Professor Xavier Picard goes in for Heart Surgery

patrickStewart.jpgOne of the best voices in entertainment, Patrick Stewart, went in for surgury. The Assoiated Press reported the following:

Angioplasty involves the use of catheters to place a small balloon in a narrowed blood channel. When the balloon is inflated, the artery flows more freely.

The 64-year-old Stewart who played Professor Xavier in “X-Men” and its sequel, and Captain Jean-Luc Picard on “Star Trek: The Next Generation” went in for an annual physical on Monday, according to his publicist, Kelly Bush. Doctors detected a blood-flow problem and recommended “pre-emptive angioplasty” to head off any future ailments.

I’ve liked Stewart ever since I saw him in the bad version of Dune. All the best Patrick, get well soon.

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4 Responses to “Professor Xavier Picard goes in for Heart Surgery”
  1. PlutoNick says:

    Woa, I didn’t know he had a carreer prior to star trek. I just knew he had played in a few shakespearean erm.. plays.

    Cool, he even starred in LifeForce. I hope he gets well soon

  2. ahoneko says:

    Funny, i find the david lynch “DUNE” version the better one of the whole lot.
    The series is crap.
    And yes Patrick Steward rules, hope all go’s well for him.

  3. Rodney says:

    I was first introduced to Stewart in Excalibur in 1981 (one of my childhood fascinations was medieval films) where he played Leondegrance.

    It was a minor role, and I didnt make the connection for years. But there he is. In one of my classic favourites.

  4. LaDiva says:

    I had seen Patrick Stewart in some televised Shakespeare many years back and thought he was something special. When he was named in the role of Picard I just thought - of course! Who better? - amazing presence and that voice!
    Apart from his film career, he has done some amazing stage work - notably a one-man show about Charles Dickens.
    I hope he is fully fit again and we’ll see more of his extraordinary work soon.

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