Okay You Slackers, Today is the Last Day to Win Free Stuff From SideShow Collectibles.

hellbust.jpgWe’ve touted lustfully about our Hellboy Giveaway Contest a number of times and folks, it has come down to now. The Contest closes tonight (the 15th) at midnight.

Once again, the rules:
-Write a caption in the form of a haiku for THIS PICTURE
-Fill out your hilarious and socially acceptable answer to the amazing Big Bald Dave at Imaginedat.net or dave(at)imaginedat.net (replace “(at)” with an @ symbol). That’s it. (Haiku = non-rhyming poem: 3 lines: 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables)

If we deem you the wittiest overlord, you win that foot high bust that’s worth 150 American Smackers!! No Really!!

The Clock’s ticking - let’s see some hustle there bub.

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