That’s a Whole Lotta Lizard

godzillabox.jpgWow. If you’ve an extra eight hundred dollars or so lying around and a major radioactive lizard fixation the good folks at Toho Studios have got a deal for you: Every Japanese Godzilla film ever made in a handsome collector box. That’s a thirty DVD set with space left in the box for collectors to add Godzilla: Final Wars when the time comes. Excessive? Oh yes, but pretty nonetheless. No word on extra features or if this set will be subtitled …

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  • 1. Cybermike replies at 1st July 2004, 7:17 am :

    Damn! Godzilla or 4 car payments… what am I going to do!

  • 2. Evil Genius replies at 2nd July 2004, 2:54 am :

    Hello there! Found some more info on Godzilla: Final Box

    Set will include a space in the box for the DVD of the upcoming Godzilla: Final Wars (opens in Japan Dec, 4th…I would’ve thought Dec. 8th a little more appropriate), plus spiffy special feature stuff (including a replica of the Godzilla suit head!), but the net price on the thing will be just under CDN$1500 (€ 900). Oh well…big monster, big price I guess.