Trailer for Oxide Pang’s Abnormal Beauty Online!

Another find courtesy of the forums at KFC …

The trailer for Oxide Pang’s new film Abnormal Beauty has just hit online and it looks incredible. The film is a psycho-sexual thriller about a young photography student who becomes obsessed with photographing death and based on what I’ve read it looks as though after a couple of pretty but vapid films the Pangs may be back to packing some substance to back up their wildly impressive visual style. You can view the trailer here and read a more detailed synopsis here. Tartan Films has picked up the rights to both Abnormal Beauty and Re-Cycle - co-directed by Oxide and his twin brother / producing partner Danny, and reuniting the brothers with their star from The Eye - for North America and the UK. Tartan’s handled a few previous Pang titles and treated them quite well, so this is a good thing …

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