Madonna joins Ritchie on Revolver

madonna3.jpgIf I could ask everyone to bow there heads and have a moments silence for Revolver.

Thank you. What was set to be a return to form for Guy Ritchie in his well loved Gangster stories, now looks tainted and threatened by the news that Madonna is to join the cast as a Gangland boss. I pray to high heaven that her part is less than two minutes, or even gets cut. Please, please, please. I mean the only decent acting role she has ever been in was the short movie from BMW Films called Hire: The Star starring Clive Owen. Come to think of it that was directed by Ritchie!

Seriously though, I do hope that the film isn’t jinxed, I don’t know what you all think of Madonna’s acting career to date, but it doesn’t bode well. With Jason Statham and Ray Liotta are in it then I’m sure they can pull it back from the tainted hands of fate.

(By the way, some of those BMW shorts are really quite good, top Directors and actors, and they’ve won some awards too.)

5 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Ben

    While I’ve never seen it I hear she was at least decent in Evita. she did win a Golden Globe for it as well as various other industry awards. And while I now think Dick Tracy was a steaming pile of crap it was entertaining when I was 13 and she wasn’t any worse in it than anyone else. I don’t particularly like Madonna but gve credit where credit is due.

  2. Lilly

    And I did sorta like her small, short scene in Die Another Day. She’s good when used sparingly and physically. It’s when she has to actually deliver dialogue she’s goes all wrong and fucks up a movie in my opinion.

  3. Crystal

    Madonna built her musical empire without the help of Guy. Why can’t she let him build his directorial empire without her? Hollywood has had ample opportunity to put up the funds to make movies around her. There’s a reason why they’ve not done that on an extensive basis despite her great turn in Evita.

    The public could very well get negged out on Guy because of he and Madonna’s constant “we’re Kabbalists!!” pronouncements. Like Affleck and JLo they can get a little showy with their private affairs. And then there was the laughable Swept Away. And I’d hate to see that happen to guy because he’s got a real gift.

    I know she’s hankering for movie stardom but her husband shouldn’t have to risk his career for that to happen.

  4. Darko

    It is like the man hasn’t learned a thing when he put his wife in Revolver. Use her as muse, go crazy with her, but wathever you do, DON’T GIVE MADONNA AN ACTING PART! It is written, so it should be respected. Hell, even Pamela Anderson does a better acting job !!!

    I love the BMW movies! Saw them 2 years ago and they rock!. Does somebody know what the budget of those films are? I heard they got a couple of BMW’s for free! Now that’s the way to go in advertising. Blow up this client-agency-thing and give the money straight to the director and let him show off the material.

  5. David Terry

    You just get the opinion that she is a one of those really nagging woman!! Here is how I see the conversation going: -
    MADONNA Guy let me be in your film, I know the role I could play, you know the Gangland boss

    GUY Well darling, I automatically thought of you but I think ….urm….errrr the role is beneath you!

    MADONNA You saying im not good enough?
    GUY No No No darling thats not it the role is not good enough for you? (Sweat runs of Guys forehead)

    MADONNA What role is then? I really wont to prove to the world im a great actress? You know im a great actress dont you Guy

    GUY Of course you are the best, the critics just don’t…..erm errrr arrrrr get your style or theology. Let me have a word with my mate, he is doing a film about a wanna be singer trying to become famous, its sooo original and ideal for you!

    MADONNA. Why don’t you want me in your film?

    GUY I do I do its just……let me speak to casting.

    MADONNA Why casting, you are the boss? I’ll be nice to you tonight…if you know what I mean…I’ll even wear my “Vogue” pointy tits that you like…(seductively MADGE rubs GUY).

    GUY That would be great babe, but…..

    MADONNA BUT. What do you mean BUT!!?? Are you having an affair GUY. If you are ill break your balls in two!!!!!

    GUY Of course not love, I love you!!!!!

    MADONNA SO why dont you want me in this film.

    GUY Okay love. What role did you want again?

    MADONNA. Thanks Guy (Madonna walks of into the kitchen grinning)

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