense. You don’t made a movie the way a few comic geeks who love Venom want. You stick with what you’ve done and what works. Use Venom or Sandman in the third film and the franchise will die like the Batman movies.

  58. Thunderspawn says:


  59. Ray` says:

    Ah`….. Derek…. NO!!…. It would make sense for Harry to return has gg2 because thats who he really IS!……….IF there going to make him hobgoblin why stop there?t… why not let venom be sandman and that why we get them both!!??.. no no no… let spiderman be carnage and he could be the star of the movie… yeah… thats a good one….
    Anyways, Venom WOULD make sense and give the MAJORITY of the fans what they want…..(even if they are geeky comic readers)…now lets all just wait for the villian’s to be announced….

    and a final thought to finish my rant…. IF it were Sandman don’t you think Sony would have acknowleged it by now?? saying wether or not its true or false?

  60. Thunderspawn says:

    IMBD says Peter will be facing Flint Marko, or the Sandman. If that is true, we will be in for one good action movie. Looks like Harry will hire him to do in Spidey, and when he fails, Harry must become Green Goblin.


  61. Derek says:

    Harry doesn’t have to be the second green goblin because he is in the comics. These movies only come out every three years, what person will want to see the same exact villain a second time? No one. There would be no point for Raimi to use Harry as the second green goblin, and then save the hobgoblin for a separate movie with a whole new story. The story is aready there for Harry to take up the goblin’ role, but imagine how dumb it would be seeing him flying around in that dumb suit from the first Spider-Man. And the majority of the people who pay to see the spider-man movies aren’t avid readers of the comic-book, and I gurantee most of them never even read a spider-man comic before and won’t even know who Venom is. Venom’s a cool villain, but I don’t see the urgent need to throw him in just to throw him in, but maybe by the end of the third film will set it up for Venom or Sandman to be the villains in the fourth film, but they have no place in the third. And the Hobgoblin has already has had about four different people take the role in the comics, so Harry being the Hobgoblin isn’t going to upset anyone. Using the same unpopular villain twice will kill the franchise and disapoint everyone waiting three years to see the movie.

  62. SpideyFan says:

    Darren J. Seeley - Excellent post, and what a great find on that April 4th story on Haden Church. He mentions two very significant things:

    1 - He’s been working out SPECIFICALLY for the Spiderman film (he has to bulk up either way if it’s Sandman, who weighs 400 + pounds as the Sandman and 220-something even before he transforms and if it’s Venom Eddie Brock starts out regular and eventually builds up to his bulky size)

    2 - He’s drinking lite beer - they don’t want him to get fat. :)

    Well, wishful thinking, but I still say there’s a chance at Venom but all signs are pointing towards Sandman at this point. In the Spiderman 1 DVD Stan Lee mentions his favorite character after the Goblin is the Sandman and he explains why; Tobey - As referenced by me above - mentions that his favorite villain is the Sandman; But I still can’t get out of my head that article that was mysteriously removed from the net after being posted that Venom and ManWolf were in the conceptual stage. Then the next thing we hear is that Sandman is “all over the Sony studios”. C’mon guys. Sounds like BS.

    I don’t think some people who are posting here are thinking before they read - they are obsessed with believing that since a character isn’t “set up” or previously introduced than he cannot be in the follow up film. Likewise, the other train of thought is that if a reference to a character IS mentioned, that he MUST be the next villain!

    Both of these lines of thought are false AS PROVEN by both spiderman films:

    Think for a second:

    1 - Spiderman 1 referenced Dr. Conners as being one of Peter Parker’s bosses who fired him for being late. Spiderman 1 referenced a photographer named “Eddie”, but there absolutely was no mention of him being Eddie Brock. If they would have said “BROCK” that’s more of a setup than just saying “Eddie”, who is a photographer in the movie but in the Comics Brock is a well respected writer.

    Also in Spiderman 1 there was absolutely NO mention of Dr. Otto Octavious, Doc Ock, Octopus, Octagon, Octopormophorsism - you get the point, I hope.

    Finally in Spiderman 1 Harry specifically says, “I will get revenge on Spiderman” at the very ending of the movie, perfectly setting him up to be the bad guy.

    So to sum up point #1 - We had a direct reference (Connors/Lizard), a 50/50 reference (Eddie Brock or “Eddie”/Venom) a 100% reference that Harry would become some sort of bad guy in Spiderman 2, and *NO REFERENCE* to Doctor Octopus.

    2 - Spiderman 1 was a story about being REBORN. Spiderman 2 was a story about a NEW LIFE and how to handle these New Powers.


    So what did we see in Spiderman 2?

    The bad guy was some guy that was NOT referenced in Spiderman 1. We end up seeing Dr. Connors but no reference to him becoming Lizard, though I’d say it’s a perfect setup since we see he is missing an arm and is definitely the person who will become Lizard at some point. We see Harry FINDING the Goblin Costume which perfectly sets him up to be the Green Goblin two and not any other character (Stop it with the Hobgoblin crap already, he’s a different unrelated character!) and we see *NO REFERENCE AT ALL TO EDDIE BROCK / VENOM*.

    Gee, Hmmm…. I wonder who the next villain will be. Let’s follow the pattern of the first movie, shant we?!

    It has to be a brand new villain that was not mentioned in part 2. Venom, Sandman and for that matter every other freaking character that hasn’t been introduced could very well be the bad guy.

    Since Spidey already dealt with being reborn as a super spider human, and has learned how to balance his human life with his mutated / changed life (i.e., Mary Jane is now his girlfriend who knows his identity and he’s achieved a level of comfort balance) it’s logical that he either has to deal with:

    - Death
    - Another love coming into the picture to mess with his relationship with MJ
    - An obsessed villain who only wants to destroy spiderman and noone else
    - Protecting MJ, Aunt May, his identity from those who know Peter is Spiderman
    - Dealing with Harry***

    I’m sorry, but someone please tell me how Sandman fits into this picture, because Venom has his name written all over it.


    ***How does he deal with Harry? He doesn’t. Raimi likes consistency in trying to bring SOME of the comics to the big screen while resolving conflicts. For you Hobgoblin lovers, here’s a perfect thing Raimi might do: We see Harry’s reaction and we can only interpret what he’s thinking: “My father was the Green Goblin, and I can become the goblin myself”. OR, what’s more logical? “My Father was the Green Goblin, the person who murdered all those people, and now I see why Peter had to destroy him. But he was still my Father.” Or “I don’t believe the Green Goblin was my Father. Maybe he hired him. I have to seek out who he was”. (There you go, Hobgobliners. He could hire someone else to dawn the costume, but I don’t care for another green goblin, please, no no no no no no. That suit and the stiff movements killed me in part 1)

    Spiderman vs. Evil Spiderman (i.e., Venom) would be so much better than Spiderman vs. Sandman in terms of content, visuals, emotional challenge and giving the audience what we want - A modern villain for Christs sake.


    Think MCFARLANE drawn Venom, not these rediculous renditions of Venom being three times the size of the Incredible Hulk, which he isn’t. More like three times the size of Spiderman, but not as big as the hulk. No offense to the Erik Larson venom, but his tongue must have been 6 feet long every time he opened his mouth. At least McFarlane rarely used venoms tongue, and focused more on his fangs and Spidery, Spider-like powers.

