Six Minutes of Footage From the Pang Brothers’ Recycle!

Posted by on 29. 06. 2004in News Chat

Man … very happy and very surprised to have come across this as one of the articles I read on Abnormal Beauty said this wasn’t even scheduled to begin filming yet …

Click here to see six minutes of stunning footage from Re-Cycle a new film reuniting Thai directors The Pang Brothers with Angelica Lee, the star of their worldwide hit The Eye. This one is based on the idea that there is an alternate plane of reality parallel to our own, one that serves as a dumping ground for discarded and forgotten hopes, dreams, desires, you name it. As we discard things here they are caught up in this alternate reality. Lee stars as a young writer who is working on her second novel, a supernatural story, who gets drawn into this alternate reality after discarding an early draft of her work. This is by far the largest budget the Pangs have had to work with thus far and though it’s still very early in the process and they must still have a ton of post production work to do it’s pretty obvious from these clips that all of that money is being spent on screen … mighty impressive stuff …

You can read a more detailed synopsis here. As reported on the Abnormal Beauty entry below this film has been picked up by Tartan Films for the UK and North America, so it should make it to our part of the world sometime after its summer 2005 Asian release …

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2 Responses to “Six Minutes of Footage From the Pang Brothers’ Recycle!”

  1. nick says:

    todd - that is the longest trailer ever (well except the entire pootie tang movie) but it looks like there throwing so much money into it. IT looks really really good.

  2. Day-vuhl says:

    It’s a shame they didn’t have a couple extra bucks thrown into an audio coder so the trailer wasn’t CODED SO STINKIN QUIET!! I had to silence the whole house and crank every audio device on the ‘puter to hear the whole thing.