This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 29th, 2005 at 7:15 am.
Categories: News Chat | By Richard

Sin City opens on Friday, but the critic reviews are already rolling in… and man do they ever look good! Here’s what some of them are saying:

“There’s something to appreciate around every corner — the gritty characters, the uncompromising story, and, most of all, visuals to astound and amaze.”
James Berardinelli, REELVIEWS

“‘Classic’ isn’t word enough to describe this unflinching look into the dark side of the comic book world.”

“An exhilarating tapestry of valor, selfishness, deceitfulness, and martyrdom.”
Nicholas Schager, SLANT MAGAZINE

Every review I’ve read for Sin City is pretty much really positive right across the board. Man… Friday just can’t get here fast enough for me! I can’t wait to see this thing!

After you’ve seen the film yourself, come back to this post and tell us what you thought of it.

87 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Xun Shin

    ::Drools:: I’m with you john, something about this picture is really gunna bring the comic book world home for me

  2. Simone

    Since this movie wont hit UK theaters till August, I can only wait impatiently. *groans*

  3. Pudie

    August? Dear lord I’d go insane. Im going crazy just waiting for Friday. I was looking forward to this movie more then anything else this year. Im so glad a movie finally lives up to the hype.

  4. tom

    June 3rd for the UK, actually. Same week as The League of Gentlemen’s Apocalypse and Kung-Fu Hustle. Good week. Would have been an even better week, but Nightwatch (the Russian fantasy thing that Tarantino said was his favourite film of last year alongside Shaun of the Dead) just got booted to October.

    Still damned irritating we have to wait two months, though…

  5. Pudie

    That is a good week. Kung Fu Hustle is a great movie.

  6. Alfredo

    I knew it.

  7. Film-Fanatic

    May 26th here in Australia - can’t wait!

  8. Simone

    ‘Cause the last I heard is they moved it from June to August. Then if it is in June, that’s better than waiting till August.

  9. herby

    I have read some bad reviews on this film, BUT the biggest complaint has been the lack of morality and the violence. When the religious right starts complaining a film I’m automatically there.

    Also I’ve bben a fan of Miller’s since Daredevil 158.

    Friday!!! First Showing!!!

  10. Flex Kavana

    I work at Miramax and saw a screening.

    It’s really good. I know you all will enjoy it!

  11. Jerry Nimble

    This movie looks really terrible

  12. Xun Shin

    Jerry…have you been living under a rock, not only af airly well casting, from what I hear, and preveiws I’ve seen, an Amazing story the WALL visual effects and jessica alba….this my friend…will not suck..

  13. kevin shiue

    apparently the new york times gave it a less than stellar review, and would make me think twice about seeing the movie…

  14. DePoz

    Ebert gave a grizzly over-the-top action film 4 stars. Need I say more??

  15. Herby

    I read the Times review. It was a mixed review pointing out the good and bad of the film. He seemed rather upset over the fact that the film was all digital. Perhaps it insulted his high-brow view of the world. The majority of the reviews have been steller.

  16. Mike

    Damn…!!! Jessica Alba looked so damn hot in this movie… I know im gonna see this movie again and again…

  17. Simone

    “apparently the new york times gave it a less than stellar review, and would make me think twice about seeing the movie…”

    I am not being funny but sometimes (or even most of the times) the New York Times bunch are just snobs and big time elitists.

  18. Julia

    This movie sucked the sweat off a dead man’s balls. It was poorly acted and written, boring, and unentertaining. If you like this movie, you’re a retard.

  19. Paula

    Just saw the film last night. I don’t look at comic books, but this I will look at over and over. It is without a doubt the most beautiful and horrible thing I’ve ever seen, very addictive film.

  20. Laurie Rogers

    Im anything BUT the religious right. This movies total unrespect for females, including, but not limited to, the violence acted out and portrayed on every female in the movie, preying on women’s worst fears and blantent sexism and misyogny sickened me. This movie is for a twisted teenage boy, and I dont think that it should have ever been produced. There is enough violence and hatred in this world WITHOUT this movie!

  21. Laurie Rogers

    Im anything BUT the religious right. However, this movies total unrespect for females, including, but not limited to, the violence acted out and portrayed on every female in the movie, preying on women’s worst fears and blantent sexism and misyogny sickened me. This movie is for a twisted teenage boy, and I dont think that it should have ever been produced. There is enough violence and hatred in this world WITHOUT this movie!

  22. bacci40

    “This movie sucked the sweat off a dead man’s balls.”

    i missed that part

    ill have to see it again

    but im a retard, what do i know

  23. lug

    religion = death of free speech/art

  24. Hey Lug.

    Any Biggotry and Closed mindedness (including anti-religious bigotry) = death of free speech/art

    Just a thought. How can you say you are for free speech when at the same time you’re trying to tell someone else to shut up?

  25. CodeRed®

    Apparently Julia has no taste in movies….This movie has great acting and class…And if you thing it was badly written your are a complete dumbass like Julia. This movie is a must buy on my dvd list. This was one of the greatest movies ive seen.

  26. varkity

    I hated this movie. There are so many high profile actors and so little acting. In place of an actual story line was gratuitous violence. I walked out of this movie and demanded my money back. What a waste of time. Quentin Terintino has absolutely no talent. I fail to understand how anyone can see this as anything but his sick and twisted mind being expressed on the big screen for people without any sense of individuality to cling to for an identity. You could feel the absolute unnerving feeling from everyone in the room. The guy next to me was drunk. He had the right idea, the only way I could ever make it through that abomination again would be if I were totally wasted. If this is the state of movies to come-I going to start reading more books.

  27. herby

    I don’t agree with some of the opinions of the film either, but the comment that someone is a dumbass is showing off your ignorence.

    There is going to be very little middle ground with this filn, either you will love it or hate it. I am willing to debate the merits of the film with those who don’t like it, but I will not insult that person.

    I can see how some might feel the film is mysogynistic, but the woman kicked ass just as much as the men. Blood for Blood. Lots of blood for blood. Espiecially Devon Aoki as Miho.

    I also find it fascinating that the two most interesting characters in the film, did not speak one word in the entire film (I speak of Miho and Kevin).

  28. Rachel

    Sin City was honestly the worst movie I have ever seen. I will admit I have no clue who Frank Miller is~ or what the movie was about before I got there. I think about 10 people walked out within the first 30 mins…I wish I was one of them. I am not a comic buff…but I can appreciate a good story and interesting special effects. This movie has no plot really- I didn’t understand most of the movie, and the people I went with didn’t get it either. Please don’t waste your money on this film- it was like torture having to sit there debating on whether to leave or not. Believe me- the story does not get better as it get towards the end.

  29. Jonah

    Hey! I’m one of those twisted teenage boys who’s often has no say in “intelligent movie conversations”. But you must remember I make up half of the market, and I loved it. Not only was it pain stakingly beautiful, it completely left the boundaries of a movie and became a moving comic book. Which is exactly what the directors wanted. And for those who hated the ultraviolence, sexism, misogyny, and style, read a comic book and you’ll see why it’s like that

  30. JG22

    Religious Right or not, no amount of yelling from Evangelicals or Feminist groups is going to change this fact: Western Culture is currently more obsessed with sexual degeneration and bloody, violent dismemberment than the Ancient Romans. Fifty years ago, you either had to be a cop, personally involved in organized crime, or in the military during wartime to see the kind of vile garbage that is currently piped into the theaters and telescreens of America on a daily basis. A whole lot of people call this transformation “liberation.” Some people, probably ones over fifty, might refer to it as degeneration.

    You decide.

    If you look around, and recall times past, you may notice that in recent years, musicians have become less and less talented, and are now either manufactured sex puppets who don’t write their own lyrics, or obscure social outcasts that can play guitar, but only know how to scream into the microphone like rabies-infected Gorillas. Everywhere the culutre bombards us with sexualizing propaganda, suggests that women are barely more than blowup dolls that move and talk, and increasingly decides that ANY form of public expression, no matter how disgusting, debasing, or evil (yes THAT word), should be tolerated by all for the sake of free speech.

