X-Men 3 With or Without Gambit?

Gambit.jpgOk, right off the bat I should say that it is VERY unlikley that we’ll see Gambit in the next X-Men film for many many reasons… but considering so many people have posted comments on the subject in various posts, I thought I’d open up the question here: SHOULD Gambit be in the next X-Men film?

Now, before I leave it to you to answer that in the comments section, let me throw in my 2 cents worth. Personally, I DO NOT think Gambit should be in the next film. Here are my reasons:

1) Too many “main” characters already

2) The comic Gambit character is already sorta personified in many ways by the movie version of Wolverine

3) I think the accent would really start to annoy me :P

4) Having Gambit without a romance with Rouge would feel wrong… and they’re already too far into the relationship with Rouge and Ice Man in the movies… not to mention she’s too young.

5) They seem to already be leaving any character development time to Ice Man and Colossus in the next one.

Now, before any of you start blowing my head off, keep in mind that I LOVE the Gambit charater. I really do, but that doesn’t mean that I think he would fit in the movie at this point. For instance, Bishop is one of my all time favs… but I also don’t think he would be a good fit for the current films either.

So there you have it. What do you think? Should he or shouldn’t he be in the next film? And why?


  • 1. Mark replies at 25th January 2005, 12:42 am :

    I don’t know, John. I think there are more important things to worry about with X3 — like the possibility it could suck without Bryan Singer at the helm.

    Joss Whedon really is the best chance for this franchise’s survival. Worse case: They give it to Tim Story, director of Fantastic Four.

  • 2. Arethusa replies at 25th January 2005, 1:47 am :

    Tim Story? :cries:

    At this point, I’m just hoping the movie doesn’t suck what with Superman stealing the director.

  • 3. Simone replies at 25th January 2005, 3:42 am :

    The next X-men film will be alright if they bring the story of Cyclops-Madeleine Pryor and of course Dark Phoenix, and the Hellfire Club.

    And then develop Kitty’s character. Less of Wolverine perhaps, by sending him to Japan, then later thay can segue to Wolverine’s own film.

  • 4. jay replies at 25th January 2005, 3:55 am :

    The entire genre of comic book based movies is on the rise but is going climax quickly. X3 needs something to bring it all together, and or, bring a refreshing new twist to it all. The comics still ring true because of how the story unveils. Movies however can go through so much in 2 hrs that, it becomes redundant fast in sequels trilogies and further. Where do we gain the next level to suck you in deeper? Where does it all go? See my point? The X-Men franchise is at a critical point now. Its 50-50 how it could go. The key I feel is finding a major turning point in the stories from the comics, and introducing that, to freshen it up, and take it in new directions.

  • 5. Simone replies at 25th January 2005, 4:52 am :

    Good point Jay.

    Or what if they do 3 different stories on any 3 different X- men characters that will all lead to a real kick butt ending? They’ve done this before in the comics and it worked well, of course it’s another thing to do it on film but still! Say like put all the X-Men on diffent holiday destinations and take it from there? Towards the end they come together and get it all happening, and of course you know what I mean.

    Then show Magneto again saving the day?

  • 6. Mark replies at 25th January 2005, 5:22 am :

    OK, well, here are my thoughts regarding the plot of X3…

    1) Perhaps they should hold off on the Dark Phoenix arc. Save it for X4. Have X3 end with it leading to the Dark Phoenix plot.

    2) Forget Storm. No need to replace Halle Berry with another actress. Just write the character out — say that she’s off someplace doing something important…there are tons of other characters to deal with, anyway, so nobody will miss her.

    3) Maybe Magneto should be dropped from X3 as well. Deal with him in X4. Let Mystique take over running the Brotherhood of Mutants, with Pyro assisting.

    4) Gambit. Why not? Make him a young guy and create a love triangle among him, Rogue and Bobby. Their drama could parallel that of Cyclops and Wolverine who are still hurting over Jean.

    5) Feature Colossus more, and bring The Beast into the fold.

    6) Bring in Kitty Pride.

    7) Drop Nightcrawler. X2 dealt with his story well enough and there’s really not much more to say with him, I feel.

  • 7. Simone replies at 25th January 2005, 6:05 am :

    These are great suggestions Mark. If we only get paid by these producers with our ideas eh?

    I am glad we agree on the Kitty Pride thing we really have yet to see her pass through a lot of walls! When I said 3 stories, I thought, 1) develop Kitty’s character, obviously have Colossus involved as she is his lady love, 2) get the Morlocks involved, Caliban pining for Kitty, Storm rules the day against Calisto. Or if that’s just asking for too much, bring in a Forge-Storm side plot.

    3) Logan goes to Japan, the other X-Men off somewhere including Cyclops missing Jean Grey and then show Madeleine Pryor, then at the end of it all, show Dark Phoenix rising!

    That will be a good drumbeating for the 4th X-Men, and and Wolverine’s own movie set in Japan.

    With us on the script, we just need the director. Forget Bryan Singer, we need fresh blood here, should we ask either John, Richard, Miles and Doug to do it? What say you guys?

  • 8. Bombadil replies at 25th January 2005, 10:45 am :

    No matter what they do the only thing you can be assured of is that they are not taking time away from Wolverine. The studios see him as their bread and butter for the movies. He is what brings in the young kids who are not familar with the comic story lines.

    I do agree to just let Storm go. If you push back the Dark Phoenix story line that has two characters gone and you have room for Gambit.

    I personaly wouldn’t mind them pushing Cyclops back a little, maybe a mentor for some of the younger ones, but I guess they need another adult X-Man involved.

  • 9. J Gaver replies at 25th January 2005, 11:18 am :

    Well, you can’t go wrong with a cajun cameo. But I think Iceman and Colossus need a lot more sfx screen time. Let’s see Mr Drake get all iced up and slid off on an ice sled. If a X3 were to see the light of day, I think we’re all due a “fastball special” as well.

  • 10. sadegeniar replies at 25th January 2005, 11:55 am :

    For the story to continue properly, they should hold off on x3 until Bryan Singer is available again. I’d rather wait for a good film then have one released earier with a crappy director…..(let’s not forget what happened to the batman franchise)

  • 11. trysop replies at 25th January 2005, 1:12 pm :

    I agree with John - Gambit just doesn’t fit the tone created by the first 2 movies. I was thinking that Beast could replace him, but again how would he fit in since the series has such a ‘real world’ feel?

    Personally I think they should concentrate on introducing a new baddy rather than additional team members to the xmen.

  • 12. Simone replies at 25th January 2005, 1:37 pm :

    A new baddie huh, what about Mastermind? Hellfire Club?

    Sentinels? Brotherhood of Mutants? Morlocks? Blob?

  • 13. Mark replies at 25th January 2005, 3:10 pm :

    Well, the Brotherhood is already featured in the first two films, via Magneto and his gang, though I don’t think they went with that name.

    You could probably partner the Sentinels with another baddie, like the Hellfire Club, for X3.

    The big reason why I say hold off on the Dark Phoenix arc is because it’s pretty predictable at this point — even the casual moviegoer is expecting it. Things will probably feel “rushed” if they do it in X3.

    I say sign a good director/producer/writer (I vote Joss Whedon) to a two-picture X-Men deal, and have the two features scripted back-to-back. It’s unlikely Bryan Singer will return to the X franchise anytime soon. Fans should petition for Whedon — anybody who has seen his “Buffy” and “Angel” series knows that he’s perfect for the gig. (Whedon is currently writing “The Astonishing X-Men” comic book.)

    And, yes, the studio is going to insist that Wolverine is in both films, so he cannot be written out. They probably wouldn’t mind holding off on the Dark Phoenix plot, though — wring out more $$$ from the audience, after all, with X4.

  • 14. Franklin replies at 25th January 2005, 3:21 pm :

    I like Mark’s ideas.

    They should shoot back to back sequels, like the Matrix Reloaded/Revolutions.

    Whedon is da man. If FF does well at all, I’m afraid Fox will give the next X movie to Tim Story. :-( For the sake of the X-Men, Fanastic Four MUST fail at the box office, people!

    Masturbatory fanboy casting suggestion: Evan Rachel Wood or Jena Malone for Kitty Pryde.

  • 15. Joe replies at 25th January 2005, 4:14 pm :

    I think they really should have Gambit in X-men 3. He is one of the best characters and it would be really fun to see him in the movie. I heard that Storm might not be in the next one, so they should use Gambit instead.

  • 16. Brad replies at 25th January 2005, 11:51 pm :

    Definitely get rid of Storm. I’m still not over her stupid “Frog and Lightening” speech from X1. The younger X-People (both baddies and goodies) need to take center stage in X3, then as everyone suggests here, bring in Dark Phoenix and the rest of the original crew for X4.

    Create a 2 part movie with the young heros kind of messing everything up, then in X4, the wise ones return to save the day.

    Really awesome ideas everyone.

  • 17. Mark replies at 26th January 2005, 1:53 am :

    Franklin: It would not surprise me at all if Tim Story still gets the job even if (when?) Fantastic Four bombs. After all, how did he get to do F4 in the first place?

    I like the idea of Jena Malone or Evan Rachel Wood as Kitty. But it also wouldn’t surprise me if it went to someone like Avril Lavigne. Don’t laugh. Ms. Lavigne signed a talent holding deal with Fox. That doesn’t mean she’ll appear in a movie or that she even plans to be in a movie. What it means is that if (let’s emphasize “if”) she is to appear in a movie within the next two years (the typical length of an informal contract in Hollywood), it has to be one that is produced and or distributed by Fox. And the X movies are P&D’ed by Fox.

    Sorry for being so pessimistic, guys. But the X franchise needs a savior like Joss Whedon. The longer the development for another installment goes on without a solid director in charge, the worse things could become.

  • 18. Ray replies at 26th January 2005, 6:00 am :

    Joss Whedon is talented director? Give me a break!! I’d suggest that Fox goes around first looking for good director before settling down for someone like Whedon. True, the director of FF is not talented but neither is JW. I personally wish neither of them involved in X3.

  • 19. Anthony replies at 26th January 2005, 11:50 am :

    OMG, there are so many ideas to throw around, so good is the franchise. I want so much to happen in all of these movies, but I don’t really know any of the people mentioned as directors. I prolly don’t care as long as they don’t make the characters to be something that they are not. I don’t like the plots and back stories to be changed b/c some asshole thinks it fits. They make these movies for the fans, that’s what I say. I still haven’t got over Queen of the Damned. They took a wonderful book and fucked it up, totally fucked it up! That ruined my life…

  • 20. Meli replies at 26th January 2005, 4:29 pm :

    There have been tons of good ideas tossed around. I do like the idea of then Cyclops/Madeline story line, but I’m not sure if Fox would find it interesting enough to chance putting it up on the big screen. Yea, it’s a core storyline from the past, however they want to reach both the fans and the general public.
    Oh - but to have the Hellfire Club around…it’d be so frickin’ cool!

    Gambit: I love this character, but since they chose not to include him in the beginning I’m not sure if there is a place for him. I could go either way - if they include him great, if not, no big deal.

    Storm: She’s is one of my favorite characters and I hate the way they’ve ruined her character in the movies. Even though I would hate to see her disapear, I would rather see that happen than watch Halle Berry attempt to fill her shoes again.

    Kitty Pryde: Yes! I love Kitty - I would like to see her in more than just a cameo role this time around.

    Colossus: I wanted to see more of him the minute they showed him in X2….here’s hoping for X3.

    Dark Phoenix: I, too, am in agreement that they should push this storyline to X4. I would like to see some stuff happen inbetween before you jump into that storyline. The chances that’ll happen? Probably nill. Hollywood likes it’s huge blockbuster action flicks.

    Director: I’m in favor of having Joss take over, I think he would keep the franchise alive.

    I want to be excited about the next flick - let’s hope the future developments will keep us all realitively pleased.

  • 21. Nicole replies at 26th January 2005, 4:49 pm :

    Gambit is my absolute favorite and I am dying to see him in the flesh, but you are right, I completely agree, they should have put him in the begining, BUT I do have a suggestion that would make everyone extremely happy, I think that since the idea of spin offs is flourishing maybe they should think about a Rogue and Gambit movie!!!! She would be old enough, she can be rid of ice man (sorry, but that was a bad idea, why didn’t they just make a Remy), they would get the attention they deserve and my God, what a fabulous story they have! It is the most romantic, sexy, intense, amazing love story! Guys and gals will love it and you just can not go wrong, their story is so amazing that they do need a whole movie to draw out all the emotions and thrills the story has. I wish there was a way to get Fox’s attention on that!

  • 22. Nick replies at 28th January 2005, 12:32 pm :

    Am I the only person who actually DOESN’T like Wolverine? I mean, I started out thinking he was ok but too much of a good thing really does make it bad. I’ve been an X-men fan since childhood and as long as I can remember, Wolverine has been at the forefront of everything.

    Everybody is talking about a spinoff movie starring Hugh Jackman but the X-men movies just seem to focus on Wolverine with the rest of the team as a supporting cast anyway.
    It’ll never happen but I’d love to see Wolverine leave the spotlight to make way for other characters and to give a chance of including Gambit who, let’s face it, seems to be the fan favourite for new characters at the moment.

    I reckon the Mutant Massacre would be an AMAZING plot for the next movie, since it’s guaranteed action and you can introduce new villains like the Marauders and Sinister.
    Just a thought, anyway.

