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Interview with the Phantom of the Opera - Gerard Butler

By Richard - December 15, 2004 - 14:31 America/Montreal

GerardButler.jpgCinema Confidential have a short, but interesting, interview with Gerard Butler on playing the lead in The Phantom of the Opera on the very tough sounding preparation for the role. There’s even recognition that he was stepping into a role that was going to be hard to live up to:

I’d walk past the 600 crew, they’d be like √¢‚Ǩ‚Äù when do you start, when do you start? You√¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢re The Phantom Of The Phantom! When do you start? And you know, it kind of made me a little crazy, because obviously I was nervous about taking on this role, and also knedw there were a lot of people going √¢‚Ǩ‚Äù what has he got? Who is this guy? Why is he The Phantom? So therefore instills a lot of fear and fear is the great motivator

I worked really hard on this. In fact there were a couple of times when Joel said - back off, you’re working too hard, just relax. Especially with the voice. Because my voice was always developing and I was working so hard on everything that it was getting really exhausted before I even started filming, because I had just come off three movies - four movies kind of back to back.

Take a look, and watch out for the movie. As John has raved about before, there’s nothing better than taking a really great story and moving it, unadulterated, to the big screen. Phantom definitely has that strong, classical story. Let’s see how it translates. Post us when you see it, do you think Butler was the right choice, does he carry it off?

One last quote from the interview, before I copy everything. When asked about the rumours connecting him with Bond:

These rumors are very entertaining, that’s all I can say.

Who knows. With a couple of actors admitting that they are blatantly self promoting themselves for the role, and even making up rumours themselves, who can tell if there’s a chance or not. Fingers crossed though, personally I’d love it to go to a Scot!


  1. Simone says:

    Thanks for opening this topic Richard, I was hoping one of you will if not, I was about to request it!

    I saw it on the first day since it was released in the UK on the 10th of December and since then I have seen it 3 times, and bought the film’s soundtrack even if I already have the original London cast recording of the musical. You guessed it, I was hooked! And yes, because of Gerard Butler.

    I am a huge fan of the muscial, because as of this writing I have also seen it 3 times. As for the film, after watching it, I couldnt think of another Phantom to play it but Gerard Butler. He fits the bill. Schumacher wanted a young cast, and he got it. He has a very sexy Phantom who can sing, who can show you all emotions needed to show unrequited love. Maybe his singing is not as amazing as the original Phantom (who is Michael Crawford) but he did a really good job.

    I really liked this movie, oh and I really, really like Gerard Butler too.

  2. Cameron says:

    As my comment http://www.judymoodymovie.com/archives/2004/11/phantom_of_the_opera_clips.html

    I to am caught by the magic of this enchanment, unlike a certain reviewer Stella Papamichael:

    (sorry for all the links)

    To any one considering watching the movie or no, well in my opionion you will be foolish not too. Admittedly it is OTT and flambouyant, but thats what it is suppose to be. It is a Musical, which tries to bring the show to the big screen; and its done it magically.

    When I first heard they where making the 2004 movie, I feared that it wouldn’t be a musical like in previous attempts, and also be a obvious Hollywood imitation. But how wrong was I, it was almost spot on to the essence of the show.

    Yes there are a few things which stops it becoming a 10/10, but it is very close. If you have never thought about watching a show, I gurantee you will after watching this.

    Yes it is not everyones cup of tea, and I suppose its a bit like Marmite; you will either love it or hate it.

    Again I will stop now as I will going on for ages, but please;”Let your mind start a journey through a strange new world,
    leave all thoughts of the world you knew before,
    let your soul take you where you long to be,
    only then can you belong to me”.


  3. Simone says:

    Cameron, I like that Marmite thing, and the same goes for the opera too, either you love it or you hate it, in our case, we love it!

  4. alexandra says:

    i saw phantom 3 times till now and every time it gets better and better, and gerard butler is magnificent as Phantom, he showed so much passion and i loved his voice, and no, i can’t imagine anyone else playing phantom, he dominates the whole screen, and to me he and emmy rossum made a perfect pair cause i could feel all their energy and emotions in my own body.thank you gerard!and i love you!

  5. Simone says:

    Alexandra, remember the “Point of No Return” scene, OMG, I was mesmerised by that scene, its so SEXY! He is the hottest Phantom ever!

    Watch out for Gerard Butler in “Dear Frankie”.

  6. Presila says:

    I dont think anyone could have been a better phantom than Gerard Butler. He has the most attractive male singing voice I have ever heard. It gives me chills when I hear him sing ” Music of the Night” thats my favorite. When his first scence came, I told my friend ” omg!, thats the guy from ” Reign of Fire!” and now Gerard Butler is one of my few favorite actors :)

  7. Presila says:

    Oh and by the way, I still thought he was gorgeous with the mask off. lol

  8. Julie says:

    I’ve read a few complaints that Gerard Butler wasn’t up to snuff as the phantom, so when I went to see the movie I was totally confused as to where those comments came from. His performance was haunting and powerful and beautiful. He swept away the show. He stole it right from under the other actors noses. He was mesmerizing. Not only was he beautiful to watch and listen to, but his movements were a thing to behold. The fluidity of his hands, the way he used his costumes to create a deeper character though movement, the pain in his eyes… He was incredible. He was a joy to watch. His was a performance I will never forget.

  9. Simone says:

    I agree with you 100% Julie.

    Bring it on for the Phantom!!!

  10. Doug says:

    The movie is probably the most faithful translation of a musical from stage to screen that I have ever seen in my 55+ years of life, not that I recall many before age 10! I was concerned that vocally no one would measure up to Crawford having listened to the original cast album since it came out in the 80s. When Butler sang his first notes, I thought, oh no, he’s not Crawford. Of course he wasn’t and that thought went away immediately. I was hooked. I also saw the stage version twice so I’ve known the story quite well. We travelled over 3 hours to see the movie on a big screen (80′w x 50′h and yes, the bass shook my seat). I’ve not cried at the end of many movies, but this was an exception. The entire audience of nearly 500 sat through the whole movie in absolute, ABSOLUTE, silence which I have never witnessed before. The movie was tremendous, glorious, faithful, exciting, refreshing, and stunning. The three major cast members were dead-on in their characterizations. The intimacy of the closeup shot gave a depth of emotion to the movie that the musical lacked which was more impressive on the visual scale. With the movie, we got BOTH spectacle and intimacy. I am thankful that ALW kept “tabs” on his creation. There is no telling what someone might have done with the piece had ALW not produced it. I can ‘t wait to see it again, and again, and again….. When does the DVD come out? My money is out and ready. Happy new year everyone.

  11. Joe says:

    I’ve seen it on film 3 times. Am going again today. Hum the tunes while mowing the grass. Talk about pomposity. The NYT reviewer could use alot of toning down on his verbiage. Read that critique again-I would not allow such overblown language in my classes. But that is to be expected of the NYT, a publication who hires the likes of Jayson Blair, lying journalist who was finally caught in his lies. The NYT is a den of left leaning pseudo intellectuals posturing against a moving story both on film and on the stage. The film is powerful and creative in its presentation of the love of two men for one woman, the eternal tragic love triangle. I would like to know what the NYT reviewer and the other critics of the film consider worthy of their praise. (Probably something with Barbara Streisand and Robert DeNiro or Mr.Oh- So-Not-Funny Adam Sandler or Wesley Snipes.) Reviewers think it their duty to criticize a piece as it underlines, they think, their good taste and bookish knowledge. It does neither. It only shows them to be self-important and egotistical. The local reviewer criticized the film as well but only succeeded in showing his youthfulness and knowledge of pop culture and his involvement in the fad of parading himself as an icon of good taste- an operatic and cinematic demi-god. He too, like other critics, shows that he is neither

  12. Monika says:

    Wow! Gerard is so handsome and sexy. I loved the movie, and I thought he was spectacular! I absolutely fell in love with him in Tomb Raider! He’s kick-ass! From everything I have heard and read, it sounds like he is a very talented, and down-to-earth kind of guy. Good for him, he truly is a star on the rise, and he was unquestionably the right guy for the job!!!

  13. Leadpan says:

    I myself am a bit confused w/ the deluge of bad reviews from the critics.
    I have never seen the musical so I don’t admit to being an ‘expert’ of the Phantom, but I enjoyed the movie tremdously.
    Went and bought the movie soundtrack today to relive the movie.
    I thought it was refreshing to see unknown cast versus having orginal cast or others(Brittany Spears as Christine,etc.)
    Can wait for DVD to come out.

  14. Ann Marie says:

    I’ve heard and seen Michael Crawford and after seeing Gerry do it Michael stinks! Michael Crawford never got the poignancy and pure longing the phantom whould exude towards Christine. I’ve seen it twice and bought the 2 disc special edition. I can’t wait to see it again! It’s a much sexier and unrequited love version…I wanted to grab Gerry and pull the curtains over that seashell bed and…well we’ll leave the rest unsaid.
    Bravo Gerry for a fantastic singing AND acting performance! Bravo Emmy for fooling me. I didn’t find out until after I saw it that she was only 16.
    Great job all around!

  15. Ann Marie says:

    does anyone know where I can find the lyrics to the songs? My daughters are asking and every site I come across so far is too difficult to navigate to get to the actual lyrics. thanks!

  16. Simone says:

    Ann Marie, try this link: http://www.lyricsdownload.com/phantom-of-the-opera-lyrics.html

    If you get the original London cast recording it also comes with a lyric sheet but I am sure you would like to get the film’s soundtrack with Gerard as Phantom?

    I wish I had seen Michael Crawford’s performance of the Phantom.

    Going back to Gerry, watch out for him in “Beowulf and Grendel”, “Burns” and “Dear Frankie”.

  17. linda tobin says:

    Gerard.. Gerard.. you were sublime.. intense .. touching in a way not seen on screen since perhaps Rhett Butler in Gone with the Wind.. you made the right choice to leave law and inspire so many with your talent..bravo! you remind me of my husband and his pursuit of me in our youth.. you are the beauty of the night! A thousand thank you’s for your incredible performance.. Bravo!


  18. Ann says:

    How delightful to find kindred spirits on this site. I’ve seen the Lloyd Weber stage place and most “Phantom” movies-and this is the best. The intense acting, impassioned singing, haunting imagery, even the new music composed for the film by Lloyd Webber (especially during the brief connection between Christine and the Phantom at the Masque), these all make it distinctive and memorable experience. Fans would benefit from earlier films, particularly the 1943 version starring Claude Rains, his ghostly voice, his blend of gentleness and threat, and the subplot explaining his disfigurement. (Operatic performances by Susanna Foster and Nelson Eddy are also beautiful and captivating).
    On stage, Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman were the perfect Phantom and Christine for their theater “presence,” voices clear as glass, their dramatic intensity hypnotic.
    But in my opinion, Schumacher’s film is the consummate “Phantom,” capturing the passion, physicality, and yearning somehow missing from previous versions. Gerard Butler’s conviction and power are what make it whole, his commitment to the role and (there’s the word again) his passion, inspired by love and tragedy.
    So why don’t the critics get it? The reviewer in The New Yorker (1/3/05) confesses he never saw the stage production, though 80 million people did-a fact he finds baffling. He disdains the film and fans alike, mocking the actors and singing, the lyrics and the story itself. Why did he bother, then, to see this movie? He even ridicules the sets, describing the Phantom’s lair as revealing with “a bed shaped like a giant eagle.” He makes crude jokes about the actors’ movements and the film’s modest special effects, almost in the tone of a sulky child disappointed in a new electronic toy.
    A little film history might be instructive for such reviewers. The Phantom constructs his lair from old opera props: candelabra, sconces, spears and thrones, all are borrowed from familiar opera sets. The bed is not an eagle but a swan, a boat to bear a Wagnerian hero’s triumphal entrance. Dear review, if you must critique a movie you already plan to dislike, at least watch a related production first, and take a second look at that bird-it has a bill, not a beak. Geez.
    I do agree with the reviewer on one question: “When the Phantom finally tears away his face gear [actually it is Christine who calmly removes his mask], what, exactly, is the big deal?” (p. 80). The underwhelming disfigurement also left me less than bothered: What heroine would be put off by mere blemishes on that otherwise handsome face? Perhaps we already like Butler’s Phantom too much to be put off, but I suspect the makeup could have been more genuinely, surprisingly horrifing.
    I also wish that, near the end, when Christine confronts the Phantom’s final demand, approaches and kisses him, their embrace were more complex. On stage, Crawford’s Phantom resisted Christine’s embrace, before reluctantly and then fully giving in to it, before breaking off in sadness and shame, and sending her and Raoul safely away. In Schumacher’s film, the intense closeups give us richer emotion, wonder and tears, but don’t convey the ambivalence and anxiety we might see in the actors’ postures. Still, it’s the culminating moment in the film and I found it riveting and satisfying. Like the rest of you, it’s the one movie I’ve been to and will go to again and again!
    Thanks to you who have weighed in with your sincere and enthusiastic responses the this film “Phantom”: You are the rightful reviewers.
    And for Ann Marie, above: Complete lyrics and action are printed in the booklet accompanying the 1987 CD, “The Phantom of the Opera: Original Cast Recording.” (Originally Polydor, it’s been rereleased on Decca. Get the complete 2-CD set, not the “Highlights” CD). Little has been changed from stage to screen, and you’ll also enjoy comparing the stage and film soundtracks-be sure to buy the film soundtrack as well!-and enjoying each in its own right). So stop searching the Web and just buy both soundtracks; you’ll give the artists their due royalties, and be glad you did.
    Finally, I urge everyone to see Gerard Butler in Wes Craven’s “Dracula 2000,” a tacky-sounding title for what is a terrific dramatic film. It presents a unique accounting for Dracula’s origins, and showcases Butler’s talent in conveying tragic passion. My favorite Dracula, and in 40 years of fan-hood, I’ve seen them all. (And don’t miss the terrific extra features on the DVD, including Butler’s original audition).
    Best to you all!

  19. Jecca says:

    I finally saw Phantom of the Opera yesterday evening. Again, I say, Wow!!