    Countless people say “If you don’t like it, don’t watch it.” Alright, lets say I manage to get major theaters to release a film of mine that basically drags all of THEIR deepest-held values and beliefs through a mile-long mud trench, and then takes a huge, diarrheal dump all over them before lighting them on fire. If, after that, they don’t call for my lynching, I’ll commend them for being blindly devoted to tolerance, even if it means the destruction (or at least the significant weakening) of their culture. If they do, I’ll say “Now ya’ll know how us Evil Right-Wing Fundamentalist Christo-Fascists feel.”

  31. Herby

    “Fifty years ago, you either had to be a cop, personally involved in organized crime, or in the military during wartime to see the kind of vile garbage that is currently piped into the theaters and telescreens”

    JG obviously never watched “The Untouchables”

  32. Herby

    By way of clarification, I loved “The Untouchables”

    It was, however, far more violent than any of the dramas on television today.

  33. JG22

    Okay, I’ll admit I probably left some demographics out of that list, but this is going on what my Father (64yrs) told me about the era.

    For a clearer view of what I was trying to say, please visit the following highly-offensive link:

  34. David Terry

    It is extremely easy to look at the old days with rose tinted lenses, but were they really that good? Would you really want to live in an era or be around when the following events took place?

    1) In 1939-1945 an Austrian man decided he wanted to run the world and in the process killed over 6-million Jewish people and millions of American, British & French soldiers.

    2) In August 1945 the Americans dropped an Atomic bomb on Hiroshima killing millions of innocent Japenese. This was done to speed up Japans exit from the war and was also seen as the perfect time to TEST the A-bomb!!!!

    3) In 1964 the Americans enter into a war with Vietnam that lasts 11-years. Millions of American and Vietnamese are killed and injured.

    4) In 1919 the British gathered a group of 50-soldiers in the Punjab area of Amritsar. Once gathered they fired 1650 rounds of amunition killing 349 and injuring a further 1500 Punjabs silently protesting against British rule!

    5) After the passing of the Prohibition act in America, alcohol became the biggest black market entity in the states. American gangsters grew from this. As rivalrys grew over 500-men were killed between 1926 and 1929 culmivating in the St Valentines day massacre of 1929.

    That is not to metion the following: -

    1) The rise of the KKK and their subsequent racial, political and homophobic abuse and killings.
    2) The Krays and London gangland violence, protection rackets!
    3) Numerous wars and atrocities in africa, including racial “clensing” and political murders.

    The list could go on and on. And not all the people involved were cops, soldiers or gangsters. Hundreds and thousnads of innocent people were killed or injured by these events. Many people witness these events with there on eyes!

    The world has always been, for many people, a terrible place to be. We in the Western world have not seen the half of it! Thanks to us, millions and millions of people in Africa, Asia, Middle East and even South America are dying and suffering!

    Yes todays world is a bad place. Yes drugs, paediphilia, rape, gun culture is on the increase. Yes the internet does aid criminals and sicko’s. I lock my doors, I don’t leave things lying around, I dont allow my girlfriend to walk around late at night on her own. Does world is scary.

    Film does show all the above, in the extremes. Film does portray killing, rape, drug taking. But is film to blame for all that is wrong with the world? When films were not as graphic as they are today, when the world was supposidly a better place, what made people commit the acts that are noted above? What was to blame then?

    Surely our leaders should shoulder a lot of the blame? When governments and politicians set the sort of examples in the past that are noted above. When they justify killing and hurt in the name of “war”. When they have allowed / continually allow the atrocities and desolation to take place throughout the world. What sort of example has that / does that set to people of today?

    I could go on for ever, because as much as film sometimes crosses a line it maybe shouldn’t cross, to blame it for all that is bad is such a narrow minded view and opinion!


  35. Herby

    Bravo David!!!

    Also the films of yesteryear were not all innocent and Peaches and Cream.

    In “M” Peter Lorre plays a Pedophile (1931)

    Lee Marvin throws Scaulding Coffee in Gloria Grahame’s face in “The Big Heat” (1953)

    Richard Widmark pushing a wheelbound old lady down a flight of stairs in “Kiss of Death” (1947)

    Tyrone Power biting the heads off live chickens in “Nightmare Alley” (1947)

    An eye being sliced with a straight razor (close-up) in “Un Chien Andalou” (1928).

    Film Noir is chock full of violent moments and “Sin City” continues with that tradition brilliantly.

  36. jd

    what happened to movies that don’t need senseless violence to drive a story? Or is violence used in this case in place of a lackluster or non-existent plot? Maybe it worked for a comic, but it did not pass for a movie.

    I guess the point of this is that everyone in Sin City is rotten. Ooo haven’t heard that one before. Problem is, that means I don’t care for any of the characters. They’re all trash, people I don’t feel bad for or want to know. Victims of their own circumstances. I wanted Marv to die way before he finally did. In fact, I’d hoped this pathetic movie ended completely at that point. Put it out of it’s nihlistic misery.

    My eyes glaze over the violence. zzzzz. it’s not entertaining, it’s not funny, it’s just plain lame and sadistic. Why are so many of you so into violence? Got nothing else to shock you anymore? Did the media tell you it was “cool”? ooo, blood! yay, senseless death and murder!! why do you need to be shocked to be entertained???

    Get lives people. Get some taste while you’re at it, and some normal human emotions that are not influenced by movies and tv. You are not a victim of your society, just because others around you have low moral standards doesn’t mean you should sink to their level just to be liked. losers.

    And just because you don’t understand what people write doesn’t make them elitist - it makes you stupid. Maybe you should read the Times more often. It’s only written at a 5th grade reading level - you might be able to handle it if you try real hard.

  37. Darren K.

    The greatest movie I have ever seen in my entire life. In. My. Entire. Life.

  38. Darren K.

    Damnation. Sorry for the spam. Was not in any way intentional. From an absolute Frank Miller and comic book fanatic, I can say this is the most honest comic book adaptation I have ever seen, and could hope to see. I’ve been waiting years to see a Return of the Dark Knight movie made, or even a batman: year one. But Warner Bros. are morons, and are making Batman Beings instead. I am impressed with Robert Rodriguez, and the casting director. Never have I seen so many big names in one picture. They all get great screen time, and all have stellar preformances.
    As for the whole “violence” bitching I have been reading on here: Read the damn Sin City comics. Having already stated that this is a great adaptaion, you can already guess that the violence and all that was in the comics to begin with, and pulling no punches. I for one am glad that nothing was edited out. The film noir tribute was apparent in the comics, and brought to absolute life on the silver screen. I love this movie. Feel free to disagree with me; it is your right. But will I care? No. Not really.

  39. Michael G.

    “what happened to movies that don’t need senseless violence to drive a story?”

    There was senseless violence? I don’t know, the violence all made sense to me. A pedophile getting shot is going to bleed, a criminal electrocuted is going to bleed, a sick man decapitated is going to bleed.

    It’s a great film about chivalry in a rotten city. In a place where the cops and politicans are corrupt, and murder seems to happen everyday, there are three unlikely heroes that are just looking out for the people they love. People can complain that it is sexist because the women don’t wear much, but the women are all incredibly strong and independent. It’s not like the hookers of old town were depressed girls being abused by a pimp; they’re smart women who watch out for each other and practically manage their own city. I don’t see how the film is sexist, as the three central characters have respect for women. Marv says he never hits women, Dwight risks his life to make sure the hookers keep their independence, and Hartigan just goes to save the only person who loves him (and endures torture and eventually takes his life to make sure she stays safe).

