The New ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind’ Trailer is Online!

Well, if you haven’t seen the first Trailer for Charlie Kaufman’s new movie yet, I’d advise that you do. It’s delightfully quirky and a little “off”.

The New Trailer is a little longer and goes into the guts of the story a little bit more than the first. And for those of you that love saying that Jim Carrey can only act one style, at least for the next month, this trailer proves he’s actually very good and definately has a denser side. Download the Trailer here:

- Tiny, Pip-squeak ‘I still have dial-up’ Size
- ‘There’s something not working right with your high speed’ Size
- ‘My high speed’s just fine but I have other things to get done’ Size
- ‘I have all the time in the world to download a trailer size I that could choke on’ Size.

With Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet, Elijah Wood, Kirsten Dunst, Tom Wilkinson and Mark Ruffalo - it’s a very solid cast. Michel Gondry is directing - he’s directed a LOT of music videos that you have seen and liked, you just didn’t know your were watching his stuff. If he pulls it off, this one could be “his big chance” to not be a “kept secret” anymore — than again, maybe he likes it like that.

  • BenW

    That trailer didn’t have enough of Carrey in it to convince me that this is going to be an outstanding performance on his part. Fortunately I’ve already seen him play Andy Kaufman in ‘Man on the Moon’, which might be one of the top 10 performance I’ve ever seen an actor give. MAybe even top 5. I’m not a huge fan of his comedy, but the guy can flat out act when he wants to.