    I cannot get the imagery out of my head. Such a riveting and beautiful movie. And it doesn’t hurt that it’s my favorite musical. Ever.

    Me and my grandma went though every review we read said, in slightly better words, “It sucked.” One critic said that he didn’t like it because the music was too loud. All I can say is that those critics are absolutely insane and don’t have one musical bone in their body. They obviously didn’t even watch the same movie that I saw yesterday. Too loud? Pfft - I want to smack that guy. But, I’ll refrain from violence and just sit back in my seat and join in on the Gerard Butler praise.

    Oh… my… God… that… man… was… absolutely… perfect. I was totally drawn in by his presence on screen. He stole the show. Completely ripped the spotlight from the others and shined it upon himself. A hauntingly perfect and electrifying performance, Mr. Butler.


    And I agree that tissues are needed.

    Tomorrow I’m off to buy the complete soundtrack to the movie version. But, until then, I’ll leave you all with…

    Paper faces on parade! :)

  20. Simone says:

    Enjoy your soundtrack Jecca, mine is already worn out. LOL

  21. dolly says:

    I am obsessed by the music and by Gerard Butler.
    I’d like to ask him if he would consider laying an old doll like me?

  22. Simone says:

    LOL @ Dolly

    I know this is crazy but I just bought Gerard’s movies on DVD, pre-Phantom of the Opera!

  23. Maxine says:

    i’ve seen this film at least 4 times and i really want to get it on dvd now. this is part of cinema history! GERARD BUTLER is a gorgeous guy..(may be thats y i saw it 4 times)..besides the fact thats its a FAB movie.I Visited the site recently and realized what a lot of work he put into his part as the phantom and the only thing i can say is that it is F**KING AMAZING.. if ne 1 critisizes this film i have 1 thing to say to them…U dont no what a godd… no BRILLIANT film is if it hit u in ur face!!

  24. Ashley says:

    WOW I loved this movie sooo much! I couldn’t get over how great it is! I’ll be seeing it countless times LOL. My best friend and I, both 16, believe that this movie is SO underrated and that it should be praised nonstop!! Gerard is perfect. He is amazingly sexy and his voice is supreme. The Phantom of the Opera was, in the words of two 16 year olds, AWESOME!

  25. Simone says:

    Welcome to the club Maxine and Ashley!

  26. Carol Bermes says:

    I can’t remember a better musical. ‘The Phantom of the Opera’ reminds me of the fantasies, fairy tales and pretending of my childhood. And, Gerard Butler is definately as good as it gets. He is the Phantom. I loved this movie…have seen it twice and I never go to movies a second time, bought the sound track and will buy the DVD when it comes out. Can’t wait to see Gerard Butler in future movies. But, he will have a hard time being any better after his role as The Phantom. The music makes me cry….I am reminded of the love my husband and I had. What a great performance. Beautiful!

  27. Isabella says:

    I, too, have seen Gerard Butler in “Phantom” four times…I , too, have gone out and purchased “Attila”…”Timeline”…”Lara Croft: Tombraider/The Cradle of Life”..The Jury…Shooters…Mrs.. Brown…and any other dvd I can get.. Not only is he so gorgeous…but even after taking off the mask with the fake white hair showing, I would have taken him over Raoul.And his powerful voice!!!!!!! He was hitting those high notes with ferocity and masculinity…That red outfit at the masked ball..ahhhh..that open ruffled shirt…eeeeee….that dueling (come on, Raoul couldn’t have beaten him!) I loved the music, the cinemmatography, the choreography, the sets, and above all..Gerard Butler…the most beautiful manly man.

  28. Elizabeth says:

    I am a big fan of the play and I thought the movie was terrific, Amazing, beautiful, etc…! Having seen the play several times made me think the movie would not live to its expectation.I’m glad to say it surpased it. I was never really pleased with Michael Crawford’s voice for the Phantom, some-how it seemed to lack masculinity. Gerard Butler made the Phantom sensual with his phisic, bringing a captivating force of passion and desperation through his voice to the audience. I felt the intencity of his voice all through the movie, especially towards the end, and It was finally clear why Cristine would have trouble choosing between both admirers. Even after having revealed his face you didn’t see the ugliness, you only felt his pain. I had never heard of Gerard Butler before this movie I sincerely hope this movie brings other projects his way. I’M DEFINETLY AN ADMIRER of his talent. Hope to see him on screen (or in person preferably of course) again. I will replace my current CD with the movie soundtract as soon as they have more in stock, Borders keeps running out of special edittion CDs. GREAT PERFORMANCE GERARD! P.S I agree with Isabella

  29. Simone says:

    Elizabeth: You should either rent or purchase his other films pre-Phantom of the Opera, cause he’s one of the best reasons to ge them, and he has got a few projects in line already.

    Keep an eye for “Dear Frankie”, “Beowulf and Grendel”, “The Game of their Lives” and “Burns”.

  30. Tiffanie says:

    I must say that having seen Michael Crawford play the Phantom in Los Angeles and watching the film created two different characters in my mind. Michael Crawford’s Phantom was fantastic on stage and definitely a performance not to miss. His interpretation of the Phantom was different than Mr. Butler’s partly due to the age difference between the Phantom and Christine. The vision for the movie was different than the original stage play when it came to the interactions between the main characters. With that said, Gerard Butler’s Phantom ranks up there with any other interpretation of the Phantom from Lon Chaney, Sr. through Claude Raines and others. He brings a poignancy to the role to remind us that the Phantom wasn’t just a spectre or sociopath, but rather a living, breathing, feeling human being.

    I must also commend Gerard Butler for stepping into such a famous role knowing people would be comparing him to Michael Crawford and every other actor who has ever portrayed the Phantom. How many actors would have had the courage to take on a role that by its very existence on stage for 16 years shows its power to captivate audiences, without having years of formal voice training as most Broadway actors have? I don’t think many would have done it. He has more courage than many actors posess to risk his professional reputation on this role.

    As for Emmy Rossum, she is a different Christine than Sarah Brightman and both have their good points and bad points. Again, acting on stage and acting in front of a camera requires different skills and emphasis. Emmy is a younger version of Christine that has many things going for her that are perfect for this role.

    For those who are true Phantom fans they will enjoy the interpretations that still use the beautiful music created by Mr. Webber and if he is satisfied with the actors why should anyone else care? Definitely on my DVD purchase list when it comes out.

  31. Hayley says:

    Hey everyone. I’m from Australia and I saw Phantom of the Opera on New Year’s Eve….It was the best New Year’s ever!!! I’m not going to rave about what a snodger Gerard Butler is cause he is absolutley gorgeous, but I just want to say to all those negative critics out there to “raise their hands to the level of their eyes.” He he he. Fantastic music, fantatstic acting, fantastic movie. A FANTASTIC WAY TO SPEND A NEW YEAR’S EVE!~!!!!

  32. Simone says:

    Phantastic indeed Hayley!

  33. mars says:

    i saw many version from the phantom of the opera but this new version is very very nudge in my heart, dark, full emotion, and of course full romantic. i just can say ” I REALLY REALLY LOVE THIS MOVIE AND I WANT TO BE CHRISTINE DAY TOO ” altought that is so impossible.

  34. Barbara Balint says:

    I too have seen Phantom twice and plan to see it again. Phantom has thrown me off track, I cannot stop thinking about it!!! All you negative critics STINK. I am absolutely in love with Gerard Butler, even at my age, he is gorgeous and I’m so proud of him being Scottish, a part of my heritage. This movie is the best there is and Gerard Butler and his portrayal of Phantom is outstanding and his voice is so masculine and powerful as well as his looks. I cannot express the powerful feelings it has given me just to see him in Phantom this movie is the best ever and I cannot wait to see Phantom again.

  35. jamie says:

    i absolutly loved the “phantom” i saw the play in minneapolis and was excited to hear that there was going to be a movie coming out too…
    i was mezmorized by gerard butler the moment he grabbed christines hand to his lair…wow! talk about the most masculine sexy man alive! its about time we get some newer blood of actors out there rather than the same ole same ole…and i too have watched some of his other movies just to get to know him and to drowl at him….wow! i’m soundinf soppy,,,,but bravo for picking gerard for the part!he was puuuuurrrrrfect!

  36. caryen says:

    I had watched Gerard Butler in “Attila”, and wondered how any man could be so beautiful…and I’m not just talking physically. He exudes the brooding, longing and even hurt feelings that all of us have, but yet so few actors can translate so genuinely. I am so glad and proud that he brought this gift to the “Phantom”. It is a truly great love story, and he brings all the passion and pain that come with such a sad, sad story. He has such an intelligence and grounding that is so refreshing to witness. God Bless him
    and all he does. I’ll gladly watch whatever he chooses to be in.

  37. jezzebelle says:

    I had never heard of Gerard Butler before February 13 2005. Went to see Phantom of the Opera, saw it 4 times in the last week and it’s all I can talk about. The producers certainly went with the right cast, by casting people I never heard of before and now will never forget after seeing the Phantom. The most amazing character is the Phantom (Gerard Butler). He is perfect in this part as as we have a very sexy, feeling phantom with kind of a rock star voice. I can’t believe I would rather stay with the Phantom instead of Raoul but that is because Gerard Butler plays a wonder phantom.I will be seeing it again and buying the DVD. I hope rumour is true and he gets the part of James Bond, he will be perfect, handsome, funny, and a great actor. Here is the NEXT BIG THING in the USA.

  38. Nicole says:

    I have always loved Gerard Butler and seeing him in this movie makes me love him even more even though Im only 11 I still like him alot.I think it would be such a great oportunity to work with him because Im his number one fan he did such a great job in Time Line,Reighn Of Fire,dear frankie,Tomb Raider. I guess you could say Ive seen every movie hes in. And I wish I could meet him because I dont want to fall for his charachters I want to fall for him. But we all know that wont happen but hey mo body said a girl cant dream.Hi Gerard.

  39. Nicole says:

    Man Ive read everyones paragraghs up there and I agree to most of them. I just whish superstars were as easy to meet as when my mom was little because everynight I sing to myself the soundtrack of the Phantom and I wonder If I ever will meet Gerard but I dont think I can because big stars like him cant stop to meet fans and I liked him even before the phantom I have always been his number one fan but I guess all of you could say that so what makes me diffrent hmmm.

  40. Simone says:

    Let’s make this topic more interesting now that a lot of our female posters have professed their admiration to Mr. Butler.

    If you were allowed to ask him one question, what would it be?

    Oh and if you missed Gerard’s guest stint in the Jay Leno show last month, he will be back there again on March 2, prolly to promote “Dear Frankie” which will open in the US on March 4.

  41. joey says:

    Now from a male point of view…..I am a “phan”. Saw the play 3x (broadway and toronto) and now, the movie, 2x and counting. Gerry Butler “owns” the movie, as we all may agree upon. He brings a certain sexiness and dynamism to the phantom character that really never came up in the plays. But of course, watching the movie is a very different experience since we get to see the close ups and THAT, in my opinion, makes all the difference in the world. Mr. Butler brings up all the emotions to the surface, his yearning, his feelings of isolation and rejection, his descent into madness…they’re all out there for us to see and his VOICE…sorry Michael Crawford….as I said, Gerry IS the phantom. Let’s not forget the rest of the cast. They all gel together and make the movie what it is. I especially am amazed by Emmy Rossum. She’s another one to watch! Too bad that the 2 lead characters are so good and memorable that the guy who played Raoul is almost relegated to the sidelines although I did like the duel scene in the movie. It wasn’t the actor’s fault (God, I even forget his name!!). It was just that he was totally outshined by Mr. Butler. Minnie Driver is SO perfect as Carlotta…voice dubbing or not. I don’t know why some people (critics, esp) are so “horrified” by this dubbing but what does one expect? As good as Minnie is, she is NOT operatically trained and so…get over it critics!!! It was a sumptuous, over the top, memorable Phantom for me. I couldn’t ask for more. I can’t wait to get my hands on the 2 disc DVD (with all the extras and little goodies in it) supposedly coming out in June. C’mon people, go back and see the movie AGAIN…Phantom deserves MUCH more than the 50 million it has made here in the US. Oh well…The critics LOVED “Sideways”….what can I say??? (sigh……)

  42. Julie says:

    I’ve read all the posts and agree 100% that Gerard Butler is so sexy and seductive as the Phantom. But I also wanted to give credit to what a beautiful job Emmy Rossum did as well. She nailed the part of Christine, and was so refreshing to watch. The chemistry between Gerard and Emmy is so strong and sensual that I just can’t get enough of them singing Point of No Return. Talk about heat!

  43. JEANNE EARHART says:


  44. Dee Dee says:

    I have been to see Phantom 7 times now and will continue until it leaves the theater. I am absolutely haunted by the music, the story and the incredible acting. The story is beautiful and I can’t get enough of it. Gerard Butler is amazing and all I can say it, “I wish he would drag me off to his dark world and sing to me”. I wouldn’t ever want to live. I bought the CD and will buy the DVD of course. It deserves every Academy award that is given. Amazing in every way.

  45. Dee Dee says:

    Can anyone tell me what they mean when they keep saying “keep your hand at the level of your eyes?”
    My friends and I can’t figure it out.

  46. Gem says:

    I loved Phantom of the Opera! Gerry did an excellent job! I don’t know why the (Phantom)-got bad reviews! He deserved an Oscar!

  47. gem says:

    Read (Leroux’s novel)!! Its an excellent book.

    In the book, the Phantom is very good at using the (Punjab Lasso)-in killing his victims.

    So, if you keep your hand at the (level of your eyes)-if the Phantom whips the lasso around your neck, your hand (will be caught along with it)-and you will be able to pull (the lasso off your neck and escape)-and not die.

    I’ve heard some people complain that Gerry didn’t look (deformed)-enough, in the movie. I thought, he looked (exceptional)-with all that make-up, I didn’t even recognize him. I don’t understand what all the fuss was about?

    He was excellent & Mysterious, and had that hint of danger about him! I loved his voice in the musical!

    Gerry you were Sublime! I cried and cried thru the whole movie, I was so moved by it!

