New Kill Bill 2 pictures

You can find a couple of new pictures from Kill Bill 2 over at I loved the first Kill Bill film and expect that the next one will be even better. If you don’t know about how the 2 films came about, IGN gives a tidy little run down for us:

The first part of the saga followed Thurman’s Bride, a former assassin betrayed by her boss, Bill. Four years after surviving a bullet to the head, she emerged from a coma and swore revenge on her former master and his Deadly Viper Assassination Squad (DiVAS).

The decision to split the film into two parts came after Tarantino’s final product came in at over three hours √¢‚Ǩ‚Äú his initial deal with the studio allowed him to film his entire script. Quentin and Miramax studio chief Harvey Weinstein both agreed that splitting the film into two parts, each around 90 minutes, would be the best solution for theatrical release.

  • Zak James

    wow kill bill is so ungodly bad and you think its cool because a girl emerges from a comma after a bullet wound to the head. Wow this movie sure is great, for sleeping to. The plot was horrible and the movies order of events sucked as well. Oh and the crazy 88 scene where one girl goes up agianst 88 ninjas and she kills them all…..i don’t think so. Also it should be called crazy 87 because she dosn’t even kill the last person. But i mean your probably thinking to yourself that its a good movie because blood shoots everywhere when she kills someone. That will never happen. The script sucks, the plot sucks, and the random anime scenes………wow shitty. Well you go watch your horrible ass movie and masturbate or whatever you do to that movie to believe that its good.

  • jimjim

    yeah man i agree KB1 was rad i cant wait to check out the second one. i spit on people that think that kill bill was a bad movie…i spit on them much.

  • http://yahoo leila lee

    quentin tarantino certainly has a sense of humor that is so great you can’t say noooo tohis films. the guy’s good! he should direct moooore movies.

  • John Campea

    Well Joe, while I disagree with you, I think you make a good point. If you liked the first one (which I did) you’ll probably love the second. If you disliked the first one, then you’ll probably hate the second. I can’t see the two films feeling all that different since they were shot at the same time.

  • Joe

    Well, this movie is going to suck. The first one was terrible and this one is probably going to be just as bad or worse.