Miramax Burying Infernal Affairs?

Hey, look! Another reason for Asian film fans to get mad at Miramax! According to the Hollywood Stock Exchange Infernal Affairs has been dropped from Miramax’s release schedule. Though the film still appears on the Miramax website HSX is saying that the film has been outright removed from the release schedule. We’re not talking a delay here, we’re talking gone. I will never, ever understand what goes through these people’s heads … not only is Infernal Affairs a fantastic film but it’s also one that translates cleanly to a North American audience - you don’t really need to know anything about Asian culture to appreciate this film - and it’s currently being remade by Martin Scorsese with Brad Pitt slated to star in it. Would it not make sense to capitalize on the free press from the impending remake? Who knows, maybe they’re waiting to ride the wave of the remake by releasing the film after the remake comes out but if that’s the case it’ll almost certainly be a video only release which is a shame ’cause this thing will look fantastic on the big screen …

For those not already in the know you can read KFC Cinema’s review of the film here.

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2 thoughts on “Miramax Burying Infernal Affairs?

  1. Those sonsabitches!!!!! Seriously, what is going on with the Weinsteins?!? Tarantino needs to get on their asses something fierce.

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