This entry was posted on Monday, December 27th, 2004 at 1:53 pm.
Categories: News Chat.

Oh my goodness gracious! If this is actually true I think spontaneous urination will be a reality in my near future. The guys over at Twitch are reporting that Ong Bak freak of nature (in a good way) Tony Jaa is going to be starring along side Jackie Chan in the next Drunken Master film.

Apparently, Jackie will be the master passing his knowledge on to a new generation (Jaa).

Can you say “Passing the torch”? Word is that Jaa is already at work learning English in preperation for this film in which he’ll play Chan’s pupil in the art of Drunken Boxing. I have no idea how the writers will get around Jackie’s alcohol induced brain damage from the end of part two, but frankly I really don’t care. I’ll accept just about anything that gets this made.

Here here! Jaa is a total marvel and the true evolution of Jackie Chan. I’ve alread posted several times on The Movie Blog about Ong Bak, so I won’t go into it much here… but I’ve been waiting for Chan to do a film with someone (Jet Li?) to sort of symbolically pass on the torch. Tony Jaa would be a fine recipient. All he has to do is that little thing called learning English and he’ll be a major action star over here.

10 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Alt

    Drunken Master 3 already came out like 10 years ago.It was awesome, even without Mr.Chan.

  2. Tyler Durden

    Actually it sucked, well that’s my opinion.
    Drunken Master 2 wasn’t bad, but I really would of like to see Chan doing more of what Lar-Kar-Leung style. Them two disagreed with one another and lar kar left the set.

  3. brahim

    ooooooooooooo coooool

  4. nacho

    man, Jackie chan and jet li were suppose to do a movie together. but i agree, a real drunken master 3 with tony jaa would be the bizomb!!!

  5. cristian fozzatti

    i think this will be one of the thriling action movies ever, because i can’t imagine any martial arts movie lover not want to go see a movie with two of the gratest martial artist in our present time.

  6. Randy

    I thing that is going to be an amazing movie Drunken Master 3 it would be cool if could even cooler if Jackie Chan fights Tony Jaa or if they can team up against a big tough enemy together I hope they make that movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. robson

    man i think this a right pair for the both action stars,man i say u that the drunken master both the parts were damn gooood and know i feeel that these both the stars will get to gether and make a nuclear explosion

  8. Randy Rey

    I would like to say TONY JAA and are the best(and JetLI)!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I Can wait for the movie to come out!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Randy R

    I would like to say TONY JAA and are the best(and JetLI)!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I Can wait for the movie to come out!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. DUGI


    Im Dugi Bruce lee from Kosovo!. you forgate to call me in your drunken master 3 ! I think I must be there also with you! it will be good trio!

    sincerely from