    It’s an awesome movie. I hate to say this, but those who find it sexist or unnecessarily violent just aren’t getting it. God, I sound like a Matrix fan…

  40. KIT

    This movie may have real visual quality, and moments of great violence, but the acting was awful!!!!!!!!! The dialogue was so stilted and fake-sounding. The dialogue is done so awful that you want to laugh or cry, but you end up annoyed. Not what I imagined at all. This movie is about as good as Dick Tracy 2.
    Bruce Willis, is a damn good actor and his performance was great. The only problem was that Jessica Alba was pitiful, over acting/under acting, had no chemistry, lack of follow-through, no talent and most of all she can not act, therefore she made others acting generic because of the major contrast; steven Hawking could have done a better Nancy. She brought less value to willis’ performance and made it less effective. They should have substituted a broom stick for her. Alba, however was the worst, but she was not the only person who retarded and made this movie pathetic.
    The females in this movie were carelessly casted, and taken from one teeny bopper-romantic-sleazy-millena TEEN movie (scream, Gilmore Girls, American Pie, ect.) and put in a role that was not qualified. The only 2 really good female actresses was Rosario Dawson and the ninja girl (who did not say a single word), these two carried the movie’s mood and style in great understanding.
    The best damn character of the movie had to be Mickey Rourke, who looked and acted with a quality that contrasts much of the cast. Marv was a really strong character that had the tone of MTV’s THE MAXX. This movie was literally carried by the quality acting of Rourke. Willis was good, but Alba is so awful at acting that she vandalized the quality and performance of Bruce and the strength of other characters whom she interacted with.
    The darkness and the artistic aspect was okay. There was way too much CGI and graphics. They used pointless special effects way too much. They did everything in CGI, even cars driving away or coming. This pointless use of graphics is real reminisent of AHHH..HEEEMmmm.. Spy Kids… There was benefits to having this movie in black and white they could do poorly and black out flaws. This movie was really over done and in said, was done impulsively.
    The choices in cast was a real failure. Sin City is the type of movie that would appeal to those who were tired of reading the comic with one hand (attthem, men). The sleaze was abnormally accurate to what MOST men dream; subordinate females, skimpy out fits, helpless women, damsels, underwear clad, camel toe flashing, a girl who ’saves’ herself (looks 16 but they had to make it less pedophelic by suggesting she was 19) for a man who is in his 60’s. Yet, it is rich in “‘moral value’” when he tells the girl that he is in love with her and always was. Well in the beginning it shows this little girl at age 8… makes you think…
    Overall, I got the best entertainment from the blackness of the movie. I can not remember the last time a black and white movie was interesting visually. It was a shame that most of the blood was not clear, or even red. This movie was overdone in every other part and used obvious computer graphics that were low in quality and sequential clarity, but they could not add a contrasting color to the blood. Why? because the blood was not even real in this movie.. Which the blood had a matte appearence and was not visually apparent in this movie. There was parts of violence, but all the best parts had a black screen and the character was filled in solid white, when brains were blown out and ninja scenes took place. The only total color that appeared in this movie was while Bruce was in the strip club; oh you get to see sleaze in full color nudity sex and riding but yet the violence is censored! This is ridiculous that the sexual and promiscuous aspects are bright and noticeable and embraced, but the violence that serves the main purpose of the comics to emphasize the horror of life in sin city. The ‘what it takes is balls’ comic theme is transformed into a really good interpritation for women to see how pathetic, annoying, nerdy, dillusional, conditioned (classically), and shallow many men are. The characters besides Rosario, the ninja girl, willis, Elijah, and Rourke, were chosen by a rising fallace. I mean Elijah Wood actually looked like a great and talented actor in this movie!!! Well then I must look at the caliber of ‘actor/resses’ and then it becomes obvious! The other people were asthetics (nice to look at), period. Yeah, many may say this movie was violent, yes it was, but you could not see the vast majority of it. Yeah, it was definitely sleazy and over the top sexual to a point of desensitization. The only emphasized coloration at all was mainly to show off women’s bodies and their helplessness; which manifests into all women being prostitutes. Nice!

    Overall, I was expecting something comparable to kill bill I. I was expecting blood & guts in extreme detail. What I got was a softcore porn that made me want my money and 2 hours and 8 minutes of my life back.

    DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME.. UNLESS YOU WANT TO SEE SUCKY ACTING especially ALBA and Brittany Murphy. Or you are horned up to see Alba dance on a pole like a sloppy and extremely unconvincing stripper. This movie is overrated, says something about men, and THE BAD ADAPTION OF COMICS TO FILM STILL SHOWS TO BE A FAILURE.

    Courtney Love, would have played the best Nancy.
    Fairuza Balk would have made the best Shellie.
    Ani Defranco (barf) would have made a much more believable lesbian probation officer, rather than Carla Gugino’s fake breasts that do all the acting.
    Then the girl from GILMORE GIRLS- what more is there to say “seventh heaven blah blah (sing it)” this just validates and seals the deal. The casting people chose all the worst actors from all the worst shows and teen movies. They went for asthetics over accuracy. They went for people that do not even look or have the capacity to act the parts. This was a major unethical representation of a classic graphic series. This movie…. was a crying shame… They should recall the movie and make it again.


  41. sin schity

    This movie may have real visual quality, and moments of great violence, but the acting was awful!!!!!!!!! The dialogue was so stilted and fake-sounding. The dialogue is done so awful that you want to laugh or cry, but you end up annoyed. Not what I imagined at all. This movie is about as good as Dick Tracy 2.
    Bruce Willis, is a damn good actor and his performance was great. The only problem was that Jessica Alba was pitiful, over acting/under acting, had no chemistry, lack of follow-through, no talent and most of all she can not act, therefore she made others acting generic because of the major contrast; steven Hawking could have done a better Nancy. She brought less value to willis’ performance and made it less effective. They should have substituted a broom stick for her. Alba, however was the worst, but she was not the only person who retarded and made this movie pathetic.
    The females in this movie were carelessly casted, and taken from one teeny bopper-romantic-sleazy-millena TEEN movie (scream, Gilmore Girls, American Pie, ect.) and put in a role that was not qualified. The only 2 really good female actresses was Rosario Dawson and the ninja girl (who did not say a single word), these two carried the movie’s mood and style in great understanding.
    The best damn character of the movie had to be Mickey Rourke, who looked and acted with a quality that contrasts much of the cast. Marv was a really strong character that had the tone of MTV’s THE MAXX. This movie was literally carried by the quality acting of Rourke. Willis was good, but Alba is so awful at acting that she vandalized the quality and performance of Bruce and the strength of other characters whom she interacted with.
    The darkness and the artistic aspect was okay. There was way too much CGI and graphics. They used pointless special effects way too much. They did everything in CGI, even cars driving away or coming. This pointless use of graphics is real reminisent of AHHH..HEEEMmmm.. Spy Kids… There was benefits to having this movie in black and white they could do poorly and black out flaws. This movie was really over done and in said, was done impulsively.
    The choices in cast was a real failure. Sin City is the type of movie that would appeal to those who were tired of reading the comic with one hand (attthem, men). The sleaze was abnormally accurate to what MOST men dream; subordinate females, skimpy out fits, helpless women, damsels, underwear clad, camel toe flashing, a girl who ’saves’ herself (looks 16 but they had to make it less pedophelic by suggesting she was 19) for a man who is in his 60’s. Yet, it is rich in “‘moral value’” when he tells the girl that he is in love with her and always was. Well in the beginning it shows this little girl at age 8… makes you think…
    Overall, I got the best entertainment from the blackness of the movie. I can not remember the last time a black and white movie was interesting visually. It was a shame that most of the blood was not clear, or even red. This movie was overdone in every other part and used obvious computer graphics that were low in quality and sequential clarity, but they could not add a contrasting color to the blood. Why? because the blood was not even real in this movie.. Which the blood had a matte appearence and was not visually apparent in this movie. There was parts of violence, but all the best parts had a black screen and the character was filled in solid white, when brains were blown out and ninja scenes took place. The only total color that appeared in this movie was while Bruce was in the strip club; oh you get to see sleaze in full color nudity sex and riding but yet the violence is censored! This is ridiculous that the sexual and promiscuous aspects are bright and noticeable and embraced, but the violence that serves the main purpose of the comics to emphasize the horror of life in sin city. The ‘what it takes is balls’ comic theme is transformed into a really good interpritation for women to see how pathetic, annoying, nerdy, dillusional, conditioned (classically), and shallow many men are. The characters besides Rosario, the ninja girl, willis, Elijah, and Rourke, were chosen by a rising fallace. I mean Elijah Wood actually looked like a great and talented actor in this movie!!! Well then I must look at the caliber of ‘actor/resses’ and then it becomes obvious! The other people were asthetics (nice to look at), period. Yeah, many may say this movie was violent, yes it was, but you could not see the vast majority of it. Yeah, it was definitely sleazy and over the top sexual to a point of desensitization. The only emphasized coloration at all was mainly to show off women’s bodies and their helplessness; which manifests into all women being prostitutes. Nice!