    Ok, done with novel.

    Go VENOM go.


  63. venommm says:

    dude im down with u man i wanna see a freakshow battle on the big screen agains VeNoM and sPiDeRmAn not some beach party with sandman i mean it wouldent even be hard 2 create venom they could use the concepts from the resident evil movies? the licker looks just like venom take away the claws and size but his face if u gave it venoms symboite eyes and made him black would look alot the same especially with the toung it has the same motion so it wouldent be hard 2 create venom they could just get a 2 way voice talker 4 church like thye speak 2gether when there venom u head brocks voice but as well a darker voice for venom i wanna see this big motha on the screen i would cry id be so happy haha

  64. Ray` says:

    After seeing sideways last night, I no longer think Church could be a Venom… Im still hoping for venom tho, and spideyfan sure makes soem good points for me to think that :)… I just have one question for all those people who say Venom doesn’t fit?… WHY?… WHY DOESN’T HE FIT?????… It would be like doing the X-Men series without Magneto..or Batman without Joker….. comeon people… well all want to see the coolest,darkest villian spiderman can face… and noone presents a better challenge then Venom…. so shut up about sandman because spiderman can’t defeat him…. only VENOM could hurt him…. so what does that tell you? HUH?.. HUH?????

  65. Derek says:

    I can’t believe how pro-Venom u people are. You want to know why he doesn’t fit? Because Venom’s costume is from an alien planet that Spider-Man fought on, the costume itself is alive and an alien, so already we’ll have a Spider-Man movie with an alien in it, and to make a movie out of this mess you’d need the alien suit brought back from outerspace (if not have Spider-Man on the planet itself), make the suit find Peter Parker (a pretty big coincidence), and then make the alien suit hate spider-man, fight eddie brock, who will have to know Peter Parker is Spider-Man, and create Venom. It’d be a dreadful mess, and so far out there from the first two films. To have venom in the third film we’d have to completely forget Harry Osborn’s story during the first two movies, including him knowing Spider-Man’s identity, and take the movie to such a ridiculous level compared to the first two films which blended smoothly. And yeah there wasn’t no reference to Dr. Octopus in the first film, but there wasn’t a cameo by him in the first film like there was with Dr. Conners in the second film, so that’s a big difference, and Eddie Brock never made a direct cameo in either film either, so that’s the difference. And Venom is similar to spider-man in appearance and abilities, so it’d be just a darker Spider-Man. Boring. It amazes me how overated this villain is. If Venom is that great of a villain than why wasn’t he in the first or second film before the stories were linked together and set up with a film without Venom? He wasn’t in the first two films because Raimi knows how difficult it would be to tell that story and how out of place it will be a Peter Parker delivering pizzas in New York City. An alien suit from another planet? It’s a joke. Venom has no place in a Spider-Man movie. Ever.

  66. Ray` says:

    Derek your a poopie head… and I mean that in the nicest way I can… lol it’s been quoted many times that sandman was the greatest villian by the crew of the spiderman series, so then why wasn’t he first? HMMMMMMM?… Venom is the best.. I do agree he tends to be overrated…. but you do not need Spiderman to go to an alien planet… get Jr to bring it back on a expedition to space…. and finding peter? why would that be difficult?.. MJ and Jr were engaged… I sure they still talk a lil`……… anyways… Im going to stop posting these dumb rants and hope other people stop there ceaseless wankery until the villian is announced

    Have a Nice DAY!

  67. venommm says:

    who does this derek kid think he is mr big show ha yea ok im sure… and for everyone out there that says it wouldent be right for venom b/c he wasnt mentioned in the movies as brock but once well thats butt considering we never heard about ock in the 1st movies and we def havent heard about flint marko or aka the sandman in the 1st two movies either theres still no proof its sandman he is butt 2

  68. SpideyFan says:

    Derek Wrote:

    ” can’t believe how pro-Venom u people are.”

    I can’t believe how anti-Venom u are!

    “You want to know why he doesn’t fit? Because Venom’s costume is from an alien planet that Spider-Man fought on, the costume itself is alive and an alien, so already we’ll have a Spider-Man movie with an alien in it”

    Venom / i.e. the symbiote is indeed from another planet, and yes is an alien. Of course, in the modern renditions of Spiderman, you do realize that Jameson is the one that brings back the alien from space, correct?

    “and to make a movie out of this mess you’d need the alien suit brought back from outerspace (if not have Spider-Man on the planet itself), make the suit find Peter Parker (a pretty big coincidence)”

    The alien suit could easily be brought back as an artifact from John Jameson, the astronaut, who in the original story became Man-Wolf because of an artifcat he has found. They introduced him in II, we know he’s involved in Space Travel, so doesn’t it make sense that instead of finding an artificat that transforms him into a ware-wolf that it instead is an alien?

    How Spiderman finds the suit (not the suit finding spiderman) was described by me in a different thread on themovieblog. Search it out, because I don’t want to rewrite the plot. Simply:

    1 - Jameson brings it to Oscorp for Harry to analyze
    2 - Alien attaches itself to Harry and has it blasted off somehow.
    3 - Alien suit is now damaged outside of Oscorp
    4 - Spiderman’s spidey sense goes off and finds this black blob and it attaches to him

    Very simple.

    “and then make the alien suit hate spider-man”

    The suit loves spiderman, it doesn’t hate him.

    “fight eddie brock”

    Eddie Brock is the only one that is “found” by the Alien, because he detects the same sadness and sense of loss in Eddie that the Alien feels itself.

    “who will have to know Peter Parker is Spider-Man, and create Venom.”

    The suit knows that Spiderman is Peter Parker because he attaches to him. Very simple.

    Derek, I understand you don’t want Venom. But who exactly DO you want and why?

  69. JAY says:

    i just wish all these venom haters would stop saying the reason that it cant be Venom is because he wasn’t set up in either of the previous movies. NO VILLIAN IN EITHER SPIDERMAN FILM HAS BEEN SET UP IN THE PREVIOUS MOVIE. If you dont like Venom, then just say it. Dont try to give some uninformed reason why you think he CAN’T be in it

  70. Thunderspawn says:

    Well said SpideyFan. I think we all want to see Venom, but I think Raimi will succeed with whoever he chooses to put against Spidey. How about Green Goblin (Franco), Hobgoblin (Church) and Lizard (Baker)? Spidey could fight the Goblins and The Lizard could kidnap Mary Jane, Spidey defeats the Goblins and saves Mary Jane in a sewer. The last scene in the movie should be Peter and Mary Jane getting married.