  48. Gem says:

    Oh,and if I could ask Gerry something:

    I’d ask: What’s your favorite color?
    I’m just curious by nature.

    I wouldn’t ask anything too personal, because it might embarrass him. I think, actors, are humans too, and I don’t think its right, the way some people just (pick apart)-their roles or their lives, (in the tabloids, or the way critics tear them apart).

    People are still people and they deserve a break.
    I’d also love to know, when he’s doing a new film, because I’d love to see it.

    I think the other posters were correct in everything they said, about the film, and I want to thank Andrew L. Webber, for putting it on screen. I’ve been reading the book for years, and always loved it, and I’ve always wanted to see the stage play, but I’m not rich enough to go and see it. Seeing the film, is as close as I’ll ever get!

    I was mesmerized from the beginning of the film to the end! I bought both C.D’s, (with M. Crawford and Gerard Butler’s version)-because I love both of them, singing.

    I think Gerard, would be great, as a (Rhett Butler)-if they ever did a remake of Gone with the Wind!) He is just that good! He’s an excellent actor, and he comes off, as down-to-earth, and sweet. I cried right along with him, thru the film.

    I understood the (Phantom’s pain and lonliness)-because I was often humiliated, because I wasn’t (pretty, or smart enough)-as a teenager. I didn’t have a deformity, or anything like that, but you can just imagine, —how cruel people can be.

    I bought Atilla, Reign of Fire, and Timeline, because I love Gerard’s films! He’s an excellent artist, and I hope to see more of him in the films!

    Go Gerry!

  49. April says:

    I saw the movie 4 times and absolutley adored as i do with all of ALW musicals. And as for Gerard butler i thought he was excellent he is great at showing the phantoms emotions and is very seductive and sexy i’d definitly choose him over raoul 100%. He sings fabulous and so does Emmy Rossum she has a lovely voice. And Gerard and Emmy definitly have on screen chemistry! Can’t wait to buy it

  50. Linda says:

    Phantom of the Opera is as close to heaven as this 56 year old lady could get each of the ten times I have seen the movie. Gerard Butler has to be the best actor I have seen of late, and the rest of the cast could not have been better chosen. Emmy was wonderful and has grown so very much in the few years of her young life. She showed wonderful insight into the character of Christine. Patrick Wilson is also a handsome, brilliant actor with a magnificent tenor voice that was crystal clear in his performance. Gerard’s voice held that mystique of mystery, sweetness, commanding (whatever the scene needed to portray) he had the ability to deliver in his voice quality. Mr. Butler made the movie speak to me in ways I would have never imagined possible. I have seen several phenomenas go over the hill, but never have I felt compelled to want to see this actor as I have since I have viewed the “Phantom”. Thank you all for a fantastic experience.

  51. Simone says:

    To all Phantom phans, the DVD release of the film is set for:

    UK- April 28
    US- May 3

  52. Richard says:

    This is a fantastic thread, and amazingly it’s beaten the Starsky and Hutch one for just sheer strength of the positive comments.

    I can’t hold it in any longer. I work with relative of the aforementioned Mr Butler and I’ve been trying to get some form of interview with him for some time now, before this was posted even. Still no luck, despite bigger Movie sites managing to land one.

    I’ll keep trying though, and I’ll also pass on this address with all your fantastic comments to him.

  53. Simone says:

    Ey Rich, when you do get that interview date, I have a few questions that I would like you to ask Gerry on my behalf. Is that okay?

  54. Richard says:

    When I do get the interview, if I get the interview, I will post about it beforehand and gather as many as I can.

    Although none will be about phone numbers, asking him out, etc!

    …unless there is cash involved!

  55. Simone says:

    Rich! LOL Youre crazy, I am not gonna ask him out, I know I dont have to. *winks*

    Okay how much cash would you need?

    My principles just flew out of the window!

  56. Queen Sarah says:

    Holy freaking cow! Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, I’ll try to sound a little more sophisticated. It started for me in sixth grade…my stepsister introduced me to the Phantom of the Opera stageplay soundtrack, and I fell in love, entirely. I have to admit, though I was fond of Michael Crawford, I sometimes found that his voice was a little too bright and lacked emotion in the right places. Sarah Brightman always did sound a little too old for the role…not as innocent as Christine’s character demanded. But nonetheless, “through music my soal began to soar…and I heard as I never heard before.” ALW is, purely, a genius. So fast-forward six years. I heard that Phantom was being made into a movie, and my excitement was quickly dashed when I read review on Plugged In Online, which is a site that for the most part I respect…but they said Gerard Butler bailed on the high notes, and overall it just didn’t live up to the play. But my mom and my brother couldn’t stop talking about the movie-I mean, they couldn’t stop. I resolved to see it anyway, and what can I say? I was literally blown away. Christine was exactly-exactly-as I had imagined her to be, who I thought she should be. I can’t believe she was sixteen-younger than me, and about thirty-four times more talented than I am…aye. She was perfect, everything about her. Raoul just gave me de ja vu-though he didn’t sound as I expected (I must say, I’ve learned to love him so much more than I ever thought I would), he looked absolutely perfect for the part. And then-then my Phantom! He was entirely backward and opposite of what I expected-and to my infinite surprise, I was spellbound and breathless at this horrifically stunning and beautiful and soulful new discovery. Every time I see this movie I feel even more love for this man. His voice-is-perfect. How anyone could love Michael Crawford better, I will never, ever know. Gerard gives so much emotion-so MUCH emotion-so much passion, you can feel every tear and every smile and every lust and rage and joy ever to enter his being in just the way he forms his words…the way he’ll switch from chest voice to head voice, the use of vibrado, the change in dynamics and timbre, and weaving from staccato to legato to make evident the contrasting moods-I didn’t know what to think when I discovered that he’d never had a voice lesson in his entire life. And his stage presence…holy apple pie Batman…I have a list of actors who I think surpass them all. Yul Brynner, Gene Kelly, Michael Douglas, Nicholas Cage, James Earl Jones and Sean Connery…Gerard Butler has easily, almost supernaturally, engraved his way into the top. The way he moves drives me crazy-his stance, his shoulders back and his slow-moving steps, gentle at times, and quick and authoritative otherwise, that move faithfully to the music…and, yes, I used to be disgusted by all forms of chest hair, until I saw him with his shirt unbuttoned and his collar hanging loose-sheesh, he’s the sexiest man alive, I’m convinced, and I’ve got all my friends convinced. Yes, I know this review is unnaturally long…but I feel it’s necessary, after all the crap it’s earned from culture-deprived and passion-lacking, apathetic, visually-impaired and audio-incapacitated Hollywood-standard American dummy reviewers who don’t have the capacity or understanding be seduced by true beauty. One last thing, other than the fact that I own two copies of the Broadway soundtrack and two copies of the movie soundtrack, and I have seen this movie seven times thus far in theaters (my brother has seen it eight times and my mother nine, and all of our friends at least three times, if not five or six)…where was I? Oh yes. I never cry in movies. You have to believe me. I never cry, and I pride myself on that. I cried in the Passion of the Christ, but that was for deep personal convictions. So I sat there in the theater, and my fingers were clutching the arm-rests and I was looking around for the exit, fearing that I was going to faint when I realized that the Phantom was on the roof, listening to the idiotic (and yet, somehow, understandably, though loathsomely wise, as far as not staying with an abusive, murdering madman, regardless of how deprived, gifted, and compassionate he is) Christine ask for freedom and safety from the swashbuckling and heartwarming and charmingly handsome Raoul, with his flawless voice and noble but boyish love for her. I bawled. I seriously believed I would lose consciousness…especially when Christine returns to give the ring back to Erik, my lovely Phantom, and an inhumanly perfect and horribly sorrowful expression of hope and disbelief crosses his lovely marred features that she might, just might, be returning for him as well. I coulda killed her. I mean it. I mean, give me the punjab lasso, and I’ll take care of her myself. I have never felt so much compassion for a fictional creature, never encountered an actor who could draw it out of me in such a way. I swear, he must get so into his character that he honestly fell in love with Christine (not Emmy-Christine) while the cameras were rolling. His voice, you could hear how much he strained to put both emotion and rugged, flawed divinity into those notes…he is truly the Music of the Night, and an Angel of Music, in the very sense of the word. I have never felt so in love with a character in my entire life. LOL, some of us should get paid for advertising this movie. My family has lent out copies of our CDs for friends to listen to before they see the movie (so many are turned off by “opera” or “musical”), and all it takes is one time through the CD for them to get hooked and dish out five dollar bills to see it in theaters. My third grade teacher, who has stayed in touch with my family for years, called my mom and said she wanted to get several adults together and sit down for coffee for a couple of hours just to discuss the movie, pick apart every scene and weep together over the music. My best friend and her family-all of their life, if you can get them to go to a movie at all, they’ll only see it once-heheheh, that changed, and they’ve spent an unnatural amount of money re-experiencing the genius of the film. Oh yes, they never-ever-listen to loud music. The last time I was over at their house, however, we had the CD playing so loud that the dishes actually rattled. I didn’t even know that happened. I thought it was just a cliche’d term. But these dishes rattled. It was amazing. I first saw this movie weeks ago, and none of us have been able to talk about anything or sing anything since. Makes me so depressed-the highest note I can hit while still forming vowels and sounding decent is a high E…not the high E that Emmy Rossum hits, but an octave lower than that. My friends still have me sing Phantom songs for them often, in my own range, but I can only do that by swallowing my pride and trying to forget Emmy’s spectacular, angelic talent and performance. Crap, I’m jealous. All right, all right, I’m done. Now excuse me while I go cry, as I have just discovered that Phantom has only a week left running at the local 6-plex. And you know what else? I’m going to see the stageplay this summer in Arizona-and I’m afraid I’ll be disappointed!

  57. Queen Sarah says:

    Oh, and something else I forgot to mention-notice how Gerard almost never blinks while he’s singing-his intense eyes are constantly open-and I’ve never seen such power in those vibrant irises. Aaaah…I’m going to melt. It’s not like me at all-AT ALL-to obsess over an actor like this. He has defined “beauty” for me. “Beauty,” “passion,” “music,” “sexiness,” you name it…I must be insane, but up until this point I’ve been level-headed-yes, passionate, but level-headed enough not to ever be starstruck. This isn’t just a phase with me. The Phantom of the Opera is a defining piece of my life…and I feel like such an idiot, but such a blessed idiot who has such a greater understanding of what God truly meant when He created beauty.

  58. Simone says:

    Great Scott Queen Sarah!!! I actually read your long but I have to say well thought out review, and I am speechless.

    I like this part: “And you know what else? I’m going to see the stageplay this summer in Arizona-and I’m afraid I’ll be disappointed!”

    I am worried about that too, I am planning another viewing this year, I have seen the stage musical 3 times, and after having seen Gerard on the cinema for 7 times, I can tell I will be extremely disappointed. Gerard Butler is THE Phantom, I dont care what they say.

    Welcome to the club then! *winks*

  59. Prescilla says:

    I’ve been watching Phantom of the Opera for i think 5 times and i love it so much. Everyone was wonderful. Gerard was like so handsome and all. I like him as the Phantom. Actually, i’m 16 yr. old and have no idea of what this Phantom of the Opera stuff is until a friend of mine introduced it to me. She’s also a good singer and her father has a soundtrack of it kept in their cabinet. She just found it accidentally one day and she has been listening to it for a while. She then told me about it and were like researching about its book-story, lyrics and everything. We were really crazy about it! It’s just beautiful! A masterpiece! Then, when we heard the news that it has movie this year… we were really like hysterical! We were in school at that time and many teachers were passing looking at us strangely. We were really very ecstatic! Hugging each other and screaming at the top of our voice! 2 weeks before it”ll be shown, we were really planning on what to wear and what to do, how long are we gonna stay there— oh, when we watch it, we stayed the whole day at the cinema! After we got out, our eyes were all red and people were like- “What happened to them?” We were just laughing seeing at their faces. It was so really good! Brava, brava, bravissima!!!! Really! For me, this is the movie of the year! Gerard was really handsome! Minnie was really funny… i like her part! I really wish i could meet Gerard and talk to him in person and talk about it!!!! Oh, it was the best! REally!!!! Phantom of the Opera!!!!√É≈ì

  60. Prescilla says:

    I’ve been watching Phantom of the Opera for i think 5 times and i love it so much. Everyone was wonderful. Gerard was like so handsome and all. I like him as the Phantom. Actually, i’m 16 yr. old and have no idea of what this Phantom of the Opera stuff is until a friend of mine introduced it to me. She’s also a good singer and her father has a soundtrack of it kept in their cabinet. She just found it accidentally one day and she has been listening to it for a while. She then told me about it and were like researching about its book-story, lyrics and everything. We were really crazy about it! It’s just beautiful! A masterpiece! Then, when we heard the news that it has movie this year… we were really like hysterical! We were in school at that time and many teachers were passing looking at us strangely. We were really very ecstatic! Hugging each other and screaming at the top of our voice! 2 weeks before it”ll be shown, we were really planning on what to wear and what to do, how long are we gonna stay there— oh, when we watch it, we stayed the whole day at the cinema! After we got out, our eyes were all red and people were like- “What happened to them?” We were just laughing seeing at their faces. It was so really good! Brava, brava, bravissima!!!! Really! For me, this is the movie of the year! Gerard was really handsome! Minnie was really funny… i like her part! I really wish i could meet Gerard and talk to him in person and talk about it!!!! Oh, it was the best! REally!!!! Phantom of the Opera!!!!√É≈ì

  61. Prescilla says:

    Oops.. wait… the part i like most is when the Phantom was singing the “Phantom of the Opera”… really he was so wonderful.. I’d like to see him with the mask off at that scene…. Gosh!!!! I’m so crazy about it!!!!!√É≈ì

  62. Bobbie says:

    I have been out of the country for the last 4 months and just got back in time to see “The Phantom” before it closed in Cleveland. I had heard about the bad reviews and saw that it didn’t get acknowledged by the “Oscars”. I went into the theatre thinking if nothing else I know the music will be great. I was pleasantly surprised by Gerards wonderful performance. His sensuality showed through wonderfully in the scenes in the lair and I too wanted to “Close my eyes and surrender to my darkest dreams” I look forward to getting the DVD in may and watching many,times infact I think I may get a 32″ TV to watch Gerard better.

