Last Life in the Universe and Bright Future to Hit DVD in 2005

lastlife.jpgJust a quick follow up to the gushing article I wrote about these films here … the folks at Palm have confirmed that both Last Life in the Universe and Bright Future will be receiving DVD releases in North America sometime next year. They don’t have firm release dates yet but have promised to pass along specs and things as soon as they’ve got everything settled at their end …

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2 thoughts on “Last Life in the Universe and Bright Future to Hit DVD in 2005

  1. Oh, I’ve already got foreign issues of both of these as well, but I’m recommending people wait for the domestic if they don’t already have them simply because Palm seems to be one of the few companies that are actually treating their foreign properties well. If we don’t support the good companies their releases won’t be profitable and they’ll stop doing them …

  2. hmmm, but both have already been out on dvd for ages…. get the korean issue of “bright future” with fill subs as its cheap and its a port of the superb japanese disc… why wait for the america issue? as an aside : i am worried about reports beginning to happen in forums about companies whove licensed such films coming down on sellers who are selling foreign issues of the same film… they cant stop people finding obscure films, but i dont want companies in japan / korea / HK to get to the point that they dont include subs in english any more…

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