Hosting the perfect Oscar Party

While I was reading around the net this evening I came across this nifty little site set up by Hollywood.Com called “Hollywood.Com’s guide to planning the perfect Oscar Party“. I like to have an Oscar party every year so it caught my attention. It’s a really neat little set up they have with several different ideas for themes, and even pre-made invitations that you can download and print to send out to your guests. One section even had a top ten things to do for your party:

1. Make sure your party shouts awards. Incorporate your own version of the red carpet, with klieg lights, paparazzi flashbulbs, etc.

2. Build a dinner party around a meal served in one or more of the nominated films, or design every new course to symbolize a certain celebrity.

3. Keep the show running on the biggest TV screen you have, and tune it in on screens in different rooms so guests can always keep their eyes on the awards yet still socialize.

4. Provide a fun giveaway: Hand out your own awards in categories you choose, or give each guest a trophy souvenir to take home.

5. Create a game around predicting the awards. Winning guests receive a kitschy prize or have to perform a party-making stunt, like give their own acceptance speech, or sing along with one of the nominated songs.

6. Serve a signature cocktail designed around one of the nominated movies or stars: whiskey-spiked “Cold Mountain Lemonade” or pewter mugs of mead for LOTR fans.

7. Hire a limo to deliver your guests and provide an extra air of glamour-not to mention a safe ride home.

8. If your party is adults-only, offer to help provide a babysitter. Or, decorate a themed kids’ room with plenty of entertainment to keep the tots occupied and the adults free to relax.

9. Always serve a fabulous dessert-it’s the key ingredient to getting a big thumbs-up from your guests.

10. Above all, focus on hospitality. Make all introductions, and plan your party around your guests’ likes and dislikes. Go beyond the call of duty to make sure every detail is handled.

If you or anyone you know is planning on throwing an Oscar Party this year, do yourself a favour and check the site out.

  • Janet Killam

    How can I make or copy an Oscar Ballot so my guests can vote at the party?