  63. Maureen says:

    I am glad to be able to express an opinion about this movie. I am 58 and never saw a movie more than once. I have seen this one 7 times, and also await the DVD and have considered a large screen TV (and I hate TV) just to watch what is a really remarkable effort.
    Gerard Butler is an extraordinary talent. I have musical friends (two of whom just sang at Carnegie Hall) and have been involved with music all of my life, although I am a tax lawyer by trade. My friend, a soprano trained at the St. Petersburg Conservatory, was enchanted by the Phantom and Gerard Butler. I think that the remarks of the many who have written to this site accurately portray the exquisite emotional and creative spirit which Mr. Butler evoked. I know that this must have presented an enormous challenge to Mr. Butler, and it was probably somewhat disheartening to him to see the reviews, particularly the one in the New Yorker, which was strangely venomous. (One wonders why). I simply want to express my sincere appreciation to Mr. Lloyd-Webber, Joel Schumacher, and Mr. Butler for the beautiful (and I agree that beauty is the element which is so gracefully portrayed, is so rare and, so far as Mr. Butler is concerned, so touchingly revealed) experience that this movie is. I never had the time to see the stage play since, as apparently Mr. Butler realised, lawyers do not have a life (I’m retired). Knowing them however, assures me that should Mr. Butler ever wish to return to the law, he would be a very successful “rainmaker”, could spend his days playing golf and generally having a pleasant if boring life. I am glad that he has not chosen this because he is too gorgeous to lose to business deals. Good luck to a wonderful and honest man. ( Makes me proud to be Scots-Irish).

  64. Terry says:

    I have seen ” Phantom” 5 times and am totally hooked. I love the music. I loved Gerard Butler’s
    rendition of Point of no return and Music of the night. I loved everything about this Movie I took My girlfriend Lynett and she is hooked on it too Patrick is handsome too. Go see it if you haven’t you will be glad you did.

  65. jezzebelle says:

    I have now seen POTO an additional two times, which brings my total to 6. I have to mention that after two separate showings the audience applauded. Never saw that before. Gerard’s voice is unique and he brought a totally different interpretation to his singing in this production of POTO. It was very masculine, sexy, sad. So many different emotions were brought forward just through his voice. Think anyone will every write a SEQUEL to POTO? That would be cool.

  66. alex cargius says:

    wen iwent to go see phanttom i wasnt that bothered but i seriously got hooked! i thought gerard has a ded gud voice and is one of the best lukin phantoms if not the most! i went to go see the thetre and the opera ther was nufin compared to gerard! the movie is one of my favourites and i love it! i missed dear frankie as i didnt no it was on in the cinema. how thick am i! i loved him in tomb raider: the cradle of life though. overall i love gerard butler!

  67. alex cargius says:

    hey i was just lukin at the rest of the comments and all you have wrote long comments so mine felt a little short so i though i wud write again. I just bought the phantom on dvd and i havent stopped watchin it since! And i am confused cause though alot of you may have a go at me for this i’m not sure whether gerard is gay or not. i have heard loads of storys and there are some on the net but i seriously don’t no! i dont think he is but if some one cud tell me i wud be grateful! I have just finished studying Beowulf and Grendal in school and it is a fantasic story. I am excited for the film! will write back soon

  68. Simone says:

    I dont think that he is gay Alex. :-)

  69. alex says:

    thank you soooooooo much! is there an official gerard butler website or not?

  70. Simone says:

    Hi Alex, there is an unofficial one but its the most definitive Gerry Butler site I have been into, go to http;//www.gerardbutler.net

  71. alex says:

    hey! i spent all last night watching the film over and over again! i no, how sad am i! but i just love it! the point of no return had to be my fav and the music of the night made me go all shivery! the musical in london is totally different to the film so i got lost half way through the musical! my mates think i am crazy likin something the phantom but what they dont understand is that the movie is modern and classical at the same time. i try explainin but they wont listen!

  72. Karen says:

    I am with the rest of you. Gerard Butler was phenomenal as the Phantom and I’ve watched the DVD every day for 6 days now. But I’m curious… why are we drawn to such a character? Think deeper than the obvious “forbidden” and “dangerous”. What IS it about guys like the Phantom?

  73. Michael Waeham says:

    Both my wife and I have seen the Phantom on different stages, my wife in Toronto with Colin Wilkinson, and I in 1987 with Charles Hart I think in London, England and we throughly enjoyed it. I bought her the DVD for Mother’s Day as the record that she has of Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman is wearing thin and we sat and enjoyed the film together on Mother’s Day evening after the family had left. Very enjoyable indeed we thought, but we must confess that overall we thought that Gerald Butler performance as the Phantom though very good was not exactly up to snuff as one reviewer put it and therefore was the weakest of the three main characters, but there for me there is only one Phantom - Michael Crawford. Still iy was a wonderful movie and an enjoyable 161 minutes which flew by. Michael and Dee Wareham, Milton, Ontario, Canada.

  74. M K says:

    I’m sorry for the people who didn’t think that the movie, “Phantom of the Opera” was lacking. I’m more sorry for the people that listened to the reviews from credible (?) critics and wound up not enjoying a fantastic experience on a big screen with surround sound.I went despite the reviews and ended up paying for three more showings. It puts you on sensory overload with its incredibly, beautiful, emotional, passionate presentation. Now, I have the DVD and enjoy it as much as my first sitting.
    All the leads and supporting cast did a tremendous job making us “surrender to the music of the night”, but special note has got to go to the man in the cape-Gerard Butler. How he managed to make us cry, hope, and cry again is amazing. The other reviewers above are right when they talk about his combination of movement, vocal, and his incredible eyes and hands. He was absolutely mesmerizing and should have been nominated for the Oscars, no holds barred.
    If you love the theater and don’t think this movie will grab you, think again. Butler will always be the ultimate “Phantom” for many of us.

  75. M K says:

    ‘My bad…I meant to say that “I’m sorry for the people who did think that the movie, “Phantom of the Opera” was lacking”. (I guess that’s why there’s a preview button!)

  76. J.C says:

    I couldn’t believe how beautiful this movie was. I hate musicals but this was outstanding! The cast was very good and that Gerard Butler…If i were christine i’d pick him over stupid Roaul any day, who cares if he killed some people they were jerks any way. lol. You just want to tear of butler’s clothes, just for his beautiful, yet deep and sexy voice lol. It was a great movie and i’m glad everyone seems to agree! :)

  77. Karen says:

    I agree with the fans in here. Gerard Butler’s performance is one of the most mesmerizing I’ve ever seen. I’m hypnotized by him. Thanks to this movie I am experiencing a whole NEW level of obsessive/compulsive behavior .. meaning I can’t stop watching it!

    I saw references to a New Yorker reporter bashing the film? Can someone point me to this addle- brained miscreant so I can set his sorry ass straight?

    So I’m willing to forget that Christine died and vote for a sequel? Something to get Christine and the Phantom together? Please!?!?

  78. kathleen Pakula says:

    I had seen the Phantom of the Opera (tv movie) years ago, when I was very young. I thought it was a great story. When it came to Broadway, I really wasn’t interested. I knew the story, but, I should have known, Andrew Lloyd Webber bring this story to life, would be spectacular. (what have I missed) and now many years later, the motion picture. I know Sara Brightman and Michael Crawford were the cream of the crop. But, If you watch Gerard Butlers performance in this movie, not only the voice, but his portrayal of the Phantom. I would say his intense performance brought the Phantom to life.

  79. RUTH VAN DUYN says:


  80. Karen says:

    Does there come a time when you don’t cry anymore with this film? I burst into tears each and every time at the end when Christine starts singing “pitiful creature”… and how can she be so cruel as to come back - giving him false hope - then giving him the ring back. Was that her way of leaving a momento with him?
    My god.. I think we all need a 12 step program.

  81. Scott says:

    Butler couldn’t have been a worse pick for Phantom. No voice and doesn’t look or sound like the phantom should. Terrible casting other than Emma. I’ve seen the best sing it live, and even Butler’s studio tracks couldn’t hold a candle to guys like Colm W and Michael C.

  82. Richard Brunton says:

    That’s the first comment out of 76 so far that’s been negative. That’s an amazing figure, I would have expected lot’s more by now if people genuinely didn’t like it.

  83. Karen says:

    Scott - In your opinion what are the differences - especially in how the Phantom should look? Personally I found it refreshing to have a voice that seemed more plausible for the character - a rougher,edgier voice and not the crystal that is Michael Crawford.

  84. Simone says:

    Both performers, (Crawford and Butler) approached the role differently. I dare not take away the life Crawford breathed in to his Phantom the same way Butler did his.

    Hey Rich, have you seen this movie by the way? :-)

  85. Lola says:

    I saw “The Phanthom” three times on Broadway, I just bought the DVD and i am sure i will see it many more times, I absolutely love it! I loved Gerard Butler, he is magnificent. Heis a perfect Phanthom, handsome,a great and haunting voice. He was perfect for the Movie. It is doubtful any other movie will hold my interest as this one did. Lola

  86. Lily says:

    Oh dear!
    How happy am I that am not alone!
    / I mean being totally obsessed with film and its music/
    I’m afraid all of us - ” Phantom of the opera “addicts should start some kind of club to help each other!

    The film is simply haunting and its music stays with you forever.

    On the other hand don’t you think that negative reviews are incredibly amuzing?
    One of the critics said that the actors moved their lips when they sang!

  87. Jennifer says:

    I like so many others here, have been so deeply moved and touched by this film as to scare me! I have sobbed so much that my poor husband doesn’t want me to watch the film or listen to the music for a while! But, it is Gerard’s performance that moves me so much. My mom and I have 3 copies of the film on DVD and 2 copies of the special edition soundtrack! I immediatley put the cd on my computer and created a special phantom mix of music editing songs with only the parts that Gerry sings!! And although I love all of the songs I have to tell you that “No One Would Listen” is AMAZING and I can’t believe that it’s not on the soundtrack! What were the producers thinking?! When I first saw Gerry sing it on the 2nd disc I really thought I was going to loose it-permanently!! And then I found the mp3 online and went to heaven! It’s the best of all of it to me!! Thank you all for your posts! It’s so nice to not feel like a freak, alone in this world because of my love of Gerry’s portrayal of this character! I swear my heart breaks everytime I see or listen to him sing No One Would Listen and at the very end when he sings Masquerade with his little music box- Aye, yi-yi! I’m telling you I would never, ever leave him. Christine was a fool!

  88. Simone says:

    Am I the only one who have not heard of “No One Would Listen”?

    I have the Phantom DVD but have not chanced upon it at all in there and I am not a happy bunny. Where is this track Jen?

  89. BerrySyrup says:

    Oh, my. Like so many others, I’m glad that I’m not the only crazily obsessed person. My friend and I rented this DVD about five days ago, and while it was all she could do to stay awake, I was HOOKED. Obsessed. Mesmerized. There aren’t words strong enough to convey my feelings. This phantom obsession started a few weeks ago, when my mother returned from a visit to our home state of New York, where she saw the most recent Broadway run of the play. Anyway, she bought the original cast recording and played it and sang with it incessantly, and I couldn’t help joining in. Fast forward a couple of weeks…my friend and I rent the movie, I ADORE it, and it and Butler have been the only things on my mind since. Yesterday I spent an inordinate amount of money on the music book for piano and now all I do is sing and play “Point of No Return.” The neighbors, I’m sure, are horrified. Back to the movie…I too have seen the stage play and loved it, but in a rather detached way, and I’d always felt that Christine was right to go with Raoul. This time, however, the phantom is an infinitely more HUMAN character, and though his singing voice obviously isn’t opera quality, it has an emotional impact I’ve never experienced before. Brightman and Crawford are a little too perfect; Crawford is a little too, well, unmasculine. Butler’s voice is more baritone, darker, more sensual…all that a man who lives in a dark lair and skulks in shadows should be. Furthermore, Broadway makeup goes a long way to take away the phantom’s humanity. This, of course, can’t be helped, but it is a factor in the audience’s ability to sort of detach themselves from the phantom’s character. And to answer the question of a previous poster: I think I know what we see in a man like the phantom. We females all feel the need, no matter how much we deny it, to save men like him, men who have been badly hurt and need someone giving and compassionate to understand them. Men who dance on the line between being incredibly loving and incredibly mad, and we know if WE’RE the ones to love them, we’ll snatch them back from the side of madness and keep them from ever hurting again…oh, and men who are unbearably sexy and tall and brooding and did I say sexy? My Lord he is tall. Oy. ::Shakes it off:: Anyway, I have no money but I’m buying this DVD tomorrow, as it nearly broke my heart to return it after renting it. It actually put me in a bad mood, which, on top of being depressed for the phantom, added up to my being a regular ray of sunshine for my coworkers and boss that day. And I don’t know when I’m going to study for biochemistry because watching this non-stop doesn’t allow much time for that!

  90. BerrySyrup says:

    As an addendum to my comment about what we see in guys like the phantom, I’d like to say that we want to love the men who genuinely need loving, not guys like my ex-boyfriend who just pretend to be broken and misunderstood. That just irritates the hell out of me:)

  91. Simone says:

    Welcome to the club BerrySyrup. :-)

    I am assuming you have the film’s soundtrack?

  92. Karen says:

    Berry Syrup - Thanks for the input! I was wondering if anyone had seen my question. I agree with you about the “needing” part because we all like to feel we are needed in some deep and essential way. In my opinion what sets this aside is that the Phantom - who is strong and dominant in all respects except when it comes to Christine - brings that strength and masculinity to the table in exchange. I have loved men who have genuinely needed loving, but they have been weak and have leaned on me until my knees buckled. In the movie? It breaks my heart each and every time at the end when Christine sings “pitiful creature” and the camera breaks to Gerard standing in the water holding the rope. If that doesn’t look like a lost little boy imploring someone to love him I don’t know what does.