    Overall, I was expecting something comparable to kill bill I. I was expecting blood & guts in extreme detail. What I got was a softcore porn that made me want my money and 2 hours and 8 minutes of my life back.

    DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME.. UNLESS YOU WANT TO SEE SUCKY ACTING especially ALBA and Brittany Murphy. Or you are horned up to see Alba dance on a pole like a sloppy and extremely unconvincing stripper. This movie is overrated, says something about men, and THE BAD ADAPTION OF COMICS TO FILM STILL SHOWS TO BE A FAILURE.

    Courtney Love, would have played the best Nancy.
    Fairuza Balk would have made the best Shellie.
    Ani Defranco (barf) would have made a much more believable lesbian probation officer, rather than Carla Gugino’s fake breasts that do all the acting.
    Then the girl from GILMORE GIRLS- what more is there to say “seventh heaven blah blah (sing it)” this just validates and seals the deal. The casting people chose all the worst actors from all the worst shows and teen movies. They went for asthetics over accuracy. They went for people that do not even look or have the capacity to act the parts. This was a major unethical representation of a classic graphic series. This movie…. was a crying shame… They should recall the movie and make it again.


  42. Renaldo

    I really enjoyed seeing this movie. I don’t think the acting was terrible but I do think they drew a lot of big names just to get people to see it. The stories were done well from the comic, and of course it is violent. Frank Miller’s writing style is that way. It is interesting that women or femenists find this offensive because it has strong female leads. None of them are weak, even in great danger they exibit strength and the character of Miho takes down whoever is in her way. I realize this movie is not for everyone, I would not suggest everyone to go see it. I did love this movie though. So I would recommend people who like violent movies to watch this. I felt the stories were good and it solves nothing for people to call other idiots for their opinions. I would definately own this movie when it comes out on DVD and have read a lot of good reviews on this movie. As for the bad reviews, well I have seen it for myself and have a conflicting opinion on theirs.

  43. jd

    I do not consider strippers to be “strong” Renaldo. I am stronger for not taking the easy way. I make money with my brain not my t!ts. And when a man tries to physically hurt me, I don’t kill him. I leave him to rot in his own miserable life. That way he really suffers - and I get to live a better life without him. That’s a real stong woman. But you won’t see that in Frank Millers comics because he is a comic book geek who problably didn’t get laid when he was a dorky pimple-faced teenager - and this is his way of getting back at all the girls that made fun of him. He hates women because he got hurt by them, and he needs to grow up along with a lot of other old guys who are desperately trying to be cool.

  44. jd

    “There was senseless violence? I don’t know, the violence all made sense to me. A pedophile getting shot is going to bleed, a criminal electrocuted is going to bleed, a sick man decapitated is going to bleed.”

    ok, logic boy. you missed my point. It’s not about the blood. all the supposed “good guys/girls” were just as bad as the “bad guys” so it doesn’t matter who wins. They all suck. Violence wasn’t used as self-defense, and there was no good case made for vengence killing, so the murder was senseless. almost everyone gets killed. If there is no point to living or dying, then who cares at all? what’s the point? where’s the conflict? these essential elements of any good story are left out, and the story becomes about empty, nihilistic violence.

    Maybe the point comes across better in the comic book, but not in the movie. You can’t just take something from one medium and transfer it seamlessly to another without there being issues like this. Maybe I didn’t care for the characters because the acting and direction sucked so badly.

    Miller and Rodriguez did a terrible job of convincing me to care for anyone or anything in this movie, because everything was overshadowed with sadistic bloodshed and violence. You may want to call this art, because it’s completely subjective, but don’t call it a movie because it doesn’t have the necessary elements.

    “It’s a great film about chivalry in a rotten city. In a place where the cops and politicans are corrupt, and murder seems to happen everyday, there are three unlikely heroes that are just looking out for the people they love. ”

    Again, who do they really love? Chivalry for whores? I was not convinced. I did not read the comic book, just because you did doesn’t mean you have to expect the rest of the movie-going world to understand, to interpret love out of bloodshed. I did not believe any of these people were heroes (heroes are murderers in MY world) and I didn’t feel any love. Marv falls for a whore he did one night…yeah, that’s love.

    what kind of world do you live in? did you grow up in a normal family?? If this is your ideal of heroes and love, you’ve got major mental and emotional problems. Love does not equal sadism.

    Oh and I love how this gets an R but the Passion gets an NC-17. I guess it’s ok to show ficticiously malevolent priests getting killed, but not an innocent like Jesus being murdered by the jews - something that really did happen.

  45. derf

    Uh, notice the people who hate the movie are mostly girls. Sorry Rodriguez couldn’t dumb it down to be as exiting as bridget jones or another sterotyped movie starring queen latifah. KILL YOURSELVES!!!

  46. Herby

    “This movie may have real visual quality, and moments of great violence, but the acting was awful!!!!!!!!! The dialogue was so stilted and fake-sounding. The dialogue is done so awful that you want to laugh or cry, but you end up annoyed.”

    It’s time for Film Noir 101.

    Go read the books of Mickey Spilain and/or Raymond Chandler.

    The Gangster and Private eye Films of Humphrey Bogart, Jimmy Cagney and Edward G. Robinson.
    examples: Maltese Falcon, The Roaring Twenties, White Heat, The Big Sleep and Key Largo

    “The Big Heat” directed by Fritz Lang
    “Kiss of Death” Directed by Henry Hathaway

    To name just a few.

  47. Herby

    Some Film Noir quotes:

    Hollow Triumph
    Paul Henereid: You’re a bitter little lady.
    Joan Bennett: It’s a bitter little world.

    Farewell, My Lovely
    Dick Powell: I caught the blackjack right behind my ear. A black pool opened up at my feet. I dived in. It had no bottom.

    Phantom Lady
    Fay Helm: No names, no addresses. Just companions for the evening.

    Brian Donleavy: I’ll never think of our moments together without nausea.

    The Big Sleep
    Humphrey Bogart regarding Lauren Bacall: She was worth a stare. She was trouble.

    The Big Combo
    Cornell Wilde: I treated her like a pair of gloves. When I was cold, I called her up.

    Cape Fear
    Barrie Chase: What do you know about scenery? Or beauty? Or any of the things that really make life worth living? You’re just an animal-coarse, muscled, barbaric.
    Robert Mitchum: You keep right on talking, honey. I like the way you run me down like that.

    Clash by Night
    Barbara Stanwych to Keith Andes: What do you want, Joe, my life history? Here it is in four words: big ideas, small results.

    The Woman in the Window
    Edward G. Robinson to Joan Bennett: There are only three ways to deal with a blackmailer. You can pay him and pay him and pay him until you’re penniless. Or you can call the police yourself and let your secret be known to the world. Or you can kill him.

    The Big Combo
    Cornell Wilde: It happens to be against two laws. God’s and man’s. I’m booking her on the second.