  • 23. jay replies at 28th January 2005, 1:29 pm :

    Maybe me, my cousins, and brothers are the only ones on this planet that really don’t give the two recent X-Men movies the hype everyone else does. Don’t get me wrong, the movies are great and most of us X-Men fans were so ready for a movie that we graciously took in the first one. (Even though looking back it is kinda crappy.) There is too much missing for me to give it the “four stars” everyone else on planet earth does.
    First of all, I don’t think Bryan Singer knows anything about X-Men. Hell if he would have even so much as watch the 90’s cartoon, he would have realized that anna paquin should have got a southern accent coach to give her that southern “twang” we all are use to. Everyone knows that Rogue is country. And hell yes! Introduce Gambit! Its so much they could do with him! Apart from him being one of the main and most popular x-men in its history, they could hmm..i dont know…maybe develop his love relationship with Rogue! Rogue and Ice Man? What the crap?
    And thats only the beginning. Why is Rogue 16? and everyone else is near thirty? (Aside from Wolverine because nobody knows how old he is.)
    It seems that Singer is scared to put this comic book world, INTO A COMIC BOOK WORLD. If he’s scared to do it, maybe he should take tips from the producers and directors of the Spiderman franchise. (They obviously are doing something right, check the DVD sales.)
    Where are the freakin costumes? I understand, black leather is “cool” but half of them walk around in ugly jeans and t-shirts the whole movie! It has to be some way they could incorporate the signature looks of the characters and not make them look like complete idiots. (Did they try to squeeze Spiderman in some black pat. leather leotard? No. They got it right -on the first try.)
    I honestly don’t blame Halle Berry for wanting to leave. During the movie, you never really get to “know” the characters. Sure, they each have a couple of cliche’ lines, but what we’re missing here is character development. Everyone knows Storm is the leader of the pack. She has the wisdom (a missing African accect)and leadership skills…not Wolverine. Since when has Wolverine really cared what happened? - until someone messes with the X-Men ( i.e. Jubilee,Jean Grey) and piss him off that is.
    I love the fact that they are going to introduce the Phoenix, I just hope they do it right.
    And WHERE IS BEAST? He’s suppose to be the brains of the bunch, so I don’t know how they are able to do all of things without the heart of the group missing. It seems they tried to combine characters to make up for the missing ones. Jubilee + Rogue = Rogue in the movie. Gambit + Cyclops = Cyclops in the movie. Which is horrible. They CAN have 7+ members in the movie and still have a kick but movie. Honestly a lot of the cartoons and old comic books are more entertaining than parts of the 2 movies combined.
    Overall, they need to honestly quit trying to make everything “cute” and take the fans into a comic book world where abnormal things DO happen. Introduce new villains. I’ve never seen Magneto this upset with Charles..I thought they were friends? Sure they had their different opinions, but gosh two movies? Give it a rest! Apocolypse and Senis.(my favorite!) are itching to go.
    And last but no least, can the X-Men USE THEIR POWERS? Sure the cost of a green screen alone is in the millions, but can I see a few X-Treame action sequences? Can I see Rogue fly at least once? Maybe she’ll learn how to on her 20 birthday, I don’t know.

    One more thing..wouldn’t it be cool if Spiderman flew past a few of the X-Men while they were out walking? There ARE in the same world…

  • 24. Nicole replies at 29th January 2005, 10:14 am :

    I also do not think the movies are as good as they could be, maybe it is a good thing to have a new and different director. I think Rogue was confused with Jubilee for some reason, she is the young one who is great pals with Wolverine. I am hearing that there are whole crowds of fans wanting Rogue and Wolverine to get together!? What? The characters are not quite right, I am very impressed with the Wolverine though, he is perfect. Storm did not get the recognition her character deserves, she appeared to be puny in the movies and yes, what were they thinking with the stupid frog and lightening bit? How on Earth could they have let that one go into the final cut? No wonder she does not want to come back. When she got the role she probably was thrilled beyond belief and when she started playing she probably was less than thrilled. Why did they not just put Gambit in the first place??? I don’t see how he conflicts with Wolverine at all, it is the x men movie not Wolverine, yet… they are very different and yes, people will be able to tell him apart from Cyclops, it is also fun to have Gambit and Wolverine together, they are good buds who sometimes butt heads, what’s wrong with that? I still think we deserve to see a Gambit and Rogue flick, that would work well, Rogue will be older, she can have her powers, leave Bobby, they can show Sinister and the Mauraders and it is just the most awsome story, there would also be more screen time and scenes involving Storm! I don’t want to see a Magneto or a Wolverine near as much as a Remy/Rogue deal. It is romantic and all the other fun emotions you like to see in a good movie. I wish there was a good way to get Fox’s attention.

  • 25. Nick replies at 29th January 2005, 11:57 am :

    No matter which way you look at it, Singer screwed the X-men up completely. The movies just dont capture the fast action or grim settings of the comic. And I totally agree with Jay: way more use of powers, please. After all, that’s what the X-men’s main attraction is, isn’t it?

    I say to heck with Singer. This might be the best thing to happen to the X movies yet.

  • 26. jay replies at 29th January 2005, 4:37 pm :

    Thank god, I thought for a second that “I” was a mutant…I totally agree with you guys.

  • 27. miguel replies at 29th January 2005, 5:56 pm :

    yo i think they should put gambit in this movie but just a little then make iceman die and then let rouge fall in love with gambit

  • 28. Josh replies at 29th January 2005, 6:23 pm :

    I definetly think Gambit should me in X3! He is like, the coolest charactor… Storm should be in it too beause I saw in the preview of this website— Storm may not be in the next X-Men film.

  • 29. Justin replies at 29th January 2005, 8:29 pm :

    I agree that the first two movie revolved around Wolverine and I think they show him at the end, like some sort of cliff hanger to lead into X4. This Is were they should deal around the sentials an the mutant registration act. It would be cool to have Gambit make an appearance and but be older that Rouge because they made her mixed up with Iceman (note: It would be cool to see Ice Man Ice with his Ice amour). This should be were Jean also make appearance at the end of X4 and It starts the Dark Phoenix Saga.

  • 30. Suzie replies at 29th January 2005, 8:59 pm :

    I absolutly adore Gambit, but I really don’t think that he would fit in the movies. I mean, if they had put him in the movies scince the first one, then that would have worked, but I think it’s to late to put him in now (sadly).

    Am I the only one who thinks that Halle Berry is being stupid and stuck up for refusing to be in X3 just becuase ‘her role isn’t big enugh’? I mean, she should be honored that she is wanted to play any character (no matter how small) in the X-Men movies!

  • 31. Nicole replies at 30th January 2005, 12:10 am :

    I think if I were Halle I would not go back, they did not show Storm as she should have been, she was puny! Not to mention the STUPID Toad and lightening speach, how could that have flown? That had to have been the worst line in her career! HOWEVER, if they just went ahead and made a Gambit and Rogue movie there would be a good deal of room for the Storm character because she is very signifigant to Gambit! Storm leaving just means there is room for someone else, hopefully they won’t screw them up!

  • 32. Nicole replies at 30th January 2005, 12:20 am :

    “Ya know what happens to a toad when it gets struck by lightening?” uhh, ‘gasp’ this is going to be good! “The same thing that happens to everything else!” WHAT!? Anything would have been better than that! Fryed, cooked, dead, exploding, something else! Sorry, I won’t mention it again but don’t you think she gat her a** kicked way too much and was very emotional? Lame too. Storm is one the most powerful ones! Gambit is one of the most popular! I don’t think the ex director did his homework.

  • 33. Cue aka "Q" replies at 31st January 2005, 4:18 pm :

    problem #1: too much focus on wolverine. the X-men universe deals with the problems of prejudice and injustice that should be the focus, period! the films only touch lightly on that (while chasing wolverine’s origin).

    problem #2: too many good characters and storylines to converge into 2 hr films. they should have gone with a live action television series or something. character development is poor in the films and slightly off.

    problem #3:not enough home work done,for example: storm acting timid(wrong),rogue/iceman romance(wrong!),mystique with scales(wrong!)rouge & iceman being teenagers(wrong!),rogue, colossus, & storm w/o accents(wrong!),storm and rouge not flying yet(wrong!)no danger room yet(wrong!)no bishop, gamgit, beast cameos yet!(wrong!)when stryker invaded the mansion, all mutant hell should have broke loose. instead only you know who was there to save them (wrong!)

    solution#1:stick to the correct storyline! you can’t go wrong with that!’nuff said!

    solution#2:focus on the human/ mutant aspect

    solution#3: more action sequences with more than just two characters using their powers in unison, less wolverine runnin’ around solo.

    solution#4 get a director that is seriously interested in making the film more compellling to true x-men fans

    side note: keep the black leather suits. looks more uniform, no one wants to see the x-men parading around in butt tight,bright colored spadex outfits trying to get people to take them seriously.

  • 34. Nicole replies at 31st January 2005, 8:46 pm :

    love the comment on the uniforms! one of the other forums makes a good point in that it is extremely difficult to make a movie out of a comic and that you can not focus only on comic fan viewers, but still, if you think about it the people going to see these movies are either

    Already X Men fans of the comic

    Fans of the cartoons


    or worst case scinario they just want to see a good action/adventure type movie

    So a lot of these things were not done right, but the only thing now is to correct them. It can be done.

  • 35. Nick replies at 1st February 2005, 9:36 am :

    I dont really consider the last two movies to be truly x-men. So if they manage to get it right the next time round, I’d love to see a few more being made afterwards.
    It would make perfect sense to place focus on new/other characters and shove some into the backround because the comics do that all the time. If the new director has any sense at all he’ll know to do this before things get stale.
    And the whole Iceman/Rogue thing…not good, seriously. Iceman’s meant to be an original X-man, not a kid. Besides, the Gambit/Rogue relationship is the x-men’s most explored and probably most popular, how the heck did singer get the idea to put Rogue with Iceman??

  • 36. derek turner replies at 1st February 2005, 11:10 am :

    I think he should be in the film he is my avorit person also is beast going to be in the film

  • 37. Janine replies at 1st February 2005, 8:13 pm :

    Yeah, the people who made the movies defenatly should have read more comic books, and found out more about the chericters. From the way the movies are made, I would definatly beleive someone if they said that the director etc. just read one comic book, becuase they seem to know so little about the chericters and the X-Men world in general!

    Very good point with the accents. The accents show that everyone (mostly) comes from diffrent origens, but they can all come together becuase they all beleive in Xavier’s cause. It makes it seem like a much bigger deal if they come from all over.

    It bugs me how they make Rogue, Iceman, Colossus, etc. teenagers, becuase they’re not. They should have made them older, then they would have been able to do more.

  • 38. mark replies at 2nd February 2005, 11:39 am :

    ok, i read your guys’s posts and i agree with some and disagree with some but everyone has their own opinion and here is mine : Gambit should be in x3. simple as that. he is a great character and fans want to see him as a new mutant the most. So what if gambit wasnt in the first movie. i dont think he belonged there anyway. xmen comics didnt start off with gambit on the team (mind you it didnt start with wolverine either but he is the “bread and butter”) with all the great characters in the x-men universe, they should keep the new characters coming, not hold back. they could incorporate gambit very easily, he could save an x-man (maybe at a bar playing cards), he is a thief so they could do something with that. or they could just start the movie off with him on the team. two minutes of backstory and there you go. i love gambit and rogue but if they are not together in the movie i dont care i just want to see gambit.i also want to see wolverine fighting gambit in the danger room. sweet

  • 39. Mary replies at 2nd February 2005, 10:37 pm :

    Hey, that’s a really good idea, to have the X-Men meet Gambit in a bar or something, and he saves them, then he joins the team (or maybe he’d help them one more time, like, as they’re leaving or something). I absolutly love Gambit. I think it would be totally awsome if he was in the next move.

  • 40. Nicole replies at 2nd February 2005, 11:24 pm :

    Yes, good idea, lets just hope they do it.

  • 41. Christina replies at 3rd February 2005, 3:39 pm :

    I will agree that the following idea is a stretch:) Here goes. One problem with introducing Gambit is creating a senario where everyone could appreciate the character, but still make an “X-men” movie versus a “Gambit” movie. One could rewrite the Dark Phoenix Saga wherein SInister is introduced as a villian who is somehow associated with the Phoenix phenomena. If this was the case Gambit could be portrayed as a “bad guy” working for Sinister who will eventually go good (which is simular to the confusion which has been set about in the comix regarding the Gambit character.) This would allow the oppourtunity for some really awesome fight scenes and could open up dialogs that would allow character development for all the characters. It would also allow Magneto to not be seen as the only bad guy, but instead create that concept of relative goodness and badness which Marvel already utilizes in the X-Men comic.

  • 42. Nicole replies at 3rd February 2005, 8:34 pm :

    I have a great idea! Sign my petition that is addressed to Fox preasuring them to make a spin off based on Gambit’s character and his love interest Rogue! Please sign it, if enough signatures are collected they will pay attention! Go to http://www.PetitionOnline.com search under ‘Gambit’ or ‘Gambit and Rogue’, I just created it so it may not be ready at the moment.

  • 43. rick replies at 4th February 2005, 3:43 am :

    I have a fairly bad idea. Rogue still has to absorb powers since the directors are dumb. She finally meets Miss Marvel, and takes her powers before she dies, as a favor. Rogue gains the power of flight and just so happens to grow older as part of the assimiliation. Sorry iceman, Rogue is in Gambit territory now. This, of course happens after the Wolverine movie, where Gambit is finally introduced. It works, since Gambit is often in the comics drinking and raising hell with Wolverine.

  • 44. mark replies at 4th February 2005, 11:32 am :

    I wouldnt mind a gambit movie, but it will never happen. although many fans would go see it i dont think any producers would gamble on a gambit movie seeing as how his popularity doesnt rank up there with spiderman or woverine

  • 45. AUSTIN replies at 4th February 2005, 11:12 pm :


  • 46. Lucy replies at 5th February 2005, 12:37 pm :

    Why did you write in all capital letters? That’s annoying (almost as annoying as when people write in all lower case letters).

    But I do agree with you though, I mean, if they can put all these random cheracters that are not originally in the X-Men into the team in the movie, why don’t they just put Gambit in there, who IS on the team? I think they’re being stupid.

  • 47. Nick replies at 5th February 2005, 12:40 pm :

    Maybe because Singer is a wanker?

  • 48. Lucy replies at 5th February 2005, 10:23 pm :

    Wow, that is such a good point. (I realise that may sound a bit sarcastic, but I’m tottaly not trying to.)