    I wish I had never seen this movie. I don’t look at things the same way anymore and the obsession is driving me nuts.

  93. Ruby says:

    I’m so glad I’m not the only one walking around work with “the angel of music singing songs in my head”. I’m completely obsessed. I’ve seen the stage show twice, & I enjoyed the movie even more. I think that Butler not being a trained singer made it even better, because what he lacks in training he makes up for in Passion. I especially loved Point of No Return. I’ve had the DVD for a week & watched it 4 times. I’ve been a Phan since I was 12 (I’m 25 now). I collect Phantom figurines & music boxes, I have 8 of them. And now I’m obsessed with this movie. I never really felt the passion from any other Phantom, but I really identified with Butler. You could feel his pain. I think we’ve all been there at one time or another & he really makes you feel it. Personally, even with the mask off, I would’ve chosen the Phantom. With Christine & Raoul it just seems like a high school romance. No real fire. Also the extras on the 2nd disk are worth watching also. It’s really interesting to see how the whole thing came about & that ALW wrote it for Sarah Brightman when they were engaged. You also get to see the real lake under the Paris Opera House.

  94. alex says:

    today i started hummin the point of no return in my head in class and the teacher started singin it to us all. ppl find it hard to study physics when the teacjer is singin but i sat thera ll lesson just listenin
    not a good as gerard though!

  95. mandy says:

    I had never seen the play or read the book, but I had heard the music through my music teacher. My sister seen the movie with my Aunt in Fenton, and came home saying she loved it, and wanted me to go see it, but my mom didn’t want to take us because she never liked the story of POTO. We ended up renting it, and through the whole thing my mom cried, and admitted that it was a good movie. When my sister told me that she taught that Christine belonged with the phantom,and that the phantom was cuter then Raoul, I started laughing because I had seen pictures of the phantom through my music teacher, and he wasn’t that cute, but I was deeply wrong. Gerard Butler is very talented, and very very sexy. I loved his voice and the way he played the phantom. I was really depressed when I had to give the DVD back to the video store, but a day later my mom got me and my sister the DVD, and I bought the soundtrack. The movie should of got better reviews than it got, but most of the time the reveiwers give bad reviews for the movies I like anyways, but It made me really mad when they talked about Gerry’s voice and how he couldn’t sing. I mean were they even listining to him, he has a beautiful voice.

  96. Christy says:

    I am not a big opera fan but when I found that out there Phantom of the Opera was coming out I said I could not wait to see it. I did not get to see it at the movies but I rented it the day after I rented it I ran to Walmart to buy my onw copy of it. Gerald Butler is HOT looking in that movie. I could really feel it when he was singing.

  97. liz says:

    Can anyone answer this silly nagging question..is the ring that Raoul gives Christine, the one that Phantom tears off at the masquerade, is that the same ring that Phantom leaves at her gravesite..?

  98. Karen says:

    Liz - ring is one and the same. Raoul gives it to Christine. Phantom tears it off at the ball, but gives it back to her in his lair. She returns the ring after leaving with Raul, (in one of the most heartrending scenes) and Phantom gives it back to her at her graveside.

    Does that help?

  99. Jennifer says:

    Simone, Sorry I missed your message on the boards earlier! Go to this website: http://homepages.nyu.edu/~blk211/NOWL.html where you can not only download an MP3 of “No One Would Listen” but it also has stills of Gerard singing it!! To view the actual scene- it’s on the 2nd disc of the special two disc DVD version. (Not the 1 disc version) On the menu of the second disc you’ll see deleted scene: No One Would Listen. But let me warn you- listen & watch at your own risk!!! It is so moving and beautiful and it completely overwhelms you! (At least it did me!!) Enjoy! :-)

  100. Dizne says:

    I saw the film with my students a few weeks ago, and we all were swept up into the magic of the story. I had already given my students
    the general idea of the story, but what I saw on the screen was above
    and beyond any expectation I may have had. The effort made by Gerard Bultler was exponential and as a result he portrayed a figure of genuine emotion and depth. I don’t undertstand how actors can be so
    intense, but he certainly brought many levels of emotion to his
    character and the result was a truly stellar performance which will go down in film history. I believe everyone was ready for a movie like the Phantom-its music was beautiful and the characters were perfect. It was a love story, which we all need, and the music carried all the emotions and even the personalities of the characters
    throughout the film. I had the distinct honor of seeing Jesus Christ
    Superstar at the Palace theatre in London back in 1970. Much to my
    surprise, Sir Andrew turned aroud and bowed to the crowd, at which time the audience showed their genuine appreciation by a lengthly applause. At that time, the play was the greatest thing I had ever seen. But now, after having seen the Phantom, I think they are running neck and neck !. I am grateful to Sir Andrew for being true to his God given talent-can you imagine the world without his music. Also, I want to compliment the director and everyone who had anything to do with the film, on their expertise in what they do.
    Thank you!!!!!!!!

  101. Sylvia says:

    I am nearly 60 years old and have seen a lot of movies in my time, but NEVER have I seen an individual as Gerard Butler become so engrossed in his character and exhibit such passion! He made you feel exactly what he was feeling. No one could have played the part of the Phantom but him.

  102. onebestcook says:

    I have been a Phantom of the Opera fan for many years, but this recent one has my heart beating fast and faster as I watched the movie as if it was the first time again. Alot of the classic was different from the orginial, as in much better and more emotional than the classic. I don’t buy to many dvd unless I know it’s a movie that I would watch again and again. Gerard Butler takes your breath away. You can tell that the this part was met from him. I loved his deep voice and the passion he put in this classic. I have fell in love with this movie all over again. I’m really not a opera fan but after seeing this movie, I will see more.

    I don’t know how the critics could call this movie not good. In fact I don’t know how they got the job by being a critic. Maybe they should look for some other type of employment. This movie brought out all the emotions as a movie should. BRAVO!! Your hard work made your part… more breath taking, heart felt, and surprisly takes me away.

  103. McKenzie says:

    OMG!!! Gerard Butler is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo HOT!!!!!!!!!! The movie is the best movie i have ever seen in my whole life!
    Not just because hes in it, but i cried as hard as i possibly could when i saw it!i watched the movie 20 times and we just got it a week ago!i just couldnt believe how much he love her and how much he gave her! Cristine should of just picked the phantom! i know i definetly would’ve!!!!!!! I can talk about that movie and Gerard Butler every second

  104. brittany Y. says:

    Gerard Butler is the hottest man on EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It was the best movie i’ve ever seen!!!

  105. Simone says:

    Dont we all just love Gerry? *winks*

  106. Sarah says:

    That was a passionate movie. I loved it. Gerard played the hottest phantom I ever seen. The best movie I have ever seen too.

  107. fan from far east says:

    Recently i had the great good luck to buy the Phantom DVD and had to buy a few more copies for friends so that i won’t need to lend them mine.
    Gerard Butler did a great job of bringing the Phantom alive: with all his bitterness, anger, despair, the fragility of being rejected, the arrogance, the hope, the deep love for and pride in Chistine.

    Emma’s innocence was perfect for Christine and Rauol’s good-guy-hero-rich Count role is perfect for Patrick Wilson. And Minnie Driver: my god, what a diva. And SO funny.

    Maybe the Oscars ignored this movie because they thought any support would mean something like ‘anti-Crawford.’ But then, the two actors created different Phantoms so it should not be seen as a contest. Truly, the movie needed a younger Phantom. The movie should have SHONE at the Oscars.
    It was heartening to read the other postings: i thought i was the only one going mad, wanting to watch the movie again and again even when i’m up to my ears in work or in the kitchen or driving. At most waking moments the movie is replaying in my head!!

  108. Brandi says:

    I felt as I were in a trance when I watched it. It couldn’t look away. It’s not that I didn’t want to, I COULDN’T. It’s the only thing I ever think about and I don’t know why. No matter what I do, The Phantom is always on my mind.

  109. Kathryn says:

    The Phantom of the Opera is completely FANTASTIC! I agree with everyone’s review (besides the the negative ones of course). This movie is honestly the best I’ve ever had the good fortune to view. It has a unique magical deepness and an aura of dark secrecy. Mr. Butler’s phantom was a grand character. The best thing about films like this is the awe inspiring music, and the way the rich storyline illustrates so incredibly well the emotion and events of the script. You just gasp at all the times the phantom appears from the darkness and marvel at his mysterious presence. Emmy and Gerard did such a marvelous job with the emotion-filled music and brilliant acting. The first time I saw it was at a sleep-over party with a few of my good friends. All of us teenage girls were absolutley spellbound and stayed up hours afterward reviewing the movie deep into the night. Of course we all wished we had a phantom who was as devoted to us as Gerard Butler’s character was to Christine. All except one of my friends who insisted that the phantom was a stalker, a statement she said was only made creepier by his statue of Chirstine in his lair. Creepy? Are you kidding? We asked her. We saw this as another sign of deep affection. As to her claiming he was a stalker, my first comeback was: But he’s a hot stalker!. This was greeted by the approval and laughter of the rest of my friends, including the anti-stalker. It was one of the best times I have had, friends, the best movie in the world, and good times. I rushed out to purchase the DVD, only to find out days later that a special edition had come out with bonus features. Is there any way you can just buy the bonus CD? Where would you all recomend seeing the play? I can’t thank everyone who put hard work into this production enough. The music is heavenly and the story and acting are perfect. I can’t get The Point of No Return or The Phantom of the Opera out of my head! This movie no doubt has a strage undeniable magic to it that some people (*cough cough* critics *cough*) are just blind too. Critics and award shows are nothing compared to the adoration this movie is recieving from people like you. My only grievance is that I go into a small depression every time the credits roll!

  110. Lexy says:

    The Phantom of the Opera was by far the best movie EVER because of Gerard Butler. It is sooooo amazing that he was the one singing and not lip singing it. He is my favorite actor of all time and i would give anything to meet him. I am studying to become an actress myself and hopefully my dream will come true and i can be in a film with Gerard Butler. I mean Minnie Driver and Emmy Rossum were alright but Gerard Butler was the ultimate best. If you read this Gerard Butler then I LOVE U!!!

  111. Kourtney says:

    The Phantom of the Opera movie has certainly opened my mind to something new. I now am very passionate about it. I thank Gerard Butler mostly. He truly was amazing in the Film, and knowing that he is not a pro-singer, just amazes me even more. His voice and stage prescence fit the part so well. I can’t even begin to imagine how different, and for me, unlikeable, the movie could’ve been without him.I can’t wait to see him in more movies like this one. Personally, I would love it if he were to be the next Bond.

  112. Kathryn says:

    I just got the soundtrack yesterday and I’m happy to say it’s absolutley marvelous! The collector’s edition has nearly the entire movie on it! (Considering that the movie is a musical) I always get all choked up at certain parts. We all know which ones I’m talking about… The scnene on the roof where the Phantom picked up and crushed the rose. I can’t get it out of my head! “I gave you my music, helped your song take wing. And here, how you’ve repayed me, denied me and betrayed me…” Then there is the one in The Point of No Return on the bridge type deal. Then at the end of the movie when Christine returnes the ring. When Christine sings Help Me Say Goodbye I always get so sad. Sometimes I can hardly listen to it. Minnie Driver also has a fabulous real singing voice in Learn to be Lonely. It’s such a sad and beautiful song. I think I’m going to run out and buy the book soon, I heard they put a few things from the book into the movie that weren’t in the play. It is going to be so different without music. I also programed my phone to ring: You will curse the day you did not do, all that the Phantom asked of you! *sigh* I love this movie…

  113. Harriett Smith says:

    I received POTO for Mothers Day , I have watched it numerous of times since then with my daughter and with out her. I have seen POTO on stage and I have to say Jerry Butler was fantastic I want to see more of him (his movie works) I loved the movie much much more than the stage production. He captivates the movie audiances . Can not wait to see “Dear Frankie”, Have seen Lara Croft, (so she gave him a bum deal) More, More More

  114. Brandi says:

    I loved that movie so much. It did something to me. I’m getting a job over the summer so I can pay for it. I hate workin over the summer-but it’s worth it for this movie.

  115. Heather Fitzpatrick says:

    He was amazing! I felt like I was there on the stage watching him sing cccccoooooollllllll!

  116. Catherine says:

    I thought the production , style,music, acting, fantastic but Gerard Butler made it for me he was sexy, sensual, and still goodlooking even with the gross makeup. And if the rumors are true he’ll be playing the next “Bond” then WOW! He’ll be the best choice since Sean Connery, WELL DONE GERARD..

  117. Caroline says:

    OMG!!! I thought this was the most wondeful movie ever!! When I read the review for The Phantom, I just got so mad because who could say that the cast was horrible? Gerry Butler is just amazingly magnificent as the Phantom, and his voice is so awesome… and he’s never sung before!! Now that’s talent!! He’s also extremely gorgious!! Even when the mask is off, he’s still wickid hott!! Emmy Rossum was also amazing, I never knew she could sing, and that she was only 16!! She was brilliant in The Day After Tomorrow, but I never knew she could sing also! Gerry Butler and Emmy Rossum, my new favorite actor and actress!

    Thanx for a wonderful movie! I watch it everyday!!

  118. Sue says:

    I really enjoyed reading everyone’s comments about POTO and its star, Gerard Butler. I too am hooked on this guy. This movie was unbelievable. Gerard Butler is unbelievable. I have since seen as many of his movies as I can get my hands on. He is going places, I tell you. By the way, since so many of you seem to be watching the DVD over and over (I know I have); chech out these fun facts: 1. when the Phantom lies Christine in the Swan bed, she has on white stockings, but when she gets back up, she is no longer wearing them. 2. Check out Minnie Driver in the Don Juan scene where she and the guy next to her get “playful” when they are pointing. 3. Just before Christine kisses the Phantom in the climax scene, she lips to Raoul “I love you.”

