Clint Eastwood Takes Directors Guild Award

Eastwood_hat.jpgHmmm… perhaps Martin Scorsese isn’t as sure a lock as most people think for the Oscar next month. Sunday night the Directors Guild handed out their top honor to Clint Eastwood as director of the year for his film Million Dollar Baby.

An interesting little statistic. in the last 57 years, only 6 winners of this award have failed to go on to win the Oscar for best director… so it would seem things may stand in Eastwood’s favour.


  • 1. Jeremy replies at 31st January 2005, 7:36 am :

    Since when has Scorcese been the “sure bet” for the Oscar this year?

    It’s completely insane the man hasn’t won one yet, and I think he may be destined to never win. Who knows.

    I think it’s probably going to be more a question of whether the academy wants this award to go to something intimate or epic (even if they aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive.)

  • 2. Richard replies at 31st January 2005, 7:43 am :

    The Academy has a long history of “tactically” awarding Oscars, not just for a certain film but awarding because of the body of work amassed.

    Just a thought to throw in there.

  • 3. Michael Rittenberry replies at 31st January 2005, 12:09 pm :

    It should also be considered that the Academy might want to make up for not giving MYSTIC RIVER more awards last year, as well. Not that MILLION DOLLAR BABY doesn’t deserve awards… at the very least, it’s better than MYSTIC RIVER, and IMHO is the best movie to come out last year, by far.

  • 4. Dan replies at 31st January 2005, 1:37 pm :

    Eastwood deserves this award more than Scorsese for this year. It looks like people say that Scorsese deserves it because of Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Goodfellas, but those films were years ago and he deserved those best director awards but he lost them. BUT it’s now 2005 and although the Aviator is a great film, Scorsese’s direction isn’t as good as it used to be. As Scorsese’s direction begins to plummet, Eastwood’s is just getting better. These awards are awarding best director of 2004, not 1976, 1980, or 1990. Would it be nice if Scorsese won this year, yes. But would it be right? No.

  • 5. Darko replies at 31st January 2005, 1:48 pm :

    They should give it to Scorsese. He is an amazing director and I saw The Aviator and thought it was a pretty daring film. I place my bet on him.

    How about making a little list with the important oscars, where the readers of the Movie Blog can place their bets in the comment box. Next month it will be fun to see who got it right and who didn’t.

  • 6. Arethusa replies at 31st January 2005, 3:26 pm :

    When was the last time the Oscars were ever about giving “right” instead of “tactical” awards? Anyone?

  • 7. Justin replies at 31st January 2005, 9:13 pm :

    Right/Tactical…Eh, paper weight all the same!

  • 8. Meli replies at 1st February 2005, 10:56 pm :

    I’m sorry it’s a crime that a director of Scorsese’s caliber has never won an academy award. The man has given us some of the best movies ever.
    It’s time the academy stopped playing popularity contest and PC correctness. Scorsese has made yet another fantastic flick! I’m keeping my fingers crossed and hope I’m cheering for him on Oscar night.

    And the comment that Eastwood probably got it to make up for Mystic River? I have to disagree. Though a good movie, I wouldn’t have voted him for best director. I would voted Sophia Coppola or Peter Weir.

  • 9. Justin replies at 2nd February 2005, 3:01 am :

    I would have to give Meli two thumbs up here!
    It would sure be nice to see Scorsese win one…if not because he deserves it, but because Eastwood in my opinion has more of a career to live out.

    It will be a sad day if scorsese leaves hollywood empty handed!

  • 10. jojo replies at 6th February 2005, 4:29 pm :

    Scorsese should have won. All the nominated directors were deserving winners but it’s long overdue for Scorsese.

  • 11. esther replies at 9th February 2005, 4:14 am :

    It’s a disgrace that Eastwood should win anything for this totally inaccurate (medically and ethically) poor excuse for a movie - “Million Dollar Baby”. Swank should not get a mention for best actress either. It is not better to be dead than disabled…get a brain Clint.

    What a shame that a quality actor such as Morgan Freeman should be involved with such a poor and shameful movie.

    Go Scorsese!

  • 12. Dana replies at 11th February 2005, 1:10 am :

    It is pure ignorance for people to knock Million Dollar Baby or call it shameful because it told a story invovling euthanasia. It does not take a satnd on it-it just tells us a story. This movie is a masterpiece and it is a crime if Clint Eastwood does not win the oscar.

  • 13. Kenneth R. Ambrose replies at 1st March 2005, 4:54 pm :

    Congragulations Clint Eastwood,
    When I first saw Million Dollar Baby with a lady
    friend I didn’t like it because it caught us by surprise. We were expecting a happy movie and it wasn’t. Life isn’t always happy but that is life!
    It is very simple. If you want to excape reality don’t go see one of your movies.It was very good
    acting on your part,Morgan Freeman and the new kid on the block Hillary Swank. It also was really moving to see a small town girl receive an oscar.
    Keep up the good work Clint!
    Sincerely, K.R. Ambrose