  • 49. austin replies at 6th February 2005, 4:47 pm :

    Hey maybe we should all write singer and tell him how mush of a wanker he is and maybe he will quit and some one with talent will direct the x men movies

  • 50. Nicole replies at 6th February 2005, 7:32 pm :

    Here is the address to the petition for a Gambit based movie, even if you don’t think they will make it, sign it! It will go to Fox once there are many signatures and the word is out. It is http://www.petitiononline.com/gmbtmvie/petition/html. Thank you! The worst that would happen is that Fox would have to put him in one of the X movies, which they are probably not planning on doing right now.

  • 51. Sean Spankme replies at 8th February 2005, 11:04 pm :

    gambit should be in the next movie cause he a badass card throwing mutant.

  • 52. austin replies at 9th February 2005, 1:15 am :

    sean im sorry gambit choses to throw cards. his real mutnat ablity is to charge things up so they explode on impact

  • 53. Simone replies at 9th February 2005, 5:09 am :

    Which actor do you guys have in mind playing Gambit?

  • 54. Monique replies at 10th February 2005, 8:38 am :

    Christian Kane or Drew Fuller are the only actors I can think of who could probably pull off the “gambit brooding”look. It would probably be best if some unkown actor took the role.
    As for the Storm fiasco, they should just cut her out of the story. She’s a very important character and they totally disrespected her by giving Halle such a small role to work with. Maybe in the first 5minutes of the movie,Xavier can do a voice over as a storm body double lands in Africa to visit her ancestors and never mentioned again.
    Its to soon for Gambit to have a big role in X3(but I love him).His role should be similar in size like toad in movie 1.As for beast,xavier could recruit him to help find the origin of a new power surge in the mutant community (dark phoenix). Grieving scott and logan could be training a new team of mutants(i.e kitty, jubilee,colossus). Not exactly small roles but big enough to leave an impact.
    Then the new team including rogue and bobby could be doing some small mission as a test and magneto’s new recruits, pyro and gambit, could interfere.(the 1st rogue & remy encounter)
    Scott could be having dreams about jean, beast and xavier figure out that she is phoenix and it all climaxes at the end where both xavier and magnetos team have to join forces to stop her.
    Just like john turned in the 2nd movie, gambit could turn in the 3rd. This could lead to a plot for movie 4 with sinister. Those are just a few ways they could take care of the whole phoenix thing. Shrink wolverines character and give Hugh Jackman a gosh darn spin off.

  • 55. Nick replies at 10th February 2005, 10:25 am :

    Yeah but the point is that he still throws cards. Which makes him a card-throwing mutant. Get it?

    Nicole, I must have signed about a million of those petitions before X-men 2 even started being written. Thing is, Fox doesn’t pay any attention to that sort of thing, it’ll be a miracle if they even consider what the fans actually want to see. People cried out for Gambit before X2 but all we got was Nightcrawler.

    Another thing. Did anybody notice that in the first X-men movie, you see Kitty walk out of Xavier’s door. Well, through it, really. But the thing is that she’s in her teens in that scene, probably 17 or something. But then in X-men 2, she phases through her bed when the institute is attacked, and there she’s like, 12 or something.

    What’s my point? Singer is a complete dope. I’m not gonna miss him.

  • 56. Nicole replies at 10th February 2005, 11:59 am :

    http://www.petitiononline.com/gmbtmvie/petition.html please sign if you have not already asking Fox for a Gambit based movie which also should feature his love interest Rogue.

  • 57. jimmy replies at 11th February 2005, 7:47 am :

    I would love to see gambit involved,even if he isnt a main x-man,i mean after the jim lee era gambit was kina of a background character for a time that nevery really had much 2 say but kicked ass when shit blew up.why do all characters have to choose a side anyway gambit could just come and go as he pleases and maybe has a couple of brief, endearing moments shared with rogue as a wink to the fans many of you want 2 see the mutant masicar (yea i know i cant spell) that would be the perfect way to introduce him, seeing how mr sinister ticked him into gathering the mauderes.
    i think theres a chance we’ll see him because we dont need another blue mutant like beast plus shuler donner the producer wants him in.

  • 58. Jen replies at 14th February 2005, 9:06 pm :

    He does (want Gambit in the moveie, I mean)? I didn’t know that! This means that maybe there’s a chance of Gambit being in there, even as just a minor character! Cool!

  • 59. Nick replies at 15th February 2005, 6:23 pm :

    I don’t know if you guys have heard about this but they actually did shoot a scene with Gambit for X-men 2 but it never made it to the final cut because Nightcrawler needed more screen time or something. They had one of the stunt guys dressed like him and everything and he had a cameo probably about the same size as the one Collosus had.
    I was really hoping that it would make it onto the DVD but it never did. Can’t understand why. It’s a crying shame.
    Anyway, the one (and probably only) good thing that would’ve come from Singer staying on as director is that he said that the only new main character he was going to add to the 3rd movie was Gambit. It was a solid decision. So in that sense I guess it does blow that Singer is gone. Let’s just hope the new director keeps that idea going.

  • 60. Jen replies at 15th February 2005, 7:48 pm :

    I didn’t know that, I wish they had left it in, even 2 seconds of Gambit would have been cool.

    I also didn’t know Singer wanted to put Gambit in X3(wow, there is a lot I don’t know!). I DO hope the new director puts him in, even as a cameo!

  • 61. martin replies at 15th February 2005, 8:35 pm :

    gosh its intresting sugestions here i just glanced down at them, their all very good, i relaly hope that hollywood gives ear to them, tho if anyone has watched the x men 2 with the comonteries, they give great clues and wonderful insight to what could be on the table for x 3 if anyone has not watched it with the comontieries it would be worth,, they give alot, one of the things is that Angel, and beast are slightly sujested, and pheonix, the comontaries mentioned these charictors having a life, in x 3 as opose to Gambit, i have feeling he could be in x4 if it happens, mind you lets see how x3 goes tho , but i would strongly sugest that people watch the comontaries on x2, they give all kinds of wonderful things you just dont realise that are actually ambugously inserterted into x2 as a small sort of prevuie,, but from what i have gathered by watching the comontaries is that there are keen to have phenox, and beast for defenite id put my money on it if i could , and angel but Gambit i think could be a small camoe settting him up for a bigger part who knows,, i think one of the things that coudl be explored and it would be a great way to educate the world about is using the plight of people who suffer with mental health problems being arced into it in some way , i feel tho the x men does speak very powerfully for them tho but it coudl be intrestinng becasue mental health is treated so badly by the media,, and there is wonderful lines from xaver about the mind in x 2 which is quite amazing its the sceen where logan is in ceribo with xsavour and logan is asking for more help adn xavour says ”THE MIND NEEDS TO FIND THING OTU FOR ITSealf” its just a taught that x3 coudl somehow have a palce in teaching the young about mental problems in a powerful and positive and creative way,, who knows ,,, the x men is a methopor for a lot of different problems,,, i love this site its great keep up the good work biog.

  • 62. FRANK replies at 16th February 2005, 2:59 am :

    i would like to see gambit if they get his character right and the story line like there fighting sentinels and rouge is about to be crushed and gambit comes out saves her and shes starts to fall in love with the rajin caujin.for baddies i heard toads coming back.and i hope that storm is not in this one cause halle barry did not do good doing storm.storm is suppposed to be a goddess and her character did portray that in the movies. i think dark phoenix would be good for this one cause i would so loved to see magneto quicksilver and scarllet witch in x4

  • 63. Ren√ɬ©e replies at 16th February 2005, 11:01 pm :

    Um I don√¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢t know if anyone else saw or mentioned this…

    But I can swear that when Mystique was pulling out the prisoner files to get to Magneto’s, one of them had the name Remy Lebeau (aka Gambit). Maybe I’m going crazy…

    Let’s presume that I’m right…

    Gambit can be introduced in X3:

    1)when the X-men discover that another potentially dangerous mutant escapes from prison (we all know he could get out of that place, being a master thief and all), they’re asked for help by humans but find out Gambit isn’t the bad one (but this plot has been used b4, it might be a bit boring)

    2)Or maybe he used Magneto’s escape as a diversion for his own escape

    3)And/or - I like the idea that Wolverine meets him at a bar, maybe they decide to have a drinking game (of un-sexual connotation)/play pool, etc; but then these agents come in to capture the prison escapee. Wolverine teams up with Remy because he thinks the guy’s alright; he’s the only one that can drink as much as him after all. Then he convinces Gambit to go see Prof. X

    4)Anything would be interesting really, as long as it includes Gambit

    Wolverine is cool and I think he should be involved in some way with Remy’s intro – being how they’re always causing trouble together and both don’t really fit in with the other X-men, but the spotlight has got to shine somewhere else, he had the other 2 movies

    As for who should play Gambit – someone else mentioned this on another board and I agreed – I think that Josh Holloway (Sawyer in Lost) would be perfect. I know he’s kinda old for Rogue (although good age for comic/cartoon Gambit perhaps), but I wouldn’t be sad if there wasn’t any romance between them. Maybe when Rogue grows up and actually starts acting like her real character they might hook up, Remy will always be pretty. Going back to the actor, the way he portrays Sawyer has a lot of similarities with Gambit, he’s a trouble maker, cocky smile, broods sometimes, likes his women/charmer (although a bit pushy but at least not in a dumbass way), and you’re not quite sure if he’s a good or bad guy

  • 64. Ren√ɬ©e replies at 17th February 2005, 5:49 am :

    I watched that part of the movie again and I was right, his name does appear. Mystique even stops a second longer on it (Profile Aliases & Current Docs pops up beside his name). However I’m pretty sure I was wrong about it being the files of the prisoners. They probability know about him because he was in the orphanage and it’s kinda hard to miss a kid with red and black eyes. This is the list:

    Harada, Keniucho Guthrie, Paige
    Kane, Garrison Guthrie, Samuel
    LeBeau, Remy
    Lensherr, Eric M.
    Maddicks, Artie
    Madrox, Jaime
    Mahn, Xi’an Coy
    Maximoff (2)
    McTaggart, Kevin
    Moonstar, Danielle
    Munroe, Ororo

    Obviously Storm isn’t in jail, but the image was cutoff on top where the name for the list would be… so I don’t know

    Sorry about the mistake

  • 65. Ren√ɬ©e replies at 17th February 2005, 8:48 am :

    Just thought it be cool to write their real name and rep. names from the marvel universe (I think I got them right)

    Kenuichio Harada: Silver Samurai
    Garrison Kane: Kane/Weapon X II
    Arthur (Artie) Maddicks: Big Eyes
    James (Jaime) Madrox: Multiple Man
    Xi’an Coy Manh: Karma
    Maximoff (2): Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver ???
    Kevin MacTaggert: Proteus ???
    Danielle Moonstar: Mirage/Psyche
    Paige Elisabeth Guthrie: Husk
    Samuel Zachery Guthrie: Cannonball

    I desperately need a life! lol

  • 66. Nick replies at 17th February 2005, 9:56 am :

    The fact that Gambit’s name popped up in the files is nothing to go by. Even if Mystique did stop on it for a second. I mean, Cannonball’s name was up there, so whose to say that it’s not a clue that he’s gonna be in the movie?

  • 67. jimmy replies at 17th February 2005, 2:54 pm :

    Ive been waiting two movies to see gambit and was a bit pissed off when it was finally decided that gambit wsnt goin to b in X2 the problem with gambit is that he would be very difficult to translate from the page to film, of course gambit looks cool cartwheeling, throwing cards. but you try and sell a card flinging, cajun micheal flately to an audience who are not familiar with the comics, its a lot of hard work.
    the one thing gambit has got going for him to make it into X3 is that fans are getting a little tired of wolverine being at the forefront. i mean he was my favorite x-man when i first picked up the comic, put due to marvels hard sell, sell, sell of the character i got a bit bored of him and then moved to gambit and i dont think im the only one.
    i think the same thing will hapen for the films especially with a wolverine spin off, hence gambit i the only x-man with the same amount of character and fan support. whether th big wigs at FOX agree with me is another story

  • 68. Jim replies at 17th February 2005, 4:28 pm :

    Hey guys i was looking at this board and read some of it and i was thinking tha if they are going to bring a new bad guy in it should be Apocalypse, i mean come on if we want so cool stuff this would really make it good

  • 69. Ren√ɬ©e replies at 17th February 2005, 6:14 pm :

    Never said that he was going to be in the movie because of that. I just thought it was interesting that his name showed up, not a cameo but at least something. Plus I thought it was prisoner files so I was just speculating how he would be introduced if he ever did have a part in X3

  • 70. FRANK replies at 18th February 2005, 3:19 am :

    to bring Apocalypse they would have to to a whole bunch of story telling and there wouldnt be enough action the true x men fans would like it but the new ones wouldnt

  • 71. Soupie replies at 19th February 2005, 9:49 pm :

    If anyone should be Gambit, I think it should be matthew mcconaughey. Give him black and red eyes, work on the accent and he’s gold! Of all the actor’s I know, I think he’d be the best, but maybe that’s just me.

  • 72. Anna replies at 21st February 2005, 12:42 pm :

    I dunno, I really can’t picture Matthew Mcconaughey as Gambit…

  • 73. jay replies at 22nd February 2005, 7:25 pm :

    Don’t anybody kick my ass, but I was thinking of that guy from N’Sync for playing Gambit - Joey Fatone. Or at least give him a shot or screen test or something (not a big nsync fan..probably didn’t even spell the name right) but anyway, i was passing by an old poster one day and saw him and thought: he’d make a decent Gambit. I think he use to be an actor or something like that before nsync blew up.Plus, the producers would be lookin at a lot of ticket sells just because its him. I just hope the person they choose isn’t 15 with little to no apparent x-powers: i.e. rogue.

  • 74. jay replies at 22nd February 2005, 7:27 pm :

    of course he’d have to go on a diet…

  • 75. Nick replies at 23rd February 2005, 7:43 am :

    I can’t believe you just said that, man.

    There’s no WAY the majority of X-men fans are gonna let them put a dude from a boy band in the X-movies. It’s just wrong. They already tried doing that with Star Wars Episode II and they had to cut it from the movie cuz they started getting too much hate mail.

