Update on the Delayed Studio Ghibli DVD Releases …

I promised to keep you updated on the status of Disney’s delayed DVD releases for Nausicaa, Proco Rosso and My Neighbor Totoro and true to my word, here it is:

The Digital Bits are reporting that the DVD releases have been pushed back to sometime in early 2005. No official reason has been given but speculation is that they’re holding them back to capitalize on the publicity around the US release of Miyazaki’s newest film Howl’s Moving Castle. Hey Disney, here are some better ideas:

1. Release Howl at the same time here as in Japan. That way you dodge piracy issues, you qualify for this year’s Oscars and there’s no reason to delay.

2. If you feel you must hold off on releasing Howl go ahead and release those DVDs now since Nausicaa and Totoro are two of the best known and most eagerly awaited Ghibli titles and thus least in need of the free bump and go ahead and use Howl to help promote some of the other brilliant but lesser known titles that you’re still sitting on which could use the help. It’s not like you don’t have options on that front …