Dawn of the Dead -Havent we seen this before?!?

Oh look! What astounding creativity! What a display of originality! A movie about dead people who become zombies that need to eat living people! Wow! I haven’t seen THAT done a thousand times before!

Forgive me if I sound a little sarcastic, but the premise for Dawn of the Dead has been done at least 7 or 8 times already, and 2 or 3 times in the last 3 or 4 years. Couldn’t they at least say the zombies are out to quench their undying thirst for… oh I don’t know… pudding? Why is it ALWAYS human flesh? I know this is a remake of the 1978 film of the same name… but why remake a movie with a plot that’s been done to death (pardon the pun) already?

And what’s the deal with Ving Rhames being in it? I remember when he got good parts in REAL films… now he’s been reduced to this?!? What a waste of a great actor.

Yahoo Movies describes the film this way:

An unexplained plague has decimated the world’s population and yet…the dead aren’t dying. They’ve become zombies, stalking endlessly in a constant quest to feed on the flesh and blood of the few remaining living. A ragtag group of desperate survivors in a Wisconsin town seek refuge in a large indoor mall, where they must learn not only to protect themselves from the ever-increasing zombie horde, but also to co-exist with each other as a last bastion of humanity. Sealed off from the rest of what used to be the world, the group uses every available resource (both within and without) in their against-all-odds fight to remain alive and human.

  • CrzyDJM

    Kenn….how could you hate “28 Days Later”???? Thought it was GREAT and an awesome retelling of the zombie story!!!! Plllleeeechhhh….House of the Dead was FRIGGIN awful though and I’ll give ANY horror movie a chance…

  • Kenn

    I am interested to see how Dawn the remake turns out, It may be the best zombie movie since Day of the dead, 28 days later sucked, and so did house of the dead. As for leatherface remake, they had to make it to destroy House of a 1000 corpses which was the worst movie in all of movie history

  • Day-vuhl

    Actually DaMic, if you check out the full trailer - not the teaser - you’ll see a number of very nice, slow moving drudgy zombies. — Granted there’s a couple of “fast” edits, but at the VERY least, it appears there’s a fair share of clunky “original” zombies.

  • DaMic

    I lik ethe look of this remake but think the writer should be shot in th ehead for making the zombies so damn fast. Isn’t it enough that they will eat you alive but now the will run you down and slam into you before they do eat you.

    Talk about sucking canal water, did you she how freaking much this film is trying to cash in on other films? like 28 days or the LAME ass House of the Dead?

    First Leatherface now Zombies….what’s next Gone with the wind?


  • Gregory Coleman

    I think you are being a little too harsh. I am 19 years old, and I was raised watching the Horror classics. Dawn of the Dead being among them. I am really excited that they are remaking this flim.
    By the way, this might just be Ving’s chance to get back on to a winning movie streak.

  • pest

    it takes some BALLS to remake a classic like Dawn of the Dead. I personaly think the director has all the right to have remade dawn of the dead its going to be really awesome.

  • Day-vuhl

    Awwwww C’MON!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t believe you’re nailing this film the way you are. Before you’ve even seen it - Many people, including myself are quite eager to see it…. Even the original poster looks cool in the 70’s nostalgia look..

    This is the first time this film has been remade. - Okay sure, it spawned a few sequels and has been the basis for countless movies since then — but Be realistic.. the ONLY movie in recent MEMORY that comes to mind when you say “zombie” flick is one: — which was 28 Days Later - which, albeit I REALLY liked, was arguably not a even a zombie flick in the first place.

    So far, this looks like a fairly true-to-the-original concept remake of the movie: Plain and simple slow moving zombies That Just Keep Coming. - Movies today are all “super-fast” and hopped up on teh Matrix Red-pill. — Which is fun, but leaves “the good-ol-time at the movies” concepts all but forgotten.

    And especially with Sarah Polley (aka Miss Anti-Hollywood) in it, I’m quite intriqued as to what’s goin on in the movie that made her be in it.

    Don’t scream at one of the originals for not being original. That’s what made it original in the first place - I’ve actually been waiting for the movie’s website to be up and running for months now.- only the trailers are available as of yesterday….

    **Oh, And sure Ving Rhames is in it, but at the same time, he was also in Mission Impossible 2, Final Fantasy: The Spritis Within and Baby Boy — Sure these are his low points in movies, but even if this *IS* a terrible movie, it wouldn’t be the first .. or second… or third….