  119. pam says:

    I loved the play on stage or in the theatres. I always have liked a good love story and this was wonderful. I cry every time I see this movie, which shows how much he loves her and she always backs off.I love the music, the songs were out standing and I could listen to this type of mucis night or day. I hope you go far in your career Gerald and Emmy and the rest of the cast.

  120. KAP says:

    The next Bond. I love it. He would be perfect.

  121. nightmusic43 says:

    What an appalling lack of taste some of the professional “critics” of this film have! I’m convinced that they and I did not see the same movie, and there are so many I know and have read about who support my views in this matter.
    This film was so visually stunning, the leads and supporting actors were so appropriately cast, Joel Schumacher was so skillful as a director who more than fulfilled his debut in this film genre, and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s music is so beautiful, so sensual, so haunting . . . what more can one ask for from one of the most entertaining films to hit the big screen in decades?
    I’ve seen the stage play several times and have listened to the Crawford/Brightman CD for at least 10 years now, but this film surpasses anything previously connected with Phantom of the Opera in all its many voices and mediums. Nothing can hold a candle to it. I truly pity those who have listened to the professional”critics” and who have allowed themselves to be persuaded (”railroaded” might be a better term here) into not viewing this film on the big screen. They truly have missed something very special indeed. Perhaps they will be fortunate enough to rent the DVD for an evening to at least catch a glimpse of this stunning film.
    Congratulations to the cast and crew of the most spectacular showpieces of all times. They have done a tremendous job in bringing the Phantom to life.

  122. elvendream says:

    I have always loved the music from “Phantom of the Opera” but never could afford to see. I had the cd and companion book however and loved Michael Crawford’s voice. I didn’t get a chance to see the movie when it was in theatres and just recently saw it on ppv. I had never heard of Gerard Butler before. I a presently out of work and on an extremely tight budget but after I saw the movie I immediately blew my budget and went out and bought the extended dvd and soundtrack. I immediately fell in love with Gerry’s soulful rendition of the songs. I have seen the movie at least once a day since I got it and I cry everytime. He puts so much passion and pain in his performance. As for his voice I much prefer his deeper voice that expresses so much. As far as the critics go; they are out of their ever lovin mind!”

  123. Britney Brougham says:

    I have seen The Phantom of the Opera 6 or more times now and am mesmerized by the very title! Just the thought of it gives me such joy, passion, anger, sorrow and sense of beauty shown in the film. Until just about a half a month ago I didn’t even know what the movie was let alone about! I had never herd of it, I never saw any preview and I had no clue what a passionate movie filled with such talent it was. Then that all changed one day when I finally saw it at a friends house. I sat on the couch completely lost in the magnificents withen. Never before had I seen such talented performance in a musical. I am only 13 but I like many have been captured by this film. I have never felt so deeply for a character in any movie that I have ever watched, infact I have never ever cried watching a movie in my life and this one really changed that fact. I cried so much during this movie! Gerards performance when his heart was shattered was aweing and filled with sorrow. It pulled me into the film and I was captured forever. It seemed like I was in the movie with the actors, when Gerard sang the part “Touch me, trust me.” to Christine I felt the suduction within. I just wish I could be her, in the Phantoms arms ;). Gerard Butler is not playing the Phantom…he IS the Phantom. I am actually listening to the soundtrack this very moment on my computer! This movie is captavating, beautiful, artistic, passionate, and my all time favorite!! I have offically joined the club!! =D My friends and I always sing the Phantoms song but I’m the only one who can sing as high as Christine so I alone have to sing that part!! =) well, I have to go, I have to get back to the movie! ;) hehehe. oh yea, Gerard is the SEXIEST ACTOR EVER SO SO HOT!!! sorry, couldnt help myself. hehehe.

    I to have joined the club…gladly!!

  124. vicky says:

    I’ve seen Phantom 3 times at the theatre but i was totally overwhelmed and glued to the screen when I watched it at the cinema. It was breathtaking! I have lost count the number of times I’ve watched it on DVD!!!

    As for Gerard Butler - oh my God!!!! He is the sexiest man to walk this planet. Apart from being very, very talented I cannot imagine anyone else playing the Phantom but him. He was designed for the role.

    I have since bought the soundtrack on CD and my 17 month old daughter even seems to enjoy it!!! (I am starting her early!!)

  125. Britney Brougham says:

    oh yea, on thing i forgot to say…..
    does anyone know how in the world the Phantoms main mask stays on his face?!

    this question has been haunting me forever!!! the reason im asking is because it has no strap, and when christine takes it off the first time it comes off so easily. then when he puts it back on its like *poof* and its back on perfectly!!

  126. Adria says:

    Dear Mr. Butlar,

    You were a exellent Phantom!!!! I,in fact, think youre really good looking (Besides the mask).Your a amazing actor!!


  127. Ashlie says:

    I LOVE U SO MUCH! Mr. Butler (even with the mask) you r SO HOT! and you are an AWESOME! singer i have at least six of the Phantom of the Opera. I cant beleive you are not a professional singer.
    Because you would make MILLIONS! if you were a singer.
    I am your #1 fan i love you so much i really really REALLY! want to meet you.
    There are so many things i want to say to you but i have to go so dont EVER! stop smiling because thats what makes you cute.
    Bye LOVE Ashlie

  128. Val says:

    hey hot phantom!(a.k.a. mr.butler)HEY! this is also ASHLIE your #1 fan remember I LOVE YOU!anywho, i think that it would be SUPER SWEET! to be able to meet you. you are a great actor and and SUPER GREAT SINGER! and i think that you could make an album and it would be off the hook! TOTALLY! you r so hot if you have an e-mail addy you should give it to your #1 fan (a.k.a. ASHLIE) well g2g bye!
    c ya val and your #1 fan ASHLIE!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU TO DEATH!!!!!!!

  129. Britney Brougham says:

    ok, I just have to say this!! I love The Phantom of the Opera soooo much I am actually going to be the Phantom for Halloween! and I am a girl!! Thats how much I love it!! Im also 13! haha. lol. well I have to go!! I love you Gerard!! Your the best!! so sexy ;D. hehehe. well then I better go watch the rest of the movie! oh yea, you know which one ;D. hehehe POTO!! :D!!!!!!! bye :D

  130. ASHLIE says:

    Hi its me again your #1 fan, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! you are so cute i really want to meet u that wolud be AWESOME! yesterday i said i had a lot to say to you so here i go as you know I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! i wish i were Christine then you can do all your HOT! moves on me like you do to her.
    You have a sexy body, and you have an AWESOME! voice.
    When ever i listen to your songs that you sing on the Phantom of the Opera i fall into a trance and it fills like im there with you.
    I REALLY REALLY REALLY! want to meet you.
    And sing to you because my friends think that i could become the next Christine.
    But im not sure, but if i were to meet you could a lso hear my friend play one of the songs because let me tell ya SHE ROCKS!
    Well i g2g i’ll talk to you when ever i get the chance.

  131. Loren Bekly says:

    I absoulutley love you Gerard Butler. When I saw your preformance in The Phantom of the Opera I was very impressed. I am a trained singer and when I heard you sing I knew you were not professionally trained but I couldn’t have asked for a better proformance. You should be very proud of the work you have done. You certainly held your own next to Patrick Wilson, who was a student of my mother’s. I was a big fan of your’s before Phantom but now I must say you have won me over completely. I can’t wait until Writing Frankie comes out, and I am sure you will pu on another incredible proformance.



  132. Katie says:

    The Phantom of the Opera has got to be one of the greatest movies of all times. The music is so catchey im still singing it right now. I dont know where all these bad reviews are comming from. I think Gerard Butler has on of the best voices ive ever heard. Its so sexy. He also has the best eyes ever and the cutest accent. I loved the movie and would recommend it to everyone.

  133. Britney Brougham says:

    out of all of these reviews on this web page only one is bad!! ^.^ that says the movie is a GREAT MOVIE!!!! i love that movie, not to mention Gerard too hehe ^_^

  134. Katie says:

    Hey guys ive got a question. In the movie is the phantom wearing a wig. I saw that when Christine pulls his mask off during the point of no return (so sad) that his hair turns like blonde. I guess that means was wearing a black wig (which looked really really good on him). Another thing, am i the only one who thinks he should rip his shirt off when he sings “its over now the music of the night”

    (that would be SO hot)

    Mr. Butler, i love you SO much and i just wanna give you a BIG hug (and kiss) and you are my inspiration for acting. LOVE YA!!

  135. Britney Brougham says:

    Katie, you are soo not the only one thinking he should rip his shirt off!! ^.^ infact, i think anytime in the movie is a great time for him to rip his shirt off, especially during “Point of No Return” ;)

  136. Katie says:

    i just finished watching the phantom for about the 100th time and i still can’t get over how good Gerard looks. AAHHH he is SO hot. And every time i watch it i see something new and its just amaizing how many little things make the movie even so much more real. the movie just puts a trance over me every time i watch it and i just can’t get over how well everything was done. Gerard i love you and you are truly the best actor!!!!!!!!!

    p.s. im glad im not the only one just waiting for Gerard to rip off his shirt. hehe

  137. Kathryn says:

    Ahhh… The Point of No Return…. So dreamy… Yeah, this has got to be like my third review, but oh well- this movie deserves a gazillion good reviews. As Katie said up there, I don’t really understand why his hair turns from black to blonde when Christine takes the mask off in The Point of No Return scene. Maybe it’s just to emphasise the “hideousness” (He still looked SO hot) of his “disfigured” (yet dreamy) face. I paused the movie and then fastforwarded it in slow motion. The change from black to blonde is so seemless. The black dissappears right as the mask paces over it. Kisses to the cast and crew!

  138. Britney Brougham says:

    i know this is like my 6th review but i have to have this question answered!!!

    ***Does anyone know how the phantoms main mask stays on his face?!***

    please answer…im dieing to know!! ^.^

  139. Katie says:

    well Britney i know that for the movie they glued it to his face using the special glue for prosthetics. He said that his face was red and bruised a lot from having to rip it off his face. (poor Gerry) Yea i know cause i used that stuff on my ears for halloween and it hurts like hell to take it off. but im not sure how the character is keeping it on. maybe its because its the exact same shape of his face and that keeps it on? i really dont know srry. thats a good question and its been buggin me too.

  140. Britney Brougham says:

    Katie- thank you for at least responding! =^.^= i too have considered the glue question…but how does Christine take it off so easily the first time? and also how does he put it back on so easily. its an evil question thats probably been haunting a lot of people. i guess the only real way to find out would be to ask Gerry himself. ^-^ well thank you for answering me…………….(>^.^)><(^.^<)


    i just wanted to say that i am in love with gerard butler and patrick from the “phantom. i saw the play with some unknown players . i fell in love with the music. i was hooked from then on. my girls said i was nuts, but deep in my heart i loved every song from the play. i found a cd of andrew webers music from his musicals, and quite a few were from the phantom. well, that cd wore out quite quickly. i have not been able to find the same yet. but thanks to the movie, i have my music back. now i also have the movie. i watch this movie everyday. i can’t get enough of it. i am constantly singing along with the songs on the cd soundtrack in my car,at home, or where ever i may be. i even got my granddaughter interested and that’s pretty hard to do with a 14 yr. old now-a-days. i hope that people get a chance to see this amazing musical. it is brilliant! i am a true beliver that music can fill an empty heart, and this music does. thank you mr. weber for this beautiful movie and music. i will never get enough of this movie, and of mr. butler, and patrick. they are two gorgeous men who make my day brighter, whenever i watch the movie. i hope they will keep on doing such projects as this. it is wonderful, fantastic! long live the phantom! may it never die!

  142. oldcabbage says:

    yeah hey…well i have to say i absolutly love the movie, but i guess so do a million others. it was really insprirational and i think you did a wonderful job. And no i do not think you should rip off your shirt, it is supposed to be favored for it’s art, not for its naked men. but again thats just me. well any way i hope i didn’t sound too obsessive, because i kinda am. i love the music i love the actors, i love the coreography, and the camera angles. just…perfect.

    thanks alot for being in it.

  143. Katie says:

    Hey i know ive written a lot and you are probably sick of hearing from me, but ive just gotta say something. oldcabbage was SO right that the movie should be appreciated for its art. the way it was put together was so incredible and the acting just pulled everything together so nicley. and the little things like all the angels pictured everywhere to pull together “angel of music” and the masks on the wall when christine and raul are going to the roof on the theater, just like the phantoms mask. just little things like that make the whole movie just incredible. and im sorry im so obsessed and keep writing but i just have so much to say about this movie. and the thing about jerry ripping off his shirt is just my fantasy and dosent really belong in the movie. (although it would be nice) lol

    Jerry i love you so much and you are SO inspiring to people who are starting acting and i just have to thank you for sharing your talent with us. I LOVE YOU!!!

  144. Britney Brougham says:

    **Katie said basically everything I could think of so dido to what Katie said lol**

  145. Ashley says:

    i loved this movie!! i think it is one of the best movie i’ve seen in a while!! and Gerard Butler is soooo sexy OMG!! I cried every time he cried!!! I love him!1

  146. Bob says:

    I love this movie but i think on the sword fight the phantom should won the fight!!!!!!!!!! BUT this is still my favorite movie even better than Spider-Man!!

  147. Carol says:

    I first saw Gerald Butler in Dracula 2000, I fell in love with him then. He was excellant in Phantom of the opera. The best phantom and the only one I ever want to see. I think he has a great career ahead of him. I can’t wait for his James Bond.

  148. Phan says:

    Have seen the DVD more times than anyone should admit… And did you know that Windows Media Player keeps a Play Count for every time you play songs in your library??? Well, the mp3s ripped from my Phantom soundtrack CD stand at a play count of 230 (that does NOT count the times I’ve listened to it in the car, of course…) No One Would Listen (ripped from the DVD) is at 318 and an instrumental version of No One Would Listen (from the very end of the credits on the DVD) is at 587… As my daughters would say “Obsessed much???”