  71. MaSkEd_MeNace says:

    Now lets see,we’ll probably see 2 of this 4 in the final movie:Goblin,Venom,Lizard,Sandman
    We know that Church casted as a new villain,then there is definetly a new villain so he’ll be Venom or Sandman.
    If he is Venom,which i’d really love to see like many of you,to create a storyline for him they need to leave Goblin and Lizard factor out.
    Cause:1- Venom story is long,long but can be shot in one film if only focused on his story.So they’ll have to leave both Goblin and Lizard out.
    cause they have different storylines 2-Venom is an ass-kickin villain, it is difficult enough for Spidey to face him,he wouldnt be able to deal also with a second villain.
    And this’d be an ideal final film cause as Venom knows Peter’s spidey,he can try to harm not only Peter,but also the ones he loves.This’d be an emotionaly powerful and visionary stunning(Venom factor) final film.
    But,i hate that but,in the 2nd film, they’ve showed us 2 possible villains(lizard,goblin). I dont believe they’ll leave both of them out, at least one will be in the 3rd film.
    So,probably,we’ll not be seeing Venom(hope im wrong).Instead of him Sandman’ll take his place with one of those possible villains,lizard or goblin.
    As we know lizard is Dr.Connors and Dr.Connors has been introduced. But Dr.Connors was not only a villain in spidey series, he is a friend of Peter and Spidey.No one will judge if he doesnt become lizard, cause we didnt see him running experiments on his self in the 2nd movie and he doesnt have to in the 3rd.
    But Harry has a different situation,we’ve seen him starting going crazy, we’ve seen him finding the goblin costume.And after this point there is no turning back.If there is, that will definetly not make sense.
    So he’ll probably become the goblin and try to kill spidey.And as he knows that spidey is Peter(like Venom) he can create a chaos in Peters life by harming those he loves(just like Venom).And to make a double impact, he can hire Sandman.So this final’d be emotionaly powerful(just like Venoms) and visonary stunning(Sandman factor).
    I’d prefer seeing Venom instead of seeing goblin twice but i dont feel like it.
    So prepare yourselves for goblin and sandman
    But pray for Venom

  72. Jack says:

    WHAT THE F*^k would the sandman do, everybody has ALWAYS wanted Venom and carnage, as 4 a sub-villain not lizard cos he never showed a bad sign or anything not ggII but harry customizes suit 2 bcome hobgoblin ace villain. VENOM CARNAGE AND HOBGOBLIN= BEST EVA VILLAINS!!!!

  73. kyebopp says:

    Right. Im a Venom fan straight up. But I honestly don’t think it would be a good movie with Venom in it, I mean, it would take too long to set up the Venom character. That would mean sacrificing alot of the aspects that made the first two movies good. Like alot of Peters internal struggle will have to be removed for the, alien symbiote, eddie brock’s struggle/ hatred , black spidey, symbiote leaving spidey n goin on to brock, then finally venom.

    Yeah, it could probably be done but i think it will have to be rushed and this would take away the coolness of venom.

    Plus i think it will make the movie too dark compared to the first two…

    done with the Venom.—

    I understand what people are saying about Harry not being the hobgoblin, but it could be easily changed, it would be alot better than seeing the same goblin again. and the hobgoblin aint that much diffrent to GG.

    ****And this’d be an ideal final film cause as Venom knows Peter’s spidey,he can try to harm not only Peter,but also the ones he loves****

    -MaSkEd MeNace, GG knew who spidey was in the first movie, and he put aunt may in hospital, and kidnapped Mary Jane….

    no hating please. i think people are being pretty harsh on here to other people, its only opinions, no need to get mean.

  74. venommm says:

    haha yeah only opinions and our opinions are to be mean if we want the only reason we get mad is because people think there big shots at this like you i mean who says we cant have venom? its possible i mean sam is directing this film i say we just wait and find out who it is and whoever it turns out 2 be who cares all the spiderman movies rule anyway

  75. Ray` says:

    Why are we so mean??????? Because people don’t realise im never wrong, meaning im always right…. so if they would just listen to me(and most of the majority) and realise venom would make spiderman 3 kickass then we would have no problems.. ok?

  76. MaSkEd_MeNaCe says:

    Well i’d be too happy to be wrong about Venom.
    But i gave my reasons, please comfort me with more logical ideas then mines.
    tell me how we’ll be seeing Venom without canceling the Harry fact. he found the costume and he knows Pete is the one who killed his father. so in order to follow spidey series loyally,am i wrong or doesnt he has to be the goblin?Everyone says Raimi is a big LOYAL spidey fan.
    And i still dont believe we’ll be seeing two archenemies like Venom and goblin in one movie.

  77. Thunderspawn says:

    Hey guys, can’t we just get along? It’s only a movie, not The Super Bowl or The World Series. It’s logical to get mad over that, but not over speculations over our favorite villian VENOM! He probably won’t even be heard of until the end of the movie anyway, so he will probably be in S-4. It may suck, with no Maguire or Raimi, but who knows???
    Make Mine Marvel.

  78. MaSkEd_MeNaCe says:

    by the way kyebopp, you just misunderstood me, its not an ideal final only because venom knows peters identity,thats just a fact, its also an ideal final cause the villain is venom. i believe he’d look much better then the goblin on the big screen.
    if we dont have venom and instead sandman, he’d look good too but we’ll need goblin to complete him.cause sandman story is too shallow alone.
    god, why dont they just declare the goddamn villain..

  79. MaSkEd_MeNaCe says:

    Here’s what this guy ‘X SpiderFAN X’ says, might sound interesting,i copied this from the imdb’s posts.

    Ok everyone, I know that there are die hard fans out there who probably know a lot more about all the story details of spiderman then me but I know the characters.
    Now from what I read Raimi only likes to use one villain. So that eliminates everyone else (with the exception of throwing in Hobgoblin who knows) and leaves us with the question of Who will Thomas Haden Church play? Well thats what I’m preparing to explain…
    First I want to eliminate everyones beliefs of Venom. This is very unlikely because (we will just use THC for thomas) THC is 43 and 5’10 1/2. From what the story tells me Eddie Brock is around Peters age 4 or 5 years older and 6’3. Tobey is going to be 30 but portrays a young peter. Point being THC is too old, too short and not Brocks build.
    I believe THC is more likely to be Mysterio. Mysterio is a classic Spider villain with his stats matching very closely to THC. Mysterio is said to be 5’11 THC 5’10 1/2. Mysterio’s age is unknown to me but definatley older then peter. I know actors build can be chaged for movies but when casting it’s important to have the right look as far as age height and build. If I haven’t explained my argument well I hope to at least get everyone off the thought of him playing venom because everything is off height, age, build. Also…
    “Absolutely we wanted to have a villain not only who would fulfill the character needs but somebody who could entertain the audience on a visceral level and provide great visuals, something we haven√¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢t seen before, and create a real challenge and great foe for Spider-Man and his unique spidery, spider-like powers”
    I think that says it all OHHHH WAIT EVEN MORE TO GO ON LOOK AT THIS… http://www.spiderfa n.org/characters/ima ges/mysterio/asm66.j pg (Take out these spaces I dunno why it does this)

  80. venommm says:

    i say peter just finds the flippin symboite this one and it attaches itself to him then have the web head fight sandman and green goblin or just have harry to take time and try 2 figure out what he is gonna do with hiself meet eddie brock in this one hear a little about him then show him gettin fired gettin mad at peter then at the end have spidy find bells and the syboite escapes finds brock then the last slide should be like the symboite goin over brocks face while he is smilein and laughin the fade the pic but show venoms white eyes and end it

  81. Ray` says:

    You’d be a good motivational speaker masked menace… you sure did a good job on yourself…..Anyways….Thunderspawn I do not see no mean spiritedness? *EXCLUDE PREVIOUS COMMENT TO MASKED*…. Its only a bit of fun… I got as good of chance of seeing Scorpion in S3 as I do Harry or any other villian… the guessing is whats fun!.. that’s why they haven’t mentioned who Church will be playing… Look how much interest it is drawing… come oN!