  • 76. Nick replies at 23rd February 2005, 7:45 am :

    And besides, how do you think somebody like that is gonna be able to pull off playing a character like Gambit. It’s like fire and ice. Opposing elements, it’d go wrong.

  • 77. Simone replies at 23rd February 2005, 9:42 am :

    “They already tried doing that with Star Wars Episode II and they had to cut it from the movie cuz they started getting too much hate mail”.

    Hey Nick, who were you referring to in this one?

  • 78. Nick replies at 23rd February 2005, 6:17 pm :

    Believe it or not, it was N’sync. It’s not suprising, though, they’ve been in movies before. Just that they all turned out to be total junk.

    If anybody has suspisions, here’s the link to an article that was written about it before the movie actually came out:


    Now, I’m pretty sure that they did cut it from the movie, short as it was, but I can’t be assed to find any articles to prove it. It’s late where I live. (assuming the majority of you folk are from the States? maybe I’m wrong. Or just rambling. I’ll shut up now)

  • 79. Simone replies at 23rd February 2005, 6:43 pm :

    OMG! I can not believe I have never heard of that before either! Thanks for the link Nick.

    I liked this comment from a fan, “Please no. George, no. Please. Anything but the boy bands. Please,” wrote one fan in a discussion on Star Wars news Website TheForce.Net. “Jar Jar I could handle. Not this.”

  • 80. jay replies at 25th February 2005, 8:12 pm :

    lol. yeah. ur right

  • 81. jay replies at 25th February 2005, 8:29 pm :

    Please excuse my NOVEL…

    Assuming they ever get the x-men movies right, i think i’d be cool to see a “versus” movie. We all know that most of the superheroes are in the same marvel world anyway. I know that Street Fighter characters are capcom and have nothing to do with marvel, but i think it would be cool to see like an X-Men Vs. Street Fighter movie or something. (First of all they would have to do a decent Street Fighter movie. The 90’s version was really shitty. But I know it would be better now with the expansion in techn. and all that.)

    They could take a few characters from X-Men and Street Fighter -the best of course - and write something around it. Or maybe the two could not get along at first, but join forces to battle two villain x-men and street fighter characters that have teamed up for world domination. I know it could be done with the right director, producer and writing team. The question is, who would direct it? I think that McG is a great director: (Charlie’s Angels movies). The second movie was a bit x-treme, but i think that his visions would work well with the comic book world movies. (Basically Charlie’s Angels 2 was a comic book movie anyway. It looked more x-treme than x-men.)

    I think thats the way the director of the next x-men and superhero movies should approach it. Not so seriously. The last couple of movies weren’t so good to me because Singer took it too serious i think. He tried to make it too real -which is next to impossible when you’re dealing with a man who blasts violent beams from his eyes and a woman who can control the weather.

    I say way more action, more use of mutant powers, more character development, and more research….With the combined 4 hours they spent on Wolverine, they could have gone more in depth with everyone.

    Where is the wit and smart from the comic books and cartoons? And where the hell is Gambit and Beast?

  • 82. Annie replies at 26th February 2005, 2:35 pm :

    They said that they didn’t want Beast because they thought that it would be to many blue people, seeing as they already have Mystique and Nightcrawler. But I say that if they really didn’t want an other blue mutant, they should have just made him be not blue, because he wasn’t always blue anyways.

  • 83. jay replies at 26th February 2005, 2:57 pm :

    and anyway its X-MEN. And mystique has already been in 2 anyway. unless they develop her relationship as nightcrawler’s mother, i don’t see any need for her to be in the next one anyway. or magneto. i say introduce a whole new storyline villain along with the dark phoenix. apocolypse maybe since some of the movie should take place in space with the phoenix. they are going to wear the movie excitement out with the same old storyline. i hope they give wolverine’s plot a rest. why is the whole franchise revolving around him anyway? what about the central theme of x-men? prejudice and injustice. they rarely focus on that which is the main plot of x-men period.

  • 84. phil replies at 27th February 2005, 4:00 pm :

    the first 2 films sucked, they all had the same boring constumes, no background information, not the right characters,(storm oh what a mistake), it was filmed all to pretty and they just brown nose wolverine, This film really needs a new writer and director, they messed the chance for xmen movies right up, it all went wrong when they made the first film, someones pissing over my face was a better experience than them films

  • 85. Nick replies at 28th February 2005, 8:36 am :

    Too true. I do feel completely screwed over by the x-men movies and I’m sure I’m not alone. I mean, X-men is my #1 comic book, I dont really follow anything else. And thing Singer chewed it up and spat it out with the movie. I mean, it’s not like you get another chance. They can’t start over with X-men, what’s done is done. All we can hope for is that the new director ACTUALLY has some skill about him and manages to turn this whole mess around.

    and for real…get Gambit in there. There’s about a million ways to do it, I totally disagree with everybody who says it’s too far into the storyline or there’s too much to develop.
    (x-treme X-men got Gambit and Rogue together in 4 issues, just after they met. Nothing’s impossible)

  • 86. Nick replies at 28th February 2005, 11:27 am :

    correction. Meant to say Ultimate X-men…

  • 87. jay replies at 28th February 2005, 8:43 pm :

    Gambit definitely needs to be in the fourth one along with beast. maybe with a new director and writting team, halle berry will stay. can u really blame her for leaving? i mean the directors and writers completely screwed everything up. they looked more like teen titans than x-men. and the writers of the first x-men need to be shot:

    Storm: You know what happens to a toad when its struck by lightening

    (Crowd really thinking about a possible answer.)

    Storm: The same thing that happens to everything else…

    (Crowd: what the hell?)

    Yes, halle, please leave before it gets worst…

  • 88. Jamie replies at 1st March 2005, 8:58 pm :

    I don’t mind Halle Berry leaving, but what bothers me more is WHY she’s leaving. I mean, if she was leaving because she didn’t like the way the movie was going, that’s one thing, but I think that her leaving just because she isn’t the main character is really stupid. Please tell me that I am not the only one who thinks that Halle is being stupid for leaving (if we’re looking at her motifs for leaving, not necesarily the fact that she’s leaving).

  • 89. Nick replies at 2nd March 2005, 7:39 am :

    Oh yeah, completely. She’s being an egotistical pratt. I think her fame is getting to her head, but after Catwoman…she needs to take another look at her career.
    It could be a good thing, though, that she’s being like this. I mean, either she’ll leave and Storm will be cut, giving more space for Gambit (and other characters, I guess), and also getting rid of a pretty useless character (I dont mind Storm, but not the movie Storm, she was crap). But on the other hand, they might want halle back and decide to make the character better, which wouldn’t be a bad idea. But personally, I think they need to freshen up the character roster, it’s getting boring.

    On different note, I do actually think Jared Leto wold be a good Gambit. I mean, I used to totally disagree with people on it (his look in Fight Club and Panic Room just didn’t seem right) but since then I’ve seen some pictures. Give him red on black eyes and you’ve got the perfect looking actor. It’s just a matter of him getting the act right.

  • 90. jay replies at 2nd March 2005, 12:59 pm :

    i say get a new director and writing staff or halle berry won’t be the only person leaving soon. they need better character evelopment/storyline/plot in the next movie. period.

  • 91. jay replies at 2nd March 2005, 12:59 pm :

    i say get a new director and writing staff or halle berry won’t be the only person leaving soon. they need better character development, storyline,plot in the next movie. period.

  • 92. abel replies at 4th March 2005, 3:53 am :

    the main thing, like most of you have said, is that the main concern right now is if the movie is going to survive. the characters, of course are important but too many ruins the imagination do to the fact that it will ovrwhelm the fans and confuse the non fans with each characters storyline. the director should focus more on Colossus, Wolverine and what he’s going to do about Halle Berry. Gambit would be awesome only because he is one of the coolest and mysterious characters ever created, but remember, Storm is the one who introduced Gambit into the X-men. The movie should be alot darker than the last one with Nightcrawler. It makes it more interesting. Besides, Halle Berry is asking for way too much money for the role, now that she won an Oscar. I say give Storm a small part(cameo) to introduce Gambit, bring in Bishop, continue with Nightcrawler and use the Brood as the enemy.Of course though, a new director, writer, costume designer should also be in the productions changes.

  • 93. Nick replies at 4th March 2005, 4:57 am :

    To be honest I reckon there’s already too much focus on Wolverine. It’s getting boring. If he’s the main character in the next movie it’s just going to be stale.
    If you use Storm to introduce Gambit then it has to be done really fast and it’ll just be an exuse to shove another character in there. I sort of felt that way about Nightcrawler.
    I still say they should introduce an enemy that has a lasting effect on the characters or storyline, like Sinister and the Mutant Massacre. You’ve got your Gambit introduction right there already.

  • 94. Annie replies at 4th March 2005, 7:47 pm :

    Yes, I couldn’t agree with you more. I think theat they sould still have Wolvering in the movie, but defenatly not have him be the focus, and instead have it on someone new.

    I also think that you’re right about the whole having-Stoem-introduce-Gambit-then-leaving thing, because Storm (the movie Storm, I mean) is really bothering me. Exit: Storm, enter: Gambit.

  • 95. Nforcer replies at 4th March 2005, 8:20 pm :

    Just bring in the JUGGERNAUGHT as the new baddie.
    Xmen will have fun dealing with him in X3…

  • 96. Annie replies at 5th March 2005, 1:35 pm :

    Yeah, Jaggrnaut’s pretty cool, it would be fun to see him in hte movie.

  • 97. Jimmy replies at 8th March 2005, 9:11 am :

    James Mardeson has left X-men to work with bryan singer on superman i cant see the phoenix saga having the same impact without cyclops, i know im gonna piss alot of you off, but i vant see this movie being any good. mainly becuase there is such a rush for this to be released next May.
    What ever happens i seriously doubt there’ll be a movie after X3, Hugh Jackmen wants to do this film and the wolverine spin off and then hang up his claws.

  • 98. jimmy replies at 8th March 2005, 9:13 am :

    And the’ll never make a x-men movie without wolverine, becuase there too timid to try something new

  • 99. jimmy replies at 8th March 2005, 9:14 am :

    And they’ll never make a x-men movie without wolverine, becuase there too timid to try something new

  • 100. Nick replies at 8th March 2005, 5:04 pm :

    Never say never, mate.

  • 101. Annie replies at 9th March 2005, 9:03 pm :

    Too true.

  • 102. jimmy replies at 11th March 2005, 10:12 am :

    I just cant see them spending so much time developing the character, that they will do x-men films without him. people unfimilar with the comics won’t be interested

  • 103. Nick replies at 11th March 2005, 12:36 pm :

    Think about it, mate. The majority of x-movie fans are fans of the comic. The x-men movies were immediate box office hits because of the reputation and cult following that x-men comics have. Otherwise there’s no way something that shit would’ve been so big.
    Now, of course they’re not gonna take Wolverine out. But seriously, not everybody wants to see him with the leading role again. It’s boring. Why else do you think they’re talking abou a Wolverine spin-off? Give Jackman his wolverine movie so they can take some focus away from him in X-men.
    What I’m saying is that there’s enough of a comic fan-base that aren’t in love with Wolverine to shove him back a bit.

  • 104. Annie replies at 11th March 2005, 7:19 pm :

    I definatly think that the focus should get off of Wolverine. Having the focus on one characer kind of changes what was so cool aout the X-Men in the first place: that it’s a TEAM of super heros, not just one. If you want a movie with just one hero, go watch Spider-Man, but X-Men was made to be a team, with a bunch of main characters.

  • 105. jimmy replies at 13th March 2005, 3:05 pm :

    My point was, that Wolverine is Fox’s meal ticket their not going to drop the focus off him,do u think origniality has anything to do with, with cinemas getting ready for Jarassic Park 4 and the 6th Star Wars. All productions care about is profits, a bold shift in character screen time is not on the cards. The best they will do is beef up the roles of other x-men slightly, think about it can u actually remember a x-men product that didn’t have Wolverine at the forefront!
    look at the last two movies, Cyclops does nothing and he’s the leader for crying out loud!

    In X2 they had a perfect opportunity to have Colossus share abit of the limelight for a scene but they didn’t purse it, they knew the fans would love it but wanted to play safe.

  • 106. Annie replies at 14th March 2005, 7:41 pm :

    Yeah, I guess you’re right. I guess the movie people thought that it would be best to make one main character, that that would be easer for the people who arn’t X-Men fans to follow. But I wish they had at least picked someone else, like Gambit or something! (Wolverine’s alright, but he’s never been my favorite.)

  • 107. jimmy replies at 16th March 2005, 6:03 am :

    I think most the people on this site agree with you, however the most popular X-man seems to be Wolverine. Also I love the Gambit on page, but I’m sceptical on how the character would transfer to film, if not done careully the caracter could be very cheesy, and a little over the top.
    Then again other than Wolverine, Gambit is the only character with an interesting story to tell, joing the X-men to repent for his wrongs.

    My money is on Beast or Angel

  • 108. Annie replies at 16th March 2005, 5:01 pm :

    Yes, that is definatly true, it would really suck if they made Gambit cheesy! Maybe they shouldn’t risk having a lame Gambit and go with anotehr new character…

    I agree, I think Angel would be really cool in the movie (not to mention I think his wings would make him look super-cool on screen!). Although I really don’t think Beast will be in there, becasuse the movie people said they didn’t want another blue mutant (seeing as they already have Mystique and Nightcrawler).

  • 109. jimmy replies at 17th March 2005, 7:00 am :

    I agree Angels wings would be jaw-dropping on screen, but don’t count Beast out.
    He almost made it into X1 & X2. Besides he dosen’t have to be blue. When the comic first started he just had big hands and feet.

  • 110. Meghan replies at 17th March 2005, 11:15 am :

    Yes I think Gambit should be in the next movie because I do not like the Iceman/Rogue relationship. It seems right that Rogue and Gambit should be together like in the comics but make Gambit younger.

