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The Usual Suspects 2 - Searching For Keyser Soze

By Richard - November 26, 2004 - 07:19 America/Montreal

UsualSuspectsPoster.jpgMark this one down under the “Best news I’ve heard today” category. Apparently Chazz Palminteri, who played agent Dave Kujan in The Usual Suspects has said that studio heads are “Beyond the talking stages” of developing a follow-up film which would probably be titled “Searching for Keyser Soze”.

The original “Suspects” is a mind blowing good movie… easily in my top 10 favorite films of all time list. If you haven’t seen it, shame on you. Get out to your local video store and rent it today.

Most sequels gets made for no other reason than to make a couple of quick bucks for the studios (Bad Boys anyone?), and that’s fine because it’s a business. But with The Usual Suspects, there is definitely more story to tell. The ending of the first film just felt to me like the beginning of an entire new movie to me. Get Bryan Singer on board again and you can’t go wrong. Holy smokes I hope this actually happens. Must go change my pants now.


  1. Lilly says:

    *LOL* John, you really should be wearing Depends when you troll for movie news these days. ;-)

  2. John says:

    No no no no no. Why on earth do you think this would work? The first ended perfectly… with just the right amount of mystery left unexplained. It’s a perfect package.

    Adding a sequel would be like painting a hat and glasses on the Mona Lisa.

  3. David Terry says:

    I tend to agree with you John (not John Campea but the other one). I feel like I should be excited, but I do think the end to the last film was perfect (and also one of the best endings to a film ever!!!!!). I do not know what a 2nd film can add. Will Spacey be up for it? I know he is doing Superman, but he has stated he wants to move away from them sort of “Bad Guy” roles. Plus his work at the Old Vic. IF it is done please oh lord don’t let them ruin the memory, as Mr Campea stated, of one of the best films of the past 20-years.

  4. What the F***? says:

    The Usual Suspects, one of the best films ever, really? It was an okay mystery, but really not very intriguing, and with very little, if anything, to say. And any film that loses it’s interest once you know it’s twist, relies too much on that twist for it’s notoriety. That’s the sign of a BAD movie, not a great one. I may not be the biggest fan of Shyamalan, but at least THE SIXTH SENSE is mildly interesting whether or not you know it’s twist ending, for it’s notion that death cannot, by itself, relieve the torment experienced in life.

  5. Donna says:

    Hollywood just can’t leave anything alone.
    Donna A.

  6. John Campea says:

    I still think it’s worth a shot at it. So nah!

  7. Tariq says:

    i think this is the best news i heard lately, being a movie junkie, so i agree with you John, i love kevin acting, and i enjoy him in every movie he acts, cuz he brings spice to the movie, and i think there should be another follow-up, cuz simply the story never ends, and i like to seek the end of everything.

  8. Marco says:

    This seems like it’d be another “Hannible” to me. GREAT first film, mediocre (at best) 2nd. Just a cat and moust game with Chazz and company chasing Kaiser, while he kills people..just like Starling and Lecter. I agree with “What the F…” that Usual Suspects gets its noteriety from its twist, although I think it was a better movie than they state. If the 2nd one can find a twist to top the first then I say go for it. If not, leave it alone.

  9. Alan says:

    Eh? Kujan and co. can’t chase Soze. Why? because they’re all dead men! Wasn’t the point of the first film to be Keyser ridding the world of the only guy who could ID him? Kujan will never see Keyser again but he certainly wouldn’t be allowed to carry on living let alone become a thorn in Soze’s side. Kujan knows FAR too much about Soze already - it is Keyser who will search for him! I think a prequel to Usual Suspects waould be far cooler.
    The only flaw for me in the first film was that Soze went to all that trouble to rid the world of the only man who could ID him and ended up leaving behind prints, eyewitnesses and DNA on a coffee cup! Maybe I’m taking it too seriously but please don’t ruin it with a crappy ‘cops and robber’s sequel.
    I like the Mona Lisa as it is.

  10. Robin says:

    This is so wrong! I mean in a perfect world of course I’d love to see more of The Usual Suspects but it would ruin the ENTIRE point of the movie. I will be horrified if they go through with this.

  11. Detroit Deebo says:

    “My guess is that you will never hear from him again.”

    -Keyser Soze

    It is my favorite movie. I am intrigued about a sequel, but prequel is really the way to go.

  12. rocky g. says:

    whoever thinks that making Suspects 2 is bad idea should get their head out of their ass. I mean its the same director and same two main actors, what do we as the consumer have to lose. Especially to that person who said “it was an okay mystery, but not very intriguing, and with very litle, if anything, to say.”, you obviously watched very litle, if any, of the movie, and should say nothing yourself!

  13. Mashroof says:

    The Guy who said The Usual Suspects was an OKAy mystery…..i think he is mysterious like keyser soze. it was only OK????? Oh God! In Bangla we use a word “AATEL” (derived frim the french word meaning intellectual). It means in Bangla language…someone who thinks he is Stephen Spillberg in understanding movies….but calls Terminator as a movie for children…etc etc…. WAKE UP U HALFWITTED A@@#OLE!

    Well…I like to know more abt Keyser Soze…any friend plz help me out!!!