The Passion of Jim, Yes Jim. The Film is Short, as is my involvement.

Okay, I realize that this movie isn’t straight from the foreign depths of Asia or from the Press Junket of Lucasfilm - but it is in fact, a small film short that I and a few others had a lot of fun shooting a few weeks ago. How does this affect you? Well it doesn’t, - although we do have a little trailer for you to watch.

The Trailer.

Apparently, we’re checking it out on July 13th. - And Jawad Mir, the director, is also submitting the sucker to a festival or two, or 6. So take a gander and see what can be done with a tiny budget and a few cameras. Oh, and the guy who turns the girl around after “Experience the Love” fades from view… yeah.. Yours truly.

First Mean Girls, now this.. tomorrow I take over everything. Let me know if that’s okay.

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