Fahrenheit 9/11 DVD Out In October

F911.jpgHey, look at that … just in time for this year’s presidential election … Columbia Tristar has announced that they will be releasing Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 on October 5th. Love it or hate it, they’re just not going to let you ignore it …

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  • 1. Deeno replies at 11th August 2004, 7:17 pm :

    Everyone Buy this and watch it…And vote (if you are legal age)

  • 2. Evil Corporation replies at 12th August 2004, 1:04 am :

    I don’t think too much of Moore or his antics - but that’s the best DVD cover of the year (if he uses that photo, that is).

  • 3. punkrock replies at 12th August 2004, 8:20 pm :

    lame… if kerry gets to be president he better give moore like 49% of the assests in the hienz company or something.
    so we get all emotional about those “nasty” 30 second campaign ads that stab each canidate in the back with fish stories, but i’ts ok to have a movie that does it for 2 hours.

    what a chump.

  • 4. liuis replies at 16th August 2004, 8:20 am :

    l’ve watched this film DVD in my bed room. l am a chinese very interested in America.At this moment l serve in a company as a business man. Four years before after l just entering a college and major in English. In my college l have chance to watch CNN programme(it is not allowed to watch foreign TV programmes in china) ,l had to watch CNN programme for my english listening.
    The most impressive scene l’ve watched is that Bush and another man(l can’t remember his name) discussing ,debate .Form the conversation between them l felt that America society is very different from China.It also shocked me. For me , the most important thing is money, l love money ,l love money than any other things in the world .
    Often l was in puzzle ,l lvoe not only money but also love,respect etc. l miss my parents ,at present they live in rural areas and live a farmers life as billions chinese farmers live.For my education fee my family always in the breadline . There is no welfare , no compensation ,just tax and idiot officer/governor.
    In the past when the c0mmunist party said farmer is the root of china but now farmer is excess baggage.
    Time if passing , and still passing. From this film l felt that all of the politics are ugly and lousy.As a business man my ability is so limited , because l have to “cooperate” with cc0mmun1st officers . or else l will lose my treasure.
    l really don’t want to take part in any form of politics , however l really need good society for my business and garremted my safty.
    Well, with every one live a goood life

  • 5. Mantiss replies at 16th August 2004, 3:08 pm :

    I would have appreciated this movie more if it had a little less spin. I only saw the first 14 minutes (I’ll rent it later) but the combination of editing and blatantly biased narrative, just in the first few minutes I saw, lead people to conclusions that aren’t true. I don’t have a problem with Moore’s idea for the movie. But I’d give it a lot more respect if it was an actual documentary, instead of a personal attack vehicle. I just get so sick of the mudslinging from both sides of political issues. I just want the facts. And Moore does a great job of distorting and leaving them out. Bush is not the greatest president. But if I’m going to hear about his sins I don’t think I can trust hearing them from the man who thinks Bush is a traitor. Whatever happened to real reporting?

  • 6. Day-vuh replies at 16th August 2004, 8:25 pm :

    Hey it’s the smart poster again…
    — okay.. Every true-to-heart journalist, as also pointed out in “Control-Room”, a fantastic non-partisan documentary about the Al-Jazeera network: “True and completely unbiased journalism is a mirage.” Because it is. It doesn’t exist. Anywhere. SoMeOnE has to decide what gets aired, and every choice on planet earth is made with the assistance of some sort of bias.

    Now if you want the bare facts of 9/11 without all the “spin”, there is a line-for-line breakdown with media references and links to every point in the movie on his website.

    Again, like I’ve said about Michael Moore, if some want to argue about interpretation issues or the use of music to create emotion, sure, I’ll hear that arguement, but, as far as straight plum facts go, I’ll hand it to Michael Moore, he does a HELL of a lot of research.
    Line-by-line breakdown is here:

  • 7. Mantiss replies at 17th August 2004, 12:32 am :

    You’re right. News without bias is nigh impossible. But when ad hominim and emotional pleas are used as attacks it kills credibility.

    I’ll check his website and, having not yet seen the movie, I obviously can’t make a complete judgement. I found this page though “http://www.davekopel.com/Terror/Fiftysix-Deceits-in-Fahrenheit-911.htm” which leads to a place where you can download a “facts fixed” version of only 14 minutes of the film. I found that very interesting.