    Strangers on a Train
    Leo G. Carroll: She was a tramp.
    Patricia Hitchcock: She was a human being. And let me remind you that even the most unworthy of us has a right to life and the pursuit of happiness.
    Leo G. Carroll: From what I hear, she pursued it in all directions.

    The Killing
    Sterling Hayden talking to Marie Windsor: I know you like a book, ya little tramp. You’d sell your own mother for a piece of fudge. But you’re smart with it. Smart enough to know when to sell and when to sit tight. You’ve got a great big dollar sign there where most women have a heart.

    Mildred Pierce
    Eve Arden: Personally, I’m convinced that alligators have the right idea. They eat their young.

    Humphrey Bogart: I came to Casablanca for the waters.
    Claude Rains: But we’re in the middle of the desert.
    Humphrey Bogart: I was misinformed.

    Double Indemnity
    Fred MacMurray’s narration: She liked me. I could feel that. The way you feel when the cards are falling right for you, with a nice little pile of blue and yellow chips in the middle of the table. Only what I didn’t know then was that I wasn’t playing her. She was playing me, with a deck of marked cards and the stakes weren’t any blue and yellow chips. They were dynamite.

    Ace in the Hole
    Jan Sterling: I don’t pray. Kneeling bags my nylons.

    The Big Heat
    Sid Klute about the bargirls: They’re floaters. Not much more than a suitcase full of nothing between them and the gutters.

    Claire Trevor: You can’t expect to dodge the police indefinitely, George. Wouldn’t it be smarter to go to Cochrane and this thing out in the open?
    Pat O’Brien: Just about as smart as cutting my throat to get some fresh air.

  48. Xel

    It’s funny, people complain about the acting, but fail to realize that thats how Frank Miller (y’know the guy that created the comic and directed the movie) wanted it. He’s keeping it to its medium. Over emphasis on certain words, gritty tones, low voices.

    Also, to whomever wrote about the absense of definition between the good and bad guys, I say to you:NO SHIT! Sin City is alot like “the Tragedy of Julius Caeser”,in that, for the most part, there are no clear-cut “good guys” just protagonists and antagonists.

    The only arguable exceptions being Bruce Willis and Jessica Alba.

    Also the Marv/Goldie thing. You gotta look at it like this. Marv’s hideous. Girls don’t like Marv. The only real females in his life are a lesbian, and a girl who’s in love with an inmate. He’s also fairly insane. If someone acts like they love you and your in his situation, you can fall in love with a whore.

    Then again, he didn’t know she was a whore until a few days after she died so he really didn’t fall in love with a hooker at all, just a girl who got close to him at a bar.

    And another thing, for all those who care, try picking up the Sin City Graphic Novels(#1 Starts with the Marv/Goldie story.) Its scary how each shot is ripped EXACTLY from the comic. Seriously, its crazy.

    Btw: Elijah “Frodo Baggins” Wood, kicked ass in this movie. Total ass. Like if their was some ass-kicking, he like so totally being do it. That is if his limbs hadn’t been hacked off by Marv(kick ass scene), whose actor I still can’t fucking figure out!
    (I’m stubborn and refuse to look off any cast lists.)

    -Xel, who also happens to be a retarded teenager.

  49. jd

    “Uh, notice the people who hate the movie are mostly girls. Sorry Rodriguez couldn’t dumb it down to be as exiting as bridget jones or another sterotyped movie starring queen latifah. KILL YOURSELVES!!!”

    “Uh,” I’m smarter than you. Guaranteed. What you’ve written only further proves my case.

    And if Rodriguez is anything like Tarantino, then he is a terrible geek and always will be. An ugly annoying geek who needs money to buy women’s affections. It must suck having to pay to get laid.

    “Also, to whomever wrote about the absense of definition between the good and bad guys, I say to you:NO SHIT! Sin City is alot like “the Tragedy of Julius Caeser”,in that, for the most part, there are no clear-cut “good guys” just protagonists and antagonists.”

    A protagonist is generally someone you root for for some reason. I have no reason to root for murderers who kill for no good reason. You do? You’re sick.

    And that’s EXACTLY why this movie sucks to most people who aren’t desparately trying to be ‘cool’. Why would i want to watch a bunch of amoral animals killing and maiming eachother just because?? Is it really that exciting for you to see a man have his penis ripped off? how lame your life must be.

    A few years back I got into arguments with losers like you who thought the remake of Planet of the Apes starring Marky Mark was the greatest film of all time. What happened? I don’t think anyone would say that now.

    I doubt anyone will give 2 shits for this movie in a few years, much less even remember that it existed at all.

    And BTW whoever thinks Eberts opinion matters is really putting his faith in the wrong critic - Ebert gives practically everything a thumbs up, way up…his fat ass. He’s bought and paid for by the industry, and if you don’t know that yet, you are a sucker. If you continue to spend your money on shitty movies, the industry will keep making them shittier. Thanks for lowering the standards for the rest of the world, suckers.

  50. Adam

    Wow this movie freakin rocked!! The photography in it was exellent, and very well done. And i dont know how anyone can say that the acting was terrible or bad. It was great. The narraration was well done and helped you get into the story. And wehn i saw it yesterday some girls came along, and they thought it rocked as well. so i guess the girls here just have bad taste or something. I highly recomened this movie!

  51. Xel

    “A protagonist is generally someone you root for for some reason.”

    Protagonist (pro·tag·o·nist)

    1.The main character in a drama or other literary work.

    2.A leading or principal figure.

    So no, a protagonist is not generally someone you root for. They’re simply the central character in a storyline. Nothing more.

    And by the way, “Id”, you must really be in lust with this movie to have such strong opinions about it. I mean, you must have no life whatsoever. I bet you’re just a militant movie buff, a poor pathetic soul looking up meaningless information, about your favorite (or least favorite) movies. Then occasionally chiming in with your embittered two-cents on the horrors of our amoral society, as caused by movies such as “Sin City” which you claim to despise, yet can’t stop talking about.

    Later my internet viewing homies,


  52. Michael G.

    “A protagonist is generally someone you root for for some reason. I have no reason to root for murderers who kill for no good reason. You do? You’re sick.”

    I’m sick then. I mean, I can’t root for someone that kills bad people? You must have hated Gladiator, Payback, and pretty much 90% of every drama and action film that comes out of Hollywood. I rooted for Marv because the only person that loved him was killed, and because he’s hunting down a corrupt cardinal who loves a cannibal. I rooted for Dwight, not only because Clive Owen’s awesome, but because he wanted to stop a bloodshed and protect Old Town. I rooted for Hardigan because he just did his job and saved a little girl. And after writing this I just saw that you said “for no reason.” What movie were you watching?

    I’ve never heard of people saying that a movie is crap because the protaganists killed people. Except for some uptight evangelicals or something, I guess.

    “Is it really that exciting for you to see a man have his penis ripped off? how lame your life must be.”

    Wow! You’re so cool!!!

  53. Michael G.

    Woops, I missed your earlier post.

    “I did not read the comic book, just because you did doesn’t mean you have to expect the rest of the movie-going world to understand, to interpret love out of bloodshed.”

    I’ve never read the novels. I hadn’t even heard of it before January. And I got the idea that they were in love by those subtle “I loved her” and “I love you” lines. The occasional kisses (again, hard to spot) also hinted to me that these people had feelings for each other.

    And with all that narration, how could you not know who cared about who?
    “what kind of world do you live in? did you grow up in a normal family?? If this is your ideal of heroes and love, you’ve got major mental and emotional problems. Love does not equal sadism.”

    WOW! Once again, you’re sooooo cool! Idiot.

    “Chivalry for whores?”

    Wow, very mature. I would call it chivalry for women, but I guess whores is just a much better word. I mean, it’s not like whores are people or anything.

