Start Making Your Schedules Now

For those of you who have been waiting with an open excel table for the Toronto Internation Film Festival schedule to come out - well today is the day. It’s pretty easy to use and is now making me realize how much free time I’m not going to have from September 9 - 18. Check the schedule here.

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5 Responses to “Start Making Your Schedules Now”
  1. Robot Johnny says:

    I’ve got my tentative schedule (and potential alternates) ALMOST all picked out now… this is almost more stressful than looking for a job.

  2. Robot Johnny says:

    I’ve got my tentative schedule (and potential alternates) ALMOST all picked out now… this is almost more stressful than looking for a job.

  3. Nick says:

    yeah, I know what you mean Johnny I have a list of dates and times for at least 20 movies already - and I’m also volunterring 6 of the days and working my other job 4 of the days. I’m trying to make it all work. Ugh. Did you that scene in scanners when the guys head explodes……

  4. Bubba says:

    Aw, you changed your nickname. I liked my version better.

    But yeah … I’m looking at four or five screenings I want to do every day. I’m going to be sooooooo burnt out by the end of this thing …

  5. Nick says:

    hey Todd, I didn’t change my name - i believe someone else must have. I like Super Nick Hot Pants too - it’s pretty much truth - like the bible.

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