    I know that will undoubtedly be as biased as Moore’s film but it did point out a few things editorially in the film that were informative. I need to check the facts on both sides, admittedly, I just need more time.

  • 8. Dan replies at 31st August 2004, 4:54 pm :

    In response to Mantis about M. Moore calling Bush a traitor.
    M. Moore didn’t even include 1/2 of what Bush and this government has
    done, lied about, covered up etc.

    How many people are aware that Wackenhut Security company was in charge of airport security at all three
    airports where the planes were hijacked on 9/11 ? Who is
    Wackenhut Security ? It’s owned and operated by Bush
    Sr.’s ex-CIA/FBI buddies, they receive 99% of all the government security contracts, have recently replaced the
    security at both West Point and Annapolis. They informed Washington-Dulles and Newark International 90 days after the 9/11 attacks they were getting out of the airport security business , and were replaced. They still continue to do airport security today. Wackenhut Security was never questioned by the Bush appointed 9/11 commission on how 19 hijackers managed to get aboard 4 airliners without tickets, able to get past the passenger security check etc. But the commission ridiculed the firemen for their
    performance, who risked their lives to save the people in those towers, rather than sitting on their butts reading a book.

    Bush has claimed Bin Laden was responsible for the 9/11 since the day of the attacks, without providing one shred of
    evidence. Even the day Bush illegally invaded Afghanistan,
    no evidence, only Bush’s word. Every piece of evidence
    the government has tried to pass off has been proven to be fake, including the video, which is why Bush wouldn’t allow
    other nations to examin the video.

    The latest farce was the airport video showing up 2 1/2 years later, without a date, time, airport or camera code stamped on it, the camera happened to follow the
    supposed hijackers around the security area although
    it was mounted on a wall. But the dead give away was
    the bomb detection equipment in the video, which wasn’t
    placed in airports until after 9/11.

    Then on March 3, 2003 Bush stated during his press conference : “First, thanks to the hard work of American
    and Pakistani officials, we captured the mastermind
    of the September 11th attacks against our nation.

    Khalid Shaikh Mohammed conceived and planned the hijackings and directed the actions of the hijackers. We
    believe his capture will further disrupt the terror
    network and their planning for additional attacks.”

    Perhaps that explains why the FBI’s own web page on Bin Laden doesn’t mention one word about 9/11, much less that Bin Laden was responsible. But does mention other
    bombings he’s wanted for questioning about.

    Bush lied to this nation, Bush lied to the world, and there are 16,000+ innocent people who are dead because of those lies. But Bush and his oil buddies got their oil pipeline agreement signed on May 30, 2002 by Bush’s new puppet in power in Afghanistan, Turkey and Pakistan. And Bush has little if any interest in finding Bin Laden, because that was never the reason why Bush wanted to invade Afghanistan.

    Bush also lied about Iraq and knew the evidence was a lie before he illegally invade Iraq as well.


    Bush claims it was to liberate the Iraqi people. By ordering 37 hospitals to be bombed, two of which were children’s hospital filled with denfenseless, sick children is just an example of Bush’s idea of liberation is. Using illegal cluster bombs is another way. 99% of the targets to be bombed were the poorest neighborhoods in Iraq. Rather difficult to keep civilian casualties down when that’s what your targeting to be bombed, don’t you think ?

    The spokesman quoted Sadr as telling supporters at Imam Ali Mosque: “I advise the dictatorial, agent government to resign … the whole Iraqi people demands the resignation of the government … they replaced Saddam with a government worse than him.”


    This is only a few examples, and for the American people to keep their heads buried int the sand doesn’t change the facts, and by not demanding Bush and the rest of the criminals in government to resign and be held accountable for the crimes, then the American people are just as guilty
    for the tens of thousands who have been mass murdered because of lies.

    Bush and his thieves have stolen over $19 billion of Iraqi money from the sale of oil so far. With friends like Bush, you certainly don’t need enemies. Pity how the Iraqi’s, who have nothing, yet have more guts to stand up and fight to keep their country and oil from being stolen from them, and the
    American people do nothing to protect this country from being destroyed by those in government.