  • 111. Nick replies at 17th March 2005, 12:08 pm :

    Ok guys for real, check out


    Apparently 3 new mutants are joining the movies: Gambit, Beast and Angel (so you’re gonna have your wings looking good on screen). But uh…apparently Angel’s gonna be a girl.
    Dont ask me, i’m as suprised as you guys.
    But then again this honestly might be bogus, so dont take it too seriously.

  • 112. Annie replies at 17th March 2005, 8:42 pm :

    Okay, you scared me about the whole Archangel-being-a-girl thing, so I checked out the site, and it just got a new artical saying that Archangel won’t be a girl. (It’s okay Archangel fans, we can breath again!)

    But that’s cool that they’re saying that Beast, Gambit and Archangel will be in the movie! I really hope they’re right! Even if they don’t become major characters.

  • 113. Nick replies at 18th March 2005, 11:32 am :

    Yeah and they’re also saying that Gambit’s only going to have a small role. Oh well. Life’s tough.

  • 114. Annie replies at 18th March 2005, 7:51 pm :

    Yeah, oh well, a small role is better than nothing!

  • 115. Annie replies at 21st March 2005, 8:33 pm :

    Does anyone have any idea who’s going play Gambit (or Archangel, or Beast)?

  • 116. Annie replies at 28th March 2005, 8:17 pm :

    AAAAHHHH!!! I heard that they were thinking of having Orlando Bloom play Gambit! Please, someone tell me that is only a rumor! I honestly don’t think I could stand Gambit being played by Orlando Bloom! Please, let me be wrong, PLEASE!!!!!!!

  • 117. Kitty replies at 29th March 2005, 3:53 pm :

    Although I DO actually like Orlando Bloom, quite a bit actually, he is ENTIRELY wron for Gambit’s part. Orli is too pretty-boy and can’t carry off the whole brooding thing. I also heard that they are going to be casting a well known actor as Gambit, and one of the possibilities was James Marsters. Drew Fuller is again too pretty-boy, Christian Kane MIGHT pull him off. Argh! The possibilities (and obviously the pending time until the actor is confirmed)are killing me! Also, someone should really shoot Halle Berry. Her ‘mememememe’ attitude is too damn annoying. Please, just cast someone like Jada Pinkett for pete’s sake!!!

  • 118. Annie replies at 29th March 2005, 8:59 pm :

    Exactly, I’m not saying I don’t like Orlando Bloom, I’m just saying he would be really bad to play Gambit.

    I think the best thing would be a totally unknown actor to play him (or at least not very famous, like, he has just played in a tv seires, or a movie that was never so popular or something)

  • 119. jonathan replies at 30th March 2005, 4:15 am :

    It is easy. Make Gambit older, have Rogue get a crush on him, leave IceMan, and chase after our man Remy. That way they can play on the whole I would love to but can’t touch you thing. As with Storm, is it me or has she alway ssucked. Even before the movie. She was always to whiny. Oh well, just my opinion.

  • 120. Annie replies at 30th March 2005, 9:16 pm :

    Yes, that would be the perfict solution. But they spent too much time building Rouge and Icemans relationship, while I wouldn’t mind her leaving him, the movie makers would never do it (sadly).

    I haven’t read to many comics with Storm, but usually I think she’s okay. I think her power is really cool, though. I don’t think not having Storm in the movies will hurt it too much though, but I just think Hally Barry’s atitude is stupid.

  • 121. sam replies at 1st April 2005, 10:38 pm :

    Well heres the deal i completely disagree with you gambit is one of the most interesting characters in the whole comic book world, and i am a girl and he is drop dead gorgeous and i seriously hope they make him a big character in the next movie. He needs to be paired up with rogue as it should of been at the very begining even thought he did not come to us until 1990. I wish i had some way to get it through the makers of x-men 3 to put him in as a big role, and maybe even as a major celebrity.

    Thanks for listening

  • 122. Jenny replies at 7th April 2005, 11:08 pm :

    Suge, Gambit needs to be an unknown. And he better have at least a little muscle to him

  • 123. Annie replies at 9th April 2005, 1:59 am :

    Yes, he needs muscel! They’s better not get some gross flabby guy! (ewww)

  • 124. Annie replies at 9th April 2005, 2:01 am :

    Yes, he definatly needs muscle! They had better not get some gross flabby guy to play him! (eewww, flab on an X-Men)

  • 125. Jorse replies at 9th April 2005, 1:38 pm :

    Hmmm, I’ve only rear first three Essential X-Men collection (about 1500 pages) and there haven’t been characters Rogue or Gambit, so I don’t know pretty much anything about them beside the movie. But, as cool as Gambit looks, I think there really ain’t need for another main part player in the X-Men -serie. There’re already many important characters. We’ve got Wolverine, which is the character in the movies. Professor X will always be important part, as his nemesis Magneto. These three characters maybe not my favorites but they’re the center of story in the movies.

    I think the next movie should also be based on these three characters. As Phoenix can be in big role also in next movie, there ain’t very much space for other characters. Rogue can be in with his unique problems, Mystique has been nice sidekick for Magneto, but I really haven’t seen anything good in Storm in this two movies. Character has been pretty lousy, and the actress ain’t that good either. So, where’s the real need for more central characters?

    If they take some big role characters in, they should throw someone out. And I really can’t see who that could be. Let see what screenwriters and director can play out for us.

  • 126. Annie replies at 14th April 2005, 9:40 pm :

    Yeah. I mean, we can wish and hope and think of ideas all we want, but in the end, it is all up tp the people making the movies. I just hope that they’ll get a good director.

  • 127. Annie replies at 20th April 2005, 7:52 pm :

    Has anyone heard anymore rumors on who is going to play Gambit in X3? The last thing I heard was that they wanted Orlando Bloom. I really hope not. Please someone comfort me and tell me that is nothing but a rumor.

  • 128. Lovin this replies at 21st April 2005, 10:22 am :

    I think that they should put Remy in this one as they could do a love triangle with Rogue Bobby and Remy. Maybe Remy might fall in love with her but maybe they should save that for X 4. I wonder if there going to do an X 4 anyway. But like i said it would be intresting to see Gambit in the next one.

  • 129. Annie replies at 22nd April 2005, 7:19 pm :

    They’re going to make an X4? Is that for sure, or are you just guessing?

  • 130. Twisty Yayo replies at 23rd April 2005, 1:45 am :

    They need Gambit and the comic version of x-men gold team along with the rest, for this one reason

  • 131. Annie replies at 23rd April 2005, 1:22 pm :

    Gold tream? I’ve never heard of the gold team. Who’s in it?

  • 132. Twisty Yayo replies at 23rd April 2005, 3:52 pm :

    The gold team led by Storm, Ice Man, Gambit, Rogue, and THE BEAST. also cyclops they are prof. X’s most elite team of mutants.

    also i would love to see the blob and the juggernaut and some other exiles in the new movie.

  • 133. Twisty Yayo replies at 23rd April 2005, 3:58 pm :


  • 134. Annie replies at 24th April 2005, 1:27 pm :

    Yeah, I think that finding an actor who can talk in the right accent and speak in third person sometimes and not look like a total looser will be dificult to find.

  • 135. Annie replies at 27th April 2005, 8:16 pm :

    I’ve been trying to think of some actors who might be good to play Gambit, but I’m having a hard time. Do any of you have any ideas?

  • 136. mmmmm replies at 3rd May 2005, 11:49 am :

    gambit is the best chracter ever! along with ironman etc. but thts a different matter. the point is the movies need a bit more oomf, and that’s wot gambit could bring.

    they could make gambit quite young and then there is still connections with rogue???

    but it cant be any ordinary actor, it’s gota be sum1 special!

  • 137. Annie replies at 3rd May 2005, 9:04 pm :

    Exactly. I’m trying to thing of who could possibly be good enugh to play Gambit. I’m sure they could make him really good if they find the perfict actor; but who would that be?

  • 138. Nick replies at 4th May 2005, 10:44 am :

    Actually think about this: if they get a well known actor like, say, Jared Letto or somebody, you’re going to be looking at the screen and thinking “that’s Jared Letto”. If it’s somebody you’ve never seen before you can actually think of him as Gambit, not somebody you’ve seen before and know by his real name.

    Does anybody else catch my drift or am I the only one on this train of thought?

  • 139. Annie replies at 4th May 2005, 7:54 pm :

    Yes, I get what you mean. In fact, I feel the exact same way! I really want an unknown actor, that way I’ll never think the actor or any of his past roles when I’m watching the movie, I’ll just think of Gambit.

  • 140. Nick replies at 5th May 2005, 3:33 pm :

    Check out the link


    It’s an interview with Avi Arad. You’ve probably all read it already but if you haven’t it’s worth a look.

    I’ve just figured out that Simon Kinberg, whose writing X-men 3, also wrote Fantastic Four. This is a good thing. FF looks really good, just like a comic book adaptation should. It’s got the powers and the explosions and all that. so there’s hope for X3 yet.

  • 141. Nick replies at 6th May 2005, 6:10 am :

    Right, guys, I’m going to say something that might disturb alot of Gambit fans.

    Have you all heard of the House of M? It’s a new Marvel mini series that’s coming out in which the Scarlet Witch goes mental or something. It involves both the X-men and the Avengers. And get this: it’s meant to change the marvel world forever. Remember the Age of Apocalypse 10 years ago? Think of the same thing only not in an alternative reality.
    Now, this sounds cool. But you know they’ve been killing off alot of character recently. Jeans Grey is dead, Hawkeye is dead (i’ve heard), Psylocke WAS dead.
    I’m getting to the point, bear with me. The guy whose writing the House of M is Brian Bendis. First fact: Brian Bendis HATES Gambit. He’s said it.
    Another fact: The Gambit series is getting cancelled after issue #12.
    Third fact: Gambit plays a pretty big part in the House of M. If you do a search for the issue #1 cover you’ll see him standing right there in the middle. I’ve also seen preview art. He gets the complete crap kicked out of him.

    Could it be that Bendis is sending Gambit to the chopping block? Think about it. If he hates him so much, why is he making him such a prominent character in such a huge event?
    Dont know about you guys, but i’m worried.

  • 142. Nick replies at 6th May 2005, 6:15 am :

    sorry to keep on at this and take up so much space guys, but I just found an interview with Brian Bendis on uncannyxmen.net that makes things a little worse. here’s the bit that scares me:

    Will Hawkeye be in the series?

    BB — He passed away, very suddenly.

    Will there be lots of deaths?

    BB — I won’t say no, because everyone yells at you; but I will tell you it is weird that in three months there was an inordinate amount of killing in all my titles, which of course most I had written ahead of time. So even though it seemed I was being all Hannibal Lector-like, it wasn’t my intention. I did make a promise this year to be all about the creation and birth of the new, so you’re seeing things like the reintroduction of the Sentry and to new villains from the House of M and New Avengers. I made a promise to create and not destroy.

  • 143. Annie replies at 6th May 2005, 8:00 pm :

    Oh no! They’d BETTER NOT kill Gambit!!!!! If they do I would be SO mad!!!!!!!!! That is sad. And by the way, who can hate Gambit?!?! He’s so cool!!

  • 144. Annie replies at 8th May 2005, 3:53 pm :

    What the heck does that have to do with Gambit?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

  • 145. Nathaniel & Kayla replies at 9th May 2005, 1:01 pm :

    We may be way behind in what we am are posting but due to as major head ache and lack of time we only read the first 15 or so… We personally feel Gambit could be brought into the mix of things… besides the fact that he is super cool, but he also did start off kinda on the wrong side… just make him part of Brother hood, we are steadily losing Brother hood characters anyhow. Secondly we are agreeing with any and all suggestions for Kitty Pride. Thirdly, the Phoenix Saga is to quickly getting thrown into the mix. The 3rd movie should have them mourning for their loss. All around the same time losing the Professor and Magneto disappearing, or possiblly sending the Professor to the island with Moura and Banshee. There are actually so many stories you can work around with… but definetly add Gambit and Beast. Beast should become a teacher at the school. This movie could have so many stories, and it could be so well done. The comments up at the top about there being to many main characters, someone doesn’t know their X-men stuff, there are alot of main characters… Like we said, we maybe way behind, but we thought we would add our thoughts.

  • 146. Nick replies at 12th May 2005, 5:05 pm :

    Annie, you seem to be quite into your Gambit. If you want some really interesting chat (with some very Gambit obsessed folk) try joining the forum at http://www.cajuncharm.com

    I’m constantly in the discussions there and it gets pretty interesting.

  • 147. Annie replies at 13th May 2005, 9:24 pm :

    Oh, thank you, Nick! I’ll go check that out now. I’ve been looking for a good X-Men or Gambit forum, but this was the closest I could find. I’m not very good at finding things on the internet. :)

  • 148. Nick replies at 14th May 2005, 8:16 am :


  • 149. Annie replies at 14th May 2005, 1:10 pm :

    Oh, I singed up! My user name is Annie.

  • 150. shell replies at 17th May 2005, 5:50 am :

    before i begin i will admit that my knowledge of x men only comes from watching the cartoon when i was a kid, so my knowledge is very limited, but i was reading earlier posts from about a month ago, and i just felt the need to say this;
    1. love anna paquin, but the part of rogue being so young sucks. and sadly i think she did occasionally try to insert a southern accent but i suppose doing that on top of an americanized northernish accent was too much. ice man is cute but i’m bored and i want gambit.

    2. gambit was my fave and while it looks more like he’s in x 3 the kid they showed who might be playing either him or xavier as a younger guy looks creepy. it sounds weird but i think Ethan Embry would be a good gambit.

    3. i totally agree with people saying too much wolverine not enough character developement. Storm’s character did suck but i think they should just let her character and Halle go for newer characters.

    4. and finally i’m just going to say it, i miss jubilee. and beast i had a tiney wee crush on him…which in retrospect is disturbing.

