Shaun of the Dead Reviews

shaun3.jpgOh yes my friends!!!! The day is drawing nigh! Shaun of the Dead opens in just 2 days. I (along with Todd and Dave) already had a chance to see the film a few weeks ago with the director, Edgar Wright and 2 stars, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost (ok, a little bit of bragging there) and was TOTALLY AMAZED. I was hoping to LIKE this movie, but I ended up LOVING it. I’ll put up my personal review of the film in the next day or 2, but for now, here are what some of the other critics are saying about it!

“This is a zombie movie with brains. Or, as the zombies themselves would put it, with braainnnnssss.”

“There are certainly touches that only the homegrown crowd will get, but there’s sufficient energy and scattershot horror movie references that it should please fans of gross-out humor everywhere.”

“Co-scripters Pegg and Wright structure it as a classic three-acter (set-up, journey, finale) with enough twists, character development and small set pieces to keep the comedy boiling.”
Derek Elley, VARIETY

“A side-splitting, head-smashing, gloriously gory horror comedy.”
Nev Pierce, BBC

GO SEE THIS FILM! It’s an absolute blast. To see more critics thoughts on Shaun of the Dead check out Rotten Tomatoes. To see the trailer for Shaun of the Dead go here.

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  • 1. ponpon replies at 22nd September 2004, 11:56 pm :

    I really want to see a sequal to this. I’ve already seen the movie several times and it gets better with every viewing.

  • 2. chihuahua88 replies at 25th September 2004, 7:37 pm :

    OMG you were in the general vicinity of Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost?! How did you not just…jump on them?

  • 3. burrgins replies at 25th September 2004, 9:04 pm :

    I love this film! Makes me piss everytime I see it, and brings back some quite bizarre memories of sharing a house with my mate for 5 years (except zombies).
    I also have the fortune of owning a copy of the soundtrack signed by all of the cast (the guy who did the tunes is a vague relation). Get in!
    Hope you guys all like it too.

  • 4. brent replies at 10th August 2005, 8:26 am :

    Suposedly as I heard on the comentary of the dvd there is a sequel that shall be call “From Dusk Till Shaun”