Ok, I’m not sure what to make of this one. For years now George Lucas has been saying that these 3 new Star Wars films will be the final ones ever made. Personally, I believe him. However, Cinescape posted the following quote from TheForce.Net that will have lots of Star Wars fans raising an eyebrow or two:

If this turns out to be legit STAR WARS fans will have a Brit magazine named Hotdog to thank for it, but here goes: according to the December 2003 issue of that magazine, Chewbacca actor Peter Mayhew said that when he signed his contract to work in EPISODE III, there was a clause that he would be “required” to work in EPISODES VII, XIII and IX of the STAR WARS film series.

Hmmm√¢‚Ǩ¬¶ I’ll have to send a couple of emails around to see if there is ANY truth to this. I doubt there is, but man I hope that if there is more Star Wars on the horizon George will let someone else direct them. Lucas (in my opinion) is the greatest story creator of our time, but he’s shown he’s not the best at TELLING those stories. I hope he writes new Star Wars films and has overall control over them, but allows another director to tell the story for him. Just my two cents worth.

  • Talis Daegin

    well i just heard from a coworker that vii viii and ix are to start their trillogy in 2008 just thought you might want to know a release date

  • victoria

    please make more, the movies rock

    I been seaching this online since eppisode 3 was in theaters and i found that episode vii Viii ix could be made into a movie i heard that the movie is based on a book seireis of 9 and a fould short scripts of what is said to be the movie scripts. and on the set of episode 4 half the actors were asked if they wanted to be in episode 7. i really hope they make more. its a great movie seires and they made alot of money in box office so why not make more

  • hopers

    I know for a fact that Star Wars 7, 8, and 9 will happen cause I have even read the plot script to them and I know some of the characters that are going to be in it. It is going to happen even if George dies cause supershadow and George’s kids are going to do them. I hope I can be in them too. Bye

  • Darth Dude

    What is wrong with you people?!?!Episode I was awesome!Episode II was awesome!Episode III was awesome!Episode IV was awesome!Episode V was awesome!And Episode VI was awesome!Why do people keep ganging up on the preqil trilogy!?!?It is every bit as good as the Original!Anyone who says anything different hates Star Wars and has no life!Have you read Electronic Gaming Monthly lately?!They put a game based on episode I on the good games based on bad movies list!!!!!They Are MORANS!!!!!LUCAS MUST MAKE EPISODES VII,IIX IX,OR I WILL DO THEM FOR HIM!!!!!!!Grrrr…Okay,I just had to get that off my chest.Back to you.

  • vick

    I really hope that they will be a star wars EPISODE 7 8 and, 9, movies or books soon. I really like to see what happens next.

  • dreak ramoray

    star wars is very good and i perticularly like the 3rd one.

    to george lucas if you can hear me please make a new star wars movie and i will give you my 5 pounds to go towards hiring actors, hope that is enough,

    and make a talking pie in the third one so it will be more of a thriller.

  • john hoosoe

    i think george lucas should make a 7th 8th 9th episodes because it would be good to what happens next like a new jedi council and another enemy with a thicker plot to it or he could ree do 4, 5,6 but i think 4 5 6 is great any way but there should be a 7th 8th and 9th because people think star wars is great and it is fantastic!!!!

  • fbs20

    i would really like to see more star wars on big screen…, if eps VII, VIII and XI come to be great like episode III was, i think that george lucas needs a oscar :)

  • Jedi Finland

    if i remember cleary i was something Document of Star Wars.

    There was Steven Spielberg and he said something

    I Hope George Lucas Makes all 9 episodes

  • Mecho

    The actual Star Wars fracnchise was contracted for 9 movies…not making them is a breach of contract…however…seeing the amount of money Lucas has made from these film, I highly doubt he cares about a breach of contract. In his numerous interviews before episode three came out he said that there would be no more movies made (in reference to Episodes 7, 8, and 9). You can look in the CNN entertainment archives for the interview. I think this is a good idea…the basic premise and story of the movie was outstanding. It took an awesome imagination and an exteme amount of patience and determination to make the story Lucas made…however, Lucas sacrificed the plot and acting for visual effects. Now, I will admit the visual effects were stunning and the story was just awesome but, all in all the movies sucked ass (Episodes 1, 2, and 3). I could go into numerous details but there is not enough room on this blog. Lucas as well as Speilberg’s time has passed. I do agree with an earlier blog that said Lucas is the only one who could write the story…but there are far better directors…Peter Jackson, Ridley Scott, and James Cameron could do it but it would be a huge commitment to try to over take this franchise. Yes, there are faithfull fans who will say “Star Wars will live forever”, but look at how long it took to make the trilogies between each one…almost 20 years. So what audience do you think the next ones will be made for if they are made…not us…we will be too old and the first generation Star Wars fans will be close to death!!! The story is great, the new movies sucked and it is time to just roll over and admit you dont have it anymore.