  82. kyebopp says:

    ok, Masked Menace, yea i did misunderstand, n i totally agree with what u said.

    n i knew someone would just be mean, i dont think im a big shot, im just statin my opinion, not saying,- I know its not gonna be Venom because im great and know everything-.

    So come on Venommmm theres no need for that.

    infact i would love to see Venom in spidey3, i just hope if it his its done well. like doc ock was in spidey2

  83. venommm says:

    i never said venom was gonna be in spidy 3 just the very end peter should just fight with the symboite as his new suit for the whole movie

  84. Adebayo Temidayo says:

    I want to recivce details on spiderman films in my box

  85. MaSkEd_MeNaCe says:

    read what lifter519 says, thats also interesting..you guys might say;’what the f… are you copy pasting for?’ i just believe its worth looking at.

    I know some of you want to see Venom and you’ve been whinning and moaning about it since the first movie came out. But if you love the character so much, why in God’s name do you want an A-List actor or a Wrestler to play him?
    Just because a person has a certain look doesn’t mean he/she has the ability to play a character.
    While I dislike a majority of the newer Spider-Man villains (Venom included) he should still be played by somebody that wants to do a good job with the character and not someone who’s just out to collect a pay check.
    It’s obvious the people in charge of casting these movies have done a pretty good job with their casting of villains and heros. They don’t just throw anybody into the roles as some people on this board would have done.
    It’s also obvious to me that anybody who would say that Veom is a better choice to close out the series obviously hasn’t read the comics at all.
    While I know Venom could be done without the Secret Wars, I doubt that Rami would just throw him in without having Peter wear the black costume for a while (at least one whole movie).
    A lot of liberties have been taken with the original story, but a lot of respect has also been paid to the source material when making these movies.
    That being the case, why would anybody just throw in a character because a bunch of fair-weather fan-boys want to see some beefed up carbon copy Spidey saw a picture of him and though he looked cool?
    That’s all I’m seeing here. I don’t see a group of Spider-Man fans on this board, I see a bunch of middle school kids who’ve probalby never read Spider-Man in their life and they base all their “knowledge” off of a cartoon series from the mid and late 90′s.
    That’s why they don’t respect the classic villains and it makes me all the happier to know that the man directing this movie series has been a long-time reader of the Spider-Man comic.
    If the people calling for Venom had ever actually read the comic they would have realized that the yin and yang of this story lies between Spider-Man and the Green Goblin.
    He’s the character that never goes away fully. He always finds a way to come back. Venom was never fully evil, he just hated Spidey and Parker and he eventually got over that.
    I don’t know who the next villain is going to be (even though it does seem like Sandman is the most likely) but I don’t see Church playing Eddie Brock (too old, not that built, his acting style is all wrong for that role, Richard C. Everbeck probably still has a contract to play Eddie Brock, no symbiote suite introduced yet, Brock hasn’t been introduced).
    Besides, in script writing one of the first lessons you learn is that you don’t set a gun on the mantle in act one if you don’t intend to fire it by act 5.
    In other words, Harry has discovered the truth about his father. In the comic Harry becomes the Green Goblin 2, (He was NEVER the Hobgoblin) and by the end of his run as GG2 he was stronger, faster and deadlier than his father had ever been. He also had a much deeper hatred of Spider-Man than any other character other than the original Green Goblin.
    That suggests to me that since Harry found all that stuff, he’s going to use it at some point or another. For what purpose and to what end, I don’t know. If it follows the comics, it will be in an effort to destroy Peter and he’ll eventually die saving Peter from an exploding building. (see Spectacular Spider-Man #200).
    I end with a small suggestion for people who obviously don’t have any real knowledge of this character: Read the comics from Essential Spider-Man Vol. 1-4 and you’ll see why those are better than the stuff that came out in the 80′s.

    guy’s an asshole but he made some points

  86. Ray` says:

    Wow.. another idiot… oh well…. Unless this guy got a direct hotline to the production of spiderman 3… then Im still thinking Venom is the man……..( And of a unrelated post … Batman Vs SpiderMan would be better then BatvsSupeman, Spiderman and batman are much more interesting characters with Batman being the most )

    OH YEAH!….. Church sorta looks like a carnage… so maybe it could be a carnage and venom thing…. anyways just my hopes, I think it would be cool…. no need for some poopie head to go on a 2page rant about the original Spidey and why he thinks he is smarter then everyone else because he has read them… have a good day everyone

  87. Andres Zambrano says:

    I always liked Sandman.

  88. daniel says:

    I like Sandman, but I like venom even more.

  89. venommm says:

    naw its impossible to have a carnage in this one thats just wayyyyy wayy 2 much 2 introduce in a movie no casady and they kinda messed it up in the 1st movie when the black “joe robbie robertson” said they have had eddie on it for weeks to get the picture of spiderman well technically in the comics eddie worked for the new york globe, the rival of the daily bugle. just thought u should kno that and does anyone think spidy could get like his armored steel suit like church looks like he could play alistair smythe and bring in the spider slayers then just have the green goblin up in it 2 to fight the web head 2 what do u guys think

  90. Ray` says:

    wow, im way in over my head now.. immma come clean to you venommmm i hjave no clue what your talking about but a steel suit sounds cool to me…. a steel suit for VENOM TO DESTROY!!!! lol

  91. kyebopp says:

    I like it Venommm- That guy does look a lot like Smythe n the spider slayers would be awesome. n the armourd spidey suit is cool…

  92. venommm says:

    im not sure when he got his armored suit but who cares he could get it when smythe sends in his spider slayers and not the crummie looking ones the alien spider slayers are the coolest looking but just search for his silver and black metal suit on google im sure it will come up with something

  93. MaSkEd_MeNaCe says:

    i used to read some mini series of Spidey and he had a thin villain, who had long fingers and could kill anyone instantly with his touch.That guy had a partner too. Do you guys know their name??

  94. venommm says:

    his name is like something traveler idk his name but he went up against carnage one time and grabbed him by the throat and his symboite just dipped and slythered away he is tall skinny with grey hair i think

  95. venommm says:

    his name is judas traveller either him or scrier is the one you are talkin about masked menace

  96. kyebopp says:

    yeah id say it is either one of them 2. they wer cool..

  97. SpideyFan says:

    Oh boy, the latest -


    “A while back Ain’t-It-Cool-News broke the story that Thomas Hayden Church will indeed be playing SANDMAN and that here’s a ton of Sandman conceptual art all over the Spidey-offices.