  • 151. x-men fan replies at 17th May 2005, 5:52 pm :

    I agree with what john said about gambit not being in the next movie. He is my favorite x-man, but he can’t come in with ice-man with rogue. That would be awful! Also they’re already introducing at least two more people probably. you know, jubilee and beast; not to mention further developing collossus’ and ice-man’s characters. But the director had better bring him some point soon.

  • 152. jimmy replies at 18th May 2005, 11:21 am :

    Hey its been a while, ok I keep my ears to the ground on the whole X-3 thing, so here’s the low down as it stands at the mo (subject to change):

    1. We will see the danger room (Like we haven’t heard that before).
    2. Angel is the new X-man in town.
    3. Gambit will appear but will not be a main character, expect the same sort of screen time that collosus had in X-2, dont hold me to that as gambit has a bigger fan base so may get a little more time. (i know it ticks me off aswell, but hey better than no Gambit at all)
    4. James Mardison aka Cyclops, is not a certain member of the cast even though he wants to do it, there’s a schedule coflict with his role in Superman directed by Judas *AHEM* sorry I mean Bryan Singer.

    well its good to be back on this forum, im going to see wot else I can dig up.

    oh slightly off topic but Episode III is out tomorrow, Whooo!

  • 153. jimmy replies at 18th May 2005, 11:24 am :

    Hey its been a while, ok I keep my ears to the ground on the whole X-3 thing, so here’s the low down as it stands at the mo (subject to change):

    1. We will see the danger room (Like we haven’t heard that before).
    2. Angel is the new X-man in town.
    3. Gambit will appear but will not be a main character, expect the same sort of screen time that collosus had in X-2, dont hold me to that as gambit has a bigger fan base so may get a little more time. (i know it ticks me off aswell, but hey better than no Gambit at all)
    4. There’s alot of buzz at the mo about Shadowcat, bad move if you ask me (not extremely exciting powers being able to walk through walls, she hasn’t even got hand to hand combat skills to back it up!)
    5. James Mardison aka Cyclops, is not a certain member of the cast even though he wants to do it, there’s a schedule coflict with his role in Superman directed by Judas *AHEM* sorry I mean Bryan Singer.

    well its good to be back on this forum, im going to see wot else I can dig up.

    oh slightly off topic but Episode III is out tomorrow, Whooo!

  • 154. Annie replies at 18th May 2005, 8:04 pm :

    Thanks for the info, jimmy!

    You know, with everything that can go wrong wit hthe movie-version of Gambit, I’d almost prefure a cameo role. That way I can get all excited when I see him walk on, but I don’t see him for long enugh to notice all the faults. Does that make sence?

  • 155. jimmy replies at 19th May 2005, 7:49 am :

    I agree, as a movie fan I can honestly see the character looking a bit pants, i mean u can get away with the character throwing cards around the place and flipping through the air once or twice but it would look a tad OTT for a whole fight sequence.
    Plus that accent would put a lot of non fans off.
    But I don’t think I’m alone when I say Wolverine has had his day, I mean Cyclops and Storm have been in 2 movies and still haven’t done much, to me it looks like Xaivers training was a waste of time and money!

  • 156. Annie replies at 19th May 2005, 9:22 pm :

    I understand that movies need one or two main characters (unlike in a comic book whre they can have many), but I think that instead of having Wolverine be the main character of all the movies, they should pick a diffrent X-Men to be the main character for each movie.

  • 157. Annie replies at 27th May 2005, 8:08 pm :

    As much as I love Gambit, I think that Archangel should be the main character in X3. I think he would be a good main character. I think he would look good on screen.

  • 158. Anomynous replies at 1st June 2005, 5:44 am :

    I think he should.His accent is annoying but funny.And It’ll be nice if wolverine and Cyclops start to think he’s annoying.In the comics he is Storm’s brother/friend and to see him there It will cause suspense if Storm has a lover and he is in the picture . That is if STORM IS IN THE MOVIE , HOPEFULLY SHE WILL BE IN IT.

  • 159. Annie replies at 1st June 2005, 10:19 pm :

    Gambit as Storm’s lover? Meh, I think it would be cool to have them be friends, but I think it would just be odd to have them as lovers.

    I could see Storm with Nightcrawler, though.

  • 160. jimmy replies at 5th June 2005, 10:52 am :

    Gambit as Storms lover??!! you gotta be kidding me, in the comics they had a brother/sister relationship, it would be messing it up a bit if they had a romantic relationship in the movie, however Gambit would provide Storm with someone else to connect with giving her more important role which is what Halle Berri wants. As far as I know nobody’s been cast for Gambit so im not sure if he’s gonna be in X3 but Kelsey Grammer (star of hit US sitcom “Fraiser”) has been cast as Beast, a great piece of casting if you ak me, although not as good news Vinnie Jones (ex UK football player or soccer player for all you yanks)has been cast for Juggernaught. if you don’t know who this guy is you can catch his wooden performances in “Swordfish”, “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barells” and “Mean Machine”.

    Finally with just eight weeks to go until filmming starts director Matthew Vaughn has left the project leaving X3 directorless yet again. Although there is a small ray of hope; With “Rush Hour 3″ dead and buried Brett Ratner, FOX’s first choice replacement for Singer, is now available and looks like he will take the helm. Ratner has direced films such as “Flight Of The Phoenix” and “Red Dragon”.

  • 161. Desiree replies at 6th June 2005, 6:31 pm :

    look peeps i have read all the things you have posted, and well i think that they should hold Gambit./ i mean dont get me wrong i love Gambit./ no seriouslyi am in love with the guy . but if they hold it off till x4 then maybe they can show more of his story .besides every one is expecting him ,why not keep the fans guessing, get them on the edge of there seats. besides they cant just pop gambit in the x-men story.

    here is an idea why cant at the end of x3 have gambit come out , last 5 min. of the movie and he meets storm, in a bar and she gets into trouble and he saves her but what he does not realise is that she cant remember any thing about her past. so that when x4 comes out we will look foward to seeing them working and becoming freinds , so that the storys not too far feched from the comics. right?

    as for rouge and bobby have them have a bit of trouble in there relation ship so that there is that hole / lets break up thing going on./ and i also noticed that she does not have an accent so some where along the lines she has to take marvel girls power and be able to fly and since they have not already put it in there script take her accent from her. or some thing

    as for the rest of the story lets have the hellfire club and all the villans that come with it and if you are looking for new blood her come Emma frost, Dark pheoinx, a little little bit of gambit and last but not lest KITTY PRYID and maybe show a little of cyclops and madeline. and no wolverine i mean the intire x-men story does not revolve around him ,actualy it does BUT IT SHOULDNT

    and that hole producer thing i keep reading a lot about JOSS WHEDON if hes going to be two busy why no STEPHEN SUMMERS i mean an one who has seen “the mummy” knowshe is not bad

    sidenote:one more thing just in case some ones already thinking about x4 ,another new mutant can be psylocke personalyi hope/kate bakensal/plays the role /i spell bad too. oh and thoes uniforms that the x-men were I HOPE GAMBIT DOES NOT WEAR THAT STUFF /I HOPE HE REBEL AGENST THAT STUFF HE WILL LOOK MORE LIKE A BAD ASS

  • 162. DESIREE replies at 6th June 2005, 6:33 pm :


  • 163. Annie replies at 6th June 2005, 7:30 pm :

    Interesting thoughts (although it was kinda hard to read with no punctuation). I think that would be a pretty good way to introduce Gambit. But there’s just one thing: people keep on talking about X4, but are we sure there’s going to be an X4? I thought they wanted to keep it at a trilogy.

    As cool as it is to have Rogue be able to fly, I don’t think that having Rogue suck out the powers from Mrs. Marvel would fit very well into the movie. So I think they should just leave Rogue the way she is in the movie.

    The Hellfire club is also cool, but I think with the whole Dark Phoenix thing, they’ll have more than enough stuff going on, and trying to stuff the Hellfire club in there would just make it to crowded.

    As far as costumes go, I think that if Gambit is in the movie, he should have the same sort of costume except with his trench coat on top (or maybe it would look better if it was black…)

  • 164. Jimmy replies at 7th June 2005, 7:21 am :

    Personally i think that there’s next to no chance of seein X4, with all the trouble that the X3 production is having with securing cast members and directors I think the FOX will call it a day after X3.

    Something has really bothered me in this forum, the fact that you all want to see carbon copies of the Characters and stories of the comic! I am sorry but the translation wouldn’t fit the style of the film plus the Hellfire club? How much story do you think they can fit in a two hour film?

    Also Brett Ratner has taken over the directors job, and was actually a contender for the first two films of the franchise.
    It also looks like Kitty Pride is in this one, I’d rather see Gambit as Shadowcat is boring, her powers don’t really get me that excited, OOOO! she can walk through walls, So What! So could Casper and he’s rubbish too!

    Alas with filming just eight weeks away and no solid evidence of Gambits involvement looks like our favourite Cajun will never see the silver screen

  • 165. Annie replies at 8th June 2005, 6:28 pm :

    I like Kitty Pryde but, like a lot of characters, I think she should stay in the comic books (or maybe just camio roles). It’s fun to see someone walk thru walls once in a movie, but any more than that would get boring.

    Oh well, in one way, it’s really kinda sad that Gambit won’t be in the move, but in an other, it’s kinda good. I mean there are just way to many ways they could skrew up Gambit while transfering him to the film. At least this way he’ll be safe & never get rueined by a movie.

  • 166. Desiree replies at 11th June 2005, 12:54 am :

    I have read what you have writen and well Kitty is a good character and a lot of people want to see her and be sides she is like Rogue’s best friend and she is a rebel people love her that why they shoould have her in a movie and as for x4 i am sure they will make one i mean look at Batman who would have thoughtthey would make a new one but they did i wouldnt mind waiying a couple of years for x4 to come out and as for the hole ” how much of the story can they fit in two hours ” well they dont have to expose the inter story of Dark phoenix story. Or maybe they can take out the hellfire club and do some thing else or they can extend the film just a little bit, or i dont know it is just a thought . Oh! and as for rouge sucking out the powers from marvel girl , sorry to tell you this but this is how it kinda happend ,the cartoons even had it that way.

  • 167. Desiree replies at 11th June 2005, 12:55 am :

    I have read what you have writen and well Kitty is a good character and a lot of people want to see her and be sides she is like Rogue’s best friend and she is a rebel people love her that why they shoould have her in a movie and as for x4 i am sure they will make one i mean look at Batman who would have thoughtthey would make a new one but they did i wouldnt mind waiying a couple of years for x4 to come out and as for the hole ” how much of the story can they fit in two hours ” well they dont have to expose the inter story of Dark phoenix story. Or maybe they can take out the hellfire club and do some thing else or they can extend the film just a little bit, or i dont know it is just a thought . Oh! and as for rouge sucking out the powers from marvel girl , sorry to tell you this but this is how it kinda happend ,the cartoons even had it that way.

  • 168. Desiree replies at 11th June 2005, 1:01 am :

    I have read what you have writen and well Kitty is a good character and a lot of people want to see her and be sides she is like Rogue’s best friend and she is a rebel people love her that why they shoould have her in a movie and as for x4 i am sure they will make one i mean look at Batman who would have thoughtthey would make a new one but they did i wouldnt mind waiying a couple of years for x4 to come out and as for the hole ” how much of the story can they fit in two hours ” well they dont have to expose the inter story of Dark phoenix story be sides the HellFire club kinda go’s with Dark Phoenix. Or maybe they can take out the hellfire club and do some thing else or they can extend the film just a little bit, or i dont know it is just a thought . Oh! and as for rouge sucking out the powers from marvel girl , sorry to tell you this but this is how it kinda happend ,the cartoons even had it that way.

  • 169. desiree replies at 11th June 2005, 1:05 am :

    sorry i have copyed it on 3 time my computer is messed up !!!!

  • 170. Annie replies at 11th June 2005, 2:15 pm :

    Kind of hard to read, but I think I got your point. But they already kind of have a rebel with Pyro & all, and I mean, it would get kinda annoying if they had 50 billion relels in one move, you know?

    I think they’ll be able to fit the Dark Phoenix thing into one movie, as long as they only focus on that and have minimal side plots. If they try to have a big story with Wolverine as well, they won’t have time.

    I KNOW that’s how Rogue got her flying powers etc., I’m just saying I don’t think she should get those powers AT ALL in the movie; I just don’t think it’d fit well. Plus in the movie, she kills people if she touches them for to long, so that would kinda skrew it up.

  • 171. jimmy replies at 12th June 2005, 10:16 am :

    I agree with annie, i mean the x-men films are kinda grounded in reality, (i mean as realistic as a film with guys with claws and mind control can be)all the x-men’s powers are done in a more subtle way than the comics, so to have a skinny, adolecent rogue smashing the place up would look a bit ridiculas. Its exactly that reason why Gambit will be left out, you can’t ground the character in reality.

  • 172. Annie replies at 12th June 2005, 6:43 pm :

    Yeah, exactly! That’s also why I think that they’re having Jean Grey just drown & come back as Phoenix, instead of having her die in space, b/c that wold make it a lot less realistic (again, realistic for a movie with super-powered mutants); so they probably just wanna keep in all on earth, you know?

