The Movie Blog: Audio Edition Vol. 2

Posted by on 17. 11. 2004in Uncut Podcast

Wow, I never expected the response we got from the first volume of the Audio Edition. In the first week over 1000 of you downloaded it and I really appreciate all the feed back you sent. So now, with that out of the way, I present to you THE MOVIE BLOG: AUDIO EDITION VOL. 2

This time around we read some email, talk about the cost of making Polar Express and movie piracy, James Bond, Star Wars, Elektra, Superman, and a whole bunch more. Download and enjoy. Don’t forget to keep emailing me your thoughts and comments… we’ll read the good ones “on air” next week. Cheers!

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14 Responses to “The Movie Blog: Audio Edition Vol. 2”

  1. Darko says:

    Apart from the Jean-Claude Vandamme “Bloodsport” comment and Christian Bale clearly being from the UK, very good and funny Audio-broadcast!!! The Best of Luck with the 3rd volume !!!

  2. Mary J says:

    Hilarious! I can’t wait for the next one!

  3. Peter says:

    Keep goin´!

  4. Matt says:

    Just found your site.
    Like it (i like it alot) and the audio edition well great. Thanks alot look forword to part 3.

    Cheers Matt.

  5. Simon says:

    I just want to add my 2 cents about Revenge of the Sith, they say the first 7 minutes space battle is amazing but don’t forget in a space battle their isnt much talking, I think as soon as the battle is over and somebody other than Ewan opens his or her mouth it will feel like the Menace Clones all over again.

  6. James says:

    Amazing site, and a great idea! I wonder how long it’ll take before other sites start copying your Audio thing. Good job, keep up the good work.

  7. Jenn says:

    I don’t think you guys should be so hard on J-Lo! But besides that I loved your little show. I turned the radio off and listened to it at work today. Why only one a week? I’d listen to it daily.

  8. doug nagy says:

    J Lo has written me and I have apologized on behalf of both John and myself.

    I owe her a dinner.

  9. triflic says:

    Not a J-Lo fan, but she did show real potential back in 1998 in the Soderberg adaptiation of “OUT OF SIGHT”…she was fantastic in it…She has been awful in everything else.


  10. Jewls says:

    Is that guy in the picture the same one on the show? cause damn he’s sexy!

  11. Doug Nagy says:

    Yep that is Mr. Campea

  12. Terry Consoli says:

    This one was much better than the first one. I wouldn’t mind hearing you guys talk more about what’s playing in the theaters right now.

  13. Screen Rant says:

    Re: movie pirating. My first thought is : I’ll stop downloading movies when you stop showing 8(!!) commercials before the movie starts.


  14. John Campea says:

    Damn straight Vic! Stick it to the man! (and yes, I am pretty cute)