Raider of the Lost Ark Special Edition DVD?

SteveSpielberg.jpgQuestion: What do you get when you combine 2 of the greatest movie makers of our time (Steven Spielberg and George Lucas)? Answer: One of the greatest film series of all time, Indiana Jones. I was surfing around this evening and I came across this interview with Spielberg talking about the next Indiana Jones film. There was some extra dirt in there too about the possibility of a Raider of the Lost Ark Special Edition DVD.

In Total Film’s review of Raiders, they included a quick paragraph about Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation possibly being included on a Special Edition DVD of Raiders of the Lost Ark. Keep in mind this is a quote from the magazine, NOT from Spielberg: “The ultimate compliment still awaits. Paramount is considering including their homage on a Raiders DVD Special Edition. Brings a whole new meaning to the phrase Indy-pendent cinema.”

Oh well… I guess I know what I’m going to be doing with that last $30 in my bank account… I WAS going to use it to eat. Go take a look at the full article over at MovieWeb.

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  • 1. David Terry replies at 9th September 2004, 3:39 am :

    Having already laid out ¬£40.00 for the Indy boxset, I dont think Ill be rushing to buy this. I ranted about this before on here, but why do this companies continue to re-release version after version of the same film, in such short sapces of time! Why can’t they just bring out one definative version! Or even wait a while (the boxset only came out last year!). A film comes out on cinema, then within 6-months its on DVD, then 6-months later they release a “special edition” then 6-months later a sequal comes out at the cinema and it all begins again! Will the extras on this special edition Raiders DVD be worth buying, even when you already own the film in a Trilogy boxset. I thought the extras were good enough in the boxset! How many people who own the Indy Trilogy will buy this?

  • 2. Screen Rant replies at 9th September 2004, 10:46 am :

    I for one will not be picking this up, also having just purchased the box set.


  • 3. Kurt Halfyard replies at 9th September 2004, 1:22 pm :

    I’m very keen on seeing the 12-18 year-olds adaptation of Raiders. I would pay CAN$18 to get just it on DVD. So absolutely I would buy this edition if it existed. Actually, the inclusion of the adaptation would actually qualify the word “Special” in Special Edition. For the record, I do no own the trilogy box set, i borrow it from friends (many of my film friends have it) if the urge to watch the three films ever strikes.

  • 4. G replies at 9th September 2004, 6:14 pm :

    I havn’t bought the box set yet, so procrastinating will have paid off. Woo-Hoo!

  • 5. John Campea replies at 9th September 2004, 6:21 pm :

    YES! Score another victory for the nation of the lazy!!! We shall rise to rule! (or not… after all it’s pretty comfy just sitting here)

  • 6. Tomas L. Martin replies at 10th September 2004, 6:02 pm :

    Does anyone else think this sounds like that episode of South Park where Lucas and Spielberg remade… Raiders Of The Lost Ark?

    As I recall they wanted to include Ewoks and JarJar to ‘unite’ the trilogies.

    There’s only so much meddling a story can take. Both Lucas and Spielberg have made wondrous films, but surely making more brilliant and original work is more important… except for Lucas’ wallet, of course.

    I just hope they go the South Park route and hide the original film rolls somewhere very safe… just not the 9/11 relief funds warehouse like Cartman and friends suggested…

  • 7. Steven M. Payeur replies at 26th March 2005, 2:20 pm :

    Does anyone know if the adaptation is available anywhere? I haven’t heard about it, except for isolated screens here-and-there.