  • 9. Dan replies at 31st August 2004, 4:55 pm :

    In response to Mantis about M. Moore calling Bush a traitor.
    M. Moore didn’t even include 1/2 of what Bush and this government has
    done, lied about, covered up etc.

    How many people are aware that Wackenhut Security company was in charge of airport security at all three
    airports where the planes were hijacked on 9/11 ? Who is
    Wackenhut Security ? It’s owned and operated by Bush
    Sr.’s ex-CIA/FBI buddies, they receive 99% of all the government security contracts, have recently replaced the
    security at both West Point and Annapolis. They informed Washington-Dulles and Newark International 90 days after the 9/11 attacks they were getting out of the airport security business , and were replaced. They still continue to do airport security today. Wackenhut Security was never questioned by the Bush appointed 9/11 commission on how 19 hijackers managed to get aboard 4 airliners without tickets, able to get past the passenger security check etc. But the commission ridiculed the firemen for their
    performance, who risked their lives to save the people in those towers, rather than sitting on their butts reading a book.

    Bush has claimed Bin Laden was responsible for the 9/11 since the day of the attacks, without providing one shred of
    evidence. Even the day Bush illegally invaded Afghanistan,
    no evidence, only Bush’s word. Every piece of evidence
    the government has tried to pass off has been proven to be fake, including the video, which is why Bush wouldn’t allow
    other nations to examin the video.

    The latest farce was the airport video showing up 2 1/2 years later, without a date, time, airport or camera code stamped on it, the camera happened to follow the
    supposed hijackers around the security area although
    it was mounted on a wall. But the dead give away was
    the bomb detection equipment in the video, which wasn’t
    placed in airports until after 9/11.

    Then on March 3, 2003 Bush stated during his press conference : “First, thanks to the hard work of American
    and Pakistani officials, we captured the mastermind
    of the September 11th attacks against our nation.

    Khalid Shaikh Mohammed conceived and planned the hijackings and directed the actions of the hijackers. We
    believe his capture will further disrupt the terror
    network and their planning for additional attacks.”

    Perhaps that explains why the FBI’s own web page on Bin Laden doesn’t mention one word about 9/11, much less that Bin Laden was responsible. But does mention other
    bombings he’s wanted for questioning about.

    Bush lied to this nation, Bush lied to the world, and there are 16,000+ innocent people who are dead because of those lies. But Bush and his oil buddies got their oil pipeline agreement signed on May 30, 2002 by Bush’s new puppet in power in Afghanistan, Turkey and Pakistan. And Bush has little if any interest in finding Bin Laden, because that was never the reason why Bush wanted to invade Afghanistan.

    Bush also lied about Iraq and knew the evidence was a lie before he illegally invade Iraq as well.


    Bush claims it was to liberate the Iraqi people. By ordering 37 hospitals to be bombed, two of which were children’s hospital filled with denfenseless, sick children is just an example of Bush’s idea of liberation is. Using illegal cluster bombs is another way. 99% of the targets to be bombed were the poorest neighborhoods in Iraq. Rather difficult to keep civilian casualties down when that’s what your targeting to be bombed, don’t you think ?

    The spokesman quoted Sadr as telling supporters at Imam Ali Mosque: “I advise the dictatorial, agent government to resign … the whole Iraqi people demands the resignation of the government … they replaced Saddam with a government worse than him.”


    This is only a few examples, and for the American people to keep their heads buried int the sand doesn’t change the facts, and by not demanding Bush and the rest of the criminals in government to resign and be held accountable for the crimes, then the American people are just as guilty
    for the tens of thousands who have been mass murdered because of lies.

    Bush and his thieves have stolen over $19 billion of Iraqi money from the sale of oil so far. With friends like Bush, you certainly don’t need enemies. Pity how the Iraqi’s, who have nothing, yet have more guts to stand up and fight to keep their country and oil from being stolen from them, and the
    American people do nothing to protect this country from being destroyed by those in government.

  • 10. Mantiss replies at 31st August 2004, 6:41 pm :

    I wasn’t going to get into a political discussion. You’ll notice my problem was with Moore’s approach toward his “documentary”. Some very non-Republicans who have commented on his film have agreed with me. The Killer Movies review of the film (http://www.killermovies.com/reviews/fahrenheit-911-review-lug.html) pretty much sums up my opinion and my only point was I would have appreciated seeing a film that was less blatantly “anti” and more…reporterly (that a word?), because that’s my preference.