    Well today ‘Anonymous’ tells us the following: “Yes the Sandman will be in Spider-Man 3 but he’s not the only villain. And no it isn’t Black Cat like some people were suggesting. It will be SANDMAN AND HOBGOBLIN”

    In Spider-Man 2, director Sam Raimi wanted two villains but chose not to, maybe he will in Spider-Man 3. The question is will HOBGOBLIN be Ultimate Hobgoblin? As you may or may not know the ultimate incarnation of the Hobgoblin is Harry Osborn (Played by James Franco), son of Norman Osborn. Harry accuses Peter for stealing his girlfriend Mary Jane Watson and killing his father. And it was left wide open at the end of Spider-Man 2 once Harry discovered his father’s lair. Sam Raimi had also spoke about the possibility of Harry coming back. But like any rumor take this with a grain of salt.”

    They say to take it with a grain of salt, but man, I wouldn’t even give creedence to some anonymous fanboy writing that:


    Next we’re going to hear,


    Because that’s about the level of speculation that this discussion has come down to.

    Please re read my explanations above as to why Venom can fit, and why Sandman can also fit. Yes, I am a venom fan, but I am a realist: You have to make a movie that appeals not only to guys like me, but everyone else who doesn’t necessarily want a movie full of horror and darkness, which is pretty much what it would be if venom were in it. Sandman is a great character to get complex and visual with …

    And I don’t think it’s smart to have two villains. Batman 2 comes to mind. Please, no.

    I’m only going to make this point about Thomas Haden Church ONE last friggin time, and


    Thomas Haden Church
    Blue Eyes, Reddish Blonde Hair and currently WORKING OUT specifically for the role of (insert your villain here) for Spiderman 3.

    Either way, he has to bulk up because:

    Sandman’s stats:

    Height: Variable (6’1″)
    Weight: Variable (450 lbs)
    Eyes: Brown
    Hair: Brown

    450 pounds!!! And that’s PURE MUSCLE, remember that Fan Boys.



    Height: 6′ 3″
    Weight: 260 lbs
    Eyes: Blue
    Hair: Reddish Blond

    Now what do you think is more attainable? 450 pounds of muscle or 260 pounds of muscle?

    And if Thomas Haden Church has REDDISH BLOND HAIR and BLUE EYES … and VENOM HAS REDDISH BLONDE HAIR and BLUE EYES … doesn’t that make a PERFECT fit?

    Please, think for a second.

    Ok, my fanboy hating has ceased. Commence discussion on:


    (sorry, couldn’t resist)

  98. tj says:

    First off, Venom would definitly be the better villian. First off, he was also part of the Sinister Six. Second off, he lacks human emotion, Doc. Ock had some at the end of Spiderman 2. Why is this good? Think about it… he would do whatever it takes to kill Spidey, now that would be a good fight. And than, I think the CGI for Venom would be better than Sandman. Think of the body design, Sandman starts off as solid, not Venom. Venoms body has a liquidy look to it. Not to mention he has all the abilities of Spiderman and is STRONGER!!! This all good ingredients for an awesome encounter.

  99. MaSkeD_MeNaCe says:

    Venom was a member of sinister six?Come on…

  100. Ray` says:

    A few things to add in here… Im very confused recently as i have just watched a show called “Adventures of the Kratt Brothers” or something liek that where they showed Chimp’s capturing,brutally beating and then eating Monkeys…. I mean… It was weird.. Chimps are 7 times stronger then humans… so for S3 I would like to see a group of trained monkeys going after spiderman…. the monkeys couldn’t get away… and they got their heads eatin

  101. Ray` says:

    sorry that SHOULD say trained chimps….

  102. AVERY says:


  103. venommm says:

    ok avery just leave i mean common doc ock girl?? wtf ppl on this sight are loosing it ive seen ppl say stupid stuff like that or like they thought ben reilly which is peters clone and its outta control. and the man wolf would look like something from like a 1960 sum suppose to be scarry horror film but wasent scarry. i have an idea . how about we just wait untill they anounce the villans that sounds like the best thing to do right now instead of sitting here at eachothers throats raving on about a marvel movie even thogh spiderman is the best superhero ever ;)

  104. Ray` says:

    the traiend chimps are gonan eat ur monkey ass… GO CHIMPS!

  105. MaSkEd_MenAcE says:

    Ray, your idea of chimps reminded me of Gibbon who is an ally of Kraven and fought against Spidey many times. So Kraven and Gibbon’d be interesting yeah?

  106. MaSkEd_MeNaCe says:

    Ray, your idea of chimps reminded me of Gibbon who is an ally of Kraven and fought against Spidey many times. So Kraven and Gibbon’d be interesting yeah?

  107. SpideyFan says:

    Seems this blog is dead when we start talking about Chimps and misinformation on Venom.

    Right after McFarlane left to do his own thing and created Spawn, the Spiderman universe became quite bizaare. McFarlane ended the Venom saga properly, and it was reintroduced by the later writers, bringing us Carnage … but Venom ended up being degraded into a carnage like character and people couldn’t differentiate between who was more fierce or evil, because barring the Red colored spiderman outfit, he fought and looked almost identical to Venom.

    Then there later was some distinction in the drawings with venom being the “muscular” one and carnage being the skinny, diseased looking jagged one. Either way, both of thier characters had little depth and silly storylines.

    When Marvel didn’t know what to do, they decided to reintroduce Peter Parker in modern times for a so-called “younger” audience. But I think the younger audience was doing just fine admiring spiderman for what he has alerady accomplished and they should have not restarted the universe.

    The New Universe spiderman sped up every single storyline, reducing Doc Ock to more of a sophistocated mobster type criminal than a scientist who really wanted to do good; Goblin was just insane and always was; Venom is just an evil spiderman; And every other character is developed just enough to give us what his name is and why he should be here.

    The side stories suck, and everything is focused on the action and childish reactions from everyone else.

    Either way, the point is this: Venom is a more deep character than Sandman. On the other hand, sandman could very well be more visually pleasing on the big screen in terms of what he could do; Venom would be more of a dark, horror type movie villain whereas Sandman is torn between being good and being a criminal.

    Hard call, but I’m heding my bet on Sandman, with venom being a wish character.


  108. Ray` says:

    No need to diss my chimpazee’s… your just jealous I thought of it first!!

    Um…Sandman being torn between good and evil?, i thought sandman was a escaped convict who hides out at some abandoned nuclear plant and accidently gets full of it… PUFF Sandman…(the warehouse was near the beach BOI)…

    Anyways… Venom would be my favourite and from what I can tell the moajority’s favourite, but people don’t always get what they want. I HOPE its not Sandman and HobGoblin, but that won’t change the fact that I’ll be first in line on opening night either, and on a last note I hope Raimi stays on for a couple more movies so when they eventually DO use venom that he is done with style and done right….. ANYWAYS CHEERS

  109. venommm says:

    lets get to the point i think most of would agree that venom kicks ass and sandman is just one dumb beach party

  110. kyebopp says:

    well, as long as it isnt Kraven The Hunter or The Chamelion, I dont care who the villain will be, i’ll b watchin this movie.. IMO kraven and chamelion suck. Actually i always thought Electro would make a good movie villain

  111. venommm says:

    electro is a pretty cool villan hahaha i could see like nick cage playing him for some reason but idk why

  112. lizardfreak says:

    The Sandman thing is probably Sam Raimi’s way of throwing off spies. Hopefully anyway. Sandman would be a great villian, just not the way the movies are going. Green Goblin,Doc Ock, Sandman?
    that does not fit, how would it. Dr. Curt Connors was in the last one, maybe the Lizard will rise to be, who fucking knows right.

