Why is Rob Liefeld still making money?

Spotted at Coming Soon.net
Spyglass has preemptively purchased a pitch based on the yet-to-be-published online comicstrip Spin, created by Rob Liefeld, reports Variety. Kara Holden is writing the film’s script.

The fantasy comedy in the vein of Bruce Almighty concerns a highly successful single woman whose life is uprooted when a curse is put on her.

Comic creator Liefeld is the co-founder of Image Comics, the third largest publisher in the genre after D.C. and Marvel.

Spin is Liefeld’s third sale in the past year. He sold his sci-fi action comedy Planet Terry to New Line, and The Mark to Paramount. Will Smith is attached to star in the latter.

Let me point out that although Leifeld was co-founder, they FIRED HIM nearly 10 years ago. He then started his own label of comics that were nothing but RIPOFFS of popular books that wouldnt hire him. He had a character that was EXACTLY like Capt America, shield and all… He calls him Fighting American. Apparently this FA was a silver age hero concept that failed and Capt America was a second stab at the concept. But why release the EXACT SAME character again once one is famous? Thats right. You have no talent. I dare any comic fanboy to name a Liefeld concept that isnt a ripoff.

This man has no talent. Why are people STILL giving him work? Do they not realize that EVERYTHING he does turns to poodoo?


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11 thoughts on “Why is Rob Liefeld still making money?

  1. Everything Liefeld touches turns to poo. Read his page at Wikipedia.org lol hes called the “most hated man in comics” for a reason.

  2. Rob liefeld is a hack man. He has three or four characters that all either are ripp-offs of the thing, hawkeye, bedrock, i can go on and on. Taking animation and going threw that kind of a process, i don’t know how Rob has work. All you fan boys can say all you want, but the fact is, i know art just like anyone that is studying animation and Rob CAN’T DRAW! he knows detail, but detail can’t save a bad drawing.

    An explenation as to why he still has a job and people worship him for being a hack? guess that tells you a bit about the people that worship him. Bland boring people who like an exact copy of Captain America. His characters have no appeal what so ever. If he was to step into my class, he’d be gone in a day and that is the truth.

  3. Rob liefeld is a hack man. He has three or four characters that all either are ripp-offs of the thing, hawkeye, bedrock, i can go on and on. Taking animation and going threw that kind of a process, i don’t know how Rob has work. All you fan boys can say all you want, but the fact is, i know art just like anyone that is studying animation and Rob CAN’T DRAW! he knows detail, but detail can’t save a bad drawing.

    An explenation as to why he still has a job and people worship him for being a hack? guess that tells you a bit about the people that worship him. Bland boring people who like an exact copy of Captain America. His characters have no appeal what so ever. If he was to step into my class, he’d be gone in a day and that is the truth.

  4. So, Liefeld isn’t the most original artist out there, who cares? He has a bigger creative output than Todd McFarlane anymore. And many comic pros would’nt even be here today without his giving them foot in the door(Pat Lee,anybody?). three cheers for ol’ Rob!

  5. ya know what,i like rob liefeld. met him in person a couple times. nice guy and since u guys are talkin so much smackety dakety.. why dont u dorks draw better. thought so! peace out

  6. Granted FA was a silver age hero, but Fighting American didnt have a shield, and he didnt have a red-white-n-blue sidekick either.

    He wasnt even super strong. Back then it was acceptable to simply be Patriotic.

    Liefeld bought the rights to FA so he could make him into the Captain America he was fired from. End result? No one bought his FA remake either, and it was cancelled.

    Some idiot at Marvel comics let Rob plot and pencil the new XForce title just out this August.

    It totally sucks.. Just like anything else Liefeld touches.

  7. Before you go calling the writer a fool if you reread the entry you’ll see they mention FA was a silver age hero. I’m sure they “got it” there just wasn’t a need for them to give a history lesson. FA wasn’t a rip off originally but Liefeld didn’t have a hard time turning him into one.

  8. He didn’t create the Fighting American you fool.

    The Fighting American was a character created by Jack Kirby and Joe Simon, the same visionaries who also created Captain America. The original notion came about when Simon and Kirby’s original patriotic creation was still being used by (what ended up being Marvel Comics) in the nineteen-fifties but at this point the Sentinel of Liberty was fighting Commies. Under the notion that there was a way the character should be written, the duo wrote Cap the way they thought it should be written and as it stands this patriotic shield-wielding hero is owned by Simon and not by Marvel.

    As I understand it the Fighting American character and stories were written to be somewhat tongue-in-cheek and comedic in approach.

    Later, when Liefeld was creating Awesome Comics he needed a patriotic character archetype and liscensing the Fighting American characte from Simon would grant his universe greater legitimacy and improve sales rather than using the character that he created which was a Captain American rip-off… “Agent: America”.

    Although when one looks at sketches it’s fairly obvious that the stuff used for Agent: America and then Fighting American stories was basically traced from concept designs that Liefeld was using for the Marvel Comics Heroes Reborn Captain America assignment.

    Get it?

    Credit where credit’s due.


  9. Comics are, of course, a medium, not a genre. And that’s good, because it means there’s plenty of stuff out there different from the horse manure produced by Liefeld.

  10. I remember an image comic called Doom’s IV. It was one of the first image comics and image was raving about it being adapted for a movie. I have never ever heard about it ever since… anyone knows anything about it? Doom’s IV was supposed to be a superhero team.

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