    And I like to look at all the facts from all sides before I go spouting them as doctrine. Perhaps you’ve done that. Great. I’m still going through it all and until I’m convinced completely, one way or the other, I have nothing to say in response. You’re passionate…and that’s great.

    Personally, I like Bush. But I’m not commited to him or his presidency. Nor am I a “spouter” of either Republican or Democratic propaganda. So I’ll continue to read and gain understanding like any good, responsible citizen.

  • 11. jebus replies at 3rd October 2004, 9:21 pm :

    Whats the song playing on the dvd tv ad? Anybody know?

  • 12. Taylor replies at 19th October 2004, 6:30 pm :

    Hey Dan, quick question: if these are true facts (I do NOT want to argue them with you, so please do not try) then how come they were not in the F911 film? I think those explained in detail would be worth 10x as much (at least) as the garbage that Moore mentions in his film.
    Also, the whole first paragraph about Wackenhut Security sounds like a conspiracy. I say that because I’m sure they were in charge of a LOT MORE than just those 3 airports. Also, I lived in a foreign country before 911 and I would have to say that, even though it was very laxed, the US airport security was by far much better than nearly 10 other countries: Chile, Peru, Argentina, Mexico, Brazil, England, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Ireland - yes, I have flown into each one of those countries BEFORE 911 and some of them after 911.

    Anyway, my own personal comment about this movie: don’t waste your time or money to buy, borrow, or rent this film. Wait for the final version of the film that Mantiss mentioned: I just watched the Promo of “F911: Facts Fixed” and cannot wait for the final version. Granted, it is slightly biased as he (Mantiss) mentioned, but at least you can decide for yourself if what Moore is saying is true or b.s. They makers are trying their best just to lay out the facts that debunk what Moore says.

    For those of you who don’t want to wait for that or can’t download it, watch Moore’s film. But, don’t take everything he says to heart. Also, PLEASE DO NOT use this as a way for determining who you are going to vote for… Deeno (first post) seemed as if this was a good film to do so.

  • 13. Levy replies at 4th November 2004, 8:06 pm :

    Moore films are basically nice, entertaining and full of lies. I dont recommend seeing them if you have a brain.

  • 14. Dan replies at 18th April 2005, 11:35 am :

    In response to Taylor :

    If you’ll remember back after to the attacks, the news media
    focused on the attacks themselves, then Bin Laden, then
    attacking Afghanistan, and very little if any attention on the
    airports. That way people wouldn’t think about how could
    19 supposed hijackers get past passenger security check
    without tickets, much less past the boarding gates without
    boarding passess.

    I can only speculate why they weren’t included in Moore’s movie 9/11. I only happened to stumble onto the information about Wackenhut Security myself while doing a search on
    something, can’t even remember what the original search
    was on now. So I would guess Mr. Moore probably wasn’t aware of this information either when he did his documentary. I’m sure he would have included it if he had been aware. I did send him the information when I heard
    about his documentary.

    I do find it odd, but not surprising that Bush’s appointed,
    so called “independent” 9/11 commission never questioned Wackenhut Security, instead were only
    concerned who knew what prior to the attacks, nothing
    regarding how it was carried out, to prevent it from
    happening again. So I can only assume they already
    had the answers, but will be kept from the public for 20-30 years, the standard procedure to protect government
    crimes. By them people have forgotten, and the criminals are to old to procecute, so why bother. Who says crime
    doesn’t pay ?

    I’ve traveled extensivly myself both domestic and international myself. And comparing, let’s say Hethrow before and after Lockerbie, and LAX before and after 9/11
    for example, I’d have to say Hethrow’s security before Lockerbie was a 100% better than the so called increased
    security at LAX after 9/11. I was very impressed with the
    increased security at Hethrow after Lockerbie, feeling
    very safe, but certainly can’t say the same about LAX.

    I also found it odd that there was very little media coverage
    to speak of regarding the airline crew members. And if I remember right, there were only 2, possibly three family members of crew members ever interviewed. Yet all
    4 flights were less than 1/2 full, one had only 38 passengers
    but had 5 flight attendents. Only on a full flight did we ever
    have 5 attendents aboard. Another flight on 9/11 had 86 passengers yet had 7 attendents aboad. I’m surprised United and American are in business, with so few
    passengers on cross country flights, and staffing them
    with a full crew and more.

