Colin Farrell Looking Damn Near Perfect As Crockett

Colin_Crokket.jpgDespite what many people think, I find Colin Farrell to be one hell of an actor who just happens to appear in a whole lot of crappy films. Having said that, from day one that I heard of the upcoming Miami Vice movie, I thought Ferrell was the PERFECT person to play the role of Sonny.

Now pictures are floating around the web (the source of which I can’t seem to connect to) of Ferrell on set as Crockett. Damn, he looks bang on!

As you know, Jamie Foxx is also in the film at Tubbs. With Mann involved I have some pretty high hopes for this film (which is always a dangerous thing to do.

The pic on the left was lifted from the good folks over at ComingSoon!

5 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Donna

    I am really looking forward in seeing this movie. The TV show was one of my favroites.
    Donna A.

  2. adam

    This has the potential to be a lot of fun. The return of the buddy/cop flicks. I’m not a big fan of those kinds of movies but I loved the tv show so I’m pulling for Mann and Co.

  3. adam

    Actually I don’t know if I would put the show in the “buddy” catagory, it was pretty gritty for it’s time. It just seems funny and cheesy watching the reruns now. They MUST get Glen Fry to do the score!!! THAT would do the show justice!

  4. samara

    i think colin farrell is such an amazing actor i hope one day i could act with him,and hopefully get close.haha.i met him actually at the golden globes two years ago and said hi,and he was so nice,i just loved him more after that.

  5. samara

    umm.. whoever solidified is is really dumb,and don’t know what he/she is talking about because chris rock said that as a joke,colin is a terrific actor,its something you obviously dont know about because you would know that wasn’t true.thank you very much

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