New War of the Worlds pictures online

WOTWStill.jpgI don’t know what the excitement is about the War of the Worlds pictures, I mean it’s just Tom Cruise standing around with a bunch of people. Oh, and there’s some dirt and rubble too, who’s the best actor? Among the people I mean!

Anyway, check out a couple more stills at Movieweb. Nothing exciting at all, and I really don’t see anything that’s making me go “wow!”. Okay, okay. I know. I’m sure that the movie is going to be spectacular, after all it’s the surnamed man Spielberg.

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3 Responses to “New War of the Worlds pictures online”
  1. Simone says:

    Tom Cruise does it for me that Brad Pitt by the way Richard, so there, I dont mind him just standing there really. LOL

    Seriously now, I think this will be exciting since it will be Cruise and Spielberg together again. It was amazing when they collaborated in “Minority Report”, we’ll see if it’ll happen again in this movie.

    I am sure the problem here is that is if you really want to nitpick, is what they will do with the setting. Like the original “War of the Worlds” (which I didnt have the pleasure to see) according to a friend who has seen it did not capture the Victorian feel of the book. I am not sure exactly how Spielberg will recreate it but its surely not happening in England either, but then again we can not really expect faithful adaptations now can we?

    Oh well, let’s give it a chance, maybe it will still rule eh?

  2. Marla Singer says:

    one word: EAGER!

  3. Destiny says:

    I loved the movie n im only 13 beleive my i loved i watched it 2 times in theater it rules i wanna buy it when it comes out……Cruise and Sielberg r great together!

    ill watch it agian beleive me!!!!

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