  113. Twisty Yayo says:

    SO SANDMAN IT IS. THIS IS EXELLENT!!! there wont be any venom or his son carnageuntil the war in space after lots more comic movies. i dout well see them in any of the six movies, like i said before it would be cool, but not to comic standards. THE SINISTER SIX/ 6 SPIDEY MOVIES sounds like its gonna work.
    Does any one besides me remeber anything about EDDIE BROCK???
    Will there be a GAMBIT on the big screen???
    And they need Dr. Henry McCoy without the fur!?!

  114. Twisty Yayo says:

    OK LETS RECAP: Green Goblin #1, Dr. Octopus #1.
    I garetee we will see the Green Goblin #2 and Dr. Octopus #1 RETURN;:: Mystrio, Vulture, Sandman, Dr. Octopus, WHO’S NEXT???

    just wait till the captain american script is done along with silver surfer and thor…

  115. venommm says:

    is this twisty dude trippin on sum?

  116. Twisty Yayo says:


  117. Twisty Yayo says:



  118. Ray` says:


  119. JOEY says:


  120. Twisty Yayo says:

    Yessssssssssssss! :)

  121. Twisty Yayo says:

    deomgoblin shierk carnage the lobo bro. puma kraven mystyro electra vulture sandman venom hobgoblin lizard the rose dr. octopus green goblin

  122. razamataz says:

    this is a compleat shot in the dark, but how about sandman, as you have said, can only be killed by… ven! Have harry hire him to kill s/m and have s/m lose (gasp) but then find the venom sute (set up some wher els in the film) and beat sandman and go after harry for trying to kill him, i think it was him who tuck mj to that other dimenchon, k? so in no 4 you can have peter whith cat, venom and tie up the gobblin story!!
    p.s im sorry for the spelling erers

  123. sandmansucks says:

    any of you that think this movie is still gonna be good needs to leave now… venom would completely blow away anybody who went to see the movie, they have to do venom he is only the coolest of all the spiderman villains. besides, who wants to see a movie about a pile of sand? i dont….. it seems so bad….. personally i would rather see a daredevi sequel then a spiderman movie with the sandman… they need to brin in the venom….. or at least carnage, i mean come on…..

  124. K.J. says:

    Toby rules as Spider-Man!!! I wish he could do the other three movies! But unlike me some people think that Toby sucks as Spidey… I mean DUH!!! The guy who wrote the comics himself said that Peter Parker was supposed to be a geek! I love Toby all the way! (And no I haven’t read the comicx books) I have seen pics of the Spider-Man comics and actually I’ve always thought they should’ve made him look geekier in them. But YAY they picked the right guy to play him! He’s aborably cute in his own way, I think he’s awesome!!!! GO TOBY!!!

    Anyway on the Venom Issue…

    I’m pretty happy with any villian they decide on. But I’ve always wanted Black Cat to be in at least one of the movies… Luckily I’ve read a article that says there is going to be a blonde female villian also in the third film. I’m really glad! Maybe it’s Black Cat! LOL :D

  125. K.J. says:

    The whole thing about Toby was to GavinFB also…

  126. jumpingspider says:

    I would love to see venom in Spider-Man 3 or any of the next films to be made. I mean it would just be the best movie ever, between the fighting, and Peter trying to outrun Venom. Spider-Man can’t sense Venom because they have similar powers, and it also has something to do with the symbiote suit. Picture it, SPider-Man gets done fighting a villian, is swinging around the city peacefully, and BOOM…….Venom swings right into Spider-Man without him even knowing! FUCKING AWSOME

  127. giganlover217 says:

    I think Sandman could actually work really well. Think about the fight scenes it could make. And if he dies(which he probably will), he could have a totaly awesome death. He could fall into flames and get turned to glass, or he could get hit by a huge wave of water and be completly disinegrated. But whoever it is, I trust Raimi will be able to make it wonderful. So stop with the “OMG venom not in thiss movee it gona tottalee suk LOL!” stuff.

  128. sandman is fucked says:

    spiderman 3 will really FUCKING suck without venom but mayb they thot venom was too hard to make it sux man..

  129. Larry says:

    I belive that mabey these “sony spies” are actually people set up to say Sandman to throw us off. But this is just my opinion, lets hope Spider man series does not become as flat as the Hulk.

  130. Ghost Dragon says:

    .. Man i really thought that Venom and Carnege Was going to be the starter of spider man three and hopefully carried on for about 2 movies considering how lond the animeted sieres went on so is Sand man is the villien then That is crap they might as well as have Lizared man and that morfius on the movie insted the better villiens and it would most likelly make the Movie a little scaryer too if you think about is.

    I do hope to see Venom and carnege in the 4th movie and Maybe in a too part special movie too well anyway You could do alot with the movies cause if you all remember when Lady widow and the one dude put spider man in differnt Diminsion’s And there was all the Marvel or the 6 differnt Spider man The would be a cool Movie there well we will have to see what happens ..

    Well gotta go to work See ya :)

  131. sandmansucks says:

    ok look venom would be easy enough to make…. if they can make general greivouos (a 4 armed sith/android/alien [star wars character]) completely CG they can make Venom…. And Mr Fantastic in the fantastic 4….. he basically can do all the stuff venom can… like stretcing his limbs…. and the webbing would be easy….. so “him being to hard to make” is no excuse

  132. Alex Klarfeld says:

    Man, I’m angry at Raimi. No, I’m fucking furious. Green Goblin has always been my favorite Spider-Man villain. Seeing him in the first one was wondrous. Doc Ock is my second next to Green Goblin. He was wicked in the second one. Venom is my third favorite next to those two, and so many people wanted him in the third film. But NOOOOO, Raimi decided he’d not do it just because he personally doesn’t like Venom. Many say that Sam Raimi cares. He does care-ABOUT HIMSELF!!! I can’t believe he’s now going to disappoint thousands of fans like the self-centered pig that he is. I used to respect him(hint, hint, for the fact my top 2 favorite villains of Spidey were shown and the movies rocked)but then he showed his true colors, and wouldn’t use Venom, # 3 next to GG and DO, just because for some bizarre and twisted reason, he hates him. Doesn’t he care about others? NO! And by the way, why the fuck does he hate Venom? Raimi knows Venom is a popular and excellent fighter of a villain, just like Green Goblin and Doc Ock, my first two favorites, as mentioned. Why does he hate such a cool Venom who did nothing but be a classic. Tell me, Raimi, I’d really like to know!