    I had the original cast recording. My 21-year-old daughter saw the movie when it first came out and bought the soundtrack (very NOT in character for her, but she liked it!) My first comment was that I did not like Gerard Butler’s rendition. She told me that I would like it once I saw him as his voice fit his performance. I withheld judgment (again, this type of comment is WAY out of character for her…) But then I saw the movie and totally agreed with her. Sorry, Michael Crawford… Maybe if I’d seen MC on stage, I’d still be in the camp that claims he IS the Phantom… But Gerard Butler is the Phantom for me…

    And I am also one of those people who judges movies by what the critics say; if they like it, I DO NOT and if they don’t like it, I DO.

  149. Kal says:

    I had always wanted to see Phantom of the Opera, but never had til the movie came out - nor had I ever heard of Gerard Butler. I think he did a wonderful job! I can’t imagine anybody else playing the role. I have heard Michael Crawford sing - but I think Gerard’s voice was better suited. I don’t understand why so many people are knocking Gerard’s singing. I wouldn’t think the phantom would have a voice like Crawford’s anyway. Besides, isn’t he supposed to be more of a composer than a singer?

  150. Britney Brougham says:

    Hey Bob…I was just letting you know that the Phantom DID in fact win the swordfight. Because in older times the first to draw blood was the winner, and who got cut first?? Raoul! So that does actually mean that the Phantom won. and if you didnt notice, after the Phantom cuts Raoul he stops fighting until Raoul swings at him again. I wonder if they put that in on Purpose? well anyway he does win the swordfight!! ^.^


  151. Kat in SF says:

    Amazing performance, and superb adaptation from stage to movie! My 7 year old son watched the Phantom with me tonight and by the end of the movie, he was crying! My manly little boy was so caught up by the Phantom’s portrayal of a man tortured in love and twisted by life’s cruelties that he was convinced that the Phantom was real…and that we should help him (believe me, I would if I could ;))

    What a beautiful and stunning rendition of the classic musical. Gerard Butler was sensual and mesmerizing. Whew! Big deep sigh for that fantastically masculine voice of his and those expressive and sexy eyes! Emma Rossum was angelical in her performance of Christine and could not have been a better choice for the part. Minnie Driver was extremely well cast as the tempestuous diva. I could go on, but all that needs to be said is that this was a fabulous movie and one I would see again and again!

    Cheers - Kat

  152. Britney Brougham says:

    Well said Kat!! Well said!! =^.^= oh yea, by the way, the phantom has been proved to have been a real person living under the pairs opera house. There really is a lake underneath in the depths of that opera house too and the phantom actually did live there, infact they found the body of a man laying next to the lake. He did infact have a distorted face but not as seen in the movie it was a little different. Read Gaston Leroux The Phantom of the Opera book and it will tell you in either the introduction or the foreward. Gaston speaks of it himself and has much proof and evidence that the Phantom did once exist. Wow look at me ramble! This is only my 10th review but this is an EXCELLENT movie and i cant help but ramble on about its magnificents!!


  153. Britney Brougham says:

    Well said Kat!! Well said!! =^.^= oh yea, by the way, the phantom has been proved to have been a real person living under the pairs opera house. There really is a lake underneath in the depths of that opera house too and the phantom actually did live there, infact they found the body of a man laying next to the lake. He did infact have a distorted face but not as seen in the movie it was a little different. Read Gaston Leroux The Phantom of the Opera book and it will tell you in either the introduction or the foreword. Gaston speaks of it himself and has much proof and evidence that the Phantom did once exist. Wow look at me ramble! This is only my 10th review but this is an EXCELLENT movie and i cant help but ramble on about its magnificents!!


  154. Katie says:

    I knew there was really a lake down there but i never knew there was a man found there. That is SO cool. But another interesting fact was that there are fish in that lake down there, and since it is always so dark in there the fish have adapted to have no eyes becuase there is no light for them to see.

    Just a fun fact for anyone who cares. lol

  155. Queen Sarah says:

    Thought I’d answer a months-old question by Karen-why are we drawn to men like the Phantom? Well, I’ve never met anyone like him, so I don’t know if in reality I’m drawn to that type of person (strangely enough, I hope not to be). But there is something in me that wants to redeem a villain and take utter enjoyment in his darkness. Unredeemable villains are no fun-if they are pure, a hundred-percent evil, there’s nothing human or emotional about them. The Phantom is a tormented character, and it’s that torment that we want to ease. There’s something so sexy about someone who has had too much experience with the cruelty of the world, because that means they have to actually take their life seriously-there is no more room for apathy, immaturity, or foolishness. Everything suddenly has a meaning. He’s deep, ‘cuz he’s so hurt, so angry, so tormented. You want to bring light into his darkness. That’s why we’re so in love with him.

    By the way, I was able to see the movie ten times in theaters, and I have watched it constantly since buying it the first day it came out. Last week, when I was trying to get to sleep, I made the mistake of putting Phantom in. I usually go to bed while watching a movie. I’ve realized that Phantom is the only movie that this ritual doesn’t include. I ended up watching it three times, once in French (the second time), and then I had to watch it a third time in English because I longed for his voice so fiercely. I didn’t get any sleep that night at all. My voice teacher tells me she wants me to pursue a career in opera, and all I can think of is one day playing Christine…but then I get all depressed, because Gerry won’t be playing the Phantom. I want to cry. Oh well.

    No movie, since Phantom, has satisfied. I have spent gross amounts of money visiting movie theaters and rental stores trying to find a movie that will prove up to par, but it doesn’t happen. Each one fails. I mean, they’re entertaining, and enjoyable, but my life is still so completely circulating on the Phantom of the Opera-even after so many months since the first time I saw it. If that’s not true obsession, I don’t know what it is.

    I know how the Phantom felt about Christine, ‘cuz I feel the same for him. But I won’t show as much mercy as he :)…I’ll kill the girl who gets Gerard Butler.

  156. Britney Brougham says:

    sorry my thing was posted twice….that was a mistake hehe by the way that fish thing is awesome… i want a fish with no eyes lol ^.^


  157. Britney Brougham says:

    wow Queen Sarah…that was a long review, then again your other review was 10 times longer lol. but i must say your reviews are very well thought out. i loved how you answered Karens question, right on the spot, great answer! i agree with you on that too. oh yea, i too have made the same mistake of trying to go to sleep with the Phantom of the Opera playing, never works, i too had no sleep that night! =^.^= lol. well id better be going, wow i have too many reviews on here!! this is my 12th review, holy crap! lol well if anyone gets annoyed by me all they have to do is tell me to shut up and i will! lol


  158. Sarah says:

    I love Gerard Butler! Don’t you guys agree with me that he is HOTT! I mean, he was perfect for the role of the phantom. He had a great, strong voice, and his voice is very sexy, lol.

  159. Britney Brougham says:

    I totally agree Sarah… ^.^


  160. jummy says:

    i loved the movie,infact i have started singing the songs. my family think i’m been possessed by the phanthom itself but i know better, its gerald,there’s something so captivating about him and i’ve never seen a role fit someone so much,its just like i was there in person i felt his pain thru out the movie.i think christine will be a real fool to leave him n as 4 d way he made her feel especially when they were singin dat ‘MUSIC OF THE NITE’ I can say i was jealous of it,

  161. Britney Brougham says:

    Welcome to the club Jummy!! ^_^


  162. Kathryn says:

    We have to keep this conversation goin’! It’s gotten really long! I’ve been working really hard to get the chance to go see Phantom on Broadway or maybe even in London. That would be so incredible. I know I would have to take along about a hundred dollars extra for suveniers (sorry about the spelling). Looking forward to hearing from you all again :)

  163. DeeDee says:

    How thrilling to find a site of phans of the true Phantom, Gerard Butler.

    I have not been able to stop watching this movie! Brooding, sensual, inspired, there are not enough words.

    In one…….emotion……..the Phantom exudes it in every scene, every song, every excellent movement.

    How could anyone watch and not experience the visceral pull of this performance?

    First time in my life I’ve “searched” an actor on the net. I just had to know more, to know if this was a fluke, or if it was truly Gerard Butler. It took some work, and lots of clicking and reading, but if you search you can find that this is a real person, with depth and flaws and a not so perfect life. No wonder at all that he can put so much into a performance, he has really lived. Unlike many of us he can turn those experiences around to give (to all of us) a character that will live forever.

    Thank you Gerard Butler, I also look forward to following your career.

  164. Jess says:

    Hey everyone. I just stumbled across this conversation, and thought I’d add my two cents as well, even if much of it has been said before by all of you.

    It truly lightens my heart to see so many phans of this interpretation, after spending so long listening to Leroux or stage “purists” as well as many critics trash it so horribly. Personally, having heard many recordings of some of the most famous Phantom actors, including Crawford and Brightman, I hold the opinion that the movie was quite different, but absolutely amazing. While seeing a stage show live has a level of connection that is impossible to achieve in any other medium (and yes, maybe I’m terribly biassed because I’ve worked in live theatre, and love it dearly) I must say that this film shattered all of my preconceptions and doubts, being deeply emotional, fantastically acted, and completely engrossing.

    Gerry Butler as the Phantom? As a juxtaposition to M. Crawford’s clear, powerful and extremely well-trained tenor, M. Butler brought a deeper, grittier, heart-rendingly emotional tone to the songs. No, he couldn’t reach the same notes with perfection, but I wasn’t expecting him to. Heck, it√¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s usually a tenor part and he√¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s a relatively untrained vocalist who is obviously more comfortable in a more baritone/rock-tenor type range. I think he did incredibly well, and should be extremely proud of his efforts.

    As it stands, I felt more connected to M. Butler’s Erik than M. Crawford’s, and to me, that√¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s what it√¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s all about. M. Butler is just such a powerful actor that one could hardly help feeling consumed by Erik√¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s passion, as well as his pain. Honestly, I find my thoughts on this performance of Erik difficult to put into words, so I hope you will forgive my prattling, but believe me when I say that I was affected by M. Butler.

    Have I spurred the stage versions forever? Not in the slightest; I can still appreciate the stage musical and the film as separate entities. Did Gerry’s voice and acting make me completely melt? Oh yes.

    As for Emmy Rossum, all I can really say is wow, or more accurately, W-freakin’-OW! Young, bright, and innocent, with the clear, angelic, not-too-operatic voice I had always expected from sixteen year old Christine. Yes, Christine is a fantastic talent, and yes, she had Erik teaching her, but, as our dear Phantom himself said “She has much still to learn.” Too much training, or too old an actress, and that very important aspect of her character could have easily been lost. And seriously, Mlle. Rossum is an absolutely wonderful actress and has some incredible pipes; ‘Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again’ gives me chills every single time.

    Patrick Wilson as Raoul? Very good choice, in my opinion. Quite a nice tenor, with a sharpness and clarity that proved a lovely foil to M. Butler’s voice. Also, a great actor, and almost succeeded in making me like Raoul. Almost.

    Supporting cast was also very well chosen, but I’ve rambled on much too long already to go any farther in that direction.

    To sum all this up, I absolutely adored this movie. If I hadn’t been a huge phan before, I’m certain this would have pushed me over the edge. My hat is off to the entire production, the three leads, and particularly to M. Gerard Butler. You, sir, owned this film. You brought Erik to life in a way I had never realised I yearned for, you made me weep, and I cannot express enough thanks.

    And if that was two cents, I’d hate to see a dollar and a half.

  165. Jess says:

    Oh, and because I haven√¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢t said enough already, I thought I√¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢d answer a query voiced much earlier than my arrival here, by Kathryn and Katie, in regards to the Phantom√¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s hair changing colour at his unmasking during ‘Point of No Return.’ Erik, the Phantom, does indeed wear a black wig to cover the scaring and baldness on his deformed side, and Christine pulls this wig off of him along with the mask. She moves so quickly that it√¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s nearly impossible to see, but if you notice in the earlier scene with Erik in his lair while he is preparing for the premiere of √¢‚ǨÀúDon Juan Triumphant,√¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢ and before he puts on his black mask, he presses his hands to the back of his hair, then the shot widens and you can see two other wigs on stands beside the small mirror.

  166. jenny toth says:

    i love u soo much im ur #1 fan 4 the phantom of the opera

  167. jenny toth says:

    omg u were the rite pick 4 the phantom

  168. Britney Brougham says:

    I completely agree with you Jenny!! I think we all do!! ^.^

  169. Katie says:

    I know i do! hehe :)

  170. Britney Brougham says:

    me too!! =^.^=

  171. Evelyn says:


    I loved the movie and previously purchased the CD whch is played constantly, and now purchased the DVD with the Special Features (2 disks). The one disk features the history of the stage performance, how the Phantom movie was made, and a scene that was deleted from the movie and sung by the Phantom, “No One Would Listen”, which I love.

    The music is beautiful and the casting is perfect — there is not a thing I would change in that entire movie. However, the true star is the Phantom (Gerard Butler), who was just phenomenal. I love his voice and his acting skills are absolutely wonderful — you just felt that HE was the Phantom. I don’t listen to the critics since I’m certain they did not see the same movie that I did, and besides this movie was not made for their benefit but for ours.

    Joel Schumacher did a great job in drecting and I believe he and Andrew Lloyd Webber worked very close together on this project and it definitely shows.

    I’m so glad that I bought the DVD because I know that I will be watching this exceptional movie for a very long time and will enjoy every minute of it.

  172. Britney Brougham says:

    Welcome to the club Evelyn!! ^.^


  173. Queen Sarah says:

    Jess-what a beautiful review! It was intelligently written and entirely believable-it encompasses my own thoughts on many different levels. Loved that “almost” when it came to liking Raoul. It’s amazing, really, that this movie has defied all rules of fairy-tales: you want the villain to get the girl, and you want the hero to die. Okay, so maybe not die…though sometimes I think the swordfight shoulda finished him…I mean, I love Patrick Wilson as Raoul, and I do appreciate Raoul’s character. He does truly seem to love Christine and want to understand her (I get so warm inside when he just stares at her on the rooftop while she sings “but his voice…(and so on)”, like he is really trying to comprehend what has been happening to her, and he really wants to shelter her). But, when it comes down to it, he doesn’t need her. He could have anyone, and the loss of Christine would eventually be overcome with the love of another wonderful girl. The Phantom, however, is bound to her soul-she gave him life, a purpose, when he thought there was nothing, when he lost all faith in humanity. He wanted desperately to protect her, seduce her, hold her, father her, and love her, all at the same time, every time you saw them together. They shared a spirit. His lifeblood was taken from him when she left him. He needed her. Raoul did not. And therefore, the fairy-tale mode is changed: the hero is capable of loving another, and the heroine is capable of bringing salvation to the villain. I have never loved villains so much in my life.