  54. Jd

    Normal men don’t fall in love with whores…and that’s what they are, whores. They are not just any type of woman, they strip and fck for money. Not the kind of girls most men would want (only the desperate ones) and not what women should aspire to be. But it’s how “mature” and ever-so-caring of you to think that it’s ok for women to walk around half naked and screw murderers for money instead of using their brains. What a kind man you are! You’re really helping to make the world a better place.

    “…Marv because the only person that loved him was killed, and because he’s hunting down a corrupt cardinal who loves a cannibal…. What movie were you watching?”

    Unfortunately the same one you did. Thankfully it was a bootleg and cost me next to nothing, which was actually more than it was worth to me.

    I don’t think whores often fall in love with their clients. Do you call true love a one night stand? She didn’t love him, and he’s too stupid to get it. Great guy. Hartigan falls in love with a little girl who becomes a stripper. So you call pedophilia love too? I bet you thought Lolita was a great book. What’s next, movies with men falling in love with and screwing their dogs? Where do YOU draw the line, and who’s to say the media will stop there? Did you think Spanking the Monkey was a great film - about a guy who fcks his mother? He was a “protagonist” too, according to the definition supplied above….

    Sorry, I don’t root for losers and freaks of nature. I don’t glorify prostitution and thuggery. And yes, it does make you sick and mentally disturbed. You might want to accept that and fix it, or else just give up and become like the trash insist upon defending.

    “Wow! You’re so cool!!!” ….
    “WOW! Once again, you’re sooooo cool! Idiot.”

    Neither of you could address my point in an intelligent way, so you resorted to that. sad.

    I’m not trying to be “cool.” I have no care to be considered “cool” by my anyone, including you. That may be the way you live your life, but definitely not me. Nor am I a movie buff who often goes on message boards or critiques movies. In fact, I barely even go out to see movies (too many urban scumbags talking on cell phones and yelling at the screen). No, I have a real life to live - a pretty damn good one - and I don’t have to live it vicariously through movies and comic books. I don’t resort to stripping or whoring either, and when things don’t go my way, I successfully refrain from killing people.

    Oh, I guess because i’m against senseless violence and an oversexed culture I’m “evangelical.” I guess you bought into that whole “being christian is ‘uncool’” thing that the media keeps pushing just because so many people working in the movie industry are bitter about being jewish.

    Yeah, I guess I am wasting my time writing. It’s just that this movie was so SO awful, and so many people seem to like it…. but I see why now…because it’s people like you, and people like you really aren’t very bright, or emotionally stable. I guess I’m just wasting my time trying to convince you how f’d up this movie really is. I should just give up on society too - or at least the media - because it refuses to hold itself up to higher standards time after time.

    But you don’t get it. You never will. It’s beneath your level of comprehension. Thanks for driving that point home.

  55. Herby

    “Normal men don’t fall in love with whores.”

    Perhaps you can clarify something for me. What man… as a matter of fact, what character in the entire fim was normal?

    Also, thii isn’t the first time a man has fallen for a prostitute in the movies. “Pretty Woman” and “Trading Places” spring to mind.

  56. B

    JD, you are amazing.
    You just made fun of someone for calling you an idiot, and then did the exact same thing to them…using bigger words.

    I think you’re missing the point entirely. It’s entertainment, not a treatise on life…or the way life should be. A movie.

    If it’s true to the source material, and that was the director’s intention, then kudos to him for sticking to his vision. If you don’t like violence, don’t watch. If you don’t find it entertaining, don’t watch. Movies are supposed to take you away to a different, fantastic place. They are made so you can escape from your life for a couple hours. Just like watching TV. Just like READING A BOOK. It’s escapism…it’s entertainment. If you don’t like it, find something else to entertain you. But, don’t be-little people because you think you have some amazing life, and they are amoral. They have a different vision of entertainment than you.

    Also, everyone’s a whore in one respect or another. It all depends on what someone wants out of the situation. Maybe you like a nice dinner and a night at the opera…and your date to pay? You just whored out your company for the price of that evening. Doesn’t make you any less of a person, does it?

  57. Michael G.

    “Normal men don’t fall in love with whores”

    More idiotic generalizations. You’re awesome. And as Herby said, there have been movies where a “normal” man falls in love with a prostitute.

    “I don’t think whores often fall in love with their clients.”

    He wasn’t a client. Again, I know that Marv’s surprise that she was a prostitute was incredibly subtle, but I’m surprised you didn’t notice it (as you keep reminding us of your incredible intellect). If Marv didn’t even know she was a prostitute, he had no intention of paying her, so he was not a client.

    “Do you call true love a one night stand?”

    What the hell is Romeo and Juliet? This is in the same vein, though this actually makes sense from Marv’s POV: no one has ever looked past his ugliness, until Goldie. I don’t think he was actually in love, just overwhelmed with it all that he interpreted it as love.
    “Where do YOU draw the line, and who’s to say the media will stop there?”
    There are no lines. It’s called freedom of speech. It’s also sometimes considered “art.”
    “And yes, it does make you sick and mentally disturbed.”

    Thanks for your medical opinion. I’ll be sure to check myself into the Betty Ford clinic asap.
    “Neither of you could address my point in an intelligent way, so you resorted to that. sad.”

    You can’t connect a quotation and a response, so you resorted to that. Sad. Or you don’t realize that your baseless generalizations are completely idiotic. That’s even worse.
    “Oh, I guess because i’m against senseless violence and an oversexed culture I’m “evangelical.” I guess you bought into that whole “being christian is ‘uncool’” thing that the media keeps pushing just because so many people working in the movie industry are bitter about being jewish.”

    Or I just said that because the only people that I could think of happened to be evangelicals. But again, you’re obviously the only intellectual here, so you know what I intended better than I do.
    “But you don’t get it. You never will. It’s beneath your level of comprehension. Thanks for driving that point home.”

    Yep, you’re an idiot. Have fun.

    This was a movie that had everything it needed to work. The directors made sure you know who to root for and who to hate. It may not have worked for you, but it was there. And if your only complaint is that it deals with murderers and prostitutes in a fictional city in an ultra-film noir setting, then you should probably stick to Ben Stiller flicks or something.
    Michael G, who prefers to let artists create what they want instead of abiding by one person’s moral standards

  58. Herby

    “”Do you call true love a one night stand?”"

    “What the hell is Romeo and Juliet?”

    A one night stand and then they committed suicide.

    So is the Christian Right going to protest in front of “The Globe” theatre demanding a feeding tube be inserted in the couple

  59. DRT

    The producers should go to jail and do some serious time for making this crap….what they call a film. This is the worst film that I have sat through….it was torchure and I actually left midway through. Only disturbed people would enjoy this film

  60. tj

    the only thing I can say is WOW…. is there really anything more you could say about this movie? Long after you leave the theater your head will hurt from the over dose of violence and nudity. When I seen this movie an old lady actually got up and left completely disgusted after only 5-10 minutes. This is not the best movie to see during a double date as I soon found out, but i wouldnt recomend that you see this movie alone, take anyone just dont go alone because you will go completely insane without a proper outlet for your thoughts. Otherwise i enjoyed this movie….does that make me a bad person?

  61. B

    Why would it make you bad? It’s entertainment, pure and simple. I’ve seen more violence and just as much blood on news programs. It was hardly anywhere near as bloody as anyone here seems to think it is. Course, anyone who hated it is probably the same kind of person who needs that happy ending…the kind of person Armageddon and ID4 are made for…they like the escapism.

    For me; gimme the gritty, dark and “evil” side. At least it makes me feel better when it seems the world is coming down on me. No one lives a perfect fantasy life like in most movies…and if they do, go out and have fun for once in your life.