  133. giganlover217 says:

    Okay, I said this once and I’ll say it again: YOU GOTTA HAVE MORE FAITH IN RAIMI!!!!! So you think this movie will be completly terrible without Venom? He’s made two good movies that stick to Spider-man and still entertain(neither of which had Venom,mind you). If he doesn’t put Venom in his movie, so what? Oh, and please don’t think I’m anti-Venom. As a matter of fact I LOVE Venom. I’m just saying that if it isn’t Venom, you shouldn’t be completly devestated and start throwing temper tantrums.

  134. TONY says:


  135. pung says:

    i may not read the comics or the cartoon show even but seems like the movies are based more off the comics (goblin dropping mary jane instead of gwen and the glider hitting norman ect.) i dont really want to see another goblin and im not neccesarily a fan of venom cause i think its same thing with goblin same type of powers and such sand man i dont really like even tho seems neat at the same time but sand man wasnt really defeated until he fused with hydro man but personnaly i want at least with my internet research so far mysterio but i know that wont at least happen in the 3rd but on a video somewhere i saw raimi saying he heard 6 movies but as alot of ppl said b4 they might not be working on all of them and stop at least on the third

  136. pung says:

    well actually i just remembered some 1 saying a repetitive thing but actually we cant prove that till third comes out

  137. andrew says:

    ok people i think that the next spider man movie *spider man 3* is gona be awsome no matter what villin cause i thought all the spider man movies where awsome! lol well ppl thats just me but i bet there gona do a great job on it =)

  138. Alex Klarfeld says:

    I’m very angry at Raimi. Yes, he did a good job on the first two films. My # 1 favorite Spidey villain has always been and still is the Green Goblin/Norman Osborn. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing my top liking on the big screen in Spider-Man 1. Then there’s Doctor Octopus, who is my # 2 favorite next to Green Goblin. His performance in Spider-Man 2 rocked my world and that of everyone who saw it. Venom is my third favorite next to the Goblin and the Doc, and I really wanted him in Spidey 3. Then again, at least with Sandman, whoever Grace is playing, and Harry as the Hobgoblin(as far as I can tell)we’ll at least be done with the whole Harry blaming Spidey for his father’s death thing. Even so, I wanted Venom. But hey, even if Raimi hates him and won’t put him in this movie, I bet he’ll have no choice due to fans voting to put Venom and Lizard in Spider-Man 4 or each separately in 4 and 5. So just hang in there, guys.

  139. madfan12 says:

    You are all stupid, Thomas Haden Church is playing the Black Cat in Spider-Man 3, isn’t he? I mean it makes sense, he’s perfect for the role in evry way. I truly believe the next villian will be Ronald McDonald or Kingpin. Heck, it coulsd even be Abba. But if anything goes for me being serious with this pst, it would be the appearance/cameo of the Black Cat, with Jessica Alba as the character.

  140. buffys stake says:

    there was a hell of alot of post so kinda skiped last half but i think the thing but rights 2 venom is truen, and i think it should be venom. his stprier would be sooo much easier to tweak to make it more believable. i also think what with the whole alien venom back story blah blah that jonahs son whatr wiv bein in space alot and bein pissed at peter for takin his girl wud make a great villian.alibi i dont think it will b till spidey 4.raimis doing a great job of setting up possible villians 4 all possible 6 movies

  141. lizardfreak12 says:

    I have had it, my friends and I guessed that the villian would be Doc Ock for Spidey 2, and everyone said it would be the Hobgoblin or Grree Goblin 2. Now we guessed going off of a video game and making an assumption about an Electron mircoscope in which we saw Doc Ock and a microscope thing in a game. Lucky guess right, I thought so to, because we were wrong about there being two villians in Spidey 2 and a whole bucnh of other crap. NOW THE IMPORTANT DISCOVERY, If you look on the back of the DVD box cover of Spider-Man 2, look at the flames above Doc Ocks head, move the box away from your eyes and a clear vision of Venom is visible, that or I had a wet dream. You guys have to try it out if you don’t believe me.

  142. lizardfreak12 says:

    You can argue with me but, Marvel movies always have hidden images in their films. And I have posted eveywhere that Eddie Brock will be Venom in Spider-Man 4 and will be introduced in Spider-Man 3.

  143. Alex Klarfeld says:

    Okay, I’m back! I have a few things to tell all of you. Five, in fact.


    2. To lizardfreak-You are right when you sayu Venom will be in Spidey 4. Green Goblin and Doctor Octopus, the top two, have had their turns. And Harry will have his turn along with Sandman(who I admit I like a lot)in the third film. And I hope to see Lizard along with Venom in # 4. So, congratulations on your A+ brain, lizardfreak! I admire you!

    3. I am well aware that Harry is the second Green Goblin in the comics. But as mentioned before, no one wants to wait 3 years to see the same villain. So, whether you disbelievers like it or not, Harry’s gonna be the Hobgoblin! Spider-Man 3! You go, Sandy and Hobby! Wooooo!

    4. Black Cat will appear in a Spider-Man movie one time or another. I most certainly hope for her to be played by Jessica Simpson instead of Alba, even though I like both beautiful women. What do all of you guys think of that? Please be specific with your answer, thank you a bunch.

    5. There are definately going to be 6 Spider-Man movies, but the third one is the last one Sam Raimi is directing. The next three will have a different director. No offense to Raimi, but how much do you want to bet that he’ll do better. Oh, and Raimi? I apologize for losing my temper. I have a knack for doing that. I am calm now, and I have much more faith in you, Sam. But I would still like to know why you hate Venom.

  144. lizardfreak12 says:

    The Lizard, Mysterio, Venom, Hobgoblin (Green Goblin 2), Shocker, Rhino, Vulture, Kraven the Hunter, Chameleon, Black Cat, Carnage, and a villian Raimi will make up himself, are all possible villians. Even though Raimi may not be directing the final 3 films, he may still oversee the projects to make sure nobody fucks up his work of gold.

    Doc Ock might return, for we didn’t see him actually die. And out of my above list of possible villians I think the Lizard and Mysterio are the two most likely villians. With appearances by the Shocker, or Rhino, or Vulture, or any other minor villian. The Black Cat would be perfect for the series because it would give conflict to Peter Parker’s love life when he struggles with 2 love interests both Mary Jane and The Black Cat.

    These villians don’t all have to appear or reappear in the upcoming movie, but can in the 4th, 5th, 6th, or spin-off movies. I just hope the classic Sam Raimi comes back in this movie in which he puts the movie onto a dark and twisted path. For one, the only way Venom would work is if the movies got scary and creppy but still had that original feeling to it. When we get to villians like Carnage and the Lizard, HOLY CRAP, LOOK OUT. The Goblin’s Curse, Venom and Carnage, and The Lizard are Spider-Man’s deadlist villians.

    The Goblin’s Curse is always conflicting with Peter Parker’s life. First we get the Green Goblin, Then the Green Goblin’s return and then the Hobgoblin. And the Hobgoblin goes through over 4 diffrent people before being put to rest, but in the early 90′s the last Hobgoblin made a deal with a demon and we got Demogoblin!