    Oh, and to all-about the Phantom’s wig-I just thought this part interesting. In Point of No Return, at the end, when he sings All I Ask of You, you can see, above his mask, it looks like a sheet of prosthetic “regular” skin, made obvious to the audience to show that he had hidden his deformity with false skin. When Christine takes off his mask, the prosthetic cover-up and the wig come off with it, and his hair beneath it isn’t all blonde-it looks to be a dark, ash-brown, with a blonde pigment discoloration. Sorry…just thought the fake skin thing was interesting.

  174. Katie says:

    Queen Sarah i completly agree with you. Ive never before seen a movie where i wanted villin to win and the hero to die. It took me after about 10 times of watching the movie that i actually realized that the phantom is a murderer. :( I cant believe it but i still LOVED him. I think the reason people love him so much is that we can all relate to him. i mean we all have had parts where we feel inferior to others and i think thats one of the main reasons that everyone loves the phantom. Well that and hes SOOOOOO hot.

  175. Kristina says:

    Christine is an IDIOT for going with that man. I’d take Phantom over Raoul any day! Can you imagine SEX with that man?! WHOOOO!!!!!

  176. Jess says:

    Ok, I have watched the Phantom of the Opera countless times, I owm the DVD, I have the Official Companion that goes with it, complete with screenplay, and I’m getting the soundtrack in a few days. Gerard Butler is the most Sensual Phantom of the Opera EVER!!! He just makes you feel the perspective of the Phantom. You can’t help but love him for that. It’s like the Phantom and you are the same person, you can feel everything. When he’s so hurt when Christine and Raoul are singing “All I Ask of You” you can feel it, then you feel how he gets so angry, becasue he’s given her everything, his heart, and she loves THIS guy! It’s outrageous! Quite frankly, Gerard as Phantom, it’s intoxicating. It really is…


  177. EdmundBodica says:

    I love that fabulous Gerald Butler, i seem ta have a thing for scotts mmmm Kevin McKidd, sorry distarcted lol. Anywho i love that sexy pig ear Gerald, and wow what a voice, i would love him to sing sweetly to me! His mask really does it for me! As does his kilt spech whats under it lol ooer! lots of cheeky love hugs and if ya let me kisses, Edmund Bodica xXxXx

  178. Queen Sarah says:

    To Jess again-what a fantastic point. I have never thought of that, but it makes perfect sense. It’s true-we put ourselves in his place. When they are on the roof, it’s his pain and fury that we feel, not Raoul’s gentle infatuation and joy that he has “won” Christine. It’s his longing for Christine to come to him during the graveyard, the obsessive “get away!” behavior toward Raoul that we feel during the swordfight, not Christine’s bewildered confusion or Raoul’s heroic protectiveness. And it’s his passionate hatred and horrible sorrow that we feel during Down Once More, and not Raoul’s…not Raoul’s anything. We’re too caught up in the Phantom’s soul. That’s true sympathy.

  179. Eleanor says:

    I’ve been a fan of Gerard Butler down here in Australia since I saw him butt naked as Archie in Mrs Brown, GIDDY UP!(we’re all mad about Billy Connolly as well in Oz) He may be 14yrs older then me but my god that man has sex appeal! I’m a theatre actress myself as a hobby and I admire the guts it would of taken to accept the role of The Phantom, he more then pulled it off. I was literally weak at the knees and my heart pounding as he ran his hand around her waist singing “floating, falling, sweet intoxication, touch me, trust me…” (Music of The Night)I felt that hand, I wanted to be her! I would have done anything he asked, but the twit of a girl went for mamby-pamby prince charming. Gerry, mate, anytime, I’m yours! Cheers, Elle.

  180. Britney Brougham says:

    Wow Eleanor….I definatly couldn’t have agreed more!!


  181. Chris says:

    Hi, I,m new to this sight and I enjuyed reading everyone’s comments.I too am obessed with The Phantom of the Oper. Gerard Butler is a wonder ful actor and the perfect Phantom! Years ago I want to see the play at our local Performing Art Center with some friends and we left before it was half over. We hated it. But now that the Movie has come out with Mr. Butler as the Pahntom, This is my favorite movie of a time. Recently my 8yr.old grandson watched the DVD with me and when it was over he said “Grandma, thei movie was awsome!!” I agree!!!

  182. Chris says:

    Sorry, it’s very late and some of my spelling Is incorrect,I know.Can’t say enogh about this wonderfull movie!!Gerard Butler IS the Pahntom of the Opera!!

  183. Vera says:

    I just fell in love. I am 52 and I just fell in love with Phantom of the Opera. When I lived in NYC, I did not see it. I went to see smaller Broadway dramatic productions and wrote off Phantom as the play the tourists go to see. So I can’t compare the movie with the play. Gerard Butler was extraordinary as was Emmy Rossum. What a voice she has! Who knew? This movie was exquisitely and painfully beautiful. I was mesmerized. Today I compared “Point of No Return” from the cast soundtrack with the movie. I love Butler’s rendition of the songs much more. I think the character calls for raw energy not polished professionalism. Butler nailed it. I have seen many love triangle tragedies but this one best portrays the two kinds of love. The safe love that takes no risks and therefore no one grows especially in their art and the bete noire kind of love, that passionate love that usually tears the soul apart and as a result, one’s art grows tremendously. WOW. “Point of No Return” sizzles and captures that fleeting chemistry between lovers. I have never seen tragic love portrayed so well as in this movie. I thought “Stealing Heaven” and “A Man and A Woman” were my favorite tragic tales but this one really makes one cry like a baby. Phantom was breathtaking and hypnotic and I do believe it is all due to Butler’s performance which was utterly convincing. I bought it today, the full screen version as the wide screen diminished the intimacy of the close ups of the actors. I cannot wait to watch it again. Brilliant. What a masterpiece. I do not pay attention to critics as I feel they can ruin a brilliant piece of art. As an artist, I was visually stunned as the entire movie was eye candy. I did have to return the special edition twice today (I really wanted the full screen anyway) as the bonus disk would not play at all on my dvd machine. The movie yes, the bonus disk no. So I guess the Phantom of the Opera is now living in my dvd machine.

  184. Larry Finley says:

    I am not your typical movie fan, and in fact did not see Phantom until it came out on DVD wide screen. Gerard Butler is AMAZING!

    I had seen the play 4 times on Broadway, and even the best of the play could not come near to the beauty and emotion that was expressed in the movie. All the gaps were filled in and acted so well by Gerry Butler, the entire movie was as good as they get. I had never heard of Gerard Butler until I saw the movie, and was I impressed with his genuiness, passion, and singing voice. So impressed that every article on him has become a must read for me.

    As I stated already, I am not your typical “fan-atic”. I am 60, straight and conservative, and I have see a lot of films over the years. I have not never seen any actor come close to Gerry’s performance as Phantom.

  185. Aina says:

    I have 3 boys age 3, 8, and 9. All of them including me have watched The Phantom 6 times. I have never seen my boys so excited about a movie before. Sound of Music to them doesn’t come close. The last time they saw the Phantom was last month but my 3 year old still humm the melody as of yesterday. While singing “damm you, curse, you …” he tries very hard to duplicate Gerry’s movements and emotions”. Amazing. To Mr Gerard Butler, you have done an electrifying job. Your beautiful eyes, your manly gestures, you honest emotions and everything about your performance fit in its place as the Phantom of the Opera. I have never been a fan of any artists before and have never wrote on any fan club media before. This is the first time and I think it is a privilage to let you know how magnificent your acting was and knowing that behind the stage you are a very down to earth and hard working person has made me feel obliged to have people like you around. Thank you dear sir.

  186. Vicki says:

    I am another one of those 50-something grandma types who is new to the entire Phantom of the Opera thing, never saw the play, never listened to the music, never before fell under its power. However, my daughter brought the movie over to my house for me to watch and for my grandchildren, 6 and 8 years old, to watch. At first I was too busy to really pay attention, but the kids kept asking to see it again. So I sat and watched. And watched. And watched. And bought the sound track (and, to be honest, the highlights CD of the original cast with Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman, for comparison). And I started buying Gerry Butler movies and watching them. I couldn’t sleep at nights. We are all singing the songs. The kids insist that we listen to the soundtrack in the car. I even bought the original book! Finally I think that I have somewhat tamed the obsession (although, obviously, not completely).

    My 8 year old granddaughter loves to sing all the parts, especially the Phantom and Christine. I actually love to hear her sing it, even the “damn you, curse you” parts (but I have to remind her not to take the lyrics to school, as she attends a Christian school!). I laughed when I read someone else write that her young grandson sings the parts. Even though this movie is PG13, I have no hesitation about letting them watch it, although we talk about some of the issues and I try to sort of scoot them past the drop trou moment. I would much rather they see THIS sort of PG13 than some of the mindless drivel that is otherwise available, even though some of that crap is rated PG.

    I started thinking that the Angel of Music really exists somehow and is able to seduce us all the way the Phantom seduced Christine.

    Technically speaking, I think that the mix on the original cast soundtrack recording is better and I can more easily hear the lyrics. I also like some of the lyrics that were omitted from the movie version. I haven’t spent the time really comparing the two and understand that there are quite a few additions and deletions. I have learned to appreciate Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman and their renditions, but I never saw them act the parts except for the excerpts on the second CD of the movie that covers the history of the Phantom. I cannot imagine anyone portraying the roles better than Gerard Butler and Emmy Rossum.

    Like so many others I don’t understand the obsession. As dumb as it may sound to some of you, I even said prayers that I would be able to “get over” thinking about a movie so much! And I made myself listen to other music to balance myself again.

    I also felt like writing to the Gerard Butler correspondence address to add my congratulations to him for his accomplishment. He and I share the same birth date (November 13)(but his is 20 years later!) and imagined that might give me an “in” with him. (See, the obsession again!) But I probably won’t write. How silly I feel.

    I am grateful that I was able to read that there are others out there who, for whatever reason, were ensnared by this movie and therefore I don’t feel that I have just lost the remainder of my marbles.

    Phanatic in Fresno, California.

  187. vicky tree says:

    WOW The Phantom of the opera is fantastic! I am a big Disney lover but i know more about the Phantom of the opera than any other film.Gerard Butler is so SEXY! I don’t have a favourite sond i think they are all beatiful. I’ve also found Gerard in reign of fire,tomb raider cradle of life,dear Frankie,Dracula,one more kiss and tomorrow never dies. I like his character in reign of fire, he’s cute and funny. I’ve got the Phantom of the opera DVD and C.D. i’ve also got his autograph and soon i’m going to get a calender! So altogether i LOVE Gerard Butler, i LOVE Phantom of the opera and i LOVE all the songs!!!! Thanks a lot Gerry luv ya xx

  188. Diana says:

    WOW, I have just watched “The Phantom” for the 9th times in as many days. Some days I let it run on the tv just to watch Gerald Butler do his parts! He is the epitime of “tall, dark and sexy”.I can feel the power of his breath on my neck,his hands caressing my waist to my throat as he sings “Past the point of no return” in Don Juan. If he would ever be interested in a older woman, I’m all his, he can bring his mask and cape!


  189. Kat says:

    Wow, this movie has some truly devoted fans. I agree with everyone’s positive remarks. It takes a truly special movie to move people the way this one did. I just wish everyone could have seen it the same way we did.

  190. Someone says:

    Long before I saw the movie, I had heard the Original London Cast CD, and was amazed by it. However, having never seen the stage version, I could not discern how the story went and what the context of the songs were. I hadn’t listened to it for quite some time (for I had mostly forgotten about it) when I saw the film adaptation. I was, in general, amazed. Although none of the leads particularly struck me as being perfect for the roles, they all seemed good enough, and overall the film was entrancing. Of course, I immediately began listening to the London Cast CD again. And it was then I realized how the film could have been much better than it was. Raoul was mostly a nonentity, Christine was almost perfect, but her voice seriously faltered in a couple songs, and Gerard Butler was simply a horrific singer. As much as I liked and still do like the movie, it will never live up to the original cast. Michael Crawford outclasses Gerard Butler as the Phantom in every single way (Although he wasn’t perfect either, he was as close to it as it is possible to be). Emmy Rossum and Sarah Brightman are about equal, and each has their strengths. As for Raoul, neither was too impressive, but the original guy (I can’t remeber his name) was better than Patrick Wilson. The movie would have been perfect if it had a good cast.

  191. emmy rossum or k.k. says:

    hi im emmy people call me k.k., and i am not the one from the phantom of the opera so. but i met gerard butler in real life got a poster, a aoghtograph, a picture, a real rose, and i have got a shirt that sais, i am the #1 fan of the phantom of the opera and also it sais i love gerard butler, and i have a beuitiful voise just like emmy rossum i know all the words from the movie, and a mask,the movie, some jewerly,and alot more other stuff ow and i know were he lives to.

    i am the #1 fan of the phantom of the opera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i even am going to the play because i got tickets to the phantom of the opera theatre.

    and its with gerard butler!!!!

    oh and did you know that emmy rossum was only 18 when she did the movie!

    well bye.

    p.s. websites,

    http://www.thephantomoftheopera.com, http://www.gerardbutler.net, i think this is it http://www.emmyrossum.com.

    other website though i can not tell you.

  192. bea says:

    hello. I’m a spanish gerard butler’s fan, so I don’t speak english very well. I think The Phantom of the Opera is the best film of Gerard. I saw Attila, Timeline, Lara Croft the cradle of life and other films, and I think Gerry is perfect to represent the phantom, because Joel wants young people, and Andrew LLoyd Weber wants a rocky voice. Some people want to Michael Crawford to represent the Phantom but I think Gerry is the best.