    Again, all these crew members and only interviewed 2-3 family members, strikes me as really odd. The same with
    the passengers, only 3-4 family members interviewed. One
    was Barbara Olsen’s husband, one was the mother of the
    son who called and stated “Mom, this is your son, then gave his full name”, and one husband whose wife was on a flight, and a brother of a man on one of the flights. And they kept
    showing these same people over and over, out of nearly
    300 people.

  • 15. Dan replies at 18th April 2005, 11:52 am :

    In response to Taylor :

    If you’ll remember back after to the attacks, the news media
    focused on the attacks themselves, then Bin Laden, then
    attacking Afghanistan, and very little if any attention on the
    airports. That way people wouldn’t think about how could
    19 supposed hijackers get past passenger security check
    without tickets, much less past the boarding gates without
    boarding passess.

    I can only speculate why they weren’t included in Moore’s movie 9/11. I only happened to stumble onto the information about Wackenhut Security myself while doing a search on
    something, can’t even remember what the original search
    was on now. So I would guess Mr. Moore probably wasn’t aware of this information either when he did his documentary. I’m sure he would have included it if he had been aware. I did send him the information when I heard
    about his documentary.

    I do find it odd, but not surprising that Bush’s appointed,
    so called “independent” 9/11 commission never questioned Wackenhut Security, instead were only
    concerned who knew what prior to the attacks, nothing
    regarding how it was carried out, to prevent it from
    happening again. So I can only assume they already
    had the answers, but will be kept from the public for 20-30 years, the standard procedure to protect government
    crimes. By them people have forgotten, and the criminals
    are to old to procecute, so why bother. Who says crime
    doesn’t pay ?

    I’ve traveled extensivly myself both domestic and international myself. And comparing, let’s say Hethrow before and after Lockerbie, and LAX before and after 9/11
    for example, I’d have to say Hethrow’s security before Lockerbie was a 100% better than the so called increased
    security at LAX after 9/11. I was very impressed with the
    increased security at Hethrow after Lockerbie, feeling
    very safe, but certainly can’t say the same about LAX.

    I also found it odd that there was very little media coverage
    to speak of regarding the airline crew members. And if I remember right, there were only 2, possibly three family members of crew members ever interviewed. Yet all
    4 flights were less than 1/2 full, one had only 38 passengers
    but had 5 flight attendents. Only on a full flight did we ever
    have 5 attendents aboard. Another flight on 9/11 had 86 passengers yet had 7 attendents aboad. I’m surprised United and American are in business, with so few
    passengers on cross country flights, and staffing them
    with a full crew and more.

    Again, all these crew members and only interviewed 2-3 family members, strikes me as really odd. The same with
    the passengers, only 3-4 family members interviewed. One
    was Barbara Olsen’s husband, one was the mother of the
    son who called and stated “Mom, this is your son, then gave his full name”, and one husband whose wife was on a flight, and a brother of a man on one of the flights. And they kept
    showing these same people over and over, out of nearly
    300 people.

    There are a lot of people who are leaving this country, including myself and my family, who see what 99% of
    the world see’s, the lies, the atrocities being committed against not only our own soldiers, the American people,
    but hundreds of thousands of innocent people around the
    world by the US government.

    A quote by HENRY KISSINGER in an address to the
    super secret Bilderberg Organization meeting at Evian,
    France, May 21, 1992. He said the following as transcribed
    from a tape recording made by one of the Swiss delegates:

    Notice the capitalized words, especially the last three.

    “Today American’s would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they
    will be grateful.This is especially true if they were told
    here was an outside threat from beyond, WHETHER
    REAL OR PROMULGATED, that threatened our very
    existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will
    plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil.
    The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When
    PRESENTED with this SCENARIO, individual rights
    will be WILLINGLY relinquished for the guarantee of
    their well being granted to them by THEIR WORLD

  • 16. liz replies at 20th May 2005, 1:02 am :

    I love you Michael…Too bad US people on the whole too stupid either to have missed your film, but even scarier, those who saw it and still voted for that anti-Christ George W Satan Bush,
    Dr Liz Varrenti Sabatino Bulsara