This entry was posted on Friday, March 25th, 2005 at 10:08 am.
Categories: News Chat.

SexandtheCity.jpgI’m a huge Mr Big fan, he was a great character, perfect casting, and I connected with the part on quite a few levels, even one of my ex-girlfriends called me that. Anyway…

It looks like the much touted movie of the excellent series Sex and the City is back on. HBO were working on it last year but it all fell through, and according to Moviehole that was down to Kim Cattrall.

Cattrall decided she’d rather frost sponge cake than get her gear off for a big-screen Samantha outing again, so it didn’t come together.

To Cattrall’s credit, she apparently didn’t want to committ to a film until she was shown a script. “She would have loved to have done the movie and made a deal to do the movie, but waited as long as possible with no script or start date and felt she had to take other offers that were presented to her after the hold period had passed,” Cattrall’s spokeswoman Marvet Britto said last year. “Kim would of course love to do the film and would be happy to revisit the project in the future.”

Well to be fair to her she was appearing in the West End of London on stage for sometime, so maybe they just couldn’t get a script together, she saw other work and she wanted to go back to the stage for a while. Sounds like a good decision to me, I’d rather work than wait for something to happen which had so far failed to.

However, looks like she’s now ready to look at it again, as they say that E Online is suggesting that Cattrall is reconsidering the idea. Perhaps they now have a decent proposition together and she’s interested.

I’m not sure how the movie format would suit the show. It was designed and delivered around that 50 minute package and worked wonderfully well for that. The big cliffhangers were always around Carrie and Mr Big and a weeks wait to find out, if not the whole series. What’s the feeling out there for a City movie?

** Update **
Just had a shower and was listening to Radio 1 who just happened to be interviewing Cattrall. That was a nice shower with her sexy voice in there with me. She said that talk of the movie was on as long as the script was good and that the pay deals were sorted out.

She said that the pay wasn’t fair even among the actors and it was working out that some people were getting far more out of it than others who brought just as much to the series. Interesting.

Two ways you could read that. First, she’s being really fair and looking out for those other actors and actresses, or secondly she’s one of those that is getting paid less.

9 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Simone

    Mr Big eh Rich, your ex-gf didnt mean that in the literal sense did she? LOL


    I loved “Sex and the City”, but I only followed the series up to Series 4 and then stopped, nursing shifts did it in. I didnt know how the series ended, I am guessing Big and Carrie got together? Anyway, I will be all for a City movie, but dont let it take too long! Its interesting that SJP is working on a lot of films after the show folded, I have always liked her as an actress pre-Sex and the City.

  2. Franklin

    It sounds reasonable if Cattrall claims she didn’t want to sign onto a movie right away without seeing a script first.

    But in all likelihood, what’s happened is that she’s finding no luck in getting other roles after Sex. So now she’s singing a new tune and rewriting history.

  3. Richard Brunton

    Not sure if that was the reason Franklin:

    Well to be fair to her she was appearing in the West End of London on stage for sometime…

    …plus she’s released a book and a TV series, which is about to air in various countries. Good or bad, these three things alone have kept her well busy.

  4. Anonymous SATC Fan

    I would love for there to be a Sex and the City movie!!!! It would be absofuckinglutely great

  5. katelyn lucas

    i love sex and the city, it’s the best show in the world and i would love it so much if kim cattral would sighn on to the movie!i would do anything to make her make the movie!!!!

  6. Jay

    I think disclaimers are needed world wide!

  7. olga

    The movie would have to be pretty amazing for them to even come close to making it as good as all the six seasons put together. i just did a satc marathon and it took me about three weeks to finish all six seasons. The only series that made a movie (that i can think of) is x-files and i was pretty disappointed with that. i sure would like to see what the writers have planned for big and carrie.

  8. Chris Church

    I love sex and the city so much,and it is heartbreaking to hear of the difficulties, i know the show was supposed to be a sarah jessica vehicle,but that clearly is not the case,you cant have that show with out any one of them, to me they are all stars of the show,not just sarah jessica who i love,and respect, but just pay kim cattrall what she’s worth, and make our freakin movie, i mean how much can she be asking for that they wont work with her on,she is more than worth it!

  9. Sweet-petite

    I just love sex and the city it would mean a great deal to me if kim cantrell would sign on to do the movie. Sex and the city has become a positive impact on how i should deal with men. Samatha taught me that there is absolutely nothing wrong with being single and fabulos. She taught me that every women does not have to have a man.