Kill Bill Vol. 2 News: Teaser Trailer and Release Date.

Remember the Forgein Film Movie God guy? Yeah well, he directed me over to a couple of interesting little articles at

On the official Japan Kill Bill Website, you can indeed watch a VERY short (and sort of uninteresting) Flash embedded Teaser Trailer for Kill Bill Vol. 2. Here’s the page

Second, Variety reports Miramax has apparently pushed the release of Kill Bill vol 2 to April 16th. What’s so big about April 16th you ask? Well, that’s the current release date for Hero. What’s Hero you ask? Sigh… Hero is an absolutley remarkable Martial Arts Epic that will change your life. If you even remotely appreciated Crouching Tiger, you really need to see Hero. No Seriously. I’m not kidding. It’s got assassins - 3 of em - and a fight with Donnie Yen and Jet Li and this archer military that’ll make ya wet your pants. Round that out with absolutley stunning cinematography - seriously folks, it’s shot like a moving oil painting - Wait till you see the falling leaves scene. Easily one of the best Foreign Films I’ve seen in recent years, if ever. Please watch Hero’s Trailers - they aren’t in Quicktime, so the quality isn’t the best, but my oh my. - I recommend the second trailer a little more…

The Article continued to point out that Hero may be released similar to Crouching Tiger: NY, LA, possibly Toronto and then gradually expand it in the week/weekends that follow.

So Check out Kill Bill’s new Teaser Trailer if you want, and demand everyone you know to check out Hero when it’s released. If they are released on the same weekend, it will be interesting to see if the Kill Bill release helps it or hinders it.

  • Redpimp

    Believe it or not i am one of the millions who have been praying hard and hoping that miramaXE would come round and realease HERO already. I know i will enjoy it because i downloaded the trailers months and months ago. One wonders however how a Kill bill fan can also appreciate
    Hero. One movie is the antithesis of the other.
    Where we have expert martial artists the other movie has wannabe amateurs who can barely act.
    One has a deep story while the other is just plain flat with no credible story line. One utilises space age Cinematography and visual effects while the other boasts of supposedly pure
    film making with few visual effects (bleh)


  • Bubba

    Kill Bill is getting moved because Miramax wants to premiere it at Cannes (where the new Wong Kar Wai flick will also premiere, btw) … as far as the Gibson thing, Bill would actually be a pretty good piece of counter-programming …

    Having seen both films many, many times I have to say Hero is superior to Crouching Tiger (which I also love) in every way. The cinematography is stunning (pretty much a given where Doyle is concerned), it’s got two of the best dramatic talents in the world (Tony Leung and Maggie Chung) and the two best fighting talents in Asia (Donnie Yen and Jet Li) who are decent actors as well, Zhang Ziyi who is mighty talented and mighty easy to look at, incredible fight choreography and a script with an awful lot of depth. Everybody I know who’s seen it feels the same way … Yimou’s original cut (20 minutes longer … Miramax made him cut it because Weinstein is a dumbass) is now available on EVD in China and should be coming to DVD any time now …

  • Day-vuhl

    Again, all on its own, one thing that Hero’s got that really stands out - is simply the cinematography - it’s really a gorgeous movie even just to literally look at.

    Oh yeah. And fighting.

  • Praetor

    This looks like a blend of “The Emperor and the Assasin” and “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”. Exact same time as Emperor, with the same type of martial art fighting as in Crouching. Personally, i think it will be pretty good, but wont stop me from seeing Kill Bill 2 on that day. Emperor is a good movie in my opinion, so more movies in the same time period (and i mean exactly the same, with same people, lol) cant hurt at all.

  • Surajit

    “HERO” is an awesome movie by director Zhang Yimou. He’s made some brilliant movies before, one that got some acclaim in USA was “The Road Home”, starring Zhang Ziyi (who also stars in Crouching Tiger and Hero). Another awesome martial arts movie is “Ashes of Time”, by my personal favourite director Wong Kar-Wai … highly recommended!

  • Day-vuhl

    That’s very true… No one’s gonna be talking about any other movie on ‘Gibson’s’ weekend, that’s for sure.

  • David Poe

    Kook theory, but still fun: Kill Bill 2 was planned for release less than a week before “The Passion of The Christ.” In addition to moving it after the first DVD came out, Is it possible they wanted a time where it would be less overshadowed by one of the most talked about movies so far this year?

    Lame theory, maybe…but just a mention of that Gibson movie ’round some parts sends the mouths a-frothing.

  • Day-vuhl

    If it helps at all - that trailer - well the first of the two anyway, in my own opinion, doesn’t do the martial choreography in the movie much justice.. cuz it is .. very yum.

  • Ben

    Yup. That Hero trailer kicks ass alright, and I’m not that big of a martial arts fan. I’ll see it for sure though assuming it goes into wide release.