  62. Andrew

    Is it just me, or did everyone here miss the fact that this was a maniacal and deranged movie? What’s wrong with you people, feasting your eyes on tortures and pointless murders, blood and gore and calling it “entertainment”. Have you all degraded to the status of animals? You are enjoying watching animals rip apart human beings, humans eating other humans and people being quartered, to name the least! If you really enjoyed this movie, I pity you - take a good look at your life - it must be quite void of culture and taste. I suggest read a book like something by Jack London or Galsworthy or Tolstoy and put some color in your life.

  63. Herby

    Thanks for the reading recomendation Andrew. Those are all great Authors.

    I also enjoy Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens, Arthur Conon Doyle and J.R.R Tolkien.

    As well as Thomas Harris, Harlan Elison, Mario Puzo, Issac Asimov and Frank Miller.

    Then I may read some Frank L. Baum or Lewis Carroll.

    Then come back with Mickey Spillane or Raymond Chandler or Agatha Christie.

  64. robert

    For all you out there that disagree with the violence in the movie, think about the story. The whole film was great, acting superb, and storyline was awsome. I have never read any of Frank Miller’s comics but I am going to buy them today. Once again for all you babies out there, stop crying over the f*&%in violence because no matter what, it’s all around us.

  65. Jane

    This whole “discussion” amuses me. You’d think only people who liked the movie would spend enough time on here talking about it, but there are just as many “love to hate”rs…

    Anyway, yeah, guess what, I’m a girl. And I fucking loved this movie. I don’t think anyone who disliked it understood it in the first place, and therefore had no reason to see it. I don’t go into movies like “My Best Friend’s Wedding” thinking they’re going to be one thing and turning out to be another. First clue: SIN CITY. Second clue: based on the graphic novel.

    This is a GENRE film. I’m not even familiar with the graphic novels. However, from the perspective of an artist and a psych student, I can tell you that this movie is a bit more profound than a lot of you naysayers are giving it credit for. This comic/movie was made with the Freudian Id as an inkwell. It taps into the most basic human needs/desires and exploits them in a hyperbolic story of love and hate. The only reason people hate this is because someone was unabashed enough to cough up the most vile workings of his mind into a passionate story. The Jungian collective unconscious. Someone showed you what you’ve always known to be lurking, and you’re disgusted at how vile it can be. How HUMAN it can be.

    The art of this movie was amazing. The coloring, cinematography, lighting, and effects (which didn’t scream CGI) gave me chills. The integrity of the graphic novel art couldn’t have been captured any better.

    And you know, seeing a shitty view of humanity sure made my life seem a lot less “tragic” than it really is. Perhaps that was the point… to trivialize our own petty distress? Who knows. In any case, appreciate the kitsch, cheesy lines and throaty voiceovers, and realize how classic and pervasive this piece really is. To all you sill bints out there who found it to be tasteless crud… shut up and go watch a romantic comedy. A woman chasing after her best friend who’s engaged is just as “immature” (and more degrading to women) as a man killing to avenge the death of someone he loved; if not, more so. \m/

  66. Robert Buckley

    In a word; Disgusting!

  67. J

    Jd, it’s just a movie! An incredibly movie at that, but CALM YOURSELF. You’re probably some washed up cranky person critisizing everything you see just because it makes you feel like a big man. Well newsflash, since you haven’t clued in already, NO ONE WANTS YOUR OPINION! And you said that Marv was a client of Goldy? Obviously you didn’t understand the movie because HE NEVER PAYED HER. Oh and one more thing, you bought a bootlegged version? If you hated it so much why didn’t you tell your mom it makes you feel uncomfortable and turn it off! Then again you don’t want to upset mommy, I mean, she is your only income. Later, jerk.

  68. Xel

    Recently discovered my mom liked Sin City.


    -Xel, another retarded teenager

  69. jd

    i don’t care if you want my opinion or not. You people keep bringing up freedom of speech…until you want to stifle someone else’s voice. I never said this movie shouldn’t exist, I said it sucked and I have every right to tell the world why. and if i happen to influence someone’s decision to not pay to see sin city, then so be it. That’s why we all love the internet, it’s the only media that is still relatively free from corporate mind control. But keep assuming that I like girlie flicks, and continue to make that your only comeback. And the “mommy” thing… proving my point that people who like this movie are immature fools. No, really, keep it up, because it’s just makes me look even classier and more intelligent compared to you.

  70. Herby

    JD. I loved this film and intend to see it several more times. And as for your last post I say… YOU ARE ABSOLUTLY RIGHT!!!

    We all love the movies, but we all have different tastes and opinions and part of the fun for me is debating someone who disagrees with my opinion. If everyone agreed then the conversation would be very boring.

  71. Smally

    I just watched sin city an hour ago. Expecting to see something with the brains of the daredevil, but trying to aspire towards the artistic blade runner with cgi approach. However, i was wrong, this film is fantastic. I’ve never really got into the comic up until this point, (im thinking of indulging, now) though that didn’t stop me being excited with it in the first five miniutes, as all ideas of it following the recent stream of formulaic comic book adaptations, (bar spider-man) were washed away. The style of the film is brilliant and despite the use of computer graphics, never feels like the actors are plastered over the top (like sky captain yada yada), partly because of the brilliant noir style black and white cinematograpghy. It never let the action become bad taste, and always kept the story interesting. I think the main triumph of the film was benicio del toro’s character, who was vicious, humorous and hugely compeling. Being uninformed with its comic history, i feared that the film may be heading into male-testosterone overhaul, (what with bruce willis, and mickey rourk’s constant, noir style narration), though the films ideals became clear when the female pack of oldtown were introduced (nothing like elektra, thank god) along with del toro in a really well thought dilema. There is also great use of segmented chronology, as tarantino’s contribution to rodriguez’s directing shines through. Elijah wood is also at his best in this film.

    Overall, it breaths fresh air into the comic book adaptation scene, and im hoping that others follow in its daring.

  72. Michael G.

    “You people keep bringing up freedom of speech…until you want to stifle someone else’s voice.”
    No one’s been trying to stop you…well, maybe a few (I’m too lazy to read), but they’re either overreacting or are just stupid.
    “And the “mommy” thing… proving my point that people who like this movie are immature fools.”
    Only one person said that, but ok. Screw statistical analysis. And of course, calling someone you’ve never met and barely talked with unstable is perfectly mature.
    “No, really, keep it up, because it’s just makes me look even classier and more intelligent compared to you.”
    LOL, classic. Almost as good as punching someone in the face and saying that you’re more civilized.
    Anyway, to stay somewhat on topic, I’m hoping to see the movie again maybe this week or the next, to hold me over for Hitchhiker’s. I hope to take a much more critical eye to it.

  73. Bill Carson

    I just saw the movie on Saturday, and I feel the same way as JG does. This movie was just bad all around. There is such a thing as free speech, yes, and that’s wonderful that we have it here in these awesome united states of America. That means that we have the freedom to speake out in ritchouseness OR evil. And I think that in all conciouseness this film was a creation in evil. The first hour was a bunch of tourture scenes that make “Clock-orc-Orange” look pale. And the next hour is a line of poorly written material that encompases boring characters. There’s a difference between good clean American violence like: The Good, the Bad, and The Ugly, and Total Recall, and the horrors of this flick. They have definitely crossed a line with this and simply in my opinion anyone who enjoyed these terror scenes has a few screws loose and should seek medical attention. Sorta like the phyciatrists who say that children who like torturing animals or burning things show singns of being a homicidal murderer later in life.

  74. Jd


    Is that the “Lord of the Rings” version of the famous Stanley Kubrick film? LOL!!!

  75. MT

    I really hate you all. When is it that you people are going to realize that this is a MOVIE, just a movie. There weren’t any real murders here, who else are we supposed to root for in this type of situation anyway the pedophile, you twats? Ah yes, the whole degrating of women, hmm well last time I checked none of the women actresses in this movie were held at gun point and forced to act. Tools. This thing was supposed to be a place where people review the movie, not a religous debate or a place where people post their hatred for another reviewer just review the damned movie. If you liked it you did and if you didn’t then don’t tell us why but dont attack another person who does like the movie.