  • 173. Isai Vazquez replies at 17th June 2005, 3:34 pm :

    ok everyone here has great ideas.. but let go of storm!! in the past 2 movies she has never had a strong part in the last 2 movies… they should write that she goes to africa ( becus they said the africans worshipped her as a goddess becus during the time of draught she made rain) maybe they should lead her off to do that… and gambit he should be introduced into the movies he was probably my favorite characters following wolverine,colossus,and the OMEGA RED!! y hasnt he been introduced yet? that would be a great villian to be introduced to get the focus off of magneto mystique and the other members of the brotherhood…. wolverine should go to japan to his lover yureko who then changed into lady deathstrike who has already been killed off without full recognition of her history wat was up with that? no one knew who she was then wolverine killed her? they should have at least shown that she was gracefully defeated by by wolverine and he was distracted and she ran off and then later in X3 he discovers that she was his love might have workd i dunno suggestions…. my suggestion screw storm the team could do better off without her jean greys return can wait show little signs of her return like supposedly they look beneath the depths of the lake to realize the body of jean has disappeared…. and cyclops starts seeing her in crowds and places that he would usually find her things like that… starts having visions like jean is trying to communicate with him… gambit should be introduced no matter wta it takes…..colossus doesnt rilly have a great lead since the 2nd one so i dunno wat to say about that one… magneto looks like a walking skeleton becus he’s so old thats why omega red or the blob or pyro and mystique can take over as villians or bring in avalanche… the flig between bobby and rogue that cant be overlooked…but gambit was rogues’ frist love he has always been with her… but then y did they give her bobby…an odd choice but i guess i kinda stick with it becus gambit would ruin it between them and jubilee should actually have a part in the next movie just suggestions i just dont want the next movie to come out hella crappy and waste about 2 hours and 6$ watching a retarded movie

  • 174. Annie replies at 18th June 2005, 2:42 pm :

    I think it would possably be very easy to just drop Storm with out even having to make a huge story out of it. They can just say she needed a break or whatever, and she’ll be out of the picture.

    As I’ve said about fifty billion times, I think Gambit is so easy to skrew up, they should just leave him out. But I saw an interviw with one of the script writers and they said that Gambit’ll be in the story, but he’ll not be a large role. So I am TOTALLY releaved. The smaller the role, the harder it is to skrew someone up.

    I think the brotherhood is good, and they shouldn’t introduce any more villans. I mean, they only have one movie left, so trying to introduce a whole new set of villans, and have the X-Men fight them and everything would just take up too much time. But I think that maybe the focus should be on Pyro. That could actually make things very interesting, seing as he used to be on the same side as the X-Men, and then he turned agenst them. I think that a fight between Iceman and Pyro would be SO cool.

    I don’t think they should start sending Wolverine off to Japan. I think that would just make things too confusing. I also don’t think that they should have Wolverine fall in love, or have Lady Deathstrike come back eather. I think they should just leave her dead. They shouldn’t start these big storylines, because they won’t have time to wrap them up proberly. (If for some reason they were to make a Wolverine spin off, then I think that that would be a great place for Wolverine to go to Japan and fall in love and stuff. But I think it’s just too much for X3.)

    Not having Jean Grey come back, but just having hints sounds like a kinda good idea. But I really don’t think they’re going to make any movies past X3, so if they don’t brink Jean back in this film, she’ll stay dead in the movie universe forever. And besides, they already kinda gave a hint of her comming already at the end of X2 (you know, the light under the water).

    I have absolutly no idea WHY they dicited to put Rogue and Iceman together, but I think that now that they ARE together, they really should leave them together. They are kinda cute (in the movie, that is). And anyways, if there’s no Gambit, then there’ll be no problem.

    But whatever they do, I really don’t think the movie will turn out “hella crappy.” I mean, to do that, they would have to really TRY to skrew it up. Yes, the movies are COMPLEATLY diffrent than the comics, but that’s just the way movies from comics work. As long as they don’t give Gambit a very big role, and they do Archangel and Beast even kinda okay, the movie will be fine.

  • 175. Jake replies at 19th June 2005, 5:44 pm :

    I really think Gambit should be in X3. Because they are introducing alot of x-men from the comics. And Gambit is in most of the comics and he is a big character. It would really suck if Gambit wasn’t in X3.

  • 176. Jake replies at 19th June 2005, 5:51 pm :

    I mean cmon. They have Colossus and Juggernaut that are going to be playing in X3. I would hate if Gambit missed all the action. And who cares about Rouge going out with Iceman. Whoa she could break up with him and go out with Gambit.

    One more thing, it really doesn’t matter how many main characters are in this movie! The X-men are going to fight Juggernaut!!! The X-Men need Gambit in the movie

  • 177. Jake replies at 19th June 2005, 5:52 pm :

    I mean cmon. They have Colossus and Juggernaut that are going to be playing in X3. I would hate if Gambit missed all the action. And who cares about Rouge going out with Iceman. Whoa she could break up with him and go out with Gambit.

    One more thing, it really doesn’t matter how many main characters are in this movie! The X-men are going to fight Juggernaut!!! The X-Men need Gambit in the movie.

  • 178. Ross replies at 19th June 2005, 7:24 pm :

    I agree that there should be a battle against Pyro and Iceman. But I hate the fact that you think Gambit should have a small role. Cmon Gambit is like one of the most coolest X-Men alive (my oppinion). Gambit should be introduced like Nightcrwaler was in X2. Colossus was shown little in X2 so they should bring him on a mission with X-Men. But please make Gambit in the 3 X-Men movie.

  • 179. Annie replies at 20th June 2005, 2:26 pm :

    I think that Gambit is the coolest ever, too. But just think of how much they could skrew him up! I would much rather have no Gambit that a really weird, skrewed up Gambit any time.

    I think the best way to go would be to give him a cameo, slightly larger than Colossus in X2. That would be enough to make me happy, but at least he wouldn’t be on the screen long enough for me to find every little thing that’s wrong with him.

  • 180. Ross replies at 21st June 2005, 5:46 am :

    How would Gambit be screwed up? In what way are the people of X3 gonna screw Gambit, tell me that? There isn’t alot of main characters in the movie. Gambit should like show up in a scene and like kick some ass and do a little talk to talk with Rouge.

    In X2, when mystique was in that lab searching for Magneto on a computer and where he was held, if you look carefully you see the name Lebue,Remy. Thats Gambits real name. Whats up with that. Thats beside the point. All I think is Gambit should just have a part like cyclops had in X2.

  • 181. jimmy replies at 21st June 2005, 11:50 am :

    The only person on the same wave length as me on this forum is Annie!
    The rest of you have no idea what makes a good film, I do and Gambit Is’nt it, the Characters great in the comics, becuase the comic is a complete escapism from reality, the X-men films make things more sublte and real so that people unfimiliar with the comiics can belive it too, you but a french/cajun sterio type that jumps all over the place flinging cards would be out of place.

    from what I hear (and I’m not usually wrong) Gambit and Juggernuaght are BOTH involved in a break out of a mutant concerntration camp.

    From what I’m told Gambit in the film is simular to the Ultimate version as in he doesn’t take a side and drifts in and out doing little but doing it effectively, also there’s speculation withn FOX that he Appears at the end fight. Im thinking he’ll get the same screen time as Toad in the X1, If this is all true that is

  • 182. Ross replies at 21st June 2005, 12:00 pm :

    Whatever, I just care if Gambit gets a 30min part in the movie like Dark Vader did in the 3 movie,that’ll make me happy.

  • 183. Annie replies at 21st June 2005, 3:58 pm :

    Yeah, I noticed that too, Jimmy. Most people on here are just thinking about their favorit parts/characters in the comic books, and then they say that it should be in the movie, but they are not really thinking about how well it would work in a movie.

    You want an example of a skrewed up character? Well, everyone, really. But I’ll say a couple spacific examples: Wolverine is about a foot taller than he’s supposed to be; Jean Grey is a doctor; Rogue’s powers kill people. There are tones more, but I won’t list them all. But I will mention Iceman’s character. The only thing that is even remotly similer between movie Iceman and comic Iceman is his power.

    Eeewww, I HATE Ultimate Gambit! In fact, I really hate all Ultimate X-Men in geniral, but that’s not the point. I wish they wouldn’t make him like that in the movie! (Well, I wish they wouldn’t put him in the movie AT ALL but if they have to, then please not Ultimate!)

  • 184. big d replies at 22nd June 2005, 12:38 am :

    Gambit is hands down the best character and it would be good to see the love triangle between him rogue and iceman

  • 185. jimmy replies at 22nd June 2005, 12:26 pm :

    I don’t think there using the characteristics of Ultimate Gambit, their just using the idea that he only pops up now and again when it suits him. (Which is how he was used when he first arruved at the X-mansion back before “Xtinction Agenda”

    I wouldn’t go so far as to say they screwed up Wolverine and Iceman, They certainly adabted them, (but c’mon if they went by the comic version of Wolverine,he’d would get a more Stephen Segal look, hardly likely to pull of the sexual stuff with a highly attractive, Famke Jansen!)
    Although Rouge was a bit disapointing, in the comics she was always independent and strong willed. Instead of the timind, emotionallty unstable, kid-nap fodder we got in the movies.

    But at the end of the day we accepted them. The biggest concern is that they don’t over do Gambit and that the Franchise doesn’t incorperate the idea of; Style over Substance, if the avoid that with the character I can walk out the movie happy.

  • 186. jimmy replies at 22nd June 2005, 12:31 pm :

    Oh one more thing, Rogue’s power was always potentially fatal in the comics, she almost killed her first boyfriend Coedy (I think that was his name) and Ms Marvel.

    oh and big d I really don’t think we need another love triangle this is X-men not a bloody Soap Opera

  • 187. Annie replies at 22nd June 2005, 2:01 pm :

    Oh, good. Having Gambit just pop in every once in a while is a LOT better than heving him be like the Ultimate Gamit.

    Okay, so I know that a lot of the changes to the characters and stuff was necesary to make a good movie, so I accept that. I know that a lot of things that take place in comics would look really bad if put on screen.

    But I really don’t want to see Gambit with any of these “movie adaptions” or whatever. I think Gambit is a great character and he should not be changed. But if he’s not going to be changed at all, then the people who make the mvie are going to have to work really hard to keep Gambit just the way he’s supposed to be.

    And what if they want him to start talking in third person or something? I mean, that’s fine in the comics, but it even looks/sounds kinda odd in the tv show.

  • 188. Ross replies at 22nd June 2005, 5:11 pm :

    The Ultimate Gambits costume sucks. If they put Gambit in X3 i better not see him in that crap. I don’t want Gambit in the movie if he is going to wear it.

    Why in the movies dothey show wolverine hitting on Jean Grey thats weird. They really screwed Wolverine up in the movies badly. Hes like all soft and stuff. Wolverine in the comics is much more “I don’t care lets kick some ass” kinda dude. They shoud of had Rouge more of southern in the movies.

    And they should had her hair more longer. In X3 they should make iceman be in his ice stage you knoew like whens hes in hes ice armor that would be cool.

  • 189. jimmy replies at 23rd June 2005, 7:36 am :

    Nah, Iceman in ice armor would look to simular to Colossus in the movie.

    Ok he’s some brief ideas ive had for introducing Gambit in X3, bit of a read, and if it sucks feel free to shoot me down in flames. My idea is going with the rumored prison break. Also I belive this will make Gambits power easier to accept for non fans.

    We’re in a high tech prision ward for mutants, everyone is wearing Genoisian Collars. (Collars invented in the comics to devoid a mutant of their abilities).

    Cut to an inmate placing 6 tin cups on a table.

    Cut to money/cigerettes changing hands amoung inmates (gambling)

    Cut back to first inmate

    INMATE: Ok, Cajun lets see you pull this one off.

    Cut to extreme close up of a pair of burning red eyes!

    pull back to see Gambit sitting on the other side of the mess hall with his trademark sh*t eating grin shuffling cards.

    Effortlessly Gambit flicks the cards (NON CHARGED) with amazing speed and accuracy knocking each cup off the table one by one, still grinning. (before people say this can’t be done, it can ive seen it, its all in the movement of the wrists)

    Some imates are stunned while others start exchanging money again excitedly.

    GAMBIT: Guess Lady Luck’ smiling on me. (very smug)

    INMATE:(Under his breath) A*hole.

    Gambit starts collecting his winnings.

    Huge Explosion occurs.

    Inmates are at a stand still, mysteriously all the Collars around their necks unlock and drop to the floor.

    Emerging from the smoke comes Magneto.

    Prision Guards rush in. Inmates start an attack against their captors.

    Gambit Rushes to the Table and snatches his deck of cards.

    Mayhem begins.

    What do you think thought of it this morning

  • 190. Ross replies at 23rd June 2005, 10:26 am :

    Its pretty good,Liked the way you ended or started with Gambit.Its kinda like when Rouge found Wolverine in that bar in X1. It would be cool if they showed the mutant massacre that would be cool.

    Like magento tried to ask Gambit to help in the brotherhood and Gambit refuses and Magneto leaves. How about like at the end they show storm at a place in some kind of speakeasy or somthin an she meets Gambit. They talk and talk until someone tries to start a fight with Gambit and the bar goes in a riot that would be cool to start the end and in the X4 they can show more of Gambit.

  • 191. Annie replies at 23rd June 2005, 3:59 pm :

    I think that’s a really good idea, jimmy. And maybe they can show Magneto trying to get Gambit on his side, and then Gambit refuses, but I don’t think we need a whole big fight or riot or whatever like Ross suggested.

    Jimmy: do you have any ideas about how Gambit could find/join the X-Men?

  • 192. jimmy replies at 24th June 2005, 7:13 am :

    Hmmm, I wouldn’t have him join in X3, i’d leave it open so if X4 was produced you could bring him in.

    Ok here’s an idea that I was toying with.

    so Gambit hasn’t officially joined either side although he is at Magneto’s base just in the background not doing too much maybe seeing occassional glimpses of disapproval when hearing the Brotherhoods plans. Gambit decides to leave the base and just look out for himself.

    Ok cut to the final act which will no doubt have a battle of sum discription.

    Rogue does the only thing she’s good at in the movies and finds herself in a life or death situation Iceman tries to rush to her aid but gets a bit of an arsewhooping by Pyro. (Note strong rumor has it in the X3 camp that Iceman/Rogue relationship is under strain because of the whole “don’t touch me/I don’t want to hurt you” ect. and Iceman starts flirting with Kitty Pryde, that dawg.)

    By now Gambits morales get the better of him and intervine making his big enterance by saving Rogue (I know Gambit saving Rogue is a common idea, but still its the best way for a connection to be made if he isn’t going to be a major character)

    Rogue is saved and for a split second the stare at each other no one speaks but it is clear that there’s an understanding between the two.

    final showdown is over, Wolverine proberbly saves the day (just a hunch ;) ).

    Cut to aftermath of battle all X-men board the X-jet, Rogue last to board, sees Gambit, a solitary figure standing alone, big trench coat flowin in the wind for dramatic effect.