    I trust Sam Raimi in any decision he makes about the series, I would like to see all the same cast members and director for at least a 4th movie. Then we just have to worry about how 5 and 6 would turn out under a different director and cast. We also get to look forward to spin-off movies like, Carnage, or The Black Cat, or Spider-Girl, or even a futuristic Spider-Man movie. By the end of the next 10 or 20 years we could have a lost of SPider-Man films, we still have to see if Marvel will cross over the movies just like the comics did, that would be fun.

    Bruce Campbell has said on G4 while in an interview about his new book that he will cameo in the next Spider-Man film. He said he was going to annoy Spider-Man, lol, can’t wait to see how that one turns out.

  145. Lord Nacho says:

    wierd. i heard a while back that it would be Harry Ozborne as the HobGoblin. mabey that will be in a later spidey movie. I myself would love to see Venom and Carnage, the 2 coolest spiderman villans ever, in the movies.

  146. lizardfreak12 says:

    this has already been discussed, and we probably will see Harry Osbourne taking flight in the Goblin suit and follow in his father’s footsteps. He is the most possible villian to be rumored since this film might be the last Spider-Man film to have all of the original cast and director Sam Raimi. I hope they all stay on for at least a 4th film. By the time we get to the 5th and 6th the franchise might be dead.

  147. Barson Flint says:

    Both Topher Grace and Hayden Church will play the Chameleon!

    Interesting thought eh!

  148. lizardfreak12 says:

    No, that makes no sense.

  149. james byrne says:

    venom and carnage are too big they can’t have them in the third film. so i think harry osborn or sandman are the way to go

  150. G-Sword says:

    no one wants to see another goblin in the flim. we already seen one we don’t need to see another to be the main bad guy. yes, it will be fine if the osborne was goblin, but not the main bad guy.

    and sandman would not be good in the movie. not a lot of people know who he is, i didn’t even know who he was until i saw this. and i know a lot spiderman characters. the reason why venom wasn’t in the first 2 movies is because goblin, oct came before venom. AND LIKE IT OR NOT VENOM IS ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR characters in spiderman. they will make a movie about venom sooner or later. venom has been on so many video games with spiderman and is one of spiderman’s dangerous foes (carnage is probably the worst). there r so many more popular character than sandman. venom deserves a movie more than any villian.

  151. lizardfreak12 says:

    If you didn’t know who Sandman was before reading this doesn’t mean hes not known by many. Many older fans of the comics are big fans of the Sandman, who in the comics was a great villian, but a transition from him going from paper pages to the big screen will not look good or hold good to the storyline.

    Venom is a popular character with the majority of fans(younger fans that is)I myself like all of the villains, Spider-Man does have the best villians ever. And you have to look at the story of the current franchise and realize that Venom is at the end of the list of villains to appear. If he was the villian in the first film, the franchise would have died with the second film. The effects, darkness, origin and story would suck and nothing could follow up to a villian like Venom to wow the fans and general movie goers.

    And screw the video games, them have no real hold to the storylines and are intended for fun. They aren’t going to make a SPider-Man movie based off a SPider-Man video game, are you nuts? Or just incredibly young and stupid.

    Yes they are better villians than Sandman, but Venom and Carnage are at the in storage list right now. Maybe we will see Eddie Brock in the next film, and maybe we won’t.

    The deadlist and darkest villain is the Lizard, since 1) he is like Peter’s 3rd mentor who is a mad scientist and in the name of science destroys his life and becomes a monster. 2) The Lizard cannot be talked out of going crazy or calming down, the only way for that to happen is on his own will or when the Lizard effects wear off. 3) The Lizard is blood thirsty, angry, and unstopable beast……gotta love him!

  152. G-Sword says:

    u r the one that must be stupid or just didn’t read what i said. i didn’t say that they should make a movie based on a video game. I SAID VENOM DESERVES TO BE IN ONE OF MOVIES SINCE HE IS LIKE THE ONLY SPIDERMAN CHARACTER ALWAYS WITH SPIDERMAN IN VIDEO GAMES (LIKE THEM CAPCOM fighting games, Maximum Carnage, Nemesis, and many more)read next time.

    Venom, carnage should be in one of the last films.

    the lizard deserves to be in the movie as well.

  153. HUGHESY says:


    Sandman is THE BEST. No one beats him, he’s smart, crafty, evil, and almost unstoppable. The guy can change form for god sakes. VENOM SUCKS BALLS. I’m sorry, everyone loves him i know but he’s too complicated and all space-aged and alien like. I used to like him, then realised the greatness of the classic villains. SANDMAN NEEDS TO BE IN THE MOVIE, or scorpion, or mysterio, or rhino, or electro. They are all amazing. Venom can lick my balls and i never want to see him on the big screen. Im a huge spidey fan, read a lot of comics, watched almost all the 60′s tv series (which is the best by far, again with the classics). i know u all love venom, but sandman kicks his ass.


  154. lizardfreak12 says:

    Scorpion, Rhino, Mysterio, and Electro? HELL yeaH!!! They kick major ass and screw taking names, but Sandman………he works in the comic books but I don’t know how his character would play out on the big screen. Seeing a guy turn to sand and slip through the cracks of a door in the comics is awsome, but seeing it on the big screen and appearing after what we have seen with Doc Ock in Spider-Man 2, the Sandman couldn’t really hold his own. Unless of course they do some crazy ass shit that we wouldv’e never even dreamed the Sandman could do! That would be awsome!

    I personally like Venom, if he is in fact going to be in this one, they will have to really change around his back story. Everyone seems to think Topher Grace will be playing Venom, but I think he will be playing Maxwell Dillion, a.k.a Electro!

  155. magnumturkey says:

    i think the sandman could works in a certain dose but there would be need for a second villan. dont get me wrong, the sandman has been one of my fav’s since i was a wee lad reading comics all day and night. Electro would be great and he is starting to make more of a dent in the marvel universe (new avengers). ive been hearing rumors of the chameleon which i think would suck. i know many newer spidey fans who are not familiar with him and i think that the power of spidey 3 would not have the kind of effect it has in the past. but on the other hand, if you can take a character like doc ock and turn him into what he was on the big screen, anything is possible..

  156. magnumturkey says:

    also, all these grade a villians would work to a much higher extent if they kept their original duds. that has always been a major thing that has drawn me to the spidey villians. not that green goblin metallic robotic BS.

  157. ducati_748 says:

    guys, guys…there would have to be a spider-man 103 to fit in every villain that we want, let alone 50 for venom (cos he has to go to space)…and that will ruin the movie! sam raimi has made a really good decision, although it is the biggest dissapointment to me tha venom isn’t goin to be in the movies…(my whole childhood is based on him(i still have blow up toys of him)). but sandman is a sucky badguy… theres nothing strong about him, i mean, he’s made of sand from the kids sand box in central park!!! you cant seriously say thats cool…i personally thought they’d go with the lizard. i mean the doc with one arm is already there in the 2nd movie(for 2 seconds). but i guess we’ll find out.

  158. CD says:

    Sandman and Venom are the bad guys in 3. I don’t know how Raimi will intorduce them, but the story will rock just like the first 2.

  159. Kryptonite says:


    Thomas Hayden Church=Sandman… Topher Grace=Venom

  160. Zadok says:

    Asyik banget dech…….