  76. MT

    I really hate you all. When is it that you people are going to realize that this is a MOVIE, just a movie. There weren’t any real murders here, who else are we supposed to root for in this type of situation anyway the pedophile, you twats? Ah yes, the whole degrating of women, hmm well last time I checked none of the women actresses in this movie were held at gun point and forced to act. Tools. This thing was supposed to be a place where people review the movie, not a religous debate or a place where people post their hatred for another reviewer just review the damned movie. **If you liked it you did and if you didn’t then you didn’t. Tell us why but don’t attack another person who does like the movie.**

  77. Joe Sleighburg

    A stylistic piece of shit.

  78. Tom Klovert

    apparently all the people posting here just want acting and no style…hrm…well then, go back in time and see a shakespearian play and then tell me how good it was.

    this movie perfectly reflected the comics, and even though it wasn’t ur average, nickelodean reproduction of spiderman, or xmen, it did an awesome job.

    it was rated r, so those who saw it, and were infuenced greatly by it, should stick to pg and g movies, or grow up. i have respect for women, and i dont like killing people, but ill look at a nude chick and watch a dog eat someone for atmospheric effect so i can feel like im in a fantasy world.

    besides, most of the people complaining just know the plot and nothing about how amazingly written and acted it was, especially by bruce willis, and elijia(sp??) wood rocked in it

  79. Tom Klovert

    btw, i just read all the posts, and herby didnt really clarify that all of those authors wrote novels that had women being degraded, and murders…sick, gross murders

    but i still stick to the fact that most people here complaining definately did NOT see this movie, like Bill Carson…

    “The first hour was a bunch of tourture scenes that make “Clock-orc-Orange” look pale. And the next hour is a line of poorly written material that encompases boring characters.”

    the movie had many torture scenes and there were characters…apparently thats all he knows.

    frank miller is a genious when it comes to writing, his style reflects the evil that humanity is born with and acts upon every day, just because you people live sheltered lives in rich ass little towns doesnt mean everyone does…i dont live in shittsville myself, but at least i realize that life does suck for a few people, and i find it interesting

    so yeah, im a guy, and id much rather see brutal, interesting, and fantasy like Sin City, than see happy, la la shit, like my big fat greek wedding

    and jd…i know your a genious and all (hint of sarcasm)…but if you are so smart, then why cant you. with your many years of experiance, realize the difference between a movie and reality…
    i liked rocky (best movie ever), but im not a boxer, i liked star wars ep 4-6, but i dont zap people out of space in an a-wing

    by the way jd, what movies DO you like?

  80. Herby

    Thomas Harris wrote Red Dragon, Silence of the Lambs, Hannibel and the upcoming Behind the Mask (his 4th Lectre Novel). Puzo’s novels are extremly violent, and Chandler and Spillane can be considered Mysogynist. And if you don’t think Shakespeare can be Violent Torturous and Sick you need to read Titus Andronicus.

    I included Mark Twain, L Frank Baum, Louis Carrol etc. To show that I have a WIDE variety of tastes in books and in films.

    I can revel in the stylish violence of Sin City, and still be excited about the upcoming release of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

    BTW “Clockwork Orange” is one of my favorite films.

  81. Tom Klovert

    never seen it…dont intend to either…, same with charlie and the chocolate factory…the new wonka is so freakin scary…

    also, read hamlet…everyone dies but one dude and hes just like…hey…what happened, and then its over

  82. Herby

    You never saw “Clockwork Orange”?

    It is the Best Kubrick film ever!!!

    Close second is Doctor Strangelove, Then 2001: A Space Oddesey, Full, Metal Jacket, Paths of Glory, Lolita, Eyes Wide Shut,Spartacus…

    What a great director!!!!

  83. Tom Klovert

    nothing compared to Lucaspeilberg…(they both suck alone)…but i dont wanna see it cuz its turning into way to much of a poser flick…i know a lot of people liked it, but now, too many people are seeing it so they can be like “I DONT CONFORM…IM DIFFERENT…” nothing against you…just a few people i know who obviously only saw it for that reason

  84. amoz_lilo

    I agree 169% with the person who said it was escapism, that’s why i’m not as critical of the ‘lame’ dialogue and acting, a bit overdone voice-over - because I expected it, it’s adapted from Frank Miller for god’s sake!

    So you feminist/religious fanatics out there[making a generalisation here] have to accept that this ‘√ɬ°rt’ is there to contest or most likely confirm some of the values out there, hidden within ourselves. It is, just a movie and as aesthetically pleasing those buxom dames are - and fulfiling certain people’s fantasies, these are always going to get soem viewers out there riled up - hence the MA/R ratings!

    Although I have to say, if it wasn’t in the film noir style, I would dismiss it as a sexist, sadist - gratuitous violent piece, signature of most of Tarantino’s works

    Miller touches on these subjects [violence, pedo and sadism], much liek nabokov does because he recognises these values within the context he’s in and if you can’t accept it then build a bridge and get over it.

  85. David Blue

    After a long delay, Sin City came to Australia.

    I’ve seen it over and over. I’ll keep seeing it over and over till it leaves town. On a scale from zero to ten, I give it a ten, the best rating.

    This is the quality of movie that, like Raiders Of the Lost Ark or the Lord Of The Rings movies, defines perfection for its genre. Any other attempt to adapt this material, will be, to the extent of the difference, inferior.

    Complaints? I’ve got two.

    One, the stories are compressed to make the movie rocket along - which it does. The complete stories, which I want every frame of, will be on the DVD. There’s one particular panel, with Marv looking like a stone saint lying upon a tomb, a holy knight chastely intent on his quest (for vengeance for his lady Goldie) that’s so wrong and so right at once that it’s stuck in my mind more than anything from the comics the movie is based on, and I wanted it on the big screen.

    Two, the follow-up can’t be an improvement. There’s nowhere to go.

    With most movies that are based on some written source material, you have to let go of some of your attachment to the source to appreciate the movie in its own right. Not with Sin City. It’s stunning that they achieved such boldness and freshness with such absolute fidelity to the spirit and every detail of the source. Viva Rodriquez!!

  86. taran

    sin city

    As expected, considering the angle of the theme sin city stinks of

    the usual half-assed American poser crap.

    If you have been abused as a child and are into that kind of

    self-degrading filth, don’t mess around and go straight to the

    souse or get therapy. If therapy failed don’t be lazy, put the

    work into it, get in touch with the right people and ask for the

    private screening of the original Nazi snuff films. I do empathise

    with the people who exist on that plane, they are ugly self haters

    with serious sexual/social dysfunctions, they are to weak and

    afraid to strive and better them selves, so they put their efforts

    into turning everyone and everything around them into crap.

    Enjoy the crap, it’s all yours.

    P.S. Other then the above mentioned, the work it self is crap as

    well, the CG is sloppy, green screen bleeds all over the place, the

    looping is absolutely horrid and amateurish. Not only it’s out of

    sync most of the time, it suffers from an unbearable alternating

    looping stage hiss, which is up until now was found only in no

    budget B movie productions run by dilettantes. College shorts are

    looped better then that.

    Anyone with the a decent home theater give that useless DTS

    soundtrack a spin as a reference of what is bad, and if you can’t

    hear it I hope you did not spend to much on the set up, because

    you’re ether death or got sold on crap.

  87. Dan

    Sin City was fucking amazing. Taran, you are an idiot. “IF YOU LIKE THIS MOVIE THEN YOU HAVE SOCIAL DYSFUNCTIONS BLAH BLAH BLAH SLOPPY CG BLAH BLAH BLAH GREEN SCREEN BLEEDS ALL OVER THE PLACE BLAH BLAH” Shut up. You’re retarded, there was not one scene where you saw the green screen. And stop acting like you know anything about film. “the looping is absolutely horrid and amateurish.” Just shut up. You’re a dumbass.