The Real Walt Disney Would Be Rolling in His Grave

(That’s right, the notion that he’s frozen is only a rumour.)
Well, as you’ve probably heard, the all-mighty and powerful Corporation powered by money and complete Morons has decided to close its 2-D Animation Studio in Florida. (Read the Article here) It is a Sad Day. A Day that might make us reflect on days when the sun shone brighter - like the way it shone on Snow White, Ichabod Crane, Sleeping Beauty or newer films like Beauty and the Beast or Aladdin. Disney’s attitude toward those days? “F*ck ’em”. Sigh…. Stupid, stupid rich people.

In a way, this move is only deserving as the studio has released only the occasional bubble of charm in a tidal wave of she-ite.

Maybe I’m goin WAY too far out on a limb here, but if you’re releasing such bad 2-D animated movies, that it results in a closure of an ENTIRE studio, then WHAT ON EARTH makes you think that adding a 3rd dimension to the film is going to make the acting, the directing, the characters or hey, maybe even the FLIPPIN STORY any better?!?!?! Why am I not getting paid to come up with these earth-shattering conclusions??? — Or better yet, why is someone GETTING paid to NOT come up with them??

If I sucked at math (which, is VERY possible) and I dropped out of my math courses to chase a career in… oh let’s say… nuclear physics - I’d really hope that one of my close friends would punch me up the side of the head with a car. Why? Because doing such a thing is very very very very very very very very Stupid. It’s exactly what I suck at — only harder. If you can’t get the fundamentals right, don’t even bother trying the next step.

Like I mentioned in this post, Here are some proofs that 2-D animating is alive and well.

- Lion King sells 3 million DVD copies in two days - Almost 10 years after its release.
- Disney purchases and “distributes” “Spirited Away”, but distribute and market it so poorly, hardly anyone has heard of it. They resevered the marketing budget to pump Disney’s own train wreck, Treasure Planet - Animated, but also littered with tons of computer stuff.
- Treasure Planet Bombs. (this point doesn’t help prove much, but I just love saying it)
- Spirited Away wins an Oscar at the 75th Academies for Best Animated Film. Beating out Ice Age (Oh! a 3-D film!) and Treasure Planet. (Suckers)
- Two words: Iron Giant.
- Do your kids still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings? Yeah… they do. 80% of which are 2-D. Did someone not notice this? Of course not.
- Wanna take a guess how much Anime rakes in every year? Todd the Foreign Flim God may be able to tell us, but I guarantee it’s more than your mom.

Fortunately, There Is Hope:


Former Disney animators have banded together and are opening their OWN studio that will specialize in 2-D animation for Film, Television and Commercials (Read the Article here) Wanna know where they are setting up shop? In Orlando, Florida - right next to the big Mouse himself. The neighbourhood just got a bit tense. From Their Website: “Legacy’s goal is to create quality animated films with compelling stories and strong characters and to continue Walt Disney’s legacy of hand drawn animation. Legacy will also be dedicated to developing original properties for television and film.“. Apparently, they have 3 productions on the table. They already have my dollar when it comes out.

Thank You, Disney for all of my childhood cartoon memories. I will treasure them for years. But as far as your animation goes, in my mind, you can stay in the past with them. Cheers.

  • dish network

    really cool weblog - loved it

  • Day-vuh

    Boy, it’s a good thing “Ice Age” isn’t a Disney movie I guess, huh?

    “Ice Age” is a Fox Production.

  • Luke

    I recently saw Ice Age come on cable with my grandkids. I think that ol’Walt would not approve. I also know that he paid a little more attention to the content… I am a proud Vietnam vet, and I learned a little of the language while I was there… The scene with the dodos jeering about others being unprepared for the impending catastrophe was weird, but they were chanting at others “Doom on you! Doom on you! Doom on you!” Phoenetically in Vietnamese this means ‘go fu** yourself”. Let Walt think about this oversight in his legacy.

  • karl

    This is SAD. I wonder if this jives with Walt’s “vision”? probably to do animation with latest tech (future and past) but not to discontinue them (if it will be the future scenario). IMHO, past “traditional” Disney cartoons have that 3D effect, (e.g. the classic snow white running in the dark woods) that still doesn’t match current 3d animation. Does anyone see this type of animation in the latest Disney movies?.

    This 3D effect using hand drawing is trully a Disney signature. It gives the viewers that sense of awe. In current computer 3D, I wonder what awesome “signature” can they integrate in their movies that other 3D companies can’t do? Before, Disney is the leader and model where other animation companies follow. Now, they are more of the follower.

  • Day-vuhl

    Okay, I could understand how someone could think that, but I submit that Pixar is doing well - not because they are using 3D, but rather because the stories, the characters, plot, music, editing, universal appeal — have been done — y’know.. with monumental wellness. I think pixar’s movies still would have been HUGE at the box office if they were 2-D.

    I think being 3D actually plays very little into the quality of the actual film. Sure it looks neat, but that doesn’t mean the movie’s going to be fun to watch.. (..mumblemumble…Final Fantasy)

  • jacket

    They’re doing that 3d think because pixar is doing so well. peh…. i weep for tradition. *WEEPWEEPWEEPITYWEEP*

  • Day-vuhl

    The Foreign Film Movie God ladies and gentlemen. He brings good news of… well, goodness.

  • Bubba

    The answer to your anime query = lots.

    And you missed the even better news for fans of 2D cel animation. Pixar is setting up a traditional animation department headed up by Brad ‘Mr. Iron Giant’ Bird. And since their contract with Disney is done after The Incredibles (also by Brad Bird) and they most definitely will not be renewing it (because Eisner is a dumbass and Steve Jobs isn’t) which leaves Disney totally out of the loop.

  • Brad Pineau

    I agree, 100%.