More Incredible Mirror Mask Stills

mirror.jpgZowie. The more I see of this film the more excited I get about it … Neil Gaiman has posted an additional five high res still shots from the upcoming Mirror Mask here. Scroll down a bit to find them. You’ll know when you get there. For those not in the know Mirror Mask is the upcoming feature written by Gaiman and directed by his long-time Sandman collaborator Dave McKean. If you can’t see the Sandman influence on this images, then … well … you’re just not so bright. Or you’ve never seen a Sandman book. One or the other. Either way the point is that these shots are just stunning.

Thanks to Kelly for the link.

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2 Responses to “More Incredible Mirror Mask Stills”
  1. miles says:


    can’t wait!!!

  2. stissy says:

    very much excited to see film. stop.
    very very excited.stop.
    please release it already.stop.

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