    Rogue approaches Gambit.

    ROGUE: You’re not comming with us.

    GAMBIT: Guy like me, their best shot is on their own

    Cut to Iceman observing from a distance waiting next the X-jet

    Roge and Gambit look into one anothers eyes

    Gambit goes to kiss Rogue on the cheek,
    Rouge pulls away.
    Gambit smiles and takes her hand (obviously weaing gloves) and kisses it ( you know in the gentlemenly casanova way)

    NOTE: This would highlight the difference in her and Iceman’s relationship, Iceman could never accept that he couldn’t be physical with Rogue he either looked slightly frustrated or did it anyway (see X2)

    Gambit lets go of her hand and has obviously slipped her something.

    Cut to X-jet taking off Gambits still standing where he was Watching the X-jet go into the distance.

    Rogue is staring it a palying card, you guessed it the Queen of Hearts.

    Ok pretty lame, very much like Wolverines departure in X1. That said it would please fans and non fans wouldn’t see enough of Gambit for his accent to get on their nerves

  • 193. Annie replies at 24th June 2005, 3:11 pm :

    Actually, I think that’s pretty good. You’re good at comming up with this kind of thing, jimmy. I’m good at saying what I don’t want in a movie, but I can’t ever think of what to put instead!

    I like the idea of showing the dificulty of Rogue and Iceman’s relationship. And how Gambit just takes her hand and kisses that and doesn’t seem annoyed that Rogue wouldn’t let him kiss her cheek kinda shows that he’s okay with the “no touchie thing” and stuff.

    I really like the idea of the queen of hearts card. Okay, so it may be bordering the line of kinda cheesy, but I think it’s cute! Plus it’s one of those things where the people who know the comics will totally recognise it; but then the people who don’t (know the comics) will still think it’s cute or whatever.

    How old do you think that Gambit should be, though? I mean, I really think that he can’t be any younger than, say, 23 or something, otherwise that would just be odd. But Rogue is, like, 15 or something in the movie, isn’t she? Well, if she is, then she has to be at least a little older. Maybe X3 can happen 2 years after X2, so then she’d be 17 at least. But six years is still kinda a big diffrence…

  • 194. Johnny replies at 27th June 2005, 2:18 am :

    Joss Whedon Better Be writing, hes doing The Astonishing X-Men comic book right now and its really good.

    Gambit: Common!!!! He has a deck of cards that he turns pink and explosive on impact by releasing the kinetic energy within!!! Thats simply a cool character along with the brown trench coat, staff, cocky bastard n french accent who under it all has a heart!!!

    Hes simply a REALLY cool character get him in their, his powers r close 2 cyclopse but hes not cyclopse, n his personas is close 2 wolverine but hes not wolvernie, hes gambit… cocky hilarious french guy he deserves a place in X MEN MOVIE HISTORY!

  • 195. jimmy replies at 3rd July 2005, 9:54 am :

    Glad you liked my ideas, ok get this i found this from an article from IGN Film site with Avi Arad, the guy from Marvel that deals with the movie rights;

    “…Arad also reiterated that the small role of Gambit has yet to be cast but that a strong actor is needed since they may have to carry a movie down the line. So does that mean there is going to be a Gambit spin-off film?!”

    This suggests to me that if X4 is going to be made, that Gambit will take over as the leading man.

  • 196. jimmy replies at 3rd July 2005, 10:05 am :

    Oh I think in X2 that Rogues upposed to be 17/18 I think Gambit would have to be 24 maximum for it not to avoid that grey area of “creepy-older-guy-syndrome”

    So from my latest post I think that the roll of Gambit maybe the biggest small role of the franchise (c’mon what strong actor is going to want do just a cameo) I think he will have the same screen time as Toad in X1, just involved in key sequences but not really exploring the motivation of the character

  • 197. Annie replies at 4th July 2005, 6:03 pm :

    I guess a Toad-sized role would be okay. And you have a good point, almost any actor that would play Gambit well would not want to do a cameo.

  • 198. jeremy replies at 10th July 2005, 1:24 am :

    gambit needs to be in the films. for any one who reads alot of reviews, & can locate info, as i can should know that, after spiderman 3 (inwich eliza dushkoo is to play black cat and then go her own way.) linsey lohan, is to play firestar, the girlfriend of bobby drake. to take it back to the 1980’s cartoon, “spiderman & his amazing friends” in wich ice man, & firestar, have left the x-men to strike out on their own. X-3 will give time to expound on bobbys abbilaties, and inroduse angelica (firestar) into the picture, as they did colosus, jubilee, shadowcat, & beast in X-2. then in the next

    film (X-4) in the begining bobby can break the news of his love for firestar, & their intentions on leaveing, and then they do so. then after introduceing a young gambit (who i’d be more than willing to play, being an actor myself) they can then set a slight focus on gambits unending pursuit of rouge, & friction between him & logan.

    “wow i should wright for marvel movies, stan lee can contact me at any time.”

  • 199. jimmy replies at 10th July 2005, 12:12 pm :

    No jeremy you really shouldn’t write for the Marvel movies, other than the fact you misspelled “write”; that idea is the wrost kind of drivel that I’ve heard on the web. And I’ve read some real sh*t on this forum!

    hang ur head in shame.

  • 200. johnny replies at 11th July 2005, 10:22 pm :

    I think you should put colusess in there more. Or you cpold put scott meeting up wif Alex Summers. And put more vilians in there like the wolvirene meeting and fighting the wendigo. Peace

  • 201. Eve replies at 14th July 2005, 12:06 pm :

    Gambit really should be in X3 because he’s the best character (apart from Wolverine and Pheonix). I think they should replace Ana Paquin because Rogue is like a southern belle and Ana is just not that attractive. I don’t want Jonathan Rhys-Meyers to play Gambit because he wasn’t great playing Elvis. I think Kelsey Gramar is an excellent choice for Beast and I loved Vinnie Jones in Euro Trip so he should be fun as Juggernaut. Let’s just hope that the director knows what he’s doing.

    P.S. Can you immagine the makeup job they’ll have to do on Kelsey G.?

  • 202. Adam replies at 17th July 2005, 12:05 am :

    I think like it or not Gambit will be in X-3, maybe beast, and you just cant leave the storm character empty, she is the second leader behind cyclops. Wolverine isnt going anywhere he is thier money maker. I think that you might see Emma Frost AKA the White Queen and possibly Shadowcat. I hope they push Pheniox back to X-4, but who knows. I wish they would do Sentinels but that probably wont happen.

  • 203. Giselle replies at 20th July 2005, 3:47 pm :

    Well personally i think Gambit could be in X 3. I think he would be probably the main charater, example, he could be rescued by the X Men when they here gambit is being used for something. And Rogue? Why not? I mean there’s no Remy without Rogue. Bobby…hmm difficult one but they can still do a love triangle. Make Bobby realise there not meant to be. Remy can flirt with Rogue for a bit, why not?

    Kitty…well if you haven’t noticed, in X 1 she was a teenager, but in x2 she was a little girl? So i aint got a clue what there doing with Kitty, but personally i think she needs to be in. Not a big role, just a very small part. Prehaps with Rogue. Kitty is normally Rogue’s best friend so the writers could only use Kitty for Rogue opening up bits.

    Storm and Remy? HA! No no no…they are way to of good friends, that’d never work out. Storm though? I like her powers, but i think that if she left it wouldn’t bother me, but i think that she needs to be in it as she is like the second leader of the X Men.

    Beast, i like they guy but what good would he do in the movies? If i were the writers and had to choose between Gambit and Beast it would be Gambit as he is a more essential part. Angel on the other hand has a lot to do with alot of thigs. Number 1 he was an early X Man, but in the movies he’s not. Number 2 being he is a key to Appocolypse. (Sorry if i spelt it wrong). I’m stuck on Angel and Gambit. I would choose Gambit coz i luv im, but Angel is ace…i dunno.

    But Rogue and Remy HAVE to have a relationship of some sort, and what’s up with Rogue by the way, she’s so…damsel in distress and that’s annoying. She’s spose to be this hero who is so strong and powerful, not to mention brave, everyone admires her. But Rogue in the movie is just an annoying little kid who can’t even talk souther,n, and i luv Anna Paquin, but COME ON! Anyway that’s all i have to say for now.

  • 204. Ali replies at 10th August 2005, 7:31 pm :

    i personaly think that they should cut night crawler send him to a priest in germany or smtin then let kitty pride join reall young and let wolverine take care of her right so scott is like too busy pre occupied with jean that he takes a trip and storm is in command yes storm should be here then like every body else said they meet gambit in a bar and he joins pyro and mystique are busy rulin the broter hood while magneto visists cycolops and he meets hi brother havoc. then it shows lik proff x sees jean on the cerebro. thats what think .

  • 205. harry chamber replies at 30th August 2005, 6:22 pm :

    i think they should have gambit in the next x-men film because he’s an awsome character and i wreckon his suits cool aswell i dont know why people dis him

  • 206. destiny replies at 6th September 2005, 10:55 am :

    I think gambit should be in X-Men 3. He was one of the main characters of the comics and the cartoons. I go along with some of the other posts say that Rogue is way too young and that they need the love between Gambit and her. For goodness sakes Iceman was a friend, nothing more. Gambit should be in the movie. Why isn’t he in there?

  • 207. karen replies at 9th September 2005, 11:51 pm :

    Today, Ralph Winter (one of the film’s producers) confirmed to The Xverse that there is no appearance by Gambit in X-Men 3 — but that it might be included in “the next one”. This indicates that despite any possible plans to end the series with a trilogy, people involved with production are open to future X-sequels.

    Well, it looks like Remy not going to be in X3 after all. I wanted him to have aleast have a cameo cuz he’s one of my favorite charaters.

  • 208. aj replies at 9th October 2005, 8:33 pm :

    hey man come on gambit is amazing he is so much like wolverine so use it to the atvandtage have to two clash and gambit kick wolverines but so that it shows this new tuff guy when did it ever say it was only about wolverine and the ice man issue just dont make rogue love eather have gambit be in the same position as wolverine is in with jean grey the one she looks to but no that she couldnt have him cause ice man loves her gambit would be the star attraction if you have orlando bloom play gambit or sean dorrif it would be like a magnet u have to have gambit veryone has been waiting for it screw one of the other characters over but not beast but you need gambit hes all action and make him the tuff guy that never looses even over wolverine come on gambit hes amazing and if you did have orlando bloom hes done many accents he could pull off a french accent very good and still get oscars

  • 209. john replies at 10th October 2005, 8:38 pm :

    gambit is a very good fighter and flexible backflip front flip thing and exciting to watch hes like the bad boy under dog and unguessible never no what hes gunna do he could have the atvantadge over a weak person and still do the wackeist thing and use all his powers to destroy them pitty them fight them with all his might hit and run hes unguessible and fun to watch he will drag the crowd into the movie and keep them coming keep them guess keep them excited and into the movie you really should have put him in the movie in the begining the first or second to keep your audiance you guys lost an audiance just a bit from 1rst to second movie if you some awesome comericial like gaambit in the dark in a sell/dugeon looking up like in a dark determined look when he was kidnapped to those sewers things you really should have him in the movie even if you give him ten fifteen second butt kicking part and a lil senctence like him punching back flip kick then run off the wall and kick another mutant and have the mutant knocked out and have him take out a guard with his power and show the crowd his fighting skills and his power and have maybe a lil basketball scene him agianst a bunch of other not important mutant and have him say 2 or 3 sentances to some one and give rogue a flirty lok and her give him one back you no and even if you have him acted by some young hunky not known guy with a lil growing beard and a slight euorpeanin french accent and maybe at the end have him fight the otha amry or what ever with a bunch of other mutants barily seen in the crowd give him a good little part come on please. but hey if you deside to give him the lead part and kick everyones butt easily thats more then fine also but please have him in something but defintly if theres a x4 please have him a big big tuf fguy never looses quick night crawler fighter type and have him woop around wolverine and have him beat him if you have x4 and it would be if he was orlando but thats unlikely but please have him in something

  • 210. dalton koller replies at 12th October 2005, 9:21 pm :

    yea u should have gambit in this movie he is just as much a part of the xmen as wolverine or cyclops , and besides that hes like the coolest out of them anyway i mean he was in every tv series and all the comics and him and rogue dont HALF to be together he just needs to be there ,

  • 211. Franky replies at 23rd October 2005, 12:23 am :

    fuck hallie berry, stupid fucking bitch, fuck her in the ass stupid bitch, i hate that bitch, demanding more money, stupid ass bitch, stick to fucking catwoman and release another bomb stupid fucking slut, storm is a fuckin bitch ass character anyway, stupid asss bitch, the lamest ass bitch character in the fucking xmen world anyway, i hate that bitch. go to hell strom, fuck bryan singer and fuck fox, cant work out a fucking deal, fucking losers, and fuck you new director of x3 whoever the fuck you are, you fucking loser stay on directing gay ass fucking movies like rush hour and other smash jackie chan hits, and finally fuck you hollywood for sscrewing up the great marvel workd of the xmen. gambit deserves to be in X3, and fuck anna paquin, she isnt even a good rouge, stupid ass bitch, go to hell.

  • 212. aaron replies at 23rd October 2005, 4:08 am :

    hell yes gambit should be in the new movie fuck all the other characters gambit is the shit and deserves to be in it and him and rogue should have a thing just like the comic books and fuck you people who doesnt think he should blow me. gambit is an important character and all love the way he talks and if it gets on your nerves get the fuck over it its an x-men movie he should be in it. and if you dont like it blow me <3

  • 213. aaron replies at 23rd October 2005, 4:09 am :

    hell yes gambit should be in the new movie fuck all the other characters gambit is the shit and deserves to be in it and him and rogue should have a thing just like the comic books and fuck you people who doesnt think he should blow me. gambit is an important character and all love the way he talks and if it gets on your nerves get the fuck over it its an x-men movie he should be in it. and if you dont like it blow me <3