Nicholson to join The Departed cast

JackNicholson.jpgThe next big name to sign up to Martin Scorsese’s latest movie The Departed could well be Jack Nicholson. BBC carries the news from Variety.

Nicholson told Variety’s newshound, “[I’ve been] looking for a bad guy - I did three comedies”. It’ll be the first time Jack’s been in front of the camera in two years, but he says he’s been eager to work with mates Matt and Leo for quite some time.

I still have reservations about this remake, but considering they’ve changed wads of the story and there’s a fantastic team on board, you can’t really begin to criticise until the movie is here. If it wasn’t a remake of such an excellent movie there would be tons of eager anticipation out there. A return to the Gangster world for Scorsese.

Hey, I’ve just noticed something, if you check out the listing for the movie on IMDB you see a slight error or homage to the movies origins. Mistake or placeholder?

Anyway, could this be a glorious return for Nicholson, coming back to his bad roots instead of comedies? Here’s hoping, he just shines in such roles.

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  • 1. boothbrave replies at 4th February 2005, 9:43 am :

    Sure this movie will do well. It might even get an award or two. Though it’s sad how this side of the world is treating the original masterpeice. (end rant)

  • 2. Simone replies at 4th February 2005, 10:25 am :

    It’s this news of Nicholson being cast that made this movie more exciting for me really. Well apart from Leo being there too.

    Has it been 2 years since “Something’s Gotta Give”? Yay!

  • 3. B_A_T_M_A_N replies at 5th February 2005, 6:02 am :

    this movie’s going to be EXPLOSIVE.

  • 4. Richard replies at 7th February 2005, 12:12 pm :

    Boothbrave - how is the world treating it? Do you mean in remake terms?

    I’m just looking forward to him being a bad guy again, and not in a comic way.

  • 5. stevo replies at 13th April 2005, 11:16 am :

    Jack as big bad guy of the bad guys? hit the g-spot. he got tat joker look+ experience same as the original. his opponent tat anthony head of andy lau could be a challenge, maybe… robert deniro? muahahaha! i m ecstatic even thinkin bout it

  • 6. arthur replies at 17th August 2005, 5:35 pm :

    Jack’s last good performance was the President in Mars Attacks, and the last good leading role was in Blood and Wine. That’s ten years ago! Ever since he’s been a great entertainer…in the tabloids, f**ing Laura Flyn Boyle and pigging out. Jerking off to the audience for the next ten years paid the bills but that’s all.

    I’m not surprised Nicholson is making changes to Scorcese’s script. Scorcese grew a brain tumor to make Gangs of NY and The Aviator - both movies didn’t heighten me up for a second, instead they deterred for their countless flaws. Of course with every new project there is always new hope for the three (including DiCaprio) that all have wasted ten years, I’m not mentioning Diamond who’s been a phenomenom off the unemployment line.