Michael Moore Going for Best Picture

As we all know by now, Michael Moore LOVES attention. He’s just found a new way to get more of it too. It seems that Moore has decided to NOT submit Fahrenheit 9/11 for consideration for the Best Documentary Oscar at the upcoming awards. Instead, he is submitting his fim for consideration in the overall Best Picture category.

This is a gutsy move. In the Documentary category he’s a shoe in to win… but for Best Picture? I don’t know about this. To be honest, even though I liked Fahrenheit a lot… it’s just not as well put together as Bowling for Columbine, and I really doubt it stands a chance of even getting nominated for Best Picture, let alone win it.

But at the heart of it is this… weather you like him or not, Michael Moore cares more about effecting political change in his country than he does about winning another trophy. By putting Fahrenheit up for Best Picture, it’ll get people talking… AGAIN. This is strictly a move (in my opinion) to try to have Fahrenheit 9/11 make as much of an impact on the upcoming election as possible. Whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing is up for you to decide.


  • 1. cramped replies at 7th September 2004, 5:42 am :

    Michael Moore’s reasoning for doing this is simple:

    He wants as many people to see the film as possible before the election.

    If it airs on TV this year, it won’t be eligible for the Best Documentary.
    Even though his chances are low, Mike would rather have the movie air on TV before the election than win a Best Documentary award. Again.

    Mike explains it on his website here:

  • 2. Flemming replies at 7th September 2004, 9:09 am :

    Nice move. Getting rid of the ignorant is most important!

  • 3. Sam replies at 7th September 2004, 12:59 pm :

    Maybe it’s not so much that Fahrenheit 9/11 should have been included as a documentary, but that Bowling for Columbine should not have been. Moore doesn’t make documentaries. He makes opinionated pseudo-documentaries that include made-up “facts” and edited “truths” to push his opinion across, rather than to just provide a factual overview of an issue.

  • 4. Leavy Hogan replies at 10th September 2004, 6:23 am :

    Michael Moore’s slanted and biased collection of lies never deserved to be published to begin with. It’s one thing to create a work a fiction and sell it as fiction. It’s dishonest to sell fiction as fact. This is the work of a LIAR. The public needs to wake up and recognize this person does not have our best interests at heart.