Event Horizon DVD to get full Special Edition treatment?

EventHorizon.jpgPoor Paul W. S. Anderson, he gets slated a lot these days, mainly for his video game adaptations. AvP…well, let’s move on swiftly, Resident Evil wasn’t that dire, it was fun, same with Mortal Kombat. However, there are two movies of his I enjoyed, and one really enjoyed.

Soldier with Kurt Russell was an enjoyable movie for me, I liked Russell’s character and the way he portrayed him, and I enjoyed the tale. Still, the film that makes me wonder where Anderson has gone these days is Event Horizon. That was an excellent horror and really managed to push you to the edge of your seat and leave you there with complete unease for the movie. It was dark, creepy and filled with vile and dread. Plus it had Sam Neill, Laurence Fishburne and Sean Pertwee.

Well the news from Now Playing Magazine is that a Special Edition DVD is on the way with deleted footage that Anderson wishes was in there, as well as a second time round audio commmentary:

“I just did a commentary for Event Horizon, because we’re releasing a Special Edition of that next year with a lot of deleted scenes,” Anderson told Now Playing Magazine in an exclusive interview. “And I went in and did a truly awful commentary for it that I’m going to redo! Because it had been so long since I’d seen the movie, I just started watching the film and enjoying it, and didn;t remember to say anything. And after like an hour and a half I;d said about 10 minutes of stuff.”

“Paramount has sold so many DVDs of it that they’ve offered to do the fully-fledged ‘You can reintegrate the scenes and we’ll pay for it to be remixed and everything’ version. The problem has been actually finding all of the materials because it’s been quite a long time, so we’re still at the point where we’re trying to decide if it makes sense to do a director’s cut or whether [we should just include] a lot of deleted material with a separate commentary explaining why it was taken out and where the scenes would have gone. Or we may do a branching version of the DVD so you can see where those scenes may have sat.”

I do hope we either get a Directors Cut or a branching version, whichever way it will be superb to see deleted scenes which he wished he had put in first time around.

For me this is one of the winning parts of DVD, understanding the Film making process and hearing the thoughts and visions of the people behind the movie. I love the audio commentaries and deleted scenes can reveal a different light on sections of, or even the entire movie.

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  • 1. Screen Rant replies at 27th December 2004, 1:06 pm :


    You must be joking… you liked Event Horizon????


    (Although I admit that I did enjoy Mortal Combat. :-)


  • 2. Richard replies at 27th December 2004, 1:33 pm :

    What?! You have the cheek to slag Event Horizon over Mortal Kombat?!

    Come on now!

  • 3. John Campea replies at 27th December 2004, 1:57 pm :

    Ummm… sorry Richard my man, but I’ve gotta side with Vic on this one. Ouch!

  • 4. Richard replies at 27th December 2004, 2:06 pm :

    Oh dear, well I can see you guys picking Dead or Alive as one of your favourite films next year!

  • 5. Screen Rant replies at 27th December 2004, 2:27 pm :


    Mortal Combat was meant to be cheeky, while Event Horizon purported to be a “serious” horror/sci-fi film.

    Sorry, I’m not familiar with Dead or Alive. :-)


  • 6. Marc replies at 29th December 2004, 10:10 am :

    Event Horizon is on my list of worst Sci-Fi movies ever.

    Alter Ego Comics

  • 7. bob replies at 15th January 2005, 6:16 am :

    event horizon was a heavy film nuf sed blap

  • 8. mc replies at 18th January 2005, 10:22 am :

    Event Horizon is not even in the same league as mortal kombat. MK is a completeley different type of film, and was made for campiness. Event Horizon is an awesome horror sci-fi pic and i hope they come out with a directors cut because this movie could become even greater than it original version, Lawrence fishburne does a very good job and Sam neil is insane! This movie was so nut’s it blew my mind out and for some reason i am thinking about how cool this movie is like 6 years later.

  • 9. John replies at 6th February 2005, 2:18 pm :

    Event Horizon to me was good, not excellent, but good. Though Event Horizon did take material from other horror movies like Amityville, the Walls that Bleed.
    But sadly it was intense enough, weak in some areas that simply that shouldn’t.

    With views of another release, hopefully much better then the terrible already release, then I shall certainly buy it.

  • 10. Leon Smitty replies at 7th June 2005, 5:12 am :


    First - stop picking at Paul Anderson . He is cool and most of you would never achieve a level he did. Of course he is not Coppola nor Spielberg but all his film had certain charm.

    Second - I would like to all the supporters of Paul Anderson, who enjoy his work to come to see my Unofficial site I just started. It’s going very slow as I have much job to do outside. yet I was in contact with Paul’s people and so far they don’t comment on it. They say Paul is very busy at the moment to think of that.

    Finally - all lovers (I do really enjoy EVENT HORIZOn - it;’s one of my favorite movies of all times - speaking of horror) - please come and join the YAHOO mailing list/group. We started a long time ago, but have very few people. We need you. We have so much talk about.

    The way to find us is either find our yahoo group which is called
    THEEVENTHORIZON - here is the join link.
    Please put some sort of comment as we are avoiding spam bots.

    Also on Paul’s Horizon (that’s my site http://www.selekta.net/paulshorizon) there’s info how to join the club.



  • 11. Leon Smitty replies at 7th June 2005, 5:16 am :


    Please stop picking on Paul. he is great. Of course he isn’t Coppola nor Spielberg but all his movies has certain charm.

    Second - I just opened a Paul’s dedicated fan site - please come by.
    Paul’s Horizon -

    Third - for all Event Horizon lovers please join our club!
    We need you!

    EVENT HORIZON rulez!



  • 12. Bill replies at 5th July 2005, 4:41 pm :

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinions of course but I first saw event horizon on laser disc and I thought it was fantastic. Just wished I’d seen it at the cinema. I hope the special edition does make an appearance as I would love to see the deleted scenes which I have truly been waiting to see for a long time.

    I’m not even going to comment on Mortal Cowpat.

    (and yes that was an intentional mistake).