Hero Rules the Box Office

heroposter.jpgAccording to the just-released figures over at Box Office Mojo Hero is leading this weekend’s box office race by a healthy margin. Despite playing on nearly a thousand fewer screens than the week’s other wide release - Anacondas, and who had the bright idea to put this thing on three thousand screens? Seriously, people, think about what you’re doing - Hero drew $2.6 million more, and is sporting a per screen average more than double the number two film.

Yes, Miramax, you were right. American audiences will never come to see a subtitled Asian art film.

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2 thoughts on “Hero Rules the Box Office

  1. oddly, considering how miramax has diddled about with asian releases theyve licensed in the past, the main people who dont have faith that americans will watch a subtitled asian release are miramax themselves… why license a film if you really dont have confidence that audiences can cope with it untouched… then again : anacondas - competition!? i’m glad its done well…

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