Hellboy Has A Home!

hellbust.jpgWell boys and girls it’s been fun but all good things must come to an end. Such is life. And such is our Hellboy Giveaway Contest which has now come to an end. Hellboy has a home. We have a winner. The haiku’s have been read, opinions have been bandied, votes have been counted and we have a clear winner. Both in terms of quality and quantity our champion clearly bested the competition. Ladies and gentlemen I give you Mr. Andrew Mack. And some of his poetry.

Is it hot in here?
Hold a Pop Tart to my head
Until it’s well done

I am tall and red.
You are svelte and kind of hot.
Uh, pun intended?

Soft music. Candlelight.
Give me some sugar baby.
Oops. That’s not my line.

Embarrassed and red
Here we were. Soft candlelight.
And then I farted.

I’ll Tell You Something
Kool-Aid in the shower head
That ain’t right sister.

All good, yes? But then there’s my personal favorite and the one in particular that won him the goods:

I think I smell toast
It could be a stroke. Or you.
Nope, It’s a stroke. Dang.

Congratulations Andrew. No need to contact us. We’ll track you down and slay you in the street like the dog that you are. And thanks to all our other entrants …

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