The Movie Blog: Audio Edition Vol.1

Posted by on 10. 11. 2004in Uncut Podcast

Well, here it is folks. The 1st volume of The Audio Edition. The format is simple. 1 ro 2 guests join me for a 20 minutes discussion of a couple of topics that were posted about on The Movie Blog in a roundtable format. It’s just that simple. It’s in MP3 format so you can burn it to listen to in your car, or in your portable device (like any of you are actually going to do that!). Please give it a listen and email me your comments, suggestions, questions, or even thoughts for us to read “on air” next week. Here’s what we covered this week:

1) The Casting of the New Superman and the fact that it’s NOT Tom Welling
2) The New Star Wars Movie and Trailer
3) The Incredibles
4) The Transformers

And a few other things.

You can Download or listen to Vol. 1 of The Audio Edition by clicking here.

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who has written 8899 posts on The Movie Blog

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6 Responses to “The Movie Blog: Audio Edition Vol.1”

  1. C says:

    Excellent! I liked it. I’d listen to another one.
    I have been avoiding the Star Wars trailer because I don’t want anything (plot-wise) to be ruined for me. But to hear you guys talk about it — an erection during the whole thing?! — well, now I just have to see it.

  2. Peter says:

    Huh I will make my efforts to understand… I am spanish… don√Ǭ¥t u have a transcript? :lol:

  3. Peter says:

    I understood!!! It was real fun!!! My vote to repeat it is assured!!! And make it regular folks…

  4. paul says:

    Must admit was sceptical on the idea. But, if you can build on this one you’ll be onto a good thing.

    Looking forward to the next edition.

  5. miles says:


    makes for much easier multi tasking at work! ;)

  6. Steve Davis says:

    These posts are great. I now know